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Feature List

Multivendor ecommerce platform

Customer Features................................................................................................................................5
Vendor Features....................................................................................................................................9
Admin Features....................................................................................................................................14

We are developing a document for a multivendor website that has 3 Panels. In this website
customer can buy products and seller can upload products to sell. Admin has a very crucial
role in this website because admin is the one who will manage all customers and sellers
accounts and activities.

Panels Names are as below:

1. Customer
2. Seller
3. Admin

Customer Features
1. Join: Customer can create an account as follows
 Name
 Email Address
 Phone Number
 Address
 Password
 Confirm Password
 Captcha confirmation

After providing above information customer needs to click on register button and after that
account will be created.

2. Login: Customer can login as follows

 Email Address
 Password
 Remember Password: To make you free from hassle of entering password
whenever you login, there is an option of remember password. When you click the
check box your password will get save and you can login easily.
 Forgot Password: To reset your password there will be an option of
forgot password. When you click on forgot password it will work as
o Need to enter email address and click on submit.

3. Header: It contains following options

 Language selection: From here customer can change language
 Currency selection: This option provides facility to customer to
change currency
 Sign in and Join
 Sell: When you want to work as a vendor for website then need to click on
this option. This provides you to select vendor login or vendor

4. Home Page: This contains information as follows

 Menu Bar
 Search Option: User can search his requirement by this option.
Here, customer can select relevant category for his requirement.
 Best Seller product list view: It also contain add to cart and buy now
facility in listed view. People can click on it to get detailed
 Exciting deals: It has below features
o It shows exciting deals or sales time to buy a product.
o People can click on it to get detailed view
o Add to cart option
o Buy Now
 Top Brand List
 Sales information
 Free shipping
 Top benefits: Like free shipping, Secured Payment method, Help center
and return policy

5. Categories: Website has different categories for products. For example – Electronics,
Fashion, and smart phone etc. It works as follows
 Filter: It has a filter option that provides facilities to filter product as
per requirement. For example - Oldest product, Highest price, Lowest
 View Type: Each category product is reflected in two views as follows
o Listed view: In this view user can find below information
 Rating: From this customer can see the rating of a particular
 Quick View: That provides facility to get an overview
of item as below
 Stock status
 Price
 Review count
 Product rating
 Buy Now option
 Wish list option
 Product model Number
 Compare: This provides facility to add product
in comparison list
 Wish List: Customer can add a product in wish list by this
 Buy Now: A facility to buy item
 Price

o Detailed View: In this view customer can get detailed description

of product
 Stock status: Here we can check whether item is in stock or
out of stock
 Ratings: We can check rating of a product
 Price
 Buy Now
 Add to wish list
 Add to compare list
 Model Number
 Multiple pic with different views: Agent can check
different views of a product
 Product description: Customer can check description of
product like features and specification
 Buy and return policy description
 Reviews: Customer can check reviews for product provided
by other customers
 Comment: Customer can check comments of other customer
 Add to comment option : Customer can add comments
 Contact seller: Customer can directly contact to seller
 Add to favorite seller
 Item Count
 Visit Store

o Sub Categories: Each category has some sub categories. And

every sub category has different products.

Product in sub categories are also in listed and detailed view and
have same functionalities listed above.

6. Buy Now: When customer wants to buy a product need to click on buy now. This leads
customer to address page after confirming address redirect customer for payment.

7. Payment: Customer can pay by selecting a payment method for product and after
that order will get place.
8. Track order: Customer can track order by entering tracking code.

9. Invoice: Customer will receive an invoice for the product that he has purchased
from website with prices and product name and all other necessary information.

10. My profile: This section contains information as below:

 Edit Profile: From this section customer can change below credentials
o Name
o Email
o Update photo
o City
o Country
o Address
o Zip Code
o Phone Number

 Reset Password: It gives facility to change password as below

o Need to enter current password
o Need to enter new password
o Confirm new password
o After that need to click on save and password will get change

 Purchased items: This section allows users to check number of item purchased
till now with below information
o Order Number
o Date
o Order Total
o Order status
o View

It also has an option to select number of items and search option to get effective

 Payment method: From here user can add payment method like Paypal, stripe
and instamojo, and paystack

 Order Tracking: Customer can track his order from my profile section.
Customer needs to enter tracking order code to track order status.
 Favorite seller: By this option customer can check list of his favorite sellers. This
section provides facility to select withdraw count and search option to get
desirable result.

 Messages: In this section customer can get real time notifications.

 Tickets: Customer can view his tickets and can add a new ticket from here.

 Disputes: Customer can view his raised disputes and can add a new dispute from

11. Contact Us: From here customer can raise any query to support by filling up a form.
This form contains name, phone number and message and captcha.

12. Blog: Customer can view latest blogs published by admins.

13. FAQ: Customers can check frequently asked questions.

14. About us: In this section customer can check website background information and

Vendor Features
1. Register: A person who wants to be vendor on website, he needs to create an account
by following credentials.
 Full Name
 Phone Number
 Shop Name
 Shop Number
 Registration Number
 Email Address
 Address
 Owner Name
 Shop Address
 Message
 Password
 Confirm Password
 Enter Code

After providing all information need to click on Register and an account will get generate for
a vendor.

2. Login: Customer can login as follows

 Email Address
 Password
 Remember Password: To make you free from hassle of entering password
whenever you login, there is an option of remember password. When you click the
check box your password will get save and you can login easily.
 Forgot Password: To reset your password there will be an option of forgot
password. When you click on forgot password it will work as follows
o Need to enter email address and click on submit.
3. Start Selling: Once a vendor login in his profile, He gets an option to start selling.
It works as follows.
 Subscription Packages: It reflects different subscription packages as follows:
o Silver
o Platinum
o Normal

Vendor needs to select one, after selecting vendor will get an Vendor panel.

4. Visit Store: This section contains below information

 Store Name
 Product list
 Filter: It provides facility to view product as per category.
 Search: Vendor can mention a specific number to get desirable products.
 Service Centre: It provides below information
o Mail to send queries
o Call option
o Shop Number
o Follow Us

5. Dashboard: It provides below information

 Order Pending: It shows count of pending orders. It has an option of view all to get
a complete list. When we click on view all it reflects as follows:
o Show Entries: Vendor can put a number of entries to get desired results
o Search: Vendor can search by order ID
o Order Number
o Total Quantity
o Total cost
o Payment method
o Actions
o Previous and Next page button
 Order Processing: It shows count of order that is under process but yet to be
completed. It has an option of view all to get a complete list. When we click on view
all it reflects as follows:
o Show Entries: Vendor can put a number of entries to get desired results
o Search: Vendor can search by order ID
o Order Number
o Total Quantity
o Total cost
o Payment method
o Actions
o Previous and Next page button
 Order Completed: It shows count of products that are completed. It has an option of
view all to get a complete list. When we click on view all it reflects as follows:
o Show Entries: Vendor can put a number of entries to get desired results
o Search: Vendor can search by order ID
o Order Number
o Total Quantity
o Total cost
o Payment method
o Actions
o Previous and Next page button
 Total products: It reflects count of total products. It has an option of view all to get
a complete list.
 Total item sold: It shows count of product that has been sold out successfully.
 Total Earning

6. Orders: Vendor can check his all orders from here also.

7. Products: Vendor will find below facilities in this section

 Add new Product: Vendor can add new product as follows:
o Need to select relevant product category
o Need to provide product name
o Product model Number
o Product conditions
o Category
o Sub category
o Child Category
o Features and Image
o Need to enter product images
o Product gallery images
o Need to allow estimated shipping time(Optional)
o Need to allow product size(Optional)
o Need to allow product colour(Optional)
o Need to allow product whole sale (Optional)
o Product current price
o Product previous price
o Product stock
o Allow product measurement(Optional)
o Product description
o Product buy/return policy
o Youtube video URL(Optional)
o Allow product SEO checkbox
o Tags
o Add more field option: To provide more information

After providing all necessary information need to create


 All products: Vendor can check all products by this section. Once he enters
particular entries count and product in search option, he will get result as follows
o Name
o Type
o Price
o Status
o Action
o Previous and next button
 Add catalogue: Vendors can check previous catalogues and can add catalogues as
o Product name
o Product Model Number
o Check box for product condition – If we click yes, Need to mention
product conditions
o Category
o Sub Category
o Child Category
o Warranty Type: It has several types as below
 Local Seller Warranty + additional Price
 No Warranty+ additional Price
 International Manufacturer Warranty+ additional Price
 Non-Local Warranty+ additional Price
o Brand: Vendor can select relevant product brand
o RAM: Vendor can select product RAM
o Colour Family: Vendor can select available colours
o Display Size
o Need to enter product images
o Product gallery images
o Need to allow estimated shipping time(Optional)
o Need to allow product size(Optional)
o Need to allow product colour(Optional)
o Need to allow product whole sale (Optional)
o Product current price
o Product previous price
o Product stock
o Allow product measurement(Optional)
o Product description
o Product buy/return policy
o Youtube video URL(Optional)
o Allow product SEO checkbox
o Tags
o Add more field option: To provide more information

8. Bulk Product Upload: This section give an option to upload a CSV file
 Vendor can download a CSV file
 Start Import option

9. Withdraws: Vendor can withdraw the amount for product that has been sold out within
platform. Vendor needs to provide delivery code post successful delivery of product to
withdraw the amount.
 Withdraw Date
 Method
 Account
 Amount
 Status
 Withdraw Now option

10. Settings: This option provides facilities to vendor as follows:

 Services: It works as follows:
o Add New Service: When we click on this, It asks for following information
 Title
 Current featured images
 Upload image option
 Description in any language
 Create service
 Close
o Vendor can check previously added services also. Vendor can
select particular entries and can search a service by search option.

 Banner: Vendors can add new banners

 Shipping Methods: It works as follows:
o Add Shipping Method: To add a shipping method needs to provide
below information
 Title
 Duration
 Price
 Create
 Close
o Vendors can check previously added shipping methods. This option has
show entries and search option to get optimum results.
 Packaging: It has following sections:
o Add new packaging: To add a packaging needs to provide
below information
 Title
 Subtitle
 Price
 Create
 Close
o Vendors can check previously added Packaging. This option has show
entries and search option to get optimum results.
 Social Links: Vendor can add social links by this section.

11. Edit Profile: Vendor can edit his profile by this section. He can change
below information:
 Order Name
 Shop Number
 Shop Address
 Registration Number
 Shop Details

This section has an option to verify account. Verify account work as follows:

 Description
 Choose file
 Submit

12. Messages: Vendor can receive real time messages and notifications.

Admin Features
Admin Dashboard: It has following features:

1. Orders: It provides information as follows:

 Pending orders: It reflects information as below:
o Customer email
o Order Number
o Total Quantity
o Total Cost
o Action: Admin can take following action by this section
 Details: Admin can view complete details
 Send: Admin can send mail by this section
 Track Order: Admin can update tracking details by this and delete
any status
 Delivery status: Admin can check delivery status and can update
it by filling necessary informations in action option as below:
 Payment status
 Delivery status
 Track Note
 Save
 Close
 Processing orders: Admin can view number of processing orders and can update
 Completed orders: Admin can view number of completed orders and can update
 Declined Orders: Here admin can check declined orders.
 All orders: It reflects all orders and admin can update status of orders by action

2. Products: It works as follows:

 Add New Product: Admin can add new product as below:
o Need to select relevant product category
o Need to provide product name
o Product model Number
o Product conditions
o Category
o Sub category
o Child Category
o Features and Image
o Need to enter product images
o Product gallery images
o Need to allow estimated shipping time(Optional)
o Need to allow product size(Optional)
o Need to allow product colour(Optional)
o Need to allow product whole sale (Optional)
o Product current price
o Product previous price
o Product stock
o Allow product measurement(Optional)
o Product description
o Product buy/return policy
o Youtube video URL(Optional)
o Allow product SEO checkbox
o Tags
o Add more field option: To provide more information
After providing all necessary information need to create product.

 All Products: Admin can view complete list of products as below:

o Name
o Type
o Stock
o Price
o Status: Admin can status of product as activated or deactivated
o Action: By this option admin can take following actions
 Edit: Admin can edit product information that is already
saved like colour, image, Product shipping time etc.
 View gallery: Admin can upload a new image for
product by this section
 Add to catalogue: Admin can add an catalogue for product
 Remove Catalogue
 Highlights
 Delete: Admin can delete a product
 Deactivated Products: Admin can check a deactivated product by this. Admin
can change status by status option.
o Action: By this option admin can take following actions
 Edit: Admin can edit product information that is already
saved like colour, image, Product shipping time etc.
 View gallery: Admin can upload a new image for
product by this section
 Add to catalogue: Admin can add an catalogue for product
 Remove Catalogue
 Highlights
 Delete: Admin can delete a product

 Product Catalogue: It shows information as below:

o Name
o Type
o Stock
o Price
o Status: Admin can change status as active or deactivated
o Option: It provides access to take action to admin as follows:
 Edit
 View Gallery
 Highlight
 Remove Catalogue

3. Customers: It contains following information

 Customer List: It shows below information
o Name
o Email
o Options: It gives following access to admin
 Details: Admin can view complete details
 Edit: Admin can edit any information for customer
 Mail: Admin can send mail to customer
 Status: Admin can mark customer as block or unblock
 Admin can delete any customer profile

 Withdraws: Admin can view complete customer withdraws as follows:

o Email
o Phone
o Amount
o Method
o Withdraw date
o Status
o Action: Admin can update or delete any withdraw status

 Customer default images: Admin can change customer image

4. Vendor: It has following sections

 Vendor List: It reflects informations as follows
o Store Name
o Vendor Email
o Shop Number
o Status: Admin can change status
o Action: Admin can take several actions as below:
 Secret Login: Admin can access vendor account
 Ask for verification
 Details: Admin can view complete vendor details
 Edit: Admin can edit vendor information
 Send Email: Admin can send mail to vendor
 Delete

 Withdraws: It shows below information

o Email
o Phone
o Amount
o Method
o Withdraw Date
o Status
o Option: Admin can update or delete any withdraw status
 Vendor Subscriptions: Admin can check vendors name who subscribed on website.
It shows below information
o Vendor Name
o Plan
o Method
o Transaction Id
o Purchase time
o Options: It allows admin to takes actions as follows
 Details: It shows complete list of vendor information

 Default Background: Admin can set a default background for vendor

5. Verification: It has following informations

 Pending verification: It contains following information
o Vendor Name
o Vendor Email
o Description
o Status
o Options
 All Verification: It shows information as below
o Vendor Name
o Vendor Email
o Description
o Status: It works as follows
 Admin can change status as verified or pending or declined.
o Option: It provides below options
 Admin can view attachment.
 Admin can delete
6. Vendor subscription Plans: It provides admin below facilities
 Add new subscription: it works as below
o Need to enter currency symbol
o Need to enter currency code
o Need to mention cost
o Need to mention days
o Product limitations
o Details
o Create Plan
o Save
 Delete subscription
 Edit subscription

7. Manage Categories: It works as below:

 Main Category
 Sub Category
 Child Category
8. Bulk product upload: Admin can import and download any CSV and can upload
9. Product discussion: It has following sections
 Product reviews
 Comments
 Reports
10. ‘Set Coupon: Admin can run a new coupon. Admin can edit and delete a coupon.
11. Blog: Admin can put a blog or delete a blog as follows
 Category
 Posts
12. Messages: It has two types
 Disputes
 Tickets
13. General Setting: Admin can change below information by this option
 Logo
 Favicon
 Loader
 Shipping Methods
 Packaging
 Pick up locations
 Website contents
 Footer
 Pop up banner
 Error Banner
 Website Maintenance
14. Home Page setting: Admin can manage below things on home page
 Sliders
 Services
 All Banners
 Reviews
 Partners
 Home page customization
15. Menu Page setting: Admin can manage complete menu like FAQ, Contact us page,
and other pages.
16. Email Setting: Admin can send email template, group email and do email configuration.
17. Payment setting: Admin can manage below information
 Payment information
 Payment Gateways
 Currencies
18. Social Setting: Admin can manage social links
19. Language setting: Admin can manage languages for website and admin panel.
20. SEO Tool
21. Manage Staff: Admin can create sub-admins
22. Subscribers
23. Manage Roles: Admin can assign roles to a particular admin.
24. Clear Cache
25. System Activation

1. Login Security:
 Sign-in using your password and your cell phone to vastly improve login security.
This is called Two Factor Authentication and is used by banks, government
agencies and military world-wide for highest security authentication.
 Includes two-factor authentication, also referred to as cell phone sign-in.
 Enforce strong passwords among your administrators, publishers and users.
Improve login security.
 Checks the strength of all user and admin passwords to enhance login security.
2. Blocking Features:
 Real-time blocking of known attackers.
 Block entire malicious networks. Includes advanced IP and Domain WHOIS to report
malicious IP's or networks and block entire networks using the firewall. Report
security threats to network owner.
 Rate limit or block security threats like aggressive crawlers, scrapers and bots
doing security scans for vulnerabilities in your site.
 Choose whether you want to block or throttle users and robots who break your
security rules.
3. Security Scanning:
 Scans for the HeartBleed vulnerability - included in the free scan
 Scans core files, themes and plugins
 See how files have changed. Optionally repair changed files that are security threats.
 Scans for signatures of over 44,000 known malware variants that are known security
 Scans for many known backdoors that create security holes including C99, R57,
RootShell, Crystal Shell, Matamu, Cybershell, W4cking, Sniper, Predator,
Jackal, Phantasma, GFS, Dive, Dx and many many more.
 Continuously scans for malware and phishing URL's including all URL's on the
Google Safe Browsing List in all your comments, posts and files that are security
 Scans for heuristics of backdoors, trojans, suspicious code and other security issues.
4. Firewall setting:
 Includes a firewall to block common security threats like fake Google bots,
malicious scans from hackers and botnets.
5. Monitoring Features:
 See all your traffic in real-time, including robots, humans, 404 errors, logins and
logouts and who is consuming most of your content. Enhances your situational
awareness of which security threats your site is facing.
 A real-time view of all traffic including automated bots that often constitute security
threats that Javascript analytics packages never show you.
 Real-time traffic includes reverse DNS and city-level geolocation. Know which
geographic area security threats originate from.
 Monitor your DNS security for unauthorized DNS changes.
 Monitors disk space which is related to security because many DDoS attacks attempt
to consume all disk space to create denial of service.
6. Multi-Site Security:
 Our security plugins security for multi-site also scans all posts and comments across
all blogs from one admin panel.
7. IPv6 Compatible:
 Fully IPv6 compatible including all whois lookup, location, blocking and security

Google Page Speed improvements in overall site performance Optimize Features:

 Improved web server performance. sustain high traffic periods

 Transparent content delivery network (CDN) management with Media Library,
theme files and WordPress itself
 Mobile support: respective caching of pages by referrer or groups of user agents
including theme switching for groups of referrers or user agents
 Caching of (minified and compressed) pages and posts in memory or on disk or on
CDN (mirror only)
 Caching of (minified and compressed) CSS and JavaScript in memory, on disk or
on CDN
 Caching of feeds (site, categories, tags, comments, search results) in memory or
on disk or on CDN (mirror only)
 Caching of search results pages (i.e. URIs with query string variables) in memory
or on disk
 Caching of objects in memory or on disk
 Minification of inline, embedded or 3rd party CSS (with automated updates)
 Browser caching using cache-control, future expire headers and entity tags (E-Tag)
with "cache-busting"


Our Premium SEO Optimize Concept contains all the features
1. Title & Meta format:

You can set up custom page titles, meta description, Meta keywords, Meta robots
and social Meta using defined format tags for homepage, post, pages, category, tags, custom
taxonomies, archives, authors, search, 404 page and pagination

2. Off page optimization:

 Back link Builder – automatically add your link to thousands of different website
directories that will automatically provide free back links
 Link Builder – improve your site internal link building.
 301 Link Redirect – useful for any permalink changes
 Social Stats - keep track of your social network size
3. Advanced setup:
 Files Edit - allows you to edit the robots.txt and .htaccess files.
 W3C Validator - Mass Check the markup (HTML, XHTML,) of your
pages/posts/custom taxonomies.
 SEO Insert Code - Add custom code into < head > and wp_footer
 Media Smushit -For this module we use the Smush. It API that allows you
to optimize the website images without changing their look or visual quality.
 Facebook Planner - The Facebook Planner module allows you to publish your
website data directly to Facebook profiles / pages / groups
4. Advance SEO optimize settings:
 Modules Manager – allows you to activate / deactivate modules
 Capabilities - allows you to give certain permissions to different classes of users
 Setup/Backup – install default configuration, import SEO settings from other SEO
plugins, backup current settings
 Server Status – the server status allows you to see what modules are active, if
they are configured correct and so on
 Remote support – this allows you to give us secured access to your wordpress install,
in case that you have issues with the plugin
5. Rich snippets:
 Rich snippets are the extra bits of information that you see on result pages, usually
affecting visitor behavior and click through rates(CTR)
 They work well with google, bing, yahoo and facebook engines
 These rich snippets come in the form of reviews, event, people, product, recipes
and more
6. Facebook planner:
 You can select what do post on facebook(post/pages), Auto-complete data from
post/page, publish to facebook privacy option, schedule when to post on
facebook, publish now on facebook option and more
7. Local SEO:
 Configure a custom location and after that you can easily insert short codes
like google map, address and phone and so on into any pages and posts
8. Page speed insight:
 SEO pack page speed module you can test the page speed on multiple page as
once, mass test speed pages or one by one and view the score on desktop & mobile
and view a full report
9. 404 monitor:
 On this module check what URL is referring visitors to 404 pages
 Check how many hits it had and the possibility to redirect them to another page
 This helps to keep our ranking without google downgrading site
10. Sitemap:
 We have available multiple sitemaps
 More exactly for website posts and pages
 Also, user for easily navigate to images and video
 We have location sitemap too

Resource Deployment Plan

Resource Roles & Responsibilities Team Members

Execute development plan monthly and deliverables

Project Manager of project and Facilitate and walkthrough the work 1
update on demo in review session.

Layout design, User Panel Design, App Screen and

Designer 1
other graphic related work

Backend development, Database development, admin

Web developer 3
panel, web-services, Integration

To Perform Testing for overall functionality and

QA system to make sure system will no issue when it 2
went live.
Our Development Process

1. Project Planning

For any project, nothing is more important than starting on a solid footing of mutual
understanding. This phase centers on initial discussions with the client sponsor to determine
the overall project scope and approximate duration. Also addressed are technology options
and resource requirements for the various project stages. The deliverables of this phase are a
project charter and high-level project plan.

2. Define the Project feature for Future Reference:

In this phase, we work closely with our clients to gather the business requirements to
determine overall workflows and business rules. As the deliverable of this phase, the
business requirements document (BRD) captures all of them in detailed use cases.
Subsequent review meetings with the client—and corresponding document revisions—ensure
that in the end there is a mutual understanding of what the solution will deliver. This phase
terminates with client signoff. It also delivers the finalized project plan. It will help us ensure
that schedule
and cost are on track throughout the project and that task and resource allocations are meeting
the needs of the development objectives.

3. Branding and Design to Visualize the System

Once the business requirements are defined, our UI/UX designers put a face to them.
Conceptual page layouts, known as wireframes, show how end users will be able to interact
with the application. Wireframes reflect not only field names and field placements to be
employed but also the use and placement of functional and navigational tools (such as
buttons, tabs etc.).

If seeing believes, as the adage goes, clients can thus ensure that all static and dynamic UI
elements will meet their expectations and preferences. Upon client buy-in, the design team
will build out all pages and give them the desired look and feel, including color scheme and

4. Development and Testing of Platform

The longest and most complex phase of all, development focuses on building and testing the
actual application. They will also go to great lengths to ensure that all pages look great on
desktops, tablets, and smartphones alike. Because our team is dedicated to delivering fast
results, we use an Agile development approach. At the end of each Sprint, our QA team will
test the latest build while the developers move on to the next Sprint. This allows us to quickly
compile tested and qualified building blocks until the application is complete—and ready to
be run through a final comprehensive test: the system test.

5. On Going Support

Upon the hand-over of the deliverable, we will walk you through the project with the client to
ensure complete satisfaction. With final user signoff, the maintenance and support process are
initiated. Typically, we provide second- and third-level support requests within budgeted
hours, and will address all identified bugs within a reasonable timeframe.


S.NO. Project Milestone Amount (INR)

1 50% - Upfront 45000
2 50% - After project delivery 45000
3 Total 90,000

Project Engagement Terms

Validity of the Proposal - This proposal is valid for a period of 1 week from the proposal date. On
the expiry of this duration revised rate will be applicable.

Project Kickoff - As the first step of the assignment, CLIENT will send us email confirmation and
receipt of initial deposit to further assign team on work.

Ownership Policy- All project related designs and codes created by us on the Project are the
property of the Client after receipt of the Total Fee amount.

Support Terms: Free Support of 3 months will be providing after post completion of project

Non-disclosure of Confidential Term: The Parties shall not disclose, publish, or otherwise
disseminate Confidential Information to anyone other than those of its employees and trusted
contractors with a need to know, and each Party shall take reasonable precautions to prevent any
unauthorized use, disclosure, publication, or dissemination of Confidential Information. The
Parties accept the Confidential Information for the sole purpose of evaluation in connection with
either Party’s business discussion with each other.

Payment Terms: Payment terms remain milestone bases and will be requested after work
completion and approval of work.

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