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22690811 ANJALI S

22690816 DURGA L


22690847 SUBASHINI C

22690852 VANITHA M

22690853 VARSHINI V


in the fulfillment for the award award of





APRIL 2024



22690811 ANJALI S

22690816 DURGA L


22690847 SUBASHINI C

22690852 VANITHA M

22690853 VARSHINI V


in the fulfillment for the award award of



APRIL 2024



This is certify that the project is bonafied record done by STUDENTS of

final year diploma in medical laboratory technology during the academic year

Head of the Department, Lecturer,
Department of Medical lab tech , Department of MLT,
Cheran Polytechnic College, Cheran Polytechnic College
Pallipalayam, Pallipalayam


VIVA-VOCE HELD ON ____________.



I wish to convey my heartful thanks to our esteemed and respected

Chairman Mr.A.ANBALAGAN who always blessed us to give the best.

I heartily express my profound gratitude to our Honorable Secretary

Tmt.S.VIJAYA ANBALAGAN for their constant support.

I heartily express my sincere thanks to our Respected Principal,

Mr..M.VIJAYAKUMAR M.E.,MISTE for forwarding us to do our project and
offering adequate duration in completing our project.

I am grateful to Mr.RAFFI.S B.E., Head of the Department, and

Department of Medical Laboratory technology for his anchoring support in doing
this project.

I express my sincere thanks to our supervisor, Mrs.S.SHALINI M.E.,

Lecturer, Department of Medical Laboratory Technology for his excellent
guidance, who was always with us to carry out this project successfully.

I offer my sincere thanks to all our esteemed teaching, non-teaching staff

members of Medical Electronics Department, my dear parents and friends who
have contributed their continuous support by their valuable suggestions and
The adult human is a biped, and locomotion is primarily created by
consecutive lower limb movements. The trunk and upper limbs also play a part
in locomotion but this is not the emphasis of this thesis so will not be discussed
further. Biped gait during locomotion broadly can be broken into a swing and
stance phase of individual lower limbs. For the sake of this using an instrumented
treadmill with force plates, vertical ground reaction forces (GRF) will be used to
describe gait events.
Vertical ground reaction forces reflect the net vertical and shear forces
that are created by the foot and the surface in contact with the foot. These reaction
forces reflect the summation of all of the segmental accelerations created by the
body at one instance. commercially manufactured treadmill (h/p/cosmos, Nuss
dorf Germany) that has been instrumented with two force plates (Kistler
Instrument Corporation, Amherst NY) beneath the treadmill’s belt. Each force
plate has four piezoelectric sensors to measure vertical ground reaction forces.
The force plates are in Tandem and are calibrated by Kistler engineers
while being manufactured. The Tandem plate design with the Kistler Gait way
software has patented algorithms to determine left and right foot ground reaction
forces dependent on the central axis line of the force plates. Each force plate is
60cm x 60cm.Lower limb joint replacement is a commonly performed procedure
worldwide with arguably the biggest health impact in terms of quality-adjusted
life years and cost effectiveness.
Gait analysis has been developed to provide an objective measure of
patient’s function, and has already been applied to the study of outcome after
lower limb joint replacement. Traditional gait analysis uses optical (video)
devices with force plates that capture patients walking or doing other important
activities of daily living such as stair ascent and desent.
Manish Debnath et al (2015) proposed an eco-friendly method of
generating electricity. They proposed the feasibility of this method for the remote
areas where the electricity is beyond the reach of common people. Their
suggested treadmill can be easily operated by anyone as the small connected DC
generators require very small torque. Their method can reduce a significant
portion of our consumption of fossil fuel, spent for generating electricity.
Shamshad Ali et al (2015) designed simple and sustainable manual
treadmill with Electricity. They suggested that this manual treadmill can
manage a wide range of Health problems and improve strength of muscles. They
emphasised that this manual treadmill with Electricity Generator can reduce
Green House Gases up to some extent.
Gopinath et al (2018) proposed a technique that can produce electricity
with the assistance of electricity components that create use of the energy of
human footsteps and storing of the charge by converter employed in the circuit
for future applications. They suggested the need of constant increase of power to
be met by putting in the systems in heavily packed places to overcome the energy
crises however conjointly build up a healthy encompassing
Ravindra Burkul et al (2018) developed a branch and bound approach to
optimize the ‘Treadmill Electric Bicycle’ serving the purpose of exercise and to
reduce the use of non-renewable energy resources. They created a platform
in which mechanical energy is converted into linear motion. Their proposed
prototype can be a good promoted area to use the energy being wasted on
treadmills in fitness centres, not only to save energy but also to create a new idea
of energy distribution in electrical field which is a common need for everyone in
Gandhewar et al (2017) proposed a project creating a platform in which
mechanical energy is converted into linear motion. Their highly fuel-saving
technology based prototype was promised to utilise the energy being wasted on
treadmills in fitness centres. They investigated its application as an indoor
locomotive device infrastructure with large roof span i.e. malls, warehouse, open
markets, large office spaces, etc.
Masuma Akter et al (2017) proposed the idea of utilizing the wastage
energy from human locomotion. They investigated observed as millions of people
move every day in cities, significant amount of electricity can be generated
by installing feasible devices at places where public walk everyday like railway
stations, shopping malls, roadways, densely populated public spots etc. Their
piezoelectric system can be a practical product for capturing footstep power.
Vikas Pansare et al (2019) proposed a project that can achieve all the
power requirements for basic daily household needs such as inverter battery
charging for auxiliary power supply, mobile and other electronic device
Abhiram et al (2017) proposed a new model of tricycle which is
combination of treadmill and tricycle. They investigated that the treadmill
tricycle can be used in place of regular bike at reduced initial and running cost.
They suggested it as a future vehicle and it does not emit any pollutants, it is an
eco-friendly vehicle.
Kunal Titare et al (2018) observed during the test run of the project that
the current was obtained at some specific speed. They further calculated the
current output, taken out from the motor to battery and investigated that the
assembly of treadmill so obtained is free from any failure and deformation.
Harsha et al (2018) developed a treadmill based human power generator
using an electromagnetic dynamo generator coupled to a manual treadmill's
flywheel. They investigated that a human power treadmill generator could help
reduce energy consumption significantly in the gym environment. They
emphasised application of the treadmill generator for a low-cost, quick to
implement, simple to operate, and low maintenance solution in isolated areas
such as rural countryside or developing countries. They discussed application of
the treadmill as an educational tool to give people a physical perspective on
quantities in energy, helping realize the importance of energy conservation. They
observed that in current era, the method of human power generation could be a
solution that also helps mitigate the issue of obesity and overweight.
Stavar et al (2010) proposed the treadmill with utility to be not only in
recreational or sport domains but in apparently totally different ones. Domains
such as Virtual Reality, Walking Rehabilitation, Regenerative Medicine, may
take the advantage of using special adapted treadmills. They described a practical
application that tries to control the sense, speed and acceleration of a DC motor
which has the role to actuate an adapted treadmill. The authors presented a novel
concept of an adaptive treadmill control based on the user’s undisturbed
locomotion intention.
Herman et al (2009) proposed the idea that treadmill training in
parkinson’s disease is safe, feasible, and likely to be efficacious and suggest that
treadmill training could play an important role for improving gait and mobility in
parkinson’s disease, as it does in other patient groups. Their studies established
efficacy and long-term, carry over effects and directly measure the effects of TT
on outcomes such as quality of life and fall risk, a major cause of morbidity and
functional dependence in PD.
3.1 Anatomy of Leg and Knee
3.1.1 Anatomy of Leg
The legs consist of dozens of muscles that flex, bend, extend, adduct,
abduct, and rotate your legs and allow movement. This ultimate leg workout
focuses on four main muscle groups — the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and
calves. Understanding how they all fit together and work with each other will
ensure you get the most out
your workout.

Fig 3.1.1 – Anatomy of Leg

The quadriceps, or quads, sit at the front of your thigh. Comprised of four
muscles, these are the strongest muscles in the human body

Sitting at the back of your thigh are the three hamstring muscles. They
affect both hip and knee movement.
While not technically part of your leg, the glute muscles help facilitate
movement in the hips and legs. They’re also regularly engaged when performing
leg workouts.
Facilitating movement in your ankle, foot, and toes are the calf muscles.
They sit at the back of your lower leg between the knee and ankle .
3.1.2 Anatomy of Knee
The knee joint is made up of two parts. The part of the knee between the
end of the thigh bone (femur) and the top of the shin bone (tibia) is called the tibio
femoral joint. The patella femoral joint is between the end of the thigh bone
(femur) and the kneecap (patella).
The knee joint is surrounded by synovial fluid which keeps it lubricated.
The bones are covered by smooth joint surface (articular) cartilage that allows
them to glide smoothly together without friction. If the joint surface is damaged
through wear and tear or a knee injury, arthritis can develop.
Cruciate Ligaments
These are found inside your knee joint. They cross each other to form an
“X” with the anterior cruciate ligament in front and the posterior cruciate
ligament at the back. The cruciate ligaments control the back and forth motion
of your knee.
Collateral Ligaments
These are found on the sides of your knee. The medial or “inside”
collateral ligament (MCL) connects the femur to the tibia. The lateral or
“outside” collateral ligament (LCL) connects the femur to the smaller bone in
the lower leg (fibula). The collateral ligaments control the sideways motion of
your knee and brace it against unusual movement.
There are two meniscal cartilages in the knee that act as shock-absorbers –
one on the inner and one on the outer side. They sit between the curved lower part
of the thigh bone and the flat upper part of the shin bone. Their job is to evenly
distribute the load from the thigh bone to shin bone when walking and to provide
knee stability. If the menisci are damaged, this can cause the cartilage beneath to
become damaged and develop arthritis.
The adult human is a biped, and locomotion is primarily created by
consecutive lower limb movements. The trunk and upper limbs also play a part
in locomotion but this is not the emphasis of this thesis so will not be discussed
further. Biped gait during locomotion broadly can be broken into a swing and
stance phase of individual lower limbs. For the sake of this thesis using an
instrumented treadmill with force plates, vertical ground reaction forces (GRF)
will be used to describe gait events. Vertical ground reaction forces reflect the net
vertical and shear forces that are created by the foot and the surface in contact
with the foot.
These reaction forces reflect the summation of all of the segmental
accelerations created by the body at one instance. In other words, as described by
Bobbert et al, each segmental acceleration can be derived by Newton’s second
law, which calculates a single rigid body segment as:
𝐹𝑦 = 𝑚(𝑎𝑦 – g)
where 𝐹𝑦 is the vertical component of the ground reaction force vector, 𝑚 is
the rigid segment body mass, g is the acceleration of gravity (-9.81 m𝑠−1) and 𝑎𝑦
is the vertical component of the acceleration of the segmental body’s centre of
mass. During the act of walking there are multiple rigid segments having a net
effect on the bodies mass. The equation for a multi (n) segment system


3.3Gait cycle: fundamentals
The adult human is a biped, and locomotion is primarily created by
consecutive lower limb movements. The trunk and upper limbs also play a part
in locomotion but this is not the emphasis of this thesis so will not be discussed
further. Biped gait during locomotion broadly can be broken into a swing and
stance phase of individual lower limbs. For the sake of this thesis using an
instrumented treadmill with force plates, vertical ground reaction forces (GRF)
will be used to describe gait events. Vertical ground reaction forces reflect the net
vertical and shear forces that are created by the foot and the surface in contact
with the foot.
These reaction forces reflect the summation of all of the segmental
accelerations created by the body at one instance. In other words, as described by
Bobbert et al, each segmental acceleration can be derived by Newton’s second
law, which calculates a single rigid body segment as
𝐹𝑦 = 𝑚(𝑎𝑦 – g)
where 𝐹𝑦 is the vertical component of the ground reaction force vector, 𝑚
is the rigid segment body mass, g is the acceleration of gravity (-9.81 m𝑠−1) and
𝑎𝑦 is the vertical component of the acceleration of the segmental body’s centre of
mass. During the act of walking there are multiple rigid segments having a net
effect on the bodies mass. The equation for a multi (n) segment system becomes:
𝐹𝑦 = ∑𝑛
𝐹𝑦 = ∑𝑛
𝑚𝑖 (𝑎𝑦𝑖 − g) 𝑖=1
where 𝑚𝑖 is the mass of ith segment and 𝑎𝑦𝑖 is the vertical acceleration
of the ith segment. Therefore the force plate measures the total force created by
the summated segemental accelerations along with its gravitational acceleration
on the bodies mass. During walking, typically the vertical ground reaction force
curve is “M” shaped (Fig.1). The shape is generally the same amongst healthy
humans as there is mild variance in the way walking
locomotion is done. Additionally the same individual has little variability on
different days(23) .
The “M” shaped curve (fig 2.1) created by the vertical ground reaction forces of
walking can be characterised into 5 main phases for the purpose of describing
gait as depicted in the figures below. These phases vary in net force due to the
net differences in acceleration during the stance phase as explained by the above
equations. The initial event during stance phase is heel strike (fig 2.2), as stated
it is when the initial heel strikes and marks the time when the foot has made
contact. The second phase is maximum weight acceptance (fig 2.3), which is the
first large peak of the force curve and marks when the most eccentric producing
force is created. The third phase is mid-stance (fig 2.4), which is the lowest
point between the two major peaks and marks the transition valley between the
foot heel striking and pushing off.
The fourth phase is the push off phase (fig 2.5), which is the second large peak
and marks the period where there is maximum concentric force created. The
final phase is toe-off (fig 2.6), which marks the end of stance phase during that
step and occurs when the toes are at the final stage of pushing off for the
subsequent step. All of these phases can be seen in the depictions below.
Figure 2.1 “M” shaped graphical depiction of ground reaction forces
Figure 2.2 Heel Strike (Right)

Figure 2.3 Maximum Weight Acceptance (Right)

Figure 2.4 Midstance (Right)

Figure 2.5 Push-Off (Right)

Figure 2.6 Toe-Off (Right)

The temporospatial measures on the tandem instrumented treadmill can be

determined based on the heel contact and final toe off. Step length is the
horizontal distance covered during a foot’s initial heel contact to the initial heel
contact of the contralateral foot. Stride length is the horizontal distance covered
during a foot’s initial heel contact to the following heel contact of the same foot.
Step width is the distance between consecutive heel strikes perpendicular to the
horizontal plane (z axis). Cadence is the number of foot strikes occurring
in one minute or calculated by:
Contact time is the period of time from initial heel strike to toe-off of the same
foot. Gait cycle time (stride time) is the time taken in seconds during a stride as
described above. Step time is the time taken in seconds during a step as
described above. Double support time is the duration of time when both feet are
in contact with the ground. Right double support time is the time from initial
heel contact of the right foot to the toe-off of the left foot and the opposite is for
left double support time. Single support time is the duration of time when the
body is supported by only one foot. The temporal measurements (fig 2.7) can be
seen in the figure below.

Figure 2.7 Graphical depictions of temporal measurements in consecutive steps (right, left, right)

As time and force is gathered, force with relation to time is measured.

Impulse is the integral or the area under the “M” curve and takes into
consideration the magnitude and the time

Weight acceptance rate or loading rate reflects the slope or rate of rise of the first
peak. The loading rate is measured by taking a point at 10% and 90% of the first
peak force. Push-off rate is the unloading rate and is measured by taking a point
at 90% and 10% during push-off
to determine the slope. The equation and figure 2.8 below describes the loading

Figure 2.8 Force relative to time

3.2 Background Information

The previous Major Qualifying Project on this subject (Design,
Analysis and Testing of a Treadmill for Older Adults) built a prototype treadmill
to fit the perceived needs of elderly users. Once the prototype was completed, the
group conducted clinical tests to determine how well it met these needs.
3.2.1 Machine Selection
The group chose a treadmill as the exercise machine they would modify
based on a survey of 121 local senior citizens. The majority of individuals
surveyed said that they exercised to improve their cardiovascular health. Also,
when asked which area of their bodies limited their exercise the most common
answers included knees, ankles and feet. Based on these responses, and also
considering other factors such as feasibility of modification, the group examined
three different exercise machines. Ultimately, they determined that out of a
treadmill, an elliptical machine and a stationary bike a treadmill would be the
most suitable for their project.
3.2.2 Support System
The first modification the previous group made to their treadmill was
the addition of a support system. This system included handrails along the sides

of the treadmill and a parachute harness suspended above the treadmill.
The handrails they made were mounted on a wooded support structure
made of 2x4 and 4x4 beams (Figure 1). In total, the structure held four rails, two
at a fixed height and two whose heights could be adjusted. The railings were
mounted outside the envelope of the treadmill and the adjustable set extended
inwards for easier gripping. Where the height of the railings was adjustable in 1
inch increments, the widths of the railings were fixed. These railings spanned the
full length of the treadmill. Given the wooden structure of the railings as well as
the base they were positioned on, this system added a considerable amount of
weight and increased the size of the treadmill’s footprint significantly.
The prior group had also created a separate Safety system to provide
support for users of the treadmill. This system consisted of a parachute harness
suspended from pipes attached to a more 4x4 beams (Figure 2).The harness was
Height adjustable based on the straps that connected it to the pipes and frame that
bulid for it . The construction was made from more wooden 2x4 and 4x4 beams,
and steel pipes with flanges. As with the railing system the harness frame added
a considerable amount of weight and increased the size of the treadmill
significantly. The clinical trials performed by the group yielded both positive and
negative feedback regarding these two systems.

Fig 3.2.2 (A) Handrail System

The constructive criticism stemmed from the lack of adjustability in the

handrail system, the size of the treadmill, and the harness. The treadmill was too
large according to some of the respondents and they do not want such a large
device, especially when it cannot be stored or moved easily. The inclusion of the
harness apparatus was appreciated by the respondents; however few of them
actually used it. The task of getting into and out of it was too daunting. Also, the
harness was considered by those who did use it extremely cumbersome and

Fig -3.2.2 (B) – Parachute Harness

3.2.3 Walking Surface

In an attempt to dampen the impact force on users’ legs and joints, the
previous group attached a soft material to the treadmill belt. They ultimately
decided to use 0.125in thick natural gum rubber. They tried to attach it to the belt
in several different ways, including using multiple types of adhesive and stitching
the two together. None of these techniques could withstand the constant flexure
to which the belt was subject during normal operation. Eventually, the process of
the belt wrapping around the rollers driving it caused the rubber to detach from

3.2.4 Speed Control

To allow for finer speed control, the previous project used a programmable
controller from a VEX robotics kit to alter the signal to the treadmill’s motor.
This allowed users to select speeds with more specific control and it also allowed
them to select lower operating speeds. Unfortunately, it did not allow the
treadmill to run at speeds above 4mph. They also had difficulty using the
controller to output to an LCD display.

3.2.5 User Interface

The previous project created an entirely new user interface for their
treadmill (Figure 3). It consisted of three large buttons (stop, increase speed and
decrease speed) mounted on a transplant plastic backing. We found that the
visibility of the buttons in their own right was acceptable; however they were
mounted onto a sheet of clear plastic.

Figure 3: Previous User Interface

The ability to see through the background added an undesirable amount of

confusing visual cues. Additionally, it included a passive LCD display, which
was not compatible with the electronics used in our treadmill and was not
sufficiently large to remain readable by thosewith vision impairment.
Additionally, it was found that if pressure was applied only near the periphery of
the buttons, the bending moment would cause the button to bind within its
housing and resist or prevent motion.


Treadmills are stationary cardio machines on which you can walk, jog or
run indoors. Treadmills usually feature adjustable speeds and inclines to vary
your workout, allowing you to simulate a hill with the push of a button. Most
commercial treadmills go as fast as 12 mph and reach inclines of 10 percent or
There is definitely a lot of improvement to be made on the treadmill, a
staple of any sweaty gym or spare bedroom. In fact, it’s kind of sad how excited
we get when a flat-screen TV hovers just inches from our face as we run like a
hamster. Well, that all might change in the future – the near future.
The Voyager is just a concept, but oh is it a good one. With three different
modes and a full-body screen, the treadmill allows you to run through the streets
of New York, challenge a friend to a friendly jog (complete with a real-time
image of their full body), or take part in a game complete with avatar.
As a runner who often hits the treadmill in the winter, I’m really, really,
really excited about this. Pray to the technology gods for this concept to come to


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