Defining Your Prime Aspirations

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Prime Aspirations at 100 are the true cause of all achievement with PRACTICE

Defining your Prime Aspiration

When a Prime Aspiration is defined you become crystal clear in your mind about a specific outcome, which is so inextricably linked to your emotional drive that it propels you into massive sustainable action. Paul Rodden Firstly write in your chosen area My Chosen area is .. What are your Prime Aspirations?

1. The first thing, to be done, is to make a list of all the things that you would like to be
or do in your chosen area. In my chosen area I definitely want to..

PRA International Ltd 2009

Prime Aspirations at 100 are the true cause of all achievement with PRACTICE

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PRA International Ltd 2009

Prime Aspirations at 100 are the true cause of all achievement with PRACTICE

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PRA International Ltd 2009

Prime Aspirations at 100 are the true cause of all achievement with PRACTICE

Defining Your Prime Aspirations Using the Emotional Evaluator

1. Look again at the previous page. Place your top Aspirations in the boxes below, one
box for each Aspiration.


When you have done this, evaluate your Aspirations using the scale from 10 to 100, for each of your desires.

10 being little or no desire, 100 being a feeling that totally inwardly motivates you!


Highlight/number the top 3 which would send you off the scale if you achieved them within the next 12 - 24 months!

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

PRA International Ltd 2009

Prime Aspirations at 100 are the true cause of all achievement with PRACTICE

YOUR Page should look like the example below

PRA International Ltd 2009

Prime Aspirations at 100 are the true cause of all achievement with PRACTICE

You are the Judge and Jury!

1. Write

in your top three aspirations (wants) from the above Emotional Evaluator on the previous page in the 3 boxes below.

NB: This time do not put your ratings in the Emotional Evaluator! 2. You have one minute on each to convince yourself what achieving each one would
mean to you.

3. Now

you must score each from 0 to 100 and place the score in the emotional evaluator below

Emotional Evaluator

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

PRA International Ltd 2009

Prime Aspirations at 100 are the true cause of all achievement with PRACTICE

The Prime Aspiration Scale 1-20- Of little or no interest 20-40- I can achieve it but dont really want it 40-60- Someday/maybe 60-80- It would be great to have or be but I not going to do what it takes 80-99- really willing to give it ago, could fall off if things get really tough

100 A place of absolute certainty, honesty, intensity and heart felt passion with action

PRA International Ltd 2009

Prime Aspirations at 100 are the true cause of all achievement with PRACTICE

Important: Now once you have a single aspiration lets see if it is suitable for you! Ask yourself: 1. On a zero to 100 scale when using the emotional evaluator are you are 95 at least preferable you are at 100. 2. Does this aspiration feel appropriate for you to achieve?

3. Are you prepared to do what it takes or enlist the help of others to ensure you take the necessary actions to achieve your aspiration?

If the answer is yes congratulations you have just defined your Prime Aspiration!! You are now ready to move to the next stage. If your answer(s) to any or all of the questions 1-3 above is no, then you need to go back to the process and start again. Remember this is the first time that you have used it so be patient and make sure all the 3 questions are answered with yes. Believe me a little more time getting your Prime Aspiration here should be widely rewarding to your life and results. Once you have defined your Prime Aspiration you are ready to move on to the next stage.
PRA International Ltd 2009

Prime Aspirations at 100 are the true cause of all achievement with PRACTICE

My number 1 Prime Aspiration is

What will you have to do in order to move to your Prime Aspiration? 3 actions that I can and will take today are:




PRA International Ltd 2009

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