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SEHS Mock Exam

Question Paper

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Question 1

When a golfer hits a golf ball with backspin, what is the effect of the spin on the ball?

A It will create lift and bring the ball back down to the ground sooner.

B It will generate a force that will cause the ball to curve to the side.

C It will not alter the flight of the ball.

D It will create lift and keep the ball in the air longer.

Question 2 Page 2 of 33
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The graph below represents lung volume. What is labelled X?

A Tidal volume

B Vital capacity

C Expiratory reserve volume

D Inspiratory reserve volume

Question 3 Page 3 of 33
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Which equation represents the relationship between technique, skill and ability?

A Selection of an appropriate technique = skill + ability

B Skill = ability + selection of an appropriate technique

C Ability = skill × selection of an appropriate technique

D Skill = selection of an appropriate technique − ability

Question 4

1. Outline two types of connective tissue of joints. [2]

2. Describe the functions of erythrocytes, platelets and leucocytes. [3]

3. Evaluate the Harvard Step Test. [3]

4. Explain the role of insulin in the body. [6]

5. Describe the types of movement of the ball and socket joint at the shoulder. [6]

Question 5 Page 4 of 33
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1. Define Newton’s first law of motion. [1]

2. Explain how Newton’s laws of motion apply in a team sport. [4]

3. Describe the function of adrenaline during exercise. [4]

4. Discuss the distribution of blood at rest and redistribution of blood during [6]
strenuous exercise.

5. Using examples, outline the different methods of transfer. [5]

Question 6

The diagram shows a cross section through a human brain.

1. Identify the structures A and B in the diagram. [2] Page 5 of 33
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2. List two functions of the frontal lobe of the brain. [2]

3. Outline three different types of exteroceptor sensory inputs for a football player [3]
duringa game.

Question 7

What is total lung capacity?

A The volume of air in the lungs after a maximum inhalation

B The maximum volume of air that can be exhaled after a maximum inhalation

C The volume of air in excess of tidal volume that can be exhaled forcibly

D The volume of air still contained in the lungs after a maximal exhalation

Question 8

1. Distinguish between the three different types of muscle. [3]

2. Define motor programme. [1]

3. Apply the concept of motor programme to improving performance of a [2]

gymnastics routine. Page 6 of 33
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4. Explain how running versus static exercise (such as holding a plank position) [4]
affect systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels.

5. Using Welford’s model of information processing, describe how information [4]

enters the short-term memory (STM).

6. Discuss how the three energy systems contribute to ATP production during an [6]
800-metre run.

Question 9

1. Analyse the factors that affect drag for a road cyclist. [5]

2. Using an example from sport, outline a closed skill. [1]

3. Compare and contrast the motor skill classifications of a boxer and a road [4]

4. Analyse how a road cyclist plans a macrocycle using periodization. [3]

Question 10

The diagram shows Welford’s model of information processing. What does X represent? Page 7 of 33
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A Short-term store

B Decision making

C Effector control

D Long-term store

Question 11

A study investigated the magnitude of the impact force, in Newtons (N), at the shoulder
during tackling in 35 experienced rugby union players. The researchers looked at the
effect of the following variables on the impact force at the shoulder:

Condition 1: Shoulder pads (with and without)

Condition 2: Shoulder (dominant versus non-dominant)

Condition 3: Setting (in a laboratory versus on a rugby field) Page 8 of 33
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[Source:Steve Haag/Gallo Images/Getty Images.]

Table 1 shows the mean maximum impact force in Newtons (and standard deviation) for
Conditions 1 and 2.

[Source: Reprinted from Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, [e-journal] 14,
Usman, J., Mcintosh, A. S.,
Fréchède, B., 2011. An investigation of shoulder forces in active shoulder tackles in
rugby union football. pp.547-552.
with permission from Elsevier. Available at: https://www.jsams. org/article/S1440-
[accessed 05 September 2019].]

Table 2 shows the mean maximum impact force for trials conducted in the laboratory
and on the field (Condition 3). Page 9 of 33
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[Source:Reprinted from Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, [e-journal] 14,

Usman, J., Mcintosh, A. S.,
Fréchède, B., 2011. An investigation of shoulder forces in active shoulder tackles in
rugby union football. pp.547-552.
with permission from Elsevier. Available at: https://www.jsams. org/article/S1440-
[accessed 05 September 2019].]

The possibility of brain injuries is a concern in certain sports. A recent study tested the
effect on the impact force (N) of adding a soft-covering cap to a helmet when dropped
from a set height. The graph shows the results for three different brands of helmet, A,
B, and C. Page 10 of 33
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[Source: Breedlove KM, et al. The Ability of an Aftermarket Helmet Add-On Device to
Reduce Impact-Force Acceleration
During Drop Tests. J Athl Train. 2017;52(9):802-808.]

1. Identify which shoulder has the greatest mean impact force. [1]

2. Calculate the difference, in Newtons, between mean maximum impact force for [2]
dominant and non-dominant shoulders for players wearing pads.

3. Using the data, discuss the hypothesis that wearing padding could reduce the [2]
incidence of injuries to the tackler in rugby union.

4. Suggest reasons for the lower impact forces recorded in the laboratory setting. [2]

5. Evaluate field and laboratory testing for human performance. [4]

6. Identify the brand of helmet that demonstrated the lowest mean impact force. [1]

7. Deduce the effect of having a soft-covering cap on the impact force of the [2]
different helmets. Page 11 of 33
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Question 12

What is coefficient of variation?

A The ratio of the standard deviation to the mean expressed as a percentage

B The sum of the standard deviation and the mean

C The ratio of the mean to the standard deviation expressed as a percentage

D The sum of the standard deviation subtracted from the mean

Question 13

What is the mean of these three javelin throws?

Throw 1: 40 metres; Throw 2: 53 metres; Throw 3: 60 metres

A 40 metres

B 45 metres

C 51 metres

D 53 metres Page 12 of 33
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Question 14

1. Explain why elite athletes are generally more susceptible to infection than [2]
sedentary individuals.

2. Explain how a complex feedback loop regulates blood glucose. [3]

3. Explain the phenomenon of cardiovascular drift and one method of reducing it. [5]

4. A table-tennis ball is hit with topspin. Apply the Bernoulli principle to the [4]
projectile motion of the ball.

5. The diagram shows a tennis player serving. [6]

Explain how a coach would use both the phase analysis model and the
performance outcome model to teach the tennis serve.

Question 15

1. List two general characteristics common to muscle tissue. [2]

2. Outline the function of interoceptors in sensory input during movement. [2]

3. Explain the signal-detection process. [3] Page 13 of 33
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Question 16

Which cardiovascular adaptions are a result of endurance exercise training?

I. Increased stroke volume

II. Lower resting heart rate

III. Increased exercising heart rate

A I and II only

B I and III only

C II and III only

D I, II and III

Question 17

The diagram shows velocity–time graphs. Which graph shows the greatest change in Page 14 of 33
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The diagram shows velocity–time graphs. Which graph shows the greatest change in
velocity? Page 15 of 33
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Question 18

The diagram shows the blood supply to the brain. What is X?

A The right brachiocephalic trunk

B The left brachiocephalic trunk

C The right internal carotid artery

D The right external carotid artery

Question 19

Which levers have the effort and the load on the same side of the fulcrum?

I. First class lever

II. Second class lever

III. Third class lever

A I and II only

B I and III only

C II and III only

D I, II and III Page 16 of 33
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Question 20

What is response time?

A The amount of time between the stimulus and the initiation of the movement

B The amount of time between the stimulus and the completion of movement

C Response time = movement time − reaction time

The amount of time from the initiation of a movement to the completion of a


Question 21

1. Using an example from sport, apply the concept of psychological refractory [5]

2. Compare and contrast the structure of fast-twitch (type IIa and IIb) muscle [4]

3. Describe how breathing is controlled during exercise. [5]

4. Explain how the mechanics of exhalation change from rest to exercise. [6] Page 17 of 33
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Question 22

A study investigated the effect of practice on the improvement of four field hockey
skills. Participants engaged in pre-test and post-test competitions before and after a
six-week training programme. During the training programme, participants were
randomly allocated to one of three practice groups:




Results for the successful performance of each skill during the competitions are shown
in the table.

* p < 0.05 Page 18 of 33
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1. State the mean percentage for successful passing by the fixed practice group in [1]
the pre-test competition.

2. Identify the practice group and skill with the highest mean percentage of [1]
successful post-test performances.

3. Calculate the difference in mean percentage between successful pre-test and [2]
post-test game-based trapping.

4. Using the data, deduce the effect of each practice group on each skill. [4]

5. Using the statistical data, comment on the performance of trapping by the [1]
variable practice and game-based practice groups.

6. Outline fixed practice. [2]

7. Describe the type of transfer used by the game-based practice group during [2]
post-test competition.

8. Explain how physical maturation and motivation can affect the rate of learning. [3]

Question 23

1. Describe the regulation of heart rate. [4]

2. Analyse oxygen deficit. [5]

3. Explain the differences in dietary recommendations for a runner during marathon [5] Page 19 of 33
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3. Explain the differences in dietary recommendations for a runner during marathon [5]
training and a sedentary individual both with healthy body mass index (BMI).

4. The diagram shows a person performing a somersault dive from a 10 m platform. [6]

Outline how they use the law of conservation of angular momentum to perform a
somersault dive.

Question 24

The diagram shows a rower using a rowing machine.

1. Outline one type of muscle tissue. [2]

2. Describe how the characteristics of slow-twitch muscle fibres are suited to a [4]

3. Outline the genetic mechanism for the inheritance of potential athletic ability. [5]

4. Discuss the increased maximal oxygen consumption of athletes after a period of [4]
endurance training.

5. Evaluate the use of information technologies to assess rowing performance. [5] Page 20 of 33
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Question 25

Which outlines progression as a principle of training programme design?

A Training muscles that are relevant to the actions of the sport

B Training is high intensity for short bursts

C Training by gradual increase in physical challenge to induce adaptations

D Training with a range of methods to maintain motivation

Question 26

What type of joint is the ankle?

A Saddle joint

B Pivot joint

C Hinge joint

D Gliding joint

Question 27

Which muscles form the quadriceps femoris? Page 21 of 33
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Which muscles form the quadriceps femoris?

A Rectus femoris, vastus intermedialis, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis

B Biceps femoris, vastus intermedialis, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis

C Rectus femoris, biceps femoris, vastus medialis, semitendinosus

D Biceps femoris, vastus intermedialis, biceps brachii, vastus lateralis

Question 28

In preparation for a downhill running event, what can an athlete do during initial training
to prevent delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)?

A Reduce eccentric muscle actions.

B Increase eccentric muscle actions.

C Reduce concentric muscle actions.

D Increase intensity of muscle actions.

Question 29

1. The diagram shows a long bone. [2]

[Source:OpenStax College – Anatomy & Physiology, Connexions Web site. Page 22 of 33
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[Source:OpenStax College – Anatomy & Physiology, Connexions Web site., Jun 19, 2013.
Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)]

Label structures A and B in the diagram.



2. State the location of the femur in relation to the tibia using anatomical [1]

3. State the location of the sternum in relation to the vertebral column using [1]
anatomical terminology.

4. Outline three functions of cartilage. [3]

Question 30

1. Define the term overload as a principle of training. [1]

2. Using examples, discuss two ways overload could be applied to an endurance [2]
training programme.

3. Outline the functions of two components of blood. [4]

4. Describe the cardiovascular adaptations resulting from endurance training. [5] Page 23 of 33
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5. Explain DOMS in relation to muscle contraction. [3]

6. Compare and contrast slow and fast twitch muscle fibre types. [5]

Question 31

1. Using anatomical terminology, state the location of the cerebellum in relation to [1]
the cerebrum.

2. Describe the role of the cerebellum during the performance of a dance routine. [3]

3. The diagram shows a figure skater spinning on ice. [6]

[Source: © David Darling,\_momentum.htm\]

Explain the concept of angular momentum when a figure skater spins on ice.

4. Outline the components associated with sensory input that can be used by the [4]
figure skater when performing a routine.

5. Identify two characteristics of a novice figure skater. [2]

6. Using examples, explain how a coach can use task and environment constraints [4]
to increase motivation in novice performers. Page 24 of 33
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Question 32

1. Identify one effect on the immune system of training for a marathon. [1]

2. Outline strategies a marathon runner could use to reduce the risk of infection. [3]

3. Describe the extrinsic regulation of the sinoatrial (SA) node as an athlete begins [3]
a warm-up.

4. Describe two functions of the skin. [4]

5. Suggest how an aerobic 1500 m endurance athlete uses the principles of [4]

6. Evaluate the multistage fitness test as a method of assessing aerobic capacity in [5]
a long-distance runner.

Question 33 Page 25 of 33
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A series of fitness tests were conducted before and after a training programme to
evaluate the effectiveness of the programme. The table shows the mean results and
probability (p) values.

Which fitness component shows no significant change?

A Speed

B Agility

C Reaction time

D Power

Question 34

1. Analyse oxygen deficit. [5]

2. Discuss the structural differences between slow twitch and fast twitch muscle [6]
fibre types. Page 26 of 33
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3. Identify three strategies for minimizing risk from infection among athletes in an [3]
Olympic Village.

4. Outline three methods used to monitor exercise intensity. [6]

Question 35

A sporting institute sets up a talent ID programme. Which data would be most relevant?

A Ancestry

B Income

C Nationality

D Diet

Question 36

1. Discuss the role of hormones on glucose uptake during exercise. [4]

2. Using an example, discuss the effect of experience and memory on selective [6]

3. Using an example, describe the phases of learning a skill. [6] Page 27 of 33
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4. Apply a phase analysis model to a sporting technique. [4]

Question 37

Which are the functions of the skin?

I. Temperature regulation
II. Excretion
III. Synthesis of vitamin D

A I only

B I and II only

C II and III only

D I, II and III

Question 38

Which are elements of a general training programme?

I. Warm up

II. Endurance training

III. Recreational activities and sports

A I and II only

B I and III only Page 28 of 33
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B I and III only

C II and III only

D I, II and III

Question 39

1. Describe the need for glucose and oxygen by the brain. [3]

2. Using an example, describe how selective attention prevents information [3]


3. Define motor programme. [1]

4. Apply the concept of motor programme to improving performance of a [2]

gymnastics routine.

5. Explain how genetic and environmental factors contribute to improved [5]

performance in long distance runners.

6. Discuss how the three energy systems contribute to ATP production during an [6]
800-metre run.

Question 40 Page 29 of 33
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Which are the functions of the skin?

I. Regulation of body temperature

II. Protection and immunity

III. Synthesis of vitamin D

A I and II only

B I and III only

C II and III only

D I, II and III

Question 41

Which is an example of a bilateral transfer of learning?

A A football kick improving a player's rugby kick

B From 'three on three' basketball to the full game

C Left hand spike in volleyball improving a right hand spike

D Improving leg power to jump higher in a high jump competition

Question 42

The diagram shows the left lateral view of the brain. Which lobe is labelled X? Page 30 of 33
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The diagram shows the left lateral view of the brain. Which lobe is labelled X?

A Frontal lobe

B Parietal lobe

C Occipital lobe

D Temporal lobe

Question 43

1. State the general characteristic common to muscle tissue that allows the muscle [1] Page 31 of 33
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1. State the general characteristic common to muscle tissue that allows the muscle [1]
to stretch and return to its original resting length.

2. Identify the origin and insertion for the rectus femoris. [2]

[Source: Copyright 2003-2004 University of Washington, Seattle, Washington,


3. Describe the functions of ligaments and tendons in a joint such as the knee joint. [2]

4. Distinguish between maximal oxygen consumption during cycling and arm [1]

5. Describe the process of oxygen exchange between the lungs and pulmonary [4]
capillaries at rest.

6. Outline the characteristics of hormones. [2]

7. Describe how circulating hormone levels are regulated. [2]

Question 44

What is an example of a perceptual motor ability?

A Strength

B Reaction time

C Page 32 of 33
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C Flexibility

D Endurance

Question 45

Which phrase describes technique?

A Learned movements that are specific to a certain task

B The way in which a specific sports skill is performed

C The general capacity of an individual to perform well

D Characteristics that allow for effective learning Page 33 of 33

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