09-06 Task

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Date: Facilitator:

9.06 Analyzing Survey Results (45 Points)

Complete the survey analysis questions with the sample data below.
A manufacturer wants to improve sales of their new Lullaby baby monitor.
The company wants to know if the monitor helps the babies go to sell
faster and sleep longer. The randomly selected 10% of 1000 registered
customers who purchased the monitor to take the survey. The table below
show the results of the survey.

Age Time to fall Asleep Time to fall sleep Duration with Duration without
Months with monitor min. without monitor min. monitor (hours) monitor (hours)

0-3 5 8 3 3
3-6 18 27 5 4.3
6-9 25 22 6 5.6
9-12 32 38 8 8.3

1. What is the goal of the survey? Improve sells on their new lyllaby baby monitor
2. Who was selected to complete this survey? The randomly selected 10% of
1000registered customers who purchased the monitor to take the survey
3. What happens to the length of time it takes babies to fall as the babies’ ages increase? As
age increases the time to sleep also increases
4. What happens the duration of the babies sleep as the babies grow older?
They sleep longer
5. What is the difference between the time to fall asleep with and without the monitor for
each age group? 0-3) 3 min,(3-6) 9min,(6-9) 3 min, and (9-12) 6min
6. What difference, if any, is there in the duration of sleep with and without the monitor for
each age group? No difference in 0-3. 3-6) 0.7 hour 6-9) 0.4 hour9-12) 0.3 hour
7. What overall trends did you notice in the results? Sleeping with the monitormostly
increases sleep duration and the speed to falling asleep

© ACCESS Virtual Learning 2021

8. What conclusions can the manufacture make based on this study? The monitordoes help
babies fall asleep faster and longer

Write a persuasive argument about your conclusions from the survey. Be sure to address
the trends in the survey results.
9. Persuasive argument:
Write your response below:

© ACCESS Virtual Learning 2021

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