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This was still a momentous step to take. The
Merovingian kings were mystical, almost semi-
sacred figures whose family had its roots deep in the
The Carolingian dynasty traced its origins back to a Franks' pagan past. The only way that Pepin could
political alliance between Pepin of Landen (called win a greater degree of divine sanction was by an
'the Old') and Bishop Arnulfof Metz in the first half even closer alliance with the Christian church. I n
of the 7th century. By that time effective power was 750 A D he won approval from Pope Zacharias to
already slipping out of the hands of the Merovin- depose the last ineffectual Merovingian, and in the
gian kings of the Frankish state into those of following year he had himself crowned in the great
Mayors. These latter were men who came to Abbey of St. Denis as king of the Franks. But
dominate the various palaces or power-centres in whereas a Merovingian king was proclaimed by
the loosely-knit Merovingian kingdom. Pepin of being raised on a shield in an echo of the family's
Landen was Mayor in Austrasia, the north-eastern distant origins as pagan Germanic war-leaders,
heartland of the Frankish state. His daughter Pepin was anointed with holy oil-a ceremony
married Bishop Arnulf's son, and thus began the previously reserved for the most sacred Christian
Arnulfing clan, which would later become known rituals of baptism and priestly ordination. In this
as the Carolingians. way Pepin laid the foundations of an alliance
A century later these Arnulfings were, in all but This gravestone of around 700 AD from the Magdeburg region
name, the rulers of the kingdom. From their power- shows the simple weaponry, sword, spear and shield, common
to both Germans and Slavs in this frontier region. (Landes-
base in Austrasia they controlled the army--or at museum fur Vorgeschichte, Halle)
least the best parts ofit-and it was now rare for the
titular Merovingian king even to have his own
armed retainers. Charles Martel, victor of the battle
of Poitiers over the Muslims in 732 A D , died in 741
A D ; in time-honoured fashion, he had arranged for
his authority to be divided between his sons,
Carloman and Pepin 'the Short'. Apparently these
brothers worked well together, and continued their
father's policies and campaigns in harmony.
Charles Martel's wars had been largely defensive
in purpose and conservative in character. Things
were soon to change, however. 4n 747 A D Carloman
decided to become a monk, and Pepin took over the
whole kingdom. Thus, for the first time in many
years, the Frankish state was unified. An Arnulfing
now ruled the most powerful kingdom in western
Europe. For three generations the Arnulfing clan
had held barely disputed power. All that remained
was for Pepin, as current head of the family, to
depose the Merovingian king from his purely
figurehead position.
between the Arnulfing-Carolingians and the Arnulfing rule was most persistently challenged.
Church which was to prove extremely important in In 754 A D a new Pope, Stephen 111, actually
future years. came to France and, again at St. Denis, repeated
After 75 1 A D the nature of Pepin's campaigns also Pepin's coronation. This time he also crowned
changed. Most were now aggressive, whether Pepin's sons as fellow-kings, and declared them all
against pagans in the north, Muslims in the south or to be Roman Patricians. This gave Pepin and his
fellow Christians in Italy. While those against the sons the duty to protect Rome and, in effect, to
~-luslims in Septimania were the most striking support the Pope against the Lombard kings who
aspect of Pepin's reign, his wars in Italy in support ruled most of Italy. Frankish expansionism was an
of the Pope would prove more important in the long almost inevitable result, and the unprovoked nature
run. I t would also be wrong to see Pepin's of Charlemagne's wars would follow an already
campaigns against the Muslims as holy wars well-established tradition.
inspired by his new role as the Pope's champion. Despite these far wider political and military
They were still primarily political campaigns, being horizons, and the broader ambitions which
directed against Arab rulers who had merely taken developed out of a close alliance with the Papacy,
the place ofprevious Visigothic rulers against whom the Arnulfing-Carolingian clan still had to rely on
the Franks had warred for centuries. They were also its original power-base. This area, the foundation of
closely linked to Pepin's internal campaigns in both their material and their moral authority, lay
nearby Aquitaine, where the legitimacy of between the rivers Rhine and Meuse. Today,
though divided between France, Germany, Lux- gI g Duke Henry of Saxony elected Em-
embourg, Belgium and the Netherlands, this region peror.
is at the heart ofwestern Europe and contains much 936-62 Otto I, 'the Great', King of German y
of the West's economic power. I t had also been the and subsequently King of Italy.
Frankish homeland since the 4th century AD. 962 Otto I crowned Emperor.
973-83 0tto I1 Emperor.
983-1 002 Otto I11 King and later Emperor.
The Carolingian Dynasty

741 Death of Charles Martel, Mayor of the

Merovingian kingdom.
Carloman and Pepin 'the Short' joint
The Carolingian
,-. Army
Pepin sole Mayor. 750-CC'OAD
Pepin King of the Franks. Most historians agree that the Carolingian Age,
~- -
Charlemagne (Charles I ) and Carlo- from the 8th to 10thcenturies AD, represented one of
man joint Kings. the most important turning points in European
Charlemagne sole King. historv. While this mav have been less true of

Charlemagne Emperor. cultural history, it was certainly true ofpolitical and

Louis I, 'the Pious', Emperor. social history. The emergence of feudalism is only
Carolingian Empire divided between one example. It was probably even more true in the
Kzngs recognising an overall Emperor. technological and military history of Europe, with
Lothar I Emperor. the appearance of new farming and, to some extent,
Louis 11, 'the Young', Emperor. metal-working techniques. The adoption of the
Charles 11, 'the Bald', Emperor. - stirrup and subsequently of early versions of the
Years of confusion. high-framed war saddle, plus the pressure of rival
Charles 111, 'the Fat', Emperor. and essentially non-western European cultures,
Deposition of Charles 111, and end of combined to give birth to what are popularly
the nominal unity of the Carolingian regarded as medieval European styles of warfare.
Empire. The most important 'non-western' rival cultures
were, of course, the Arab-Iranian civilisation of
France Islam; the Asiatic Turco and Finno-Ugrian steppe
887 Duke Odo of Paris becomes effective cultures of the Avars, Bulgars and Magyars; and the
ruler. -archaic,
- though European, pagan culture of Viking
Charles, 'the Simple', nominal King. Scandinavia.
Raoul of Burgundy, King. Nevertheless, fundamental questions concerning
Louis IV, 'of Outremer', King. Carolingian military organisation still remain
Lothair, King. unanswered. Reliable documentary sources are
Louis V, 'the Coward', King. both few and inadequate, while the reliability of
End of Carolingian rule. Hugh Capet others is, for various-reasons, highly suspect. 1t is
seizes the throne and becomes first clear, however, that within a quarter of a century
Capetian King of France. the small and modestly trained army of Charles
Martel had grown into a major war-weapon. Many
Germany and northern Italy scholars have tried to work out just how big
887-99 Arnulf, King and later Emperor. Charlemagne's army was and, even more impor-
891-4 Guy of Spoleto rival Emperor in Italy. tantly, to decide what proportion was mounted and
899-9" Louis IV, 'the Child', Emperor. . . - :whether
-I such horse-riding troops actually fought as
91 1 End of Carolingian rule in German y cavalry. The resulting answers are almost as
and Italy. numerous as the scholars who produced them.
The lsola Rizza Dish. This probably 6th-century Lombardic or
Pious' early in the 9th century those Clite forces
Byzantine silver plate shows a wamor wearing lamellar
armour and a plumed spangenhelm of obvious Central Asiandirectly under imperial control could even be ready
inspiration. (Castelvecchio Museum, Verona) to march within 1 2 hours of being called.
Charlemagne preferred all his free vassals to be
What might be said with some certainty is that early warriors, but this was never entirely the case. All
Carolingian mili~ary-success was built on good sections of society were, however, affected by the
leadership, adequate administration, and troops needs ofwar. This was particularly true of free men,
whose morale was almost consistently superb. I t is who were liable for military service under the royal
also clear that the Carolingian army managed to bannum or summons. General mobilisation, u s u a b
-- .-
-.dapt itself to face many and differing foes. in a limited area in response to a specific crisis, was
,x known as lanlweri. This applied even to recently
The Franks conquered peoples within a few years of their
The army of the early Arnulfings was a complex subjection. Yet it was on the Franks, the still largely
and by no means standardised organisation; nor did German-speaking descendants of those tribesmen
it show any major changes from 7th-century who had conquered Roman Gaul for the Merovin-
Merovingian forces. Evidence also indicates that gians, that military obligations fell hardest.
the late 8th and early 9th centuries saw a further Professional warriors formed the personal follow-
decrease in uniformity resulting from the sheer size ings of rulers and leading magnates. Previously
of the Carolingian Empire as well as from its referred to in Latin as socii, those loyal to the Mayor
increasing internal divisions. This growing military formed his exercitus (army) while those loyal to the
force did, however, usually enjoy a greater political magnates could combine to form an exercit~s
unity plus a marked superiority in both numbers generalis. Such personal forces certainly dominated
and material over most of its foes. Under Louis 'the in Austrasia. Here the Palace warriors directly
under royal control left their name in an entire
region of modern Germany-the Palatinate, or
Pfalz. The same was probably true in the western
Frankish provinces of Neustria (northern France)
and perhaps in conquered but still non-Frankish
Burgundy. The situation in the thoroughly
Romanised south of France was more complex.
Other -non-belligerent
--- .--_.- . . . . forms
- . of oblkation includd
.carnaticus, or _s_up~p!y%g t !lest& for
food and
--) - - hostilense,- .
or the provision
- .
of .carts
. ..
Under the first Arnulfing kings and emperors the
r u l e r ' _ ~ ~ p ~ rfollowing
~ n a l formed. a small standing
army called the scara, Apart from being a_?a_rdend
task-force of loyal
-~ - tr_o.ops, thi~~sca_r_(~also
lead_eyship f~r.~qth.e.r. -and p-erhaps-less.reliable

warrlars. When -0.p-eratingas disti~nct.-units,prob-
a b l y under_ missi imperial officers, this rcam. a t e ~ ~
seems to have fought as. close-pa-cked.armoured KunszentmPrton, Hungary; 2-6 Lombard, 7-8 cent., from
Caste1Trosino, Italy; 7 Viking, &x~g50~D,

from Birka, Sweden;


-- cavalry, The word ultimately came to refer to many 8 Russian, 9-10 cent., from Khotomyet, Russia; F I T Khirgiz,
such small military units. ~ h h Cent.,
~sGara ~Turkestan.
l from Turkesfm; 1-1-16 Khirgiz, 9-12 cent., from
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ >
consisted of young warriors living in or near the
palace, perhaps in three ranks of seniority: the
scholares, the scola and the milites aulae regiae. was punishable by death. Failure to obey the less
Regional leadership originally fell to-these-lsudes, critical bannum could, nevertheless, lead to a
or loyal subordinates, whom C h a d e s M a r t e l crippling fine called the heribannum, the size of which
installed in areas which had resisted his authority depended on an individual's wealth. The military
and, .more especially,
... aang vulnerable frontiers. - manpower available to the early Carolingans was
The existing organisation of the Church provided (according to Delbriick, Lot and Ganshof) around
, an administrative framework. By the mid-9th 5,000 men. Verbruggen puts his estimate at 2,500 to
century the Counts, forming the senior level of 3,000 horsemen plus 6,000 to ~o,oooinfantry.
secular authority, shared the government of areas Werner reaches a total of 35,000 fully equipped
called pagii with bishops and other top church horsemen plus up to ~oo,ooo infantry and
leaders. As such they and the ecclesiastical auxiliaries. What is clear is that only a fraction of
authorities were responsible for summoning an the available total was ever used at any one time.
army on receiving orders from the ruler. Their own I_t is far less- obvious whether or not these
personal followings were readily available, but the numerous Frankish horsemen fought as cavalry or
gathering of local leviesis_farlessclear. Generally it. :more normally as mounted infantry. It now seems
seems that the Counts in turn instructed sub- that cavalry were far from insignificant in
ordinates to list the parlants, those who would Merovingian armies, despite misleading des-
actually join the army, and the aidants, those criptions by cavalry-orientated Byzantine writers.
neighbours who would support the partants' families I t is even possible that the importance of Frankish
. and farms while they were away. The quality and cavalry had actually declined by the time of Charles
availability of local military equipment was also the Martel. Nevertheless, a small klite continued to
direct responsibility of this regional leadership. fight on horseback with spears, while horses
Clearly, however, such a system was open to abuse, remained a particularly valuable item of booty.
, and the ruler had few means of checking on how Mounted troops were used for raids, in ambushes or
local magnates carried out their responsibilities. in pursuit, whereas real shock-cavalry charges were
Failure to attend a general call to arms or lantweri probably very rare. As such, late ~Merovingianand
early Carolingian cavalry h ~ d - ~ o l e ~ d - i r e c tgreatly
ly encouraged by the Muslim conquest of the
paralleling- . that
-~ of
- early Muslim horsemen, but
-----. Iberian peninsula.
differing from those of Byzantine or Euro-Asiatic The Carolingian adoption of horse-warfare may
nomadic tribal cavalry. Frankish horsemanship have been exaggerated; yet, by the time . . ..
of- -Charles

was much admired, at least in western Europe. Late 'the Bald' later in the 9th century, all men who
Roman horse-breeding estates, which had been could afford a horse were specifically instructed to
inherited by the Merovingians and placed under appear mounted. According to the Annales Fuldenses
the control of their comes stabuli (Constable), were the Franks were no lon er even used to fighting on^
now available to their successors. Q .
foot by the year 891 AD. Yet the eventual
I t is also almost certain that earlycarolingian acceptance of the. stirrup did not mean an
q.ea1.r.y made no use of stirrups even though their immediate development of the couched style of
Avar and perhaps even some Lombard neighbours lance warfare. Such -a style enabled a man to hold
did so. There is no indication that Charlernagne's ! his weapon firmly beneath his armpit and thus
horsemen adopted the device, and no stirrups have , deliver a more effective 'shock-cavalry' charge.
been found in Frankish graves of the period. T h e ' Spears were still thrust with a swing of the hand,
young 'leapt' onto their horses' backs, as did the under- or over-arm, or by using both hands and no
Muslim Arabs, while the aged used mounting steps. shield.
The question of Muslim stirrups is quite important IHF, The role of Carolingian infantry is almost more
in this context, as it has often been suggested that obscure. TLe-reappearance of massed..infantcy
--.Arab pressure from Spain forced Carolingian tactics in late Merovingian and early Carolingian .'

armies to adopt cavalry warfare. Yet it is made times may merely reflect the fact that most warfare
quite clear in contemporary Arabic sources that, was now being fought in.. the, eastern, less
while Persians and Turks used metal stirrups,,A.abs Romanised parts of the kingdom, which were
.. .. in particular those of A1 A.ndalus (Muslim traditionally poorer in horses. Warriors from
Spain) didnot- though some may have employed backward Frankish societies east of the Rhine also
the primitive leather or rope 'loop stirrup'. T h e seem to have been increasingly employed. S 3 @
general adoption of stirrups, when it did occur troops c k r l y did not remain s~aticand on. the-
somewhat later, resulted from Avar, Magyar or defensive but were capable ofcharges in thestyl-e-of
Viking pressure, not from that of the Arabs. their pagan forbears. The obvious strategic role_of
Even without stirrups a Carolingian horseman rivers also points to the vital importance ofinfantry
was well armoured and effective. The cost of his armies either transported by boats or whose
equipment, though it went down from 45 sous to 40 baggage train went .by river. b M
sous by the time of Charlemagne, was still very high. 016. Finally there was the Carolingian commissariat.
This meant that only the ruler and the regional This was quite an impressive organisation, which
leaders, secular or ecclesiastical, could afford to would far surpass any other in Christian western
support armoured horsemen. In 79213 A D ashield, Europe at least until the High Middle Ages. For the
mce, long and short swords were all required of a overland rather than riverine transport of baggage
cavalryman, but not armour. By805 A D things had and siege equipment, leather-covered hooded ox-
changed, and if a man failed to wear a brunia body- carts were used. These were apparently water-
armour he could lose both his status and the estates proofed so that they could be ferried across rivers.
which accompanied it. This body-armour was, and Lighter baggage was carried by pack-horses.
remained, by far the most expensive single item of Campaigns were planned long in advance, and
military equipment during the Carolingian era. local authorities along the proposed lines of march.
One important change that was taking place, were instructed .to collect supplies. Behind the
and which may even have contributed to the troops marched another army, this time of
adoption of heavier armour, was an increasing use merchants. Their toughness in defence of their
of the sturdier Barb horse. Though it had been baggage was acknowledged by all, but they were
known in Europe during late Roman times the also widely accused of being drunken, lecherous,
spread of this originally North African breed was and prone to telling dirty jokes! The Carolingian
army was, by contrast, a surprisingly sober and Long-distance trafficking in arms and armour was
religious institution. already worrying rulers and church leaders,
because it included sales to pagans and Muslims.
Equipment, Training and Morale Most concern was expressed over deliveries to
The cost ofequipment ensured that only the richest pagan Germans, Slavs and Danes. Exporting to
could afford complete arms and armour. - An Clite
- of Islam as yet attracted less condemnation and was,
professional warriors was armed by its patrons in any case, almost impossible to stop. Most trans-
while other men, including local levies, had to make Mediterranean trade was still in the hands ofJewish
do with whatever they could acquire. Some of the merchants, and while Pisa had a flourishing
most powerful men in the state, like the Domesticus commerce with Muslim North Africa and the East
Dodo, could equip their followers with hauberks, the survival of large Christian minorities in both
helmets, shields, lances, swords, bows and arrows. these areas made trade contacts easier.
At the other end of the scale, the duty of equipping The basic character of western European
those members of the levy who had to join an army military equipment had altered little since the fall of
was shared by those remaining at home. the Western Roman Empire. Any changes had
The manufacture of weapons was still localised, generally resulted from Byzantine influence, and
but major centres of production were already not until the I ~ t and h 12th centuries would the
:merging. The Rhineland was perhaps the most tra'nsfer of fashions be in the opposite direction. The
important, but it also seems possible that weapons
manufacture had survived since Roman times in The Porta San Paolo in Rome. In southern Europe such late
Roman fortifications were rarely allowed to decay and served
such northern Italian cities as Lucca and Pisa. throughout the Carolingian era.
most famous and detailed description of a Frankish body-armour, sword, scabbard, leg-defences, lance,
warrior is that of Charlemagne himself outside shield and horse as the full equipment of a
Pavia in 773 AD. AS a monk of St. Gall put it: 'Thus horseman. Their price totalled 44 solidi. A peasant's
appeared the Iron King with his crested iron helm cow, by contrast, was worth 3 solidi. I t is also worth
(ferrea galea christatus), with sleeves of iron mail noting that this 8th-century list is almost identical to
(ferreis manicis armillatus) on his arms, his broad that in an early 7th-century set of laws. Both
chest protected by an iron byrnie (ferrea torace probably referred to a horseman's ideal equipment,
tutatus), an iron lance in his left hand, his right free to but aJarge proportion-of Carolingian mour&edme_n
grasp his unconquered sword. His thighs were would
-- have lacked helmet, armour or sword. Their
guarded with iron mail though other men were equipment came to a mere 14 solidi, of which 12
wont to leave them unprotected so that they might were for the horse. The importance of unarmoured
spring the more lightly upon their steeds. And his cavalry was, however, to decline rapidly during the
legs, like those ofall his host, were protected by iron 9th century.
greaves (ocrks). His shield was of plain iron without j u ~Fewer sources describe infantry weaponry.
device or colour.' krchery was important and would become more so,
This is plainly an exaggerated and poetic but as a larger proportion of the cavalry adopted
description, particularly where the king's iron armour so the effectiveness of infantry declined. In
spear-head and the reinforcements or boss of his fact it would not even begin to be reversed until
'shield are concerned. I t also portrays a man footsoldiers started using heavier weapons such as
wearing a maximum of protection unavailable to pikes and long-hafted Danish axes-in the late 10th
the mass ofsoldiers. None the less, its basic elements and I I th centuries.
reflect other sources such as the mid-8th century One question looms larger than any other where
Laws of the Ripuarian Franks, which list helmet, brunia Carolingian armour is concerned. Did. the byrnie-or
brunia ever consist of scales or was it simply
- .
A Roman-style Carolingian fortress at Heisterburg Deister, hauberk? ~~~~~~~i~~illuminations can be mislead-
Germany (after A. Tuulse). B Saxon-style Carolingianfortress
at Pipinsburg, Germany (after A. Tuulse). ing, though some clearly show the insides of an

B -0 30
armour as being of a different colour, suggesting a
scale construction-of iron., bronze or horn on a
leather or fabric base. The Germanic brunia was
translated into Vulgate Latin as torax in the
contemporary Closes de Reichenau; and scale hau-
berks were certainly used by the Byzantines, to
whom they were known as thorakes or ~ a b aLamellar -.- -.. .
armour .was_also. known in Italy, where it almost
certainly reflected the Byzantine klibanion. By the
.I I -th. -century,
,, , , ..... - . . however, the terms brunia and brogne
had become interchangeable with the mail hauberk
or haubert. I n early Scandinavian sources the brynja
could be a heavy leather or felt coat without scales,
while in later medieval Germany a brunie might be
sp_e_cifica!l.yreinforced with horn plates. That some
scale armours persisted into the early 14thcentury is
shown' by indisputably accurate manuscript illus-
--.trations from widely separated parts of western
The question of the Carolingian coif or head and
neck defence is almost as difficult. I t could have
been made of the same variety of materials as body
armour. Yet it is believed to have appeared as a
result of Avar influence, and Avars were in the
Central Asian tradition which normally relied on
an aventail suspended from the rim of a helmet.
Mai! coifs.also_see.mto appear in early Christians-nd
Jewish sources from Roman Italy and Syria. The- One of the twenty-nine so-called Visigothic Towers of
Carcassonne which were almost certainly added to the city's
segmented spangenhelm of ultimate Central .Asian Roman defences in Visigothic, Merovingian or Carolingian
origin had predominated throughout western
Europe since-the .barbarian-invasions of the 4th.and
5th centuries. Whether or not 'war hats' or chapels de would later be adopted from the Magyars, along
fer of an essentially two-piece construction fastened with the general use of stirrups. I t would, of course,
to a comb and rim existed in Carolingian times is have been difficult and uncomfortable to ride
nore debatable. Most authorities consider that without-
--- stirrups when the insides of one's legs were
their appearance in manuscripts is an artistic covered in armour.
convention left over from late Roman times when Spears were the most common and cheapest &M
this form of construction was widespread. On the weapons f ~ r a lwarriors.
l Those Frankish followers
other hand such 'war hats' would reappear in of King Carloman's envoy Dodo, who sacked the
1 I t h / 2th-century
~ Scandinavia and in I sth- Lateran Palace in 769 AD, were seemingly only
century Italy. Both areas were in close cultural, armed with_sp-ears, though they also -wore hail.
military or trading contact with Byzantium, where Such weapons for both horsemen and infantry had
comparable helmets may have continued in use large horizontal lugs or wings beneath their blades.
without a break. These were not to stop the weapon from penetrating
References to arm and leg defences probably too deeply into its victim, nor were they particularly
meant either long mail sleeves and long-skirted suited to cavalry warfare as has sometimes been
hauberks, or splinted iron vambraces and greaves of suggested. Lugs first appeared on 4th-century
the type found in early medieval Scandinavian Germanic weapons, and probably indicated a
graves. Mail .~ ~ chausses to..-.protect legs and thighs parrying, almost fencing use of the spear. I n other
The most expensive weapon was the sword. Its
manufacture made the greatest demands on
available technology, and it remained an essentially
noble item of equipment. As true welding was
unknown, rods of iron were twisted together,
flattened, soft-soldered and then ground down.
This so-called pattern-welding was not the same
technique as that used in the 'damascened' blades of
the Middle East, nor in the cast blades already
being made in Central Asia. Some pattern-welded
blades had harder, more carbonised metal at the
centre than at their edges. In others the reverse was
true; and in neither case is it certain that this was
intentional. Nor is it confirmed that pattern-welded
blades were stronger than those which were single-
forged. I t does, however, seem to have been easier
for early medieval smiths to make good quality slag-
free iron in small strips. A really fine sword with
modest decoration probably took at least 200 man-
hours to make, and its forging required from two to
three hundredweights of charcoal. Small wonder
that such costly weapons were kept rust-free in
scabbards lined with oil-soaked fur or hair.
,- Carolingian archery saw more changes than
most other forms of warfare. I t was of major tactical
importance on the eastern frontier in the first
decade of the 9th century. Here Carolingian troops
faced enemies either of Central Asian origin, or who
A 9th-century French ivory plaque. The scale hauberk worn by had been influenced by Asiatic horse-archery
this warrior has little in common with late Roman armour
and may show a genuine type of Carolingian defence. techniques. Frankish horse-archers from the Abbey
(Bargello, Florence)
of Fulda are even mentioned, though such men
were probably mounted infantry who dismounted
words the weapons were designed as pole-arms for to shoot and fight. I n the 8th century Alemannic
- '>othcut and thrust. Such a style of spear fighting is warriors used longbows of yew which were taller
also indicated by the languets extending from the than a man. Such weapons were clearly for
blade some way down the shaft. These clearly footsoldiers. Frankish settlers in Gaul had earlier
protected the wooden shaft from sideways cuts by adopted late Roman double-convex ----.-
- - - - - composite
an enemy, and were well known from the 7th b s but by the end of the 9th century these
century onwards. Neither lugs nor languets are weapons had fallen out of use, except perhaps in
relevant to the couched style of lance-play. Italy and southern France. They were replaced-by
By Carolingian times the Frankish throwing axe short flat-bows of simple construction. Along with
LJar.fransiska had been abandoned in favour of the mounted archery the Carolingians - may also have
seax, a single-edged short-sword or large dagger. adopted the wood-framed saddle with a raised
This may again have been of nomadic Asiatic pommel from their Avar foes. The Byzantines
inspiration, as was the contemporary Islamic certainly did so, though a general adoption of such
khanjar. While in Scandinavia the seax developed saddles might have awaited the Magyar onslaught
into a sizeable single-edged sword, in Frankish of the 10th century.
Europe it became a shorter dagger known as acEWFinally there is the question of siege equipment;
scramasax. and here again the Avars had much to teach. I n late
Merovingian and early Arnulfing times battering
rams and assault ladders were the main means of
reducing a fortress. The Avars introduced Chinese-
style man-powered mangonels. These were soon
adopted by the Byzantines and, in all probability,
also came to form part of Charlemagne's siege-
train. I n 8 1 3 AD this was said to include a three
months' reserve of supplies. I t is also possible that
the Franks learned of mangonels from Muslims in
Spain and southern France.
LEIJ? The degree of training in a Carolingian army
depended on the status of the warrior. All men knew
how to use some weapon, as hunting was a part of
everyday life. Children of the nobility would play
with toy weapons and would be introduced to hard
riding and hard living. From puberty they would
train with javelin, bow and sword. Milites, or
mounted warriors, also practiced with lances
against a quintaine target or a dummy. Training as a
- unit involved war-games such as the causa exercitii in
which equal forces, often from distinctive ethnic or Daggers: 1-5 Lombard, 7-8 cent., from Castel Trosino, Italy. 6
Moravian, 8 cent., from Mikultice, Czechoslovakia; 7 Mor-
tribal backgrounds, charged at each other, pre- avian, g cent., from Stark MeSto, Czechoslovakia.
tended to throw or wield their weapons, t h e n
turned in fekned flight with their shields protecting mere military leadership. Clearly--he preferred . - -. the

their backs. The opposing side would then repeat morale - ~. -of his armies. t o be ..builton- Christian
the performance, in a style of training exactly spbdarity. In many areas ;he Christianisation of his
comparable to that seen in Byzantium and western empire was, however, shallow or non-existent. Even
Islam. Whether these manoeuvres grew out of early in France the Franks had not been fully converted
German tribal war-games or the Marchjeld military until well into the 8th century. Nevertheless, the
reviews of the early 8th century is less clear. military role of the clergy was fundamental. In elteo
?;:$ .Co_ntrol on the battlefield was attempted by Aquitaine some even_~?__trai.nedjn the use-of !he
A using signalling trumpets, which also helped
maintain ---morale.
jaxelin; and whereas fighting men had -to
- - Banners were mainly used as sober fashion, military churchmen relied oni
- -- -
- -

rallying points and to indicate the direction of sumptuous robes and canopies to achieve their
attack, in which case they were in or ahead of the moral effect. After a battle they chanted Gradual
b~"front rank. The importance of discipline was Psalms for the fallen, gave the last rites, and helped
recognised, and Charlemagne seems to have the few doctors in an army-train to tend the
regarded the ancient Roman army as an ideal. wounded.
Certainly he insisted that no luxuries or superfluous
finery be worn by his soldiers or their leaders. Offensive Strategy and Frontier Defence
102'- The high morale of the Carolingian army Although Frankish wars took on an unprovoked
resulted from its continued record of success and expansionist character even under Pepin 'the
from the opportunities for personal advancement Short', it was not until the time of Charlemagne
that it offered. Certainly there are instances of men that this was reflected in more ambitious strategy.
-. -
c_hoosing death if their leader fell. Ethnic or tribal Warfare was extremelyfrequent, and years without
solidarity contributed to this phenomenon. Para- at least one campaign remained a rarity. The
doxically, Charlemagne endeavoured to down- strategy employed by Carloman and Pepin was
grade the dukes of 'stem duchies', whose authority much like that of their father, Charles Martel. It -.

rested on tribal structures, by relegating them to was characterised by tkseizur_e_an_dgarrisoning of

fortified places in the Romanised south, and raiding ing decline in the role ofinfantry until, b v h e end-of
for booty and tribute in the non-urbanised north thcqthcen~ur-y,Frankish wars were fought-almst-
and beyond the Frankish frontiers into Spain and exclusively by cavalry. Sieges remained important,
Italy. a_nd here at least the cavalry had to dismount.
Charlgmagne, by contrast, aimed for his enemy's Nevertheless the peasant, unfeudalised com- 1
heart. Political pressure sought to subvert the foe's munities of the Frisian islands, the Dithmarschen
., military tlite, and invasions headed for the enemy's region of northern Germany, the German Sted- 1
capital or religious centre. Charlemagne's armies inger settlers along the river Weser and the I
~ f t e nattacked along two or more axes, m ~ k i n guse highlanders of the Swiss heartland never adopted
of their habitual numerical superiority to force the horse-warfare. Italian militia infantry did not die
foe to divide his forces or retreat in defence of his o u either,
~ and were to see a dramatic come-back in
heartland. Speed and night marches were also the late 10th or I ~ t centuries.
h 1
characteristic of the best Carolingian armies. The Frankish cavalryman was, however, the i

While strategy might have become more typical warrior of 9th century western Europe. His i
ambitious, battlefield tactics remained essentially scara.was the most important unit or formation. In
the same, although discipline and control probably battle each scara apparently divided into several
improved. Mounted men acted in most cases-as dense-packed cunei&cavalry formations of perhaps {
-light cavalry skirmishers, making repeated charges 50 to IOO men. Both scara and cunei had their own
with spears and javelins. Infantry were either banners. Sjhchunits were able to make co-ordinated
I attached to, or were closely associated with, such flank and rear attacks and to mount ambushes.
mounted units. Arche% was primarily left to There is even evidence ofad hoc uniforms being worn
@RS-'footsoldiers. A steady increase in the tactical on certain occasions. The first mention of tactical -

importance of mounted troops led to a correspond- reserves in Christian western Europe dates from the
eyEevA early 9th century, but these were not apparentlya
The loth-century castle of Caste1 Paterno in central Italy (after common tactical device.
R. J. C. Jamieson): A Plan; B Suggested reconstruction of
wooden parapet. The ruler normally led large armies in person but
in his absence a majordome took charge. Franks
almost always held the command of large
formations, even those from other ethnic back-
grounds. Military
-. units, whose sizes varied con-
siderably, were organised on a territorial basis
under the local or regional leadership of a duke,
marquis, count, bishop, abbot or other royal vassal.
The number of such units required from each
province was agreed beforehand in a survey or
*d6"'ehImportant frontier defences were often s r -
- by--Clite scara units, but much less effort was
put into maintaining and garrisoning fortifications
in the Carolingian heartland. The main imperial
palaces like that at Aachen were unfortified or had,
at best, symbolic defences. Ingelheim was also open
to the countryside. Smaller royal households called
curtes regiae were sometimes fortified in a late Roman
- ,manner, and stood at certain strategic road
' junctions. They were normally square with
rounded corners but no turrets, and were smaller
than the Roman lzmes forts on which they were
/ modelled.
I n frontier regions, particularly in Germany, the
situation was very different. M a n a r a n k i s h citadels
were linked with old- tribal fortifications in the
newly conquered regions of Saxony. West of thk
Weser River most were rectangular ~urtes,but to
the east they were generally round, pallisaded
earthworks like smaller versions of Saxon tribal
forts. A rampart, moat and surrounding wall, as at
Saalburg, were typical. At Heisterburg the main
fortress was further protected by an irregularly
shaped advance-post. Within such defences rough
buildings- were laid out almost at random. These
fortresses were not, of course, designed as royal
residences. A more sophisticated fort at Dorestat in
Holland had three sections: a 'curtes to the rear, a
curticula' to the fore, and again an advance-post
-ailed thepomerium. In the middle was a rectangular
--nouse, the sala regalis for important visitors.-All these
defences acted both as administrative centres and as
rallying points for troops. By contrast with pagan
Slav or German areas further east, even Carolin- The 8th-9th century Trier Apocalypse includes some of the earliest
gian frontier 'marches' had few fortifications. Nor representations of Carolingian warriors. It shows neither
armour nor stirrups. (Cox 31, f.63, Stadtbib., Trier)
did these Carolingian defences use new building
techniques; and most still employed the ancient
Roman foot as their unit of measurement. 10th century. By then, however, the Catalonian
MbeePiThe special military organisation of frontier infantry levy had all but collapsed before a series of
provinces called 'marches' was clearly more more determined Muslim attacks. Further west
important than their fortification. Here the labour 8-avarre defence continued to rely on local B a s q u e ~ ~ s W
of local inhabitants could be summoned to infantry at least until the mid-10th century, and
construct or maintain defences. These were then probably much longer.
manned by full-time local warriors called wacta or Italy was another vital frontier zone for the
warda who were, in effect, military colonies - Carolingians after their overthrow of the Lombard
organised into scarae or excan'ti. Such areas were kingdom in 776 AD. I n fact much of the peninsula
governed by markgrafen, margraves or marquises. The ~onsistedof defensive 'marches'. The first to be
)est known, perhaps, was the Sp-a-nkh Mar-ch, an created was the March of Friuli facing the Slavs and
area including the Pyrenean mountains and their Avars. Later came the March of Tuscany, which
foothills which was to a large extent independent of faced
-- t h e Muslims based in Sardinia. T o the south
Carolingian central authority. During the early the Duchy of Spoleto eventually became an
years, in the late 8th and early 9th centuries, many unofficial 'march' facing the Muslims of Sicily and
renegade Arab and Berber warriors who had southern Italy. Towards the end of the Carolingian
quarrelled with their own rulers played a major role era further 'marches' were created at Ivrea in
in the defence of this newly created Spanish March. western Lombardy, facing the Muslim base at
But generally, in what later became Catalonia and Fraxinetum in Provence. Spoleto was also divided
Aragon, defence rested on a levy of all free men. N-o into two, and its eastern section around Ancona is
real effort was made to seize territory from the still known as Marche to this day. JYb~thern
Muslims, and warfare consisted of almost continual Dalmatia, on the other side of the Adriatic sea,
raid and counter-raid. T o the south a comparable acted as a further 'march' where, in 81g AD, a series
Muslim 'march' in the Ebro valley remained of small forts were built as bases for mobile forces
virtually independent of Cordova until the early whose task was to harry the invading Slav Croats.
m a l l castles and village fortifications which spr_a_nz
up across the country in the face of persjstent
Muslim and Magyar raids.
The art of castle-building developed moreslowly
beyond the Alps. Nevertheless, enough new and

unofficial fortifications had been built by 864 A D for

Charles 'the Bald' to issue his Edict of Pitres. This
banned the construction of any more castles and
ordered the destruction ofthe rest 'by 1st ofAugust'.
It seems unlikely to have been obeyed. More
effective was another section of this Edict which
ordered the construction offortified wooden bridges
across the Seine in an effort to halt Viking raids up-
river. Paris itself was now merely a fortified island
joined to the banks by two bridges with stone towers
forming their landward gates. Viking raids were, in
f a c ~,to
, stimulate the next phase in the history of
- \ European fortification.
Allies and Subordinate Peoples
The Carolingian court was an exceptionally
Axes: I Avar, 7 cent. (?), from Cstiny, Hungary; 2 Moravian, 8-9
cent., from Pohansko, Czechoslovakia; 3 Moravian, 8 cent., ~ ~ ~ m ~ p ~one l i int aitsn period of greatness. The
from ~oravsk9-Jkn,Czechoslovakia; 4 Magyar, 9 x 0 cent., Same was true of the Carolingian army. One
from Kis-Dobra, H u n g a r y ; Silver-decorated
~ probable import
from the Caucasus, g cent. (?), from Koarim, Czechoslovakia; 6 campaign, albeit an unsuccessful one, can be taken
Polish, 10 cent., from Mazowsze Plockie, Poland; 7-8 Polish,
1 ~ 1 cent.,
2 from Lake Lednickie, Poland. as an example: that against Saragossa in Spain in
778 A D . Apart from Austrasian eastern Frankish
, troops under Charlemagne's immediate control,
At around the same time these Croats were tamed Neustrian western Franks, Burgundians, Bavarians,
and converted to Christianity by missionaries from Proven~als,Goths from Septimania, Bretons and
Aquileia. C-omparable missionary cent-res sup-. -Lombards all took part as autonomous units. 'marches' in Germany, though not I t was in this campaign that Roland, governor of
inSp&n. the Breton March, lost his life in a brutal skirmish
F?J~TES A S might be expected, highly urbanised Italy saw immortalised in the later Song of Roland. Breton
some of the most ambitious Carolingian - forti- heavy. ca.valry were among the Carolingians' most
fications. Even so, they were crude compared to effective non-Frankish troops. They still fought
their Roman predecessors. Arrow-slits were feyand manner similar to those Alans who had been sent
towers rarelXpmj~ectedfar-eenno__u~hbtoBa_11o~effeec_tive from the Caucasus to what was then Armorica by
crossfir_e. Where possible, large ancient buildings the late Romans, and would continue to do so until
were turned into fortresses. For example, Pope Leo the 10th or even 12th centuries. Breton horsemen
converted the Tomb of Hadrian into what is still operated in densely packed but highly manoeuw-
known as the Caste1 Sant'Angelo after the Muslim able groups using heavy spears, light javeli s,
siege of Rome in 846 AD. Leo also extended the ~w-ords and relatively heavy armour. Many of their
ancient fortifications of Rome to enclose the basilica -horses were also armoured. Their tactics were
ofst. Peter, which had previously stood undefended comparable to those of the Magyars, though
outside the walls. Bretons relied on javelins instead of arrows and thus
During the later Carolingian period the art of approached their foes more closely.
fortification advanced rapidly . .
in Italy, with many T o the south Aquitainians, Gascons and
ancient city walls being greatly strengthened with Proven~alsalso retained their military traditions
new towers. Even more striking was the number of under both Merovingian and Carolingian rule. city - levies . were responsible for apparently soon consisted almost entirely of
~ ~

garrisoning fortified places. Many, if not most, of professionals. How far this was still true by
the non-Frankish troops in Aquitaine were, Carolingian times is, however, another matter.
however, Gascons of the hostis Vascanorum levy who, Anothcr small Germanic kingdom to be in-
like their Basque cousins, fought primarily as corporated into the Frankish Empire was that of the
infantry-or light cavalry skirmishers using javelins. byarians, but its forces made no-use of cavalry even
Gascons were renowned as mercenaries even in the under Charlemagne. By contrast the Goths of
8th century. W-henthey fought mounted their-. Septimania and the Spanish March, descendants of
those Visigothic Germans who once ruled the
tac&..conS;_sted_.of _~e.peated-_atta.cLa_~_d-fe~g.n_e_d
- ... .- Provenqals to the east remained thoroughly Iberian peninsula, were renowned horsemen,
Romanised. Less information is available on their relying on late Roman cavalry tactics of attack and
military traditions, but it seems likely that local feigned retreat. Prior to the conquest of Septimania
milites fought i n a late-Roman cavalry style while by Pepin, these Goths actively helped the Muslims
urban militias remained infantry primarily con- against their traditional Frankish foes. Nor was
cerned with the defence of city walls.. their Christian solidarity, like that of the Gascons
The old Germanic kingdom ofBurgundy seems and Aquitainians, helped by the fact that the
to have adopted Roman military customs more Frankish reconquest of the south caused far greater
readily than did the Franks or those Germans who damage than had the initial Arab and Berber
mquered Italy. .Gallo-Roman troops, some even occupation. But once it became clear that, like the
.+etaining. their unit identities, ,had been employed -Muslims, the Carolingians would allow the Goths
since the 5th. century, and this tradition was
inherited by the conquering Merovingians. Nobles The ceremonial gateway of the Abbey of S t . Nazarius at Lorsch
was probably built around 774 AD. It is not genuinely fortified
even recruited slaves to train as soldiers as well as but is one of the few remaining buildings to reflect the
varied mercenaries, and the Burgundian army capabilities of Charlemagne's military architects.
to r e t a i n their-distinctialaws .and custcuns, t l ~ c y
the Lombards was vital. Befor- Charlemagne
became loyal allies-particularly against Gascon -
ovm%hcewew_tkee Lombacdic kingdom in northern
and Aquitainian rebels. Under Louis--- 'the Pious'
- a Italy, the Lo-mbards had been building up personal
large proportion of Carolingian cavalry was military forces of retainers known as gasindiz. These
concentrated in the Spanish March, and-muchunay
-- were among the be~t~eequipped troops in Eu~ope,
,!xaeken_af Go thic origin. with weapons- helmets, hauberks and ocrea leg-
Those dissident Muslims who also served in tht. defencesyhich reflected Avar influence. They were
Spanish March included cavalry relying on similar probably also particularly well trained, for h e y
tactics. Many others, of course, were infantry. The CameAform the backbonenot_only of Camlingian
Arabs, though probably not the Berbers, used much armies
- -- i n I~aly_but_also of many invasion forces,
archery. Some we-re even horsearxhexs, f i w g in such as that
- which destroyed the Avar state in 796
A Byzantine or Iranian fashion of shootingatresmr_a AD. At first Lombard military organisation
7- - ---- walk--rather than at a full gallop 1ike.Turks. remained unchanged. All free men had military
Muslim mercenaries also fought in Provence in thc obligations and provided their own equipment, this
mid-8th century. being assessed according to wealth. k s e s _were
While the military role of these subordinatr clearly more i m ~ o r t a min such Lombard forces
peoples was important to the Carolingians, that ol than inJrankish- ones, and many battles were I
I ,
by cavalry. _Ar_c_h_e_ry-was,
Flags from mosaics and manuscripts: I Chrlemagne recetuzng however, sari-infantry-affair, yjtb at l e a ~ ~ s o r n e
Impenal Bannerfrom St Peter, g cent. mosaic (zn ntu San Giovanni in
Laterano. Rome); 2--7 Psalterrum Aureum from St. Gall. C. 880 AD bfmd3eing- O ~ - C O ~ P O construction.
S ~ ~ ~ The most
(Cod. 22, ff. ~ q & q ~ d ; ~ oStiftsbib.,
, St. Gallen, ~witierland);g im p ortant e n g e following t h e Caelingian 'On-
Psalter */St Bertzn. north French. c. rooo a~ (Ms. 20., f.nov. Bib.
d ,
. - . --
~ u n i c :~ o u l o ~ ' e5) ;Beatus, ~ ~ z a r north
a b Spanish, 10 cent. quest was _that _military leadership now -went to
(Cathedral Lib., Seo de Urgel); 6 7 Beatw from Tavera, Mozarab
north Spanish, 975 AD (Cathedral
. Museum, Gerona). Franks-who were, in turn, tightly controlled by
royal missi dominici inspectors. Determined efforts
were also made to curb the growth ofprivategasindii
The gradual extension of feudal land tenure in
return f d i t a r y seurice during the Carolingim

era was also seen in Italy, but here the lines ofsocial
stratificationwere already so blurred that it p a v e d
impossible for a truly feudal system to develop. By
the time of Louis I1a n infantryjevysysiem based on
aidants andpartants had spread to Italy, where a poor
man might now be expected to -serve as a
hcsa3tguard. The poorest of all were, however,
Native Italians, normally referred to as
'Romans', had been brought back into the military
system towards the end of the Lombard kingdom
and were assessed on the same basis ofwealth as the
Lombards themselves. I n those areas ajound Rome
controlled by the Pope they had never, in fact,
entirely lost their military role. An Italo-Roman
militia played a major role in various regions-
including Rome-under real or nominal Byzantine
authority, and was organised along Byzantine lines.
The Italo-Roman nobility of the area around Rome
also formed a small
--- but effective army, so much20
that the Roman clergy found it necessary t a u s e
their grmving. economic power -and wealth to
recruit a balancing force of assorted mercenaries. B ~ ' ( ' '
this time, however, no trace of ancient Roman
military organisation remained. Certain cere-
monial survivals, such as the silk caparisons worn by
horses in prestige parades, were probably less a
Roman inheritance than an adoption from
*The Ava-s also made a major contribution to
carolingan military might. This lay not in their
role as a subordinate people following their defeat,
though this was locally significant, but rather in the
new ideas and forms of military organisation that
they brought to Europe. Many were adopted
during Carolingian wars against these Asiatic
invaders, but more were probably learned from the
Avars after their ruin. Their proverbial wealth and most The Slultgarl Psalter of c. 825 AD agin includes no stirrups and
armour seems to be of scale construction. (Cod.2O.23f,
that of their semi-mobile capital was not based f . 2 ~Stuttgart ~) Landesbib.)
solely on loot for, like many nomadic peoples of the
steppes, the Avars were skilled metalworkers and to Charlemagne in 785 AD the Saxons became liable
maintained wide trading contacts. Their capital for military service, and took part in campaigns
entered European history and legend as The Ring, against their Slav neighbours within four years.
a ninefold rampart of clay and stone topped by Early in the 9th century many Saxon warriors were
hedges and pallisades without gates. I n reality The recorded using bows and half a century later most
Ring probably referred to a series of sophisticated were still clearly unarmoured infantry.
earthworks surrounding the Avar state. Certainly Finally there were the Slavs. Various northern so'
the Avars introduced more advanced siege en- tribes became Carolingian clients or vassals in the
gineering of Chinese origin into Europe. Though 9th century even though the bulk of their people
normally fighting with lances and Chinese-style remained pagan. The Obotnies of theBaltic coast
bows and using cast-iron stirrups and felt or were, in fact, victims of the first serious Viking
lamellar horse-armour, their armoured cavalry attack when Danes raided their area in 808 AD.
seemed more prepared to fight on foot than other Most of these northern Slavs fought o n - f o ~ twith
steppe peoples. Perhaps this again reflected a strong spears, shields and simple bows. Only their leaders
Chinese element in their culture. They were, in fact, were mounted; but there is no evidence that they
probably descended from the defeated Turkish were poorer in equipment than their German
Juan-Juan people of 5th-century Chinese sources. neighbours. ~ l t h o u g h - s w & w e r e imported from
Even their name, Avars, means 'exiles' in early the north and-west other gear was manufactured
Turkish. locally, and by the 10th century Islamic geo- -
S' By contrast the Saxons, who were the Carolin- graphers could write of wealthy iron-working
gians' other most-determined foes, had.. almost centres in the northern Slav region. From the mid-
nothing-tc-offe~-in term..of_military technology. 10th century the warriors of such areas were barely
Theirtribal- s a ~ i _ e ~ ~ ~ - . i n _ f o u r . ~ cofl a._snobles,
ses distinguishable from the Carolingians except,, was comparable to perhaps, for a few eastern influences in their
that of the early Franks and Anglo-Saxons. Like the equipment and their use of&t, brig-hafted war-
Christian Franks living east of the Rhine, these axes. Among those who remained pagan short or
pagan Saxons wore little armour- and fought with shaven hair was the rule, only the high-priest of the
spear, sword and axe. T h o u g h horse-raising was idol Svantovit at the Arkona shrine being permitted
one of their main trades they,.fought.. .almost to wear his uncut. infantry. After their final submission Various southern Slav tribes in what is now
Austria and Yugoslavia were also either conquered was little more than a facade. The reality was
/ by the Carolingians or forced into a vassal status. more often one of Carolingian civil war while the
1 Though their military traditions had naturally been Vikings ravaged unchecked. I n Aquitaine a non-i;
influenced by Byzantium, their swords seem largely Carolingian aristocrat even tried to win inde-
to have been imported Merovingian and Carolin- pendence, perhaps despairing of effective Carolin-
gian types. The miles enszfer warriors of what is now gian help against the raiders. In 887 AD, with the
/ Slovenia and even Croatia would, in fact, soon death ofCharles 'the Fat', even the nominal unity of
become virtually indistinguishable from the troops the Empire came to an end.
1 ofwestern Europe. Spears and shields were the most O n a military level the Viking raids succeeded
I. common weapons and most men fought on foot. because the Carolingian - .- . ~ -system
. had been designed

Slings and short swords comparable to the primarily for attack, not for defence. Military
Germanic seax are also mentioned. The curved omnisation had started to crumble almost as soon
/ Asiatic sabre had even less influence among these as the state ceased to expand, .booty and to
1I southern Slavs than among their northern cousins, scare..
land with-.which to. reward its soldiers.


though it would have a profound impact among the Henceforth the ruler was weakened by a need to use
eastern Slavs. Narrow-bladed axes may have been h&..o.w,n.,treasureand royal .estates to maintain his
a' ,ted before the 8th century in Croatia, while in followers' loyalty. Many defensive 'marches' also
1I Bgantine-influenced Serbia bows became the deteriorated.during the first half of the 9th century,
! favoured weapons. Scale or lamellar armour of - I

/ apparently Byzantine inspiration was also common A late 10th-centurysouth Gennan ivory book-cover showing
the spear and shield which remained the basic equipment of
1 in Serbia and must surely have influenced Croatia most early medieval warriors. (V & A Museum, no. 380--1871,

to the west. Western-style mail was, however,
apparently preferred by those few Croatian and
Slovenian warriors who could afford it.

i The fiilire of the Carolin~ian

I Of all the dangers that threatened Christian
I western Europe in the 9th and loth centuries, that
i from the Vikings -
was the most serious. Persixsent
j. ~ , n g started in themid-gthgentur-y,with the rich
1! ' merchant communities of Frisia as a first target.
i Thereafter France was worst hit, with Germany
1 escaping relatively lightly. Charles 'the Simple's'
[ acceptance of a Viking province along the lower
: Seine, soon to become known as b m n d y , was
j w e r e l y - a r e c q p i h u & reality-though Charles
I also hoped to use these Scandinavian settlers as a
buffer against further Viking invasions.
' The main reason-for..the Carolingian..failwe to
; defeat the Vikings was a collapse of central
.- authority.. This really began on the death of Louis
'the Pious' in 840 AD. The Empire was then divided
between his sons; and although one assumed the
title of Emperor his authority over his brother kings
particularly those in Brittany, along the Danish seem to have made greater use of infantry archery.
frontier, in Spain, the Balkans and the Mediter- -Simple
. .-
were a common weapon, a l -
ranean islands. Elsewhere poor. b u t free men had though composite bows-using various _lay_ers._o_f
generally lost their military role and instead merely glued wood rather than horn and. sinew-were
paid taxes to support a small Clite of armqured known. E k i n g base-camps . - - of earth and timber
cavalry. The resulting l.ack_qf good infantry greatly were also very advanced, perhaps&ng..b.e_e_n
Lindered local defence. Where they'did survive, as !earned hm.the~numeXous.gro~.forts~fS1av north-
in Saxony, their numbers were usually enough to eastw Eurape. Most were built on islands or beside
defeat the Vikings. Elsewhere attempts-to mobilise rivers. For their part the Christians h u ~ ~ d l ~
y-ntrained peasants often led to their being .rebuilt their castella and castra defences, .city_.wds

massacred. and fortifiedmo.nasteries,particularly in the central

ilAt~:/.-Thereis no real evidence that Scandinavian region between the Loire and Rhine. .A resulting
military equipment was superior to that of their increase in siege warfare saw Carolingian cavalry
foes. Much, in fact, had-been. imported-.from the often fighting on foot, both in attack and. dfeace.
Carolingian Empire. &Vikings did, however, Paradoxically, _wh.en the Vikingsxstayted to adopt
...enjoy the advantage-ofstrategicsurprise by raiding
horse-warfare in the late 9th century they could
from the sea and u p rivers. Th.eeyalso fought with an generally be defeated by the Carolingians.
.* .?-inspiring..pagan.. .fer.ocity. The Vikings also While the top ranks of French regional leadership
tended to flee the Viking threat, since there was no Most raids were apparently undertaken by
profit in resistance, those at a lower level had to volunteers rather than regular armies, but even so
remain. Tgr_&fence, though static, was more - Islam won effective control of the western
___ than is- generally realised. Laier, however, Mediterranean from 827 to 960 AD.
there was a growing tendency~obribe the raiders to The scale ofsome attacks was astonishing. In 846
elsewhere. A similar state of affairs developed in A D , for example, I I ,000 men with 500 horses and 73
Germany jn the late 9th century, with the higher ships attacked Ostia and Rome-this was in fact a
aristocracy fleeing to cities, castles, forests or proper-- Aghlabid . -- army-rather_ than- a group of
-marshes. Large ecclesiastical landowners could call a d v e n t u r e ~ ~I. n many respects the Saracens'
upon both noble and peasant levies in their defence, equipment _was also superior to that of the
but were rarely able to muster their full strength. Carolinplans- -.- Their advanced siege engines were
Meanwhile Emperor Henry L-also nmmally- paid the same as those of the Muslim east. By the mid-9th
b$es to the Vikings; b a h ~ u s d t h timeso-wontoe century they used naft or Greek Fire at sea, making
... ~
-his armies, recruit more-of thcheav-y
cavalry who hat! earlier p r - Q Vshemsel~es.
~ against A,,, and armour ; , manuscripts: ,Lombard
ornamental belt-end, early 8 cent. (?I, from Caste1 Trosino,
--the Ggan.slavs, and strer_lgthen.his fortificatians. Italy; 2 'Saul' in Psalferium Arrreum from St. Gall, c. 880 AD ( c o d . ~ ~ ,
He a l s _ q _ ~ l & t ethatd Saxon .-peasantry w h o had Stifsbib., St. Gallen, Switzerland);~ Psalter, north French, g cent.
milita~.y-e.%perience i n border wars . w i t h ~ t h e & - a ~ [~~;9~~~;M"~:~$~,"~,"~~~s$,bab1y Spadshy c.
neigh&o_u~, plusmer-cenary-units of_fomerrotlaws
These- men then g a r r i s o n e e e new fortifications.
By contrast, few comparable improvements were
seen in France.
The second threat to menace Europe in the 9th
and 10th centuries came not from barbarians but
from a rival civilisation which was, in most respects,
more advanced than that of the Carolingian
Empire. The Saracens, as Muslim Arabs and
Berbers were known in the West, had first assaulted
Europe in the 8th century. Their threat had petered
out, however, partly as a red1-of.w1-)r..Carslingian
r_e-s_twe, but,mostly because the Islamic con-
querors._had ovef-extended their lines of com-
munication and their available military manpower.
The collapse of the Umayyad Caliphate in 750 AD
and the regional fragmentation of western Islam
that rapidly followed then gave Mediterranean
Christendom a century of relative peace.
In 800 AD, the year that Charlemagne was
crowned Emperor, the Aghlabid dynasty won
independence in Tunisia. . .. I t was from here that the

greatest~- Saracen
- .threat to western Europe would
soon~~-me. This revival of Muslim pressureresulted
mainly. .from- a
.-- .- - -. .~ ~ z a n tna"4decline
in~ earlyin the
9th century, Byzantium having been the dominant
maritime power until then. Muslim Spain joined in
this new offensive, though on a small scale; with
raids against southern France and Italy. The whole
western part of the Muslim world was, of course,
now enjoying a great economic and cultural revival. \
even greater use of it in the 10th century. Th-eir half of the 9th century, while Sicily and Sardinia
bows were of a particularly large composite type reqained under Muslim control until the I I th
developed from the old Romano-Syrian weapon. century.
Saracen tactics were similarly sophisticated, with a The nominally Byzantine but effectively inde-
habitual use not only of reserves but of hidden pendent Italian city of Naples maintained an
reserves in pre-arranged ambush positions. Small alliance with these Muslims throughout much of the
wonder that the anonymous writer of the Salerno 9th and 10th centuries. So, to a lesser degree, did
Chronicle described them as the 'most astute nation Salerno. T h e Saracens who seized control of
of Arabs' who, 'as they are cunning by nature, and Provenqal
-- Fraxinetum were originally invited& by
more forward-looking in evil than others,examined one side in a civil war, and an even greater variety of
the fortifications of the place [here referring to Bari] local Italian and southern French rulers employed .--

more minutely and made their way into the city by Muslim mercenaries from Libya, Crete, spain and
hidden places at night-time. . . .' Sicily. Many settled, though their integration into
Despite the all-too-frequent failure of the Christian civilisation was very gradual. The main
Carolingians to support the Italians, Lombards and Saracen attempt to colonise Italy by force of arms
local Franks, the Christians had the advantage of was defeated when their fortified base on the
numbers and a similarly booming economy. Garigliano was overrun. Despite all the disruption
Largely alone, though with occasional aid from caused by these events, Italy enjoyed steady
-yzantium, they managed to defeat the first wave of economic, agricultural and trading growth in the
"Saracen attacks by 870 AD. But within a few years 9th and 10th centuries, a fact which was to have a
the raids began again just as ferociously. This time profound effect on the whole course of European
the Muslims established fortified bases in Europe. history.
Of these the most dangerous were those at the + T h e third threat to face Carolingian Europe in
mouth of the Garigliano River in Italy and at the 10th century was the last in the line of invasions
Fraxinetum in Provence. The former was destroyed and settlements by nomadic steppe-peoples which
in 915 AD, but the latter survived until 972 AD. had begun with the Huns in the 4th-5th centuries.
Much ofApulia was occupied for most of the second (The Mongols of the 13th century were in a
different category, as they made no effort to colonise
A 9th-century French Psaltm showing an unarxnoured warrior western Europe.)
wearing either a spangenhelm or perhaps a fluted helmet. (Ms.18,
f.67, Bib. Munic., Amiens) The J&gyqrs were an amalgamation of various
~ i n n o - ~ ~ rand
i a nTurkish tribes who, driven from
their lands in southern Russia and apparently
losing most of their womenfolk in the process,
conquered and settled what is now known as
Hungary in the last years of the 9th century.
Though their culture was nomadic, the Magyars
were by no means barbarians. Some were probably
Christian, others were Jews. Their aristocracy was
essentially Turkish and their art, their craftsman-
ship and above all their weaponry were superb. The
Magyars, despite their misfortunes and migrations,
kept in close trading contact not only with
Byzantium but also with the sophisticated eastern
provinces of Islam. I t has, in fact, been suggested
that the Magyar aristocracy was at this period
culturally akin to that of Islamic Iran-though not,
of course, being Muslim.
Each of the 180 Magyar tribes was led by a
hadnagy or duke. These men in turn elected their
prince, who had to be of the ruling Arpad family. The bow was the Magyar's most effective
Major decisions of peace or war were decided by the weapon. This was of a composite type similar to the
people in assembly, as in early pagan Scandinavia. -- earlier-Hun _bow and much straighter in outline
Their foes regarded them as particularly well -than. .that of the Magyars' Avar predecessors.
disciplined in battle and, according to the Chronzca Compared to their late Carolingian enemies the
Hungarorum, t&_e_-Magyar acmy was divided into Magyars possessed very little armour. As was
seven sections of related tribes. These- in- turn normal in such nomadic tribal societies only an
consisted of units of hundreds and dozens. Warfare, aristocratic ilLte wore metal armour, the rest relying
and above all raiding, was the preserve of the on heavy felt coats and perhaps leather lamellar
warrior aristocracy. The mass of the people, both protection. O n the other hand this aristocratic
conquered Slavs and Magyars, had settled down as armour was of particularly fine quality, according
peasant farmers or herdsmen by the end of the I 0th to Russian, Byzantine and Islamic sources. Magyar .
century. lamellar almcst certainly influenced that of
One of the main reasons for raiding seems to have Scandinavia and probably that of the eastern Slavs
been to capture women, which lends credence to the as well. Shields rarely seem to have been used.
story that the Magyars' families were mostly seized
by their foes when the tribes fled southern Russia. I t An ivory situla from Milan c. 980 AD.The mailed warriors wear
helmets with apparent combs or ridges along the crown. (V &
was the speed of these summer raids and the A Museum, n . A . ~ S ~ g gLondon) g,
e_no,ous distances covered that astonished their
wester-n European foes. I n camp the Magyars made
field fortifications with their waggons. I n battle
/ -

they fought in the typical manner ofsteppe nomads,

~lying_a_n horse-archery, sudden attacks and
feigned retreats. They rarely assaulted fortified
daces, preferring to impose a blockade. They also
maintained contact between their raiding groups
by means of smoke-signals.
Once established on the Hungarian plain the
Magyars made no further attempts to conquer
territory though they did impose tribute where they
could. They also used their defeated Slay neigh-
h u r L lands as bases from which to raid further.
T_his_-waas all part of the Magyars' strategy of
creatjngzi&populated or at least impoverished
defensive._ zone around their own newly won
COT- .ry. They naturally saw the Bavarians to the

wewas the greatest threat, particularly as this

German province still claimed authority over the
old Carolingian March in western Hungary. O n
the other hand many Christian rulers, German and
Italian, were happy to make short-term alliances
with the Magyars during those civil wars which
brought the Carolingian Empire to an end. Tee
Magyars' campaigns differed from those of these
Leighbwrs only in their speed and the distances
9vered. The cumbersome late Carolingian armies
did, however, e n j 2 s o m e advantages: in particular,
&eir_heavier armour, weapons and horses, and the
fact that rain often hampered Magya-r ar-chery.
Swords: I Moravian, 8 cent. (?), from DolnbKrlkany, Hunnish sword. Magyar sabres were characterised
Czechoslovakia; 2 Late Avar or early Magyar, g cent., from
by curved hilts and down-turned quillons. By the
Gava, Hungary; 7 Magyar, I + I I cent., from Nemes Ocsa,
Hungary; g German (with scabbard), late 10-early 11 cent.
mid-10th century the Magyars were also clearly
(Essen Minster Treasury); 5 Polish or German-import, 10
using siege-engnes.
cent., from Kacice; 6Polish or German-import, 10 cent., from
Machbw, Poland; 7 German-import, xcrr x cent., from Ostrow
Lednicki, Poland. The Carolingian Empire had a foretaste ofwhat
the Magyars could do when Bulgar raiding forces
Other standard Magyar weapons were a ,light penetrated their eastern frontiers earlier in the 9th
spear; sometimes a ,mace (which suggsts that century. The Bulgars were also originally a
helmets were not as uncommon as was thought); nomadic steppe people, but they certainly never
and a typically Central Asian curved sabrc. This matchcd the 30 or so major raids deep in Italy,
was known to the Christians as a gladius hzinniscus or German y , Burgundy, France and even Aquitainc
that the Magyars achieved between 898 and 955 selected the army which was to be defeated by the
AD. Nevertheless, only the eastern provinces of Muslims of Sicily at Capo Colonna in 982 AD.
Bavaria, Thuringia and Saxony were ever in Three-quarters came from church estates, the rest
danger of extinction. Even these areas survived; but from secular lords. The largest church contingent
the-political fragmentation of early 10th-century totalled IOO men, 40 was the largest from a lay lord.
Germany was a direct result of Magyar pressure. So The smallest totalled ten men. T o these had to be
was the rise of a new dynasty-that of the Saxon added the Emperor's own troops, including a
Ottonians, which would inherit and to some degree bodyguard recruited from specially trained slaves.
reunite Carolingian Germany. Such guards developed into the serf-cavalry
dienrtleute (Latin ministeriales), who were to become
characteristic of medieval Germany. The local
warriors or agrarii milites were divided into groups of

The RevivaI ofEwope -

nine, one ofwhom always had to be serving with the
garrison of a fortified place while the rest looked
a f m his land. E s ~ l i ein
r the rothcentury many such
- were still infantry. The tlite of all troops was,
The second half of the 10th century saw relatively however, the armoured cavalryman, miles armatus.
few changes in European arms and armour, but The rest were called simply shield-bearers, clipeati
some important developments in social and military milites or scutiferi.
organisation. I t was at this time that medieval Fighting in close-packed formations of perhaps
feudal Europe rose from the ashes of the 50-men, such cavalry dominated later I 0th-century
Carolingian Empire. The Viking, Saracen and warfare, and were particularly effective against the
Magyar threats had been contained. Christianity Slavs. Their training included 'games' which, based
was advancing, often at the point of a sword, in on those of Carolingian times, were the ancestors of
Poland, Hungary, Scandinavia, Spain and the the medieval tournament. Each unit had its own
Mediterranean islands. Econpmic expansion finan- banner. Flags were now a highly developed form of
ced thebuildingof nexstate structures, and this was recognition signal. Otto 1's tlite unit of cavalry had
nowhere more obvious than in Germany under its one portraying the Archangel Michael, while the
new Saxon Emperors. Here the revived power of German Emperor's own banner was later recorded
old pre-Carolingian tribal duchies was reflected in as consisting of a silken dragon on a pole
the regional organisation of large armies, partic- surmounted by an eagle, the whole being mounted
ularly around Saxony. in a four-horse cart similar to an Italian city's
The Saxon exercitus army was, in fact, fundamen- carroccio.
tal to the power of Henry I and the Ottos who Imperial control of the eastern frontier provi~ces
succeeded him. These new Saxon rulers encouraged was stricter than elsewhere. A network of fortified
the breeding of many more horses so as to enlarge -burgwards
- was created. Thgse were garrisoned and
the cavalry element in their forces. There was also a maintained by a mixture of conquered S l a v s and
great increase in the manufacture of arms-and the new German settlers. Local counts-were
above all, swords-in Saxony. Nevertheless, power forbidden to force any man to-do such duties outside
in Ottonian Germany was far more fragmented .-
his--immediate home area however. Slav vassal
than under the Carolingians. By the end of the 10th states beyond the frontier also contributed troops to
century armies were dominated by contingents of Imperial armies. Poland and Bohemia, for exam-
milites or vassals under counts and margraves whose ple, normally sent 300 men each.
loyalty could not always be relied upon. Throughout this period the importance of
A typical such army is described in a unique infantry and unarmoured cavalry declined sharply,
surviving manuscript. This Indiculus Loricatorum of though unarmoured Saxon horsemen still proved
1181AD lists the 2,090 armoured cavalry owed by very effective in guerilla warfare against continuing
certain major secular and ecclesiastical landholders Viking raids. Free peasants had now been virtually
in western and southern Germany. From these was excluded from the armies, except as despised
auxiliaries, while urban militias did little-more than noting that heavily armoured Bretons were still
defend their city walls. With the increasing number regarded as excellent cavalry. North of the Loke
of castles, even such fortified towns were of limited gos_t_milites- were knights of the minor aristocracy,
military importance. I n Austria the Margrave but non-noble cavalry also played a role. Many
summoned cowherds and swineherds against the were mercenaries and all were equipped by their
Bohemians only in direst emergency. Yet, despite lords or paymasters. In southern France, Provence,
this general decline, there was already some Catalonia and Aragon a whole new class of
evidence of a rise in the status of certain infantry professional milites, many of servile origin, grew up
forces. The cities of Flanders and Brabant were one in the late 10th century. Unlike those of northern
example, and their infantry pikemen were later to France they were almost all soldiers of fortune, and
become among the most sought-after mercenaries included both infantry and cavalry. Some are
-in western Europe. recorded serving the Muslim rulers of Spain where
The process of political disintegration was even many converted to Islam, and they may even have
more pronounced in France. Local defence led by fought in North Africa.
local lords had proved the only way of dealing with Though the northern French miles was primarily
Viking raids, and by the mid-10th century the last an armoured cavalryman he could also fight on
Carolingian kings had no real power. Many of the k o t , particularly in siege warfare, and consistently
rising regional dynasties did not come from the old proved superior to that levy of peasants who were
Carolingian aristocracy. They, their castles and still occasionally called upon to serve as infantry. In
their mesnies-extended families linked by mutual the deep south, however, in Navarre and the
interest and feudal support-were a thrusting new Basque mountains, infantry continued to dominate.
element in French society. Unfortunately their The javelinmen of these areas were again to be
belligerent way of life led to almost endless small- sought after as mercenaries in the I 2th century.
scale local conflict, particularly after the Viking Despite the collapse of the Carolingian military
threat had disappeared. Rulers were drawn into system much Frankish terminology survived. The
this petty warfare as they tried to assert a vanished klite warrior scara became the German, French and
authority in brief campaigns, mostly of siege I talian scharen, echielles and schieri; the bandwa ensign
warfare, which involved very small forces. became the banieren and bannidres; the roi measure of
Fragmentation of authority was increasingly troops the conroten and conrois. An ancient Germanic

obvious the further one travelled from Paris, and term probably also lay behind the bataelgen, batailles
was worst of all in the south. Here even the and battaglie battalions. The same was true of many
regionally unifying factors of feudalism were barely items of arms and armour.
felt. Many families owned a single castle and While in Germany an Ottonian dynasty of Saxon
accepted the overlordship of none but a distant and origin inherited power from the last feeble
powerless king. Beyond the Pyrenees, in those Carolingians, France had to wait until 997 A D '
provinces of Catalonia and Aragon which had before Hugh Capet, Duke of Paris and effectively
grown out of Charlemagne's Spanish March, an already ruler, was formally crowned king. From
upsurge of Muslim power in the neighbouring Ebro him was descended a vigorous new dynasty, but
valley virtually wiped out French influence from these Capetians took over a desperately feeble
950 to 985 AD. When Hugh Capet, Duke of Paris, power-base. Only the regions immediately around
seized power in 987 AD, northern France seemingly Paris, Orleans, Etampes and three other tiny towns
lost interest in its nominal possessions south of the were under direct royal control in 987 AD .
Pyrenees. But, in a strange reversal of roles, these In Italy the collapse of central authority took an
same areas continued to have a close military extreme and, until the 19th century, permanent
interest in southern France. form. Almost surrounded by sea and with potential
During this essentially feudal period of French enemies on all sides, Italy was also torn from within
history armoured cavalry totally dominated war- by rival contenders for power. Many sought to buy
fare and it seems clear that, inthe north at least, the support by offering immunity from military service
milites were always mounted equites. It is also worth to their vassals. Even Otto the Great of Germany's
with the rich optimates militiae presumably being
Helmets in the western and eastern traditions: I So-called
'Helmet of St. Wenceslas', probably German, x c r x x cent.
(Cathedral Treasury, Prague); 2 Western Turkish from better equipped than their neighbOurs-
Legerevskie, 9-10 cent, southern Ural Mts.;?g So-called Great
The church a primary role in financing
Polish style of helmet (plus reconstruction), c. xooo AD
(Archaeological Museum, Poznan). fortifications, but the aristocracy,
- - of citizens
and even individuals were also granted charters
conquest of northern Italy in 962 A D merely slowed permitting them to build defences. Most Italian
this disintegration. Lombardic laws of inheritance towns were now, in fact, dependent upon the
led to estates being constantly subdivided. This church rather than upon a feudal aristocracy.
even affected strategically vital 'marches' until, by Many cities lay under the direct authority of
the end of the 10th century, the term had lost any bishops, who soon had their own military followings
real meaning and almost every nobleman now of primi milites or milites majores, 'attorneys', vidame
called himself a marquis. lieutenants, 'captains of the people', 'captains of the
-- The old 'march levies' had failed against both gates', milites minores or secundi milites, uauassores and,
Saracens and Magyars. Support from the Carolin- at the bottom of this military hierarchy, the
gian kings had rarely been forthcoming, even when vavassini. Outside the towns the Italian countryside
Rome itselfwas threatened, and so the Italians were was to varying degrees feudalised depending on the
forced to turn to Byzantium for outside help. locality. The descendants of Lombard gastaldii and
Generally, however, they looked after themselves. Carolingian counts now enjoyed almost complete
Byzantine military influence had been dominant in autonomy, and the peasantry provided them with
southern Italy for centuries, but even here defence an infantry levy of pedites, homines or habitatores. A
now increasingly fell to local urban militias similar castle rocca or castello would be defended by milites
to those which were arising throughout the country. who held fiefs in the vicinity, although in the
T h e second half of the 10th century also saw the Lombard deep south many such castles were
incastellamento of Italy, a huge growth not only of city garrisoned by mercenaries of humble origins.
walls but also of fortified villages and small castles. Northern Italy, particularly the far north-east,
In some ways this mirrored the fortification of could not escape being drawn into German politics.
Germany's eastern frontier, but it was far more The Ottonian Emperors constantly tried to impose
spontaneous. T h e Italian aristocracy was by now their control south of the Alps, frequently leading
very urbanised and contributed an effective cavalry armies across the Brenner or, more rarely, Gothard
element to the city militias. All free citizens did and Mont Cenis passes. O n the other hand many
military service, either as milites holding land inside Italian cities, particularly those on the coasts,
or outside the walls, or as simple ciues citizens. maintained close links with the Islamic world. Some
Militias could be further divided along class lines, of the old alliances continued well into the 10th
century, Amalfi probably even contributing a fleet Italian nobility had adopted Carolingian forms of
, to help the Tunisian Fatimid dynasty conquer equipment by the late 9th century.
Egypt. Thereafter the Amalfitan connection re- Cavalry dominated warfare in Italy, as in France
mained vital to the Fatimids as a source of wood for and Germany, but the northern cities were also
ship-building, iron and completed weapons. Most beginning to demonstrate what a trained infantry
such links were, however, strictly commercial by the force could do if equipped with weapons capable of
10thcentury. Business partnerships between Christ- competing effectively with mailed horsemen. In
ians, Muslims and Jews were commonplace and the Italy this new infantry weapon was again the pike
Mediterranean was essentially an unrestricted free- which, ifheld by men whose civic discipline enabled
trade area, particularly on the Islamic side. In them to maintain close-packed ranks, was soon to
southern Italy Frankish Carolingian influence had humble the chivalry both of Italy and Germany.
only been a minor element in an extraordinarily Italian archery was already highly regarded,
mixed military tradition that also included Byzan- though there is no evidence of crossbows yet being
tines, Arabs who had converted to Christianity, used in war. I t is worth noting that Italian yew
Greeks who had turned to Islam, Lombards and wood was exceptionally fine. Most early crossbow
native Italians. There is even evidence to suggest laths were probably made of yew, as were both
that the couched style of using a heavy cavalry English and Italian longbows.
lance, soon to be regarded as a typically E u r o p e a ~ ~
knightly manner of fighting, came to the West
through this area, having been invented by
the Byzantine heavy cavalry of the Emperor The donjon of DouPla-Fontaine. The stone hall was converted
into a castle around 950 AD by having an upper storey added.
Nicephorus Phocas. Elsewhere it is clear that the (Photo M. de Bouard)
therefore seem likely that this device remained in
use, largely as a hunting weapon, in various areas
retaining strong remnants of Roman culture.
Stirrups had now generally been adopted in
western Europe and were normally of wrought iron
The second half of the 10th century saw rapid construction. Stirrups alone did not, of course,
economic expansion in western Europe. Iron- account for the dominance of cavalry. They did,
working formed part of this development and, however, permit both the use of the couched lance
though many areas continued to make weapons for and, just as importantly, more effective blows with a
local use, a broad swathe of territory from the long sword, cavalry axe or mace. Most such
lhineland through the Moselle, Meuse and improvements to European horse harness were of
Champagne areas to Berry in central France Asiatic origin, including stirrups, chest and crupper
became the arms-producing heartland of Europe. straps and nailed horse-shoes. These latter ap-
Other important regions included Catalonia,
Norway, the Baltic coast of Germany (which was Arms and armour in manuscripts: I Aunten, l o cent., south
then Slav Obodrite territory), Tyrol, Styria, Italian (Ms.3, f.186, Monte Cassino Lib.); 2 Exultel Roll from San
Vicenzo a1 Volturno, 9 8 1 7 AD, south Italian (Ms. Lat. 9820,
Lombardy, Lombardic-Byzantine southern ltaly, Vatican Lib., Rome); 3-4 Ft~ldaSncmmmlary, l o cent., German
Saxony, Bohemia and parts of Hungary. (Niedersachsische Staats- und Universitatbib., Gottingen); 5
Beallis from Tavera, 975 AD, Mozarab north Spanish (Cathedral
Despite this expansion there is no evidence for Museum, Gerona).
improved furnace or forging techniques. Swords
were still made by the 'piled' or 'laminated'
method, though their shape became less massive,
more tapering and suitable for a fencing style of
sword-play. Viking influence may have accounted
for the popularity of war-axes, usually as an
infantry weapon, although Oriental influence
might also be seen in the lighter cavalry axes of the
western Slavs. The spangenhelm was still the most
-common form of helmet, though conical helms
beaten from a single piece of iron were increasingly
used. Few changes were seen in armour, though
mail hauberks were clearly far more common now
than those of scale construction. Some form of
absorbent garment was surely worn beneath such
hauberks, though padded, quilted coats of Byzan-
tine or Islamic origin probably did not reach most of
Europe until the late I I th or I nth century.
One very important weapon which did appear in
siege warfare, first being mentioned at Senlis in 947
A D , was the crossbow; yet it remained relatively rare
until the 12th century. Crossbows were still of
wooden construction and lacked a loading stirrup.
The history of the portable crossbow from late
Roman times to the loth century is a mystery. The
Byzantine solenarion was probably a crossbow, but
could have been a bow with a removable arrow-
guide of eastern Islamic inspiration. O n the other
hand crossbows do appear in I 0th-century Islamic
sources from the Mediterranean region. It would
peared in Germany around goo AD, and contri- Ottonian fortifications: A Reconstruction of the fortress at
Werla, Germany, c. 950 AD (after W. Anderson); B Section
buted to the endurance of heavy cavalry horses. through the square Grannus Tower which was the only
defensible part of the Carolingian Palace at Aachen. It was,
Western Europe's growing economic power and however, probably built in the very late Carolingian or
its abundant armoury was reflected not only in Slav Ottonian periods (after L. Hugot).
eastern Europe but also in Byzantium and the
entire Islamic world. Even as far as Turkestan cessors. Walled abbeys and towns seem to have
and Central Asia Muslims admired 'Frankish' arisen under the Ottos rather than Henry himself,
weaponry and imported it in substantial quantities. whereas round wallburg ramparts and ditches of
Advances in the art of fortification were more ultimately Saxon origin continued to be built even
dramatic. Castles were naturally numerous in in the 10th century.
exposed regions such as the Danish, Slav and The art of fortification was naturally more
Hungarian frontiers. Here they formed a network of advanced in Italy. Here a greater variety of terms
burgwards, a term that also referred to the area and defensive devices could be found, including
dominated by one castle. Such 10th-century bertisci elevated wooden platforms, meruli arrow-
fortifications were normally from three to five slits, propugnacula wall-towers, fossato ditches, aggeri
hectares in area. Their highest concentration was in or spizatae artificial earthen mounds and turri
Flanders and northern France, regions still exposed turrets. Many walled cities now had a large central
to Viking attack. Some, including Ghent and tower' as the focal point of their defences; but the
Antwerp, began as converted Norse encampments, countryside was also filled with examples of the
but more often they had first been built as wooden isolated towers, castrum or castellum, generally on
refuges against the Vikings. In northern Europe naturally defensible sites.
most stone defences were built by the Church, I t was in France that the most important
though in the south, in Roussillon and Italy, the developments were taking place however. The first
secular aristocracy also built in expensive stone. was the motte and bailey castle. Though these are
Among the defences ordered by the Emperor popularly associated with the I I th-century Nor-
Henry of Germany, and continued by his Ottonian mans, such defences were widespread by the year
successors, were fortified churches. That at Konigs- xooo A D . They normally consisted of a wooden
hof Bodfeld in the Harz Mountains consisted of a turret either on a natural hillock or a man-made
church plus a curtain-wall with ditch and towers. motte, surrounded by a moated stockade or bailey.
Palace-castles like those at Quedlinburg, Pijhlde, Even more significant was the appearance of stone
Nordhausen, Grone and Duderstadt were now donjons. Until recently the earliest such large stone
Properly fortified, unlike their Carolingian prede- krrp was thought to be at Langeais. This was built
by Fulk Nerra, Count of Anjou, in 994 A D .
Recently, however, excavations at nearby Dout-la-
Fontaine show that an unfortified stone hall built by
the rival Counts of Blois around goo A D was
converted into a true donjon some 50 years later. The
first Norman donjons dated from the close of the
century, while d0njon.r did not appear in Flanders
until some years later. The significance of a donjon
was that an aristocratic family lived in it all the
time. I t was not a place of final refuge like the stone
u owers of Germany or Italy. As with so much in late
Carolingian Europe, the donjon was a portent of
what was to come in the typically 'feudal' age of the
I I th and I 2th centuries.

When DouC-la-Fontaine was turned into a castle its original

ground-floor entrances were blocked up to be replaced by a
door directly into the upper storey. (Photo M. de Bouard)
- -
(tradig8o ocidental e oriental)

1. "Elmo de S. Venceslau"
(secs. X-XI - provavel origem germana - Republics Checa, Praga)
2. Turquia Ocidental (secs. IX-X)
3. Estilo Polaco (c. 1000 d.C.)
4. Estilo Polaco (c. 1000 d.C.)
1. ~ v a r o(sec. W - Hungria)
2. Moravio (secs. VIII-IX - Republica Checa)
3. Moravio (sec. VIII - Eslovaquia)
4. Magiar (secs. IX-X - Hungria)
5. Caucaso (sec. IX - importado, com decorag50 em prata - Eslovaquia)
6. Polaco (s6c. X - Polonia)
7. Polaco (secs. X-XI1 - Polonia)
8. Polaco (secs. X-Xll - Polonia)

1. Moravia (sdc. VIZI - Eslovaquia)

2. ~ v a r aTardia ou Magiar (sec. IX - Hungria)
3. Magiar (sCcs. X-XI - Hungria)
4. Germana (sec. X-XI - Alemanha)
5. Polaca ou de importa@o germana (stc. X - Polonia)
6. Polaca ou de importaq5o germana (stc. X - Polonia)
7. Germana (stcs. X-XI - PoI6nia)
A - Fortaleza carolingia de modelo romano
(Heisterburg Deister - Alemanha)

B - Fortaleza carolingia de modelo sax50

(Pipinsburg - Alemanha)

. -

A. Reconstrug50 da fortaleza de Werla (Alemanha), c. 950 d.C.

B. Corte da Torre Quadrada "Grannus", unica parte defensavel do castelo de Aachen.
Mas, provavelmente foi construida apenas no periodo tardio carolingio ou no
periodo otoniano

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