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AICTE Activity


I, the undersigned solemnly declare that the Report on AICTE Activity listed in the
table 1.1 are based on my work carried out in the said organization during the course study.

Table 1.1: AICTE Activity

Sl.No Activity Head Certified Authority No of Points

Hours Accumulated

1 Developing Sustainable Water Full Circle 80 20


2 Developing & managing Lions Club 80 20

efficient garbage disposal
3 Contribution to any National Youth for Parivarthan 80 20
level Initiative of Government
of India
5 Spreading public awareness Janaagraha Centre for 80 20
under rural outreach Citizenship & Democracy
6 Reduction in Energy Tumakuru Mahanagara 80 20

Total Points 100

I assert that the statements made, and conclusions drawn are an outcome of the
AICTE Activity. I further declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, that this
report does not contain any work which has been submitted for the award of the degree or
any other degree in this university or any other university.



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AICTE Activity

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AICTE Activity

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AICTE Activity

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AICTE Activity

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AICTE Activity

ACTIVITY 1: Developing Sustainable Water Management

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AICTE Activity

Amidst the urgent plea for sustainable water management, our team took proactive
strides by spearheading a rainwater harvesting initiative. With a keen awareness of the
pressing need to conserve water resources, our primary objective was to implement
efficient rainwater harvesting methods to alleviate water scarcity and promote ecological
sustainability within our community.

Under the adept guidance of Mr. Ravi Kumar S, our team dedicated significant time
and effort to this cause throughout November 2023. We orchestrated extensive educational
workshops meticulously designed to disseminate knowledge about the benefits and
techniques of rainwater harvesting, targeting both residents and local authorities alike.
These workshops were complemented by hands-on training sessions, providing participants
with the practical skills needed to design, install, and maintain rainwater harvesting systems
effectively. Moreover, we actively engaged in the installation of rainwater harvesting
infrastructure across various residential and communal areas, forging close collaborations
with homeowners and community leaders to ensure the seamless execution of these

The collective dedication of our team to the rainwater harvesting initiative

translated into a total of 80 hours of committed service. We extend our sincere appreciation
to Full Circle for acknowledging our efforts and honouring us with a certificate of
appreciation. This recognition serves as a poignant testament to our unwavering
commitment to promoting sustainable water management practices and safeguarding our
precious natural resources for future generations.

In essence, our involvement in the rainwater harvesting initiative underscores our

steadfast commitment to addressing environmental challenges and implementing practical
solutions. Looking ahead, we advocate for the expansion of rainwater harvesting efforts
through sustained partnerships with local stakeholders and governmental entities.
Additionally, we call for the integration of rainwater harvesting practices into urban
planning and development policies, ensuring the enduring sustainability of our
communities. Through collaborative action and the embrace of innovative approaches, we
can forge a more resilient and water-secure future for generations to come.

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Here are a few pictures from the program.

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AICTE Activity

ACTIVITY 2: Developing and Managing Efficient Garbage Disposal


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The Lions Club of Bangalore Chandana, in collaboration with our team, embarked
on a significant endeavour aimed at enhancing recycling practices and advocating for
effective waste management within our locality. Our primary objective was not just to tidy
up our surroundings but to instil a culture of environmental responsibility and
consciousness among our community members. Through this project, we aimed to cultivate
a shared sense of duty towards preserving our environment and creating a cleaner, greener
neighbourhood for everyone.

Our approach to addressing the challenges of recycling and waste management was
multifaceted and all-encompassing. We launched educational campaigns tailored to
different segments of our community, spanning schools, residential areas, and commercial
establishments. Additionally, we took proactive steps to establish essential recycling
infrastructure, including waste segregation units, composting facilities, and recycling
centres. These initiatives were further reinforced by community clean-up drives and
interactive workshops designed to educate individuals on the intricacies of proper waste
segregation and effective recycling methods. Our overarching goal was to empower people
with the knowledge and skills necessary to integrate sustainable waste management
practices into their daily routines.

Over the course of the project, our team invested a total of 90 hours in various
recycling and waste management activities. This included 45 hours of dedicated service
from March 18th to March 24th, 2023, and an additional 45 hours from July 21st to August
24th, 2023. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Lions Club of Bangalore Chandana for
acknowledging our contributions to the initiative and honouring us with a certificate of
appreciation. This recognition stands as a testament to our unwavering commitment to
community service and the promotion of environmental sustainability.

In closing, our active involvement in the recycling and waste management project
underscores our steadfast dedication to serving the community and advancing sustainability
endeavours. Looking ahead, we advocate for sustained engagement in similar community
service activities, the expansion of recycling initiatives to reach a broader audience, and
continuous evaluation and improvement of existing infrastructure and practices. Together,
through collaborative action and collective participation, we can aspire to build a cleaner,
healthier, and more environmentally conscious society for generations to come.

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Here are a few pictures from the program.

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ACTIVITY 3: Contribution to any National level Initiative of

Government of India

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AICTE Activity

An impactful initiative inspired by the national "Swachh Bharat" (Clean India)

campaign aimed to rejuvenate and enhance the aesthetic appeal of various public areas
within our community. Through spot improvements, which focused on tasks such as
cleaning pavements, installing new paving blocks, repainting walls, and adding artwork,
the initiative sought to elevate the cleanliness and visual allure of streets, pavements, and
walkways. The overarching goal was not only to transform these spaces but also to foster
a sense of pride and responsibility among residents, thereby contributing to the broader
objectives of the national cleanliness drive.

From June 2022 to February 2023, a dedicated group of volunteers poured their
time and energy into breathing new life into our streets, pavements, and walkways. Over
the course of 130 collective hours, we engaged in a multitude of tasks aimed at revitalizing
these communal spaces. Our endeavours ranged from the meticulous scrubbing of soiled
pavements to the strategic installation of fresh paving blocks to ensure smoother and safer
pedestrian pathways.

But our efforts didn't stop there. We recognized that true transformation required more than
just physical cleanliness; it necessitated a visual and emotional revitalization of our
surroundings. With this in mind, we embarked on a journey of aesthetic enhancement,
undertaking the task of repainting walls and removing unsightly graffiti and marks that had
marred the beauty of our community. Each stroke of paint was a symbol of renewal,
transforming drab walls into vibrant canvases that reflected the spirit and identity of our

Moreover, we took it upon ourselves to engage local artists and artisans,

commissioning captivating artwork that served not only as a visual delight but also as a
celebration of our cultural heritage and diversity. These murals and installations became
focal points of admiration, drawing residents and visitors alike to appreciate the beauty and
creativity that now adorned our public spaces.

The culmination of our collective efforts was not only evident in the physical
transformation of our surroundings but also in the intangible sense of pride and ownership
that permeated our community. Youth for Parivarthan's recognition through a certificate of
appreciation served as validation of our commitment and dedication to the cause of
communal betterment.

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AICTE Activity

Moving forward, we are committed to sustaining the momentum of our spot improvement
initiatives. We recognize that the journey towards a cleaner, more aesthetically pleasing
environment is ongoing and requires continuous effort and vigilance. By nurturing a culture
of civic responsibility and collective action, we are confident that we can create a
community that not only looks beautiful but also feels like home to all who inhabit it.

Here are a few pictures from the program.

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AICTE Activity

ACTIVITY 4: Spreading public awareness under rural outreach


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AICTE Activity

Our team embarked on a significant endeavour with the explicit aim of revitalizing
Orphanages and old age homes which play a crucial role in society, providing care, support,
and shelter to some of the most vulnerable members of our communities. These facilities
act as a safety net for elderly people who might not have family members to care for them
as well as children who have lost their parents or are unable to live with them. It is
impossible to overestimate the significance of orphanages and elderly homes in maintaining
the wellbeing and dignity of the people they assist, even though their necessity highlights
systemic problems like poverty, neglect, and social isolation.

Orphanages are first and foremost a lifeline for kids who have been abandoned, abused, or
lost. Orphanages offer a stable and caring environment where many of these children can
receive basic care, such as food, shelter, education, and medical attention. In addition,
emotional support and counselling are frequently provided by orphanages to assist children
in overcoming their obstacles. Orphanages play a crucial role in defending the rights of
these vulnerable young people and making sure they have a safe haven where they can
thrive in spite of adversity.

Orphanages also provide children who cannot be placed with family members or
foster parents with temporary or permanent homes. When family reunification is not
possible, orphanages can help with adoption. In a similar vein, senior living facilities are
essential in providing support to elderly people who might not have family members
available to look after them. The need for senior care facilities has increased dramatically
as families and populations get older. To meet the needs of their elderly residents, old age
homes offer a variety of services, such as recreational opportunities, healthcare services,
socialisation opportunities, and help with everyday tasks. Old age homes provide a sense
of community and belonging for a large number of senior citizens, which helps counteract
feelings of loneliness and isolation that are typical of ageing.

. Furthermore, elderly people's safety and wellbeing are greatly enhanced by old
age homes, especially for those who might be at risk of abuse, neglect, or exploitation. By
offering care that is available 24/7to fortifying local economies, preserving cultural
heritage, and promoting responsible tourism practices. And so we have an opportunity to
serve these people during the month of September in the year 2023.

Here are a few pictures from the program.

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AICTE Activity

ACTIVITY 5: Reduction is energy Consumption.

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AICTE Activity

A plantation drives are often initiated by communities, organizations, or

governmental bodies. These initiatives play a vital role in addressing environmental
concerns and fostering sustainability. By mobilizing individuals and resources towards tree
planting, plantation drives aim to counteract deforestation, mitigate the impacts of climate
change, and promote ecological restoration. Whether it's a local community planting trees
in neighbourhood parks or a large-scale reforestation project undertaken by a government,
these efforts symbolize a collective commitment to safeguarding the environment. The
importance of planting trees cannot be overstated.

In the pursuit of sustainable living, every action counts. Planting a garden is a simple
yet effective step towards reducing energy consumptionThese species are adapted to local
climate and soil, requiring fewer resources like water and fertilizers. Choosing indigenous
plants supports local biodiversity and decreases the need for energy-heavy maintenance.

Planting trees and shrubs to provide summer shade can naturally lower indoor
temperatures, reducing air conditioning needs. Windbreaks can protect against cold winds
in winter, lessening heating demands. Healthy soil is essential for a thriving garden.
Composting organic waste from your kitchen and garden enriches the soil and fosters strong
plant growth, reducing the need for energy-consuming practices such as irrigation and pest
control, as opposed to using energy-intensive synthetic fertilizers. Water conservation is
crucial in sustainable gardening. Practices like mulching, drip irrigation, and rainwater
harvesting can drastically cut garden water use. By reducing water waste, you save the
energy used in water pumping and treatment, contributing to resource conservation.

Cultivating various plant species creates habitats for beneficial wildlife,

maintaining natural balance and reducing the need for energy-consuming chemical
pesticides and herbicides, thus preserving environmental health. So hence this program was
conducted in Hosahally thumkur district Where many plants were planted during this
period of August & September 2023.

Here are a few pictures from the program.

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AICTE Activity

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