Extended GFDM Framework: OTFS and GFDM Comparison: Ahmad Nimr, Marwa Chafii, Maximilian Matth E, Gerhard Fettweis

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Extended GFDM Framework: OTFS and GFDM

Ahmad Nimr, Marwa Chafii, Maximilian Matthé, Gerhard Fettweis
Vodafone Chair Mobile Communication Systems, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
{first name.last name}@ifn.et.tu-dresden.de

Abstract—Orthogonal time frequency space modulation Orthogonal time frequency space modulation (OTFS) modu-
arXiv:1808.01161v1 [eess.SP] 3 Aug 2018

(OTFS) has been recently proposed to achieve time and frequency lation technique has been recently proposed in [6] to deal with
diversity, especially in linear time-variant (LTV) channels with high mobility scenarios. In this approach, the data symbols
large Doppler frequencies. The idea is based on the precoding
of the data symbols using symplectic finite Fourier transform are spread in the time and frequency domains using sym-
(SFFT) then transmitting them by mean of orthogonal fre- plectic finite Fourier transform (SFFT)-based precoding. As
quency division multiplexing (OFDM) waveform. Consequently, a consequence, high diversity gain is achieved. The spread
the demodulator and channel equalization can be coupled in one data symbols are then transmitted with OFDM waveform.
processing step. As a distinguished feature, the demodulated data Compared to OFDM, a very significant gain in terms of
symbols have roughly equal gain independent of the channel
selectivity. On the other hand, generalized frequency division frame error rate (FER) is shown in high mobility case [6].
multiplexing (GFDM) modulation also employs the spreading Furthermore, the processing is of relatively low cost, where
over the time and frequency domains using circular filtering. the channel equalization and demodulation are coupled at the
Accordingly, the data symbols are implicitly precoded in a similar receiver. Interestingly, all the estimated symbols have the same
way as applying SFFT in OTFS. In this paper, we present signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the output of the equalizer.
an extended representation of GFDM which shows that OTFS
can be processed as a GFDM signal with simple permutation. This feature can not be achieved with OFDM unless power
Nevertheless, this permutation is the key factor behind the out- allocation techniques are applied. However, this requires the
standing performance of OTFS in LTV channels, as demonstrated channel knowledge at the transmitter, which is infeasible under
in this work. Furthermore, the representation of OTFS in the higher Doppler frequencies.
GFDM framework provides an efficient implementation, that Because GFDM is based on circular filtering in the time and
has been intensively investigated for GFDM, and facilitates the
understanding of the OTFS distinct features. frequency domains, the data symbols are implicitly spread in
Index Terms—GFDM, OTFS a similar way as in OTFS. This motivates us to investigate the
structure of GFDM and reveal a relation between both systems.
As we show in this paper, the OTFS samples can be generated
from a permutation of GFDM signal, which exchanges the
In the contention between 5G waveform candidates, several role of the number of subcarriers in OTFS to be the number
modulation techniques were proposed to attain the require- of subsymbols in the GFDM terminology and vice versa.
ments for different use cases. Some of the waveforms focus This observation is relevant for two reasons; first, a slight
on providing very low out-of-band (OOB) emission, e.g. filter modification of a real-time flexible implementation of GFDM
bank multicarrier (FBMC) [1], which allows asynchronous transceiver [7], enables the processing of OTFS. Second, the
multiple access. Other designs concern about the implemen- properties of OTFS can be clearly derived from the structure of
tation complexity, which leads to several proposals based on GFDM. For example, we show that the coupled equalizer and
orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), such as demodulator are equivalent to circular filtering of the received
windowed-OFDM [2], filtered-OFDM [3]. Furthermore, gen- OTFS signal using a GFDM receive filter computed from the
eralized frequency division multiplexing (GFDM) [4] was first transmit pulse and the estimated channel.
proposed as an alternative to OFDM to improve the spectral The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: in
efficiency by reducing the cyclic prefix (CP) overhead of Section II we provide a short overview of the conventional
OFDM. However, due to the flexibility in tuning the different GFDM. Section III is dedicated to the advanced representation
parameters, such as the number of subcarriers and subsymbols, of GFDM and extended framework. The relation between the
the prototype pulse shape and the active subsymbol set, GFDM conventional GFDM and OTFS is discussed in Section IV.
can be reconfigured to meet different requirements [5]. This Numerical comparisons through simulation are introduced in
flexibility inspires the design and implementation of unified Section V. Finally, Section VI concludes the paper.
multicarrier framework based on the GFDM model.
The work presented in this paper has been performed in the framework In the GFDM modulation, a time-frequency resource block
of the ORCA project [https://www.orca-project.eu/].This project has received
funding from the Eropean Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation of duration T and bandwidth B is used to convey a message
programme under grant agreement No 732174. of maximum N data symbols. For that, the frequency band
is divided into K equally spaced subcarriers with subcarrier where ã = FP Q a, unvecQ×P {a} denotes the inverse of
spacing ∆f = K , and the time duration is divided into M vectorization operation, FP is the P -point discrete Fourier
equally spaced subsymbols with subsymbol spacing Tsub = M transform (DFT) matrix, defined by [FP ](i,j) = e−j2π P . The
such that ∆f Tsub = 1. Each pair of subcarrier-subsymbol (a) (ã)
matrix ZP,Q , Z̄Q,P are known as the discrete Zak transform
(k, m) is used to modulate one data symbol dk,m using a (DZT) [8] of a and ã, respectively.
pulse shape gk,m (t), and thus, N = M K. The pulse shapes
are generated by a shift in the time and frequency domains of a
periodic prototype pulse shape gT (t), in addition to windowing
to confine the block within the duration T , thus
gk,m (t) = wT (t)gT (t − mTsub )ej2πk∆f t , (1)

where wT (t) is a rectangular window of duration T . Accord-

ingly, one GFDM block in the time domain is expressed as
K/2−1 M −1
X X Fig. 1: Visualization of (8) and (9).
x(t) = wT (t) dk,m gT (t − mTsub )ej2πk∆f t . (2)
k=−K/2 m=0
A. Time domain representation
based on this representation, GFDM can be seen as general-
ization of OFDM, where gT (t) = 1 and M = 1. The discrete- The GFDM block equation (3) can be reformulated by
time representation can be achieved by using a sampling representing n with two indexes q = 0, · · · , K − 1 and
frequency Fs = B. The samples of one GFDM block can p = 0 · · · , M − 1, such that n = q + pK. Thereby,
be represented in a vector x ∈ CN ×1 such that [4], M−1
X K−1
X k
[x](q+pK) = dk,m g[< q + pK − mK >N ]ej2π K q
XM −1
X k
[x](n) = x( B )= dk,m g[< n − mK >N ]ej2π K n . (3) m=0 k=0
k=0 m=0 Using the notations in (8), then
Here, < . >N denotes the modulo-N operator. The corre- h i M −1 h i K−1
X (g)
X k
sponding representation in the frequency domain is given by VM,K = VM,K [D](k,m) ej2π K q
(p,q) (<p−m>M ,q)
m=0 k=0
XM −1
X mn
−j2π M M −1 h
[x̃](n) = dk,m g̃[< n − kM >N ]e . (4) X (g)
i h i
k=0 m=0 (<p−m>M ,q) (m,q)
The GFDM demodulator applies circular filtering on the
The second line defines a circular convolution between the q-
received signal y[n] with a receiver pulse γ[n] such that, (g)
th column of VM,K and the q-th column of D T FK H
, which
k can be expressed in the frequency domain with M -DFT as
dˆk,m =
y[n]γ ∗ [< n − mK >N ]e−j2π K n . (5) h i h i h i
(x) (g)
n=0 FM VM,K = FM VM,K · FM D T FK
. (10)
(p,q) (q,q) (p,q)
In the conventional matrix representation, the GFDM block
can be expressed using a matrix A ∈ CN ×N as Using the notation in (9), we get
(x) 1 H

h i
x = Ad, [A](n,k+mK) = g[< n − mK >N ]ej2π K n ,
(6) VM,K = FM KZM,K ⊙ FM D T FK
. (11)
where d = vec {D} with [D](k,m) = dk,m . Moreover, the Here, ⊙ denotes the element-wise multiplication operator.
demodulation matrix B ∈ CN ×N has a similar structure and B. Frequency domain representation
is generated from the receiver pulse γ as Following similar derivation on x̃ defined in (4), we get
[B](n,k+mK) = γ[< n − mK >N ]ej2π K n , dˆ = B H y. (7) h i K−1
Xh i M −1
(x̃) (g̃)
VK,M = VK,M [D](k,m) e−j2π M p .
(q,p) (<q−k>K ,p)

(x̃) 1 
Hence, VK,M = FK K Z̄K,M ⊙ FK DFM . (12)
In this section, we introduce an alternative matrix model
C. New interpretation of GFDM
by arranging the GFDM block x in a matrix instead of a
vector. Initially, we define the following auxiliary matrices for Based on (11) and (12), GFDM modulation can be split
a generic vector a ∈ CP Q×1 as visualized in Fig. 1, onto four steps, as shown in Fig. 2
h i 1) Data spreading : the spreading is achieved by applying
(a) T (a)
VP,Q = unvecQ×P {a} ⇔ VP,Q = [a](q+pQ) , (8) DFT on the rows and inverse discrete Fourier transform (IDFT)
on the columns of D. Therefore, we get the spread data matrix
(a) (a) (ã) 1 (ã)
ZP,Q = FP VP,Q , Z̄Q,P = FQH VQ,P , (9) 1 H
Q Ds = F DFM . (13)
Fig. 2: GFDM modulator in 4 steps

2) Windowing: the spread data matrix Ds is element- IV. OTFS IN THE GFDM FRAMEWORK
wise multiplied with a transmitter windowing matrix A. OTFS overview
Wtx ∈ CK×M , which is generated based on the prototype
In the OTFS modulation [6], a packet burst of duration
pulse shape: X = Wtx ⊙ Ds . The entries of Wtx depends
T = No To and bandwidth B = Mo ∆f o is used to transmit
on the implementation domain,
the data symbols Do ∈ CNo ×Mo . Although OTFS is originally
(TD) (g) T (FD) (g̃)
Wtx = KZM,K , Wtx = KZK,M . (14) designed in the delay-Doppler domain, it can be simply
introduced in the time-frequency representation with three-step
3) Transformation: the matrix X can be seen as frequency processing. First, the data symbols are spread with the inverse
domain blocks of length M in rows, or as time domain of SFFT to generate the spread data matrix Dso defined by 1
symbols of length K in columns. Thus, a final M -DFT or
K-IDFT is applied to obtain the block samples, as follows 1 H
Dso = F Do FMo ∈ CNo ×Mo . (18)
(x) H (x̃)
No N o
VM,K = 1
FM XT , VK,M = FK X . (15)
Then, a transmit window Wtx ∈ CNo ×Mo can be applied,
4) Allocation: the final vector is achieved by allocating the
generated samples to the corresponding indexes. Specifically, Xo = Wtx ⊙ Dso . (19)
(x) T
o n
(x̃) T
o Finally, the time-domain signal is generated with a multicarrier
x = vec VM,K , x̃ = vec VK,M . (16)
modulation of Mo subcarriers and No subsymbols as
Additionally, N -IDFT is required for the frequency domain Mo
implementation so the time domain signal is x = N1 FNH x̃. X2 −1 NX
o −1

The demodulator performs the inverse steps. First, the matrix s(t) = [Xo ](n,m) gtx (t − nTo )ej2πm∆f o (t−nTo ) .
Y ∈ CK×M is constructed from the received signal yeq , M n=0
m=− 2o

(yeq ) T
h i
(ỹ ) Despite of its general representation, it is implicitly consid-
Y (TD) = FM VM,K , Y (FD) = 1
F H V eq .
ered, as stated in the works related to OTFS, e.g. [10], that
Then a receive window Wrx is applied to Y followed by gtx (t) is a rectangular pulse of duration To and To ∆f o = 1.
1 H
despreading, so that D̂ = M FK (Wrx ⊙ Y ) FM , which is Therefore, the discrete OTFS block is given by
an alternative representation of the circular demodulation in Mo −1 N o −1
(5). Table I summarizes all the processing steps. X X ml
XoT l−nMo >(No Mo ) ]ej2π Mo .
[s](l) = g [<
(m,n) tx
m=0 n=0
D. Extended flexibility of GFDM This shows that the OTFS block is composed of No
In addition to the main configuration parameters K, M and consecutive OFDM symbols of length Mo . Here, the
(xo ) 1 H T
the prototype pulse shape, further degrees of freedom can be CP is not o Let VMo ,No = Mo FMo Xo , with
n considered.
exploited to extend the flexibility of GFDM modem, namely: (x )
xo = vec {VMoo,No }T , then
• Flexible spreading: the spreading can be altered to enable n o
(x )
or disable the spreading matrices, as in [9]. s = vec VMoo,No . (20)
• Flexible transformation: the DFT or IDFT transformation
B. OTFS relation to GFDM
can be turned on or off to get more options.
• Flexible allocation: the conventional allocation preserves Comparing the OTFS samples (20) with the GFDM samples
the spectral characteristics of the GFDM signal. How- (15), we reveal that the OTFS samples can be generated
ever, the mapping can be customized by changing the using the first three steps of the GFDM modulator with the
distribution of the samples in the transmitted signal. This parameters M = Mo , K = No . The difference between
extended flexibility is exploited in the next section to both blocks is in the allocation step. Actually, the OTFS
generate the OTFS signal. 1 The subscript o is added to [6] to distinguish the OTFS terminology.
TABLE I: The four steps of conventional GFDM modulator.

Modulation Demodulation
TD implementation FD implementation TD implementation FD implementation
1 H 1 H
Spread. Ds = K FK DFM D̂ = M
(g) (g̃)
Wtx = K{ZM,K }T Wtx = K Z̄K,M Wrx generated from Wtx
X = Wtx ⊙ Ds D̂s = Wrx ⊙ Y
h iT
(x) H (x̃) (yeq ) (ỹ )
Trans. VM,K = M1
FM XT VK,M = FK X Y = FM VM,K Y = 1
F H V eq
n o n o h i h i
(x) (x̃) (yeq ) (ỹeq )
Alloc. x = vec {VM,K }T x̃ = vec {VK,M }T VM,K = [yeq ](k+mK) VK,M = [ỹeq ](m+kM )
(m,k) (k,m)

block is a permutation of the GFDM block xo with the due to the circular filtering in the combined equalization
square commutation matrix PNo ,Mo ∈ ℜNo Mo ×No Mo , i.e. and demodulation, the symbols at the output achieve roughly
s = PNo ,Mo xo , the same SNR considering the additional interference. The
(x ) T
o n
(x )
o received GFDM block after removing the CP is:
where x0 = vec VMoo,No = PNTo ,Mo vec VMoo,No . (21)
ỹ = h̃(e) ⊙ x̃ + ǫ̃d + ṽ, (26)
C. Received signal model
N−1 L−1
h i 1 XX lq
The CP insertion is performed per block in the case of where h̃(e) = h(l, Ncp + n)ej2π N . (27)
(q) N n=0
GFDM, while a CP is added to each OFDM symbol in OTFS. l=0

The received OTFS block r after removing the CP from each Thereby, additional channel equalization processing is re-
OFDM symbol can be expressed in a matrix form as quired. However, the overall equalization and demodulation
(y )
VMoo,No = unvecMo ×No {r} , is not necessarily equivalent to circular filtering and the data
(y ) T
o symbols at the output of the demodulator have different SNRs.
y0 = vec VMoo,No = PNTo ,Mo r.
Consider a linear time-variant (LTV) channel with the response The purpose of this section is first to compare the perfor-
h(l, n) of L delay taps. Following the derivation steps in the mance of the conventional GFDM2 and OTFS systems gener-
appendix on each OFDM symbol, we get ated from the same parameters. The simulation parameters are
(y )
FMo VMoo,No = H̃o(e) ⊙ XoT + Edo + Vo (22) listed in Table II. The data bits are encoded with Long Term
Evolution (LTE)-Turbo code of code rate 1/2 and mapped to
where H̃o ∈ CM×K is the equivalent channel defined by 16-QAM symbols. The transmit window is generated from
Mo −1 L−1 a prototype pulse g, which is a periodic raised-cosine (RC)
h i 1 X X lp
with roll-off factor α = 0. The samples in both systems are
H̃o(e) = h(l, Ncp +m+qMo(cp))e−j2π Mo ,
(p,q) Mo m=0 generated from the GFDM modulator depicted in Fig. 2 using
the parameters K = No and M = Mo . The MMSE receiver
Mo = Mo +Ncp is the length of the CP-OFDM subsymbol, in the case of OTFS is performed using MMSE pulse shape
Edo denotes the interference terms arises from the Doppler (e)
generated based on the equivalent window Wtx (23), while
spread and Vo is the additive noise samples. Furthermore, let the GFDM-MMSE receiver considers the linear model [5]
(e) (e)
= H̃o(e)T ⊙ Wtx , Xo(e) = Wtx ⊙ Dso ,
n o
Wtx (23) ỹ = diag h̃(e) Ãd + ǫ̃d + ṽ. (28)
(y ) 1 H
then VMoo,No = F X (e)T + Edo + Vo The demodulated symbols are fed to soft-input decoder. Both
Mo Mo o (24)
modulation techniques are evaluated in the extended vehicular
= VMoo,No + Edo + Vo A channel model (EVA) [12] with the consideration of ideal
(e) channel estimation per block as in (36) in the appendix. The
where, xo is an equivalent time-domain GFDM block gen-
(e) SNR is defined by the ratio Es /N0 , where Es is the average
erated by the window Wtx (15). Furthermore, the relation
symbol power and N0 is the additive white noise power.
yo = PNTo ,Mo · r = x(e)
o + ǫdo + vo , (25) h i h i
E kdˆ − dk2 E |dˆn − dn |2
shows that the received OTFS block can be processed with a NMSE = , SNR[n] = . (29)
E [kdk2 ] E [|dn ] |2
ready implemented real-time GFDM receiver, e.g. [7], under
Fig. 3 shows a comparison between OTFS, conventional
additive noise channel. In this case, the minimum mean square
GFDM and OFDM using long block. A frame is represented in
error (MMSE) receive pulse shape can be efficiently calculated
based on the inverse Zak transform of Wtx [11]. Moreover, 2 In this section, GFDM refers to the conventional GFDM waveform [4].
100 11
10 10.5


10-4 8
5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 500 1000 1500 2000

(a) BER vs. SNR. (b) FER vs. SNR. (c) SNR per symbol.
Fig. 3: Performance evaluation of OFDM, GFDM and OTFS with long frames.

10-1 10-1

10-2 10-1

10-3 10-2
5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

(a) BER vs. SNR. (b) FER vs. SNR. (c) FER vs. Doppler frequency.
Fig. 4: Performance evaluation of OFDM, GFDM and OTFS with short frames.

TABLE II: Simulation parameters per-symbols at the output of the OTFS demodulator unlike in
OTFS No = 16, Mo = 128 GFDM and OFDM, where the SNR per symbol experiences
Long-GFDM K = 16, M = 128 significant variations. Additionally, these variations are even
Long-OFDM N = 2048 higher in OFDM such that GFDM achieves slightly lower FER
Short-GFDM K = 16, M = 8 than OFDM. Based on that, the corresponding bit errors in
Short-OFDM N = 128
CP length NCP 32
OFDM and GFDM can be burst, which increases the number
Bandwidth B = Fs 8 MHz of frame errors. But in the case of OTFS, it is more likely that
OTFS subcarrier spacing ∆fo 62.5 KHz an erroneous frame has higher number of bit errors. On the
Modulation and coding 16-QAM, LTE-Turbo (1/2) other hand, it can be observed that, with increased Doppler
shift, e.g. fd = 312.5Hz, OTFS maintains smaller FER
through the exploitation of time and frequency diversity, while
a code word corresponding to one GFDM block. It is shown the GFDM and OFDM links are almost broken. Furthermore,
that, the Doppler has less influence on OTFS compared to the Doppler interference increases with the increase of the
the GFDM and OFDM. As discussed in the appendix, this is transmit power, which explains the BER floor.
because of the accuracy of the equivalent channel estimation, However, the design of OFDM and GFDM can be updated
which increases with the decrease of the product P νd , where with respect to the channel mobility conditions. Therefore, an-
νd = fBd and P is the DFT size. In OTFS, P = Mo , while other configuration considering shorter block length of GFDM
in the long GFDM and OFDM P = KMo , and thus, GFDM and OFDM is evaluated in Fig. 4. Moreover, the frame length
and OFDM obviously suffer from higher Doppler interference. in OTFS, i.e. the code word is shortened accordingly. In this
This is reflected in the bit error rate (BER) performance as scenario, GFDM and OFDM attain better performance due
shown in Fig. 3a. However, the achieved gain is at the cost of to the lower Doppler interference but less robust than OTFS
increased CP overhead in the case of OTFS. Although GFDM against increased Doppler frequencies as illustrated in Fig. 4a.
and OFDM achieve similar performance in term of BER for Moreover, due to the spreading technique in OTFS, the short
smaller Doppler shift, OTFS significantly outperforms them frame is spread over larger time duration. As a result, the FER
in term of FER as depicted in Fig. 3b. For instance, for performance gain of OTFS is appealing as shown in Fig. 4b,
fd = 31.5Hz the FER gain is 3dB at SNR > 14dB. This can especially at high Doppler shift. For instance, the gain is higher
be explained, as illustrated in Fig. 3c, by the almost equal SNR than 4 dB at fd > 1500Hz an SNR = 18dB, as can bee seen in
Fig. 4c. On the other hand, considering additional low-latency A PPENDIX
and throughput constraints, the conventional GFDM provides Consider a signal x [n], n = 0 · · · N +Ncp −1 with x(cp) [n] =

acceptable performance under moderate mobility conditions. x[< n − Ncp >N ] transmitted through LTV channel defined by the
delay-Doppler response H(l, ν), where ν is the normalized Doppler
VI. C ONCLUSION frequency, i.e. ν = Ffs , the received signal can be expressed as
In this paper, we have proposed an extended GFDM frame- Z L−1
work that provides unified four-step implementation structure r[n] = H(l, ν)x(cp) [n − l]ej2πnν dν, (30)
ν l=0
in the time and frequency domains. The OTFS modulation,
which is a powerful transmission technique in LTV channels, with L ≤ Ncp − 1 is the maximum delay spread. Then we extract
can be processed with the GFDM framework with simple the samples y[n] as y[n] = r[Ncp + n], n = 0 · · · N − 1,
modification. Namely, it is shown that the OTFS block results Z L−1
from a permutation of the corresponding conventional GFDM then y[n] = H(l, ν)x[< n − l >N ]ej2π[Ncp +n]ν dν
ν l=0
block and the received OTFS block can be represented as a (31)
Z N−1
GFDM block in additive noise channel. Thus, the received 1 X kn
= H̃(k, ν)x̃[k]ej2π N ej2π[Ncp +n]ν dν.
OTFS signal can be fed to the conventional GFDM demodu- N ν k=0
lator with a reconfigurable receive pulse shape that depends on PL−1 kl
the channel estimation. As a result, the OTFS equalization and Here, H̃(k, ν) = l=0 H(l, ν)e−j2π N . This corresponds to remov-
demodulation are combined in a circular filtering that produces ing the CP and using N -DFT representation for circular convolution,
which is attained due to the CP. The DFT of the received signal is
data symbols with equal SNR. In addition, the MMSE-OTFS
receiver can be implemented with low complexity. The simu- X nq

lation results show that OTFS outperforms the counterparts ỹ[q] = y[n]e−j2π N
long-GFDM and long-OFDM in terms of BER and FER. Z N−1 N−1
Furthermore, OTFS significantly outperforms the short blocks 1 X X n(k−q+N ν)
= H̃(k, ν)x̃[k]ej2πNcp ν ej2π N dν.
of GFDM and OFDM in high mobility scenarios, due to the N ν k=0 n=0
exploitation of time and frequency diversity. However, GFDM Assuming that the maximum Doppler spread fd satisfies N |νD | ≪ 1,
can be a reasonable choice for moderate mobility and low- where νd = Ffds , then,
latency use cases as it outperforms OFDM in term of FER.
N−1 N−1
In the future work, the extended GFDM framework is used X (k−q)n X
ej2π N ej2πnν ≈ ej2πnν δ(q − k), (32)
to develop alternative forms of OTFS with applications for n=0 n=0
multiuser scenarios.
N−1 Z
1 X
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