Synonym Antonym

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Synonims are words with one or more similar or same meanings. Synonym is
combination from “syn” Greek, means ”with”, and “onoma”, means “name”. There are
some kinds of synonym including parts of speech, such as :
Parts of Speech Word
Verbs Teach, instruct, educate
Seek, search, look for
Nouns Teacher, instructor, educator
Test, exam, assessment
Adjective Smart, intelligent, clever
Dumb, stupid, slow
Adverb Very, really, extremely
Quietly, silently, without a sound

List of words which have same meaning.

No Words Synonym
1. Under Beneath
2. Friend Companion
3. Watch Look
4. Simple Easy
5. Allow Permit
6. Near Close
7. Name Title
8. Rich Wealthy
9. Middle Center
10. Far Distant
11. Vanish Disappear
12. Help Assist
13. Error Mistake
14. Short Brief
15. Last Final
16. Join Connect
17. Give Donate
18. False Wrong
19. Answer Response
20. Funny Amusing

Example :
1. Our teacher gives us a homework today.
Our instructur trains us two times a week.

2. I have an English test two weeks from now.

I have a biological exam five days later.

3. The thief paces around the living room quietly.

The thief paces around the garden silently.

Antonyms are words with opposite meanings. Antonym is rooted in the Greek
Language. The Greek word anti means opposite, while onym means name.
List of words which have different (opposite) meaning.
No Words Antonym
1. Arrive Depart
2. Polite Rude
3. Punish Reward
4. Entrance Exit
5. Valuable Worthless
6. Boss Employee
7. Break Repair
8. Best Worst
9. Smile Frown
10. Increase Decrease
11. Many Few
12. Fat Skinny
13. Trust Doubt
14. Similar Different
15. Easy Difficult
16. Silly Serious
17. Give Receive
18. Interested Bored
19. Friend Enemy
20. Absent Present

Example :
1. The test yesterday was easy.
2. I’m confusing about my homework, it is difficult.
3. My sister and I have a similar dress.
4. My brother and I have a different dream.
5. Nat is absent today.
6. Franda is always present in her class.

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