Paper - 4 March-20

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Cambridge Assessment International Education Cambridge IGCSE™ CANDIDATE NAME CENTRE CANDIDATE NUMBER, NUMBER MATHEMATICS 0580/42 Paper 4 (Extended) February/March 2020 2 hours 30 minutes You must answer on the question paper. You will need: Geometrical instruments INSTRUCTIONS ‘Answer all questions, Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs. Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes at the top of the page. Write your answer to each question in the space provided, Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid, Do not write on any bar codes. You should use a calculator where appropriate, You may use tracing paper. ‘You must show all necessary working clearly. Give non-exact numerical answers correct to 3 significant figures, or 1 decimal place for angles in degrees, unless a different level of accuracy is specified in the question. For m, use either your calculator value or 3.142. INFORMATION The total mark for this paper is 130. The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ This document has 20 pages. Blank pages are indicated Dc (UK'SW) 18280572 ‘© UCLES 2020 [Turn over Dhanu has a model railway. (a) He has a train that consists of a locomotive and 4 coaches. ‘The mass of the locomotive is 87g and the mass of each coach is 52g. (i) Work out the total mass of the train. x Total mass = 89 + C+x25g) = 2954, 295 eR (ii) Work out the mass of the locomotive as a percentage of the total mass of the train. % Percentage = 844 999 3 agg 210° = Meola sip he, co NB 8 EH] (b)_ The train is 61 em long and travels at a speed of 18 cm/s. It takes 4 seconds for the whole of the train to cross a bridge. Calculate the length of the bridge. wved > le= (8x4) em~6lom Dveletle 3D lg= Ilom, t elas wel vo I em (2] (©) Anew locomotive costs $64. Calculate the cost of the locomotive in rupees when the exchange rate is | rupee = $0.0154 Give your answer correct to the nearest 10 rupees. Ir > $0- 0154 m 46+ > es $b yiy $0.0154 > &= 155. 34... 8 4HEOr (nearest ten), on H6O __mmpees [21 © vcLes 2020 osw042.F/M120 3 (a) The cost of a railway magazine increases by 12.5% to $2.70. @® Give your answer in its simplest form. m3 Fing teenie va ‘model railway 435 3 oy Beg —— ssi arene 7-3 util throug aoe 53 1 3G, 53 (The value of Dhanu's model railway is $550, This value increases exponentially at a rate of r% per year. At the end of S years the value will be $736. Calculate the value of 7. " Ana (+ 5) ss AN ~ 2 r=10((8) ») > r=100/($#2)s_ 550, 21 =6-00(35i. Age}, a oucies 0 sonar Calculate the cost of the magazine before this increase. % 195 Ope $2.40 Ors > Op=_$2-40x100 = $9.40 12-5 ‘ S. Dhanu plays with his model railway from 0650 to L115. He then rides his bicycle for 3 hours, Find the ratio time playing with model railway : time riding bicycle. QI BI GI {Turn over 2 (a) The table shows some values for_y = 2x* —4x? +3. x | -1 -05 0 05 1 1s 2 yo) -3 175 3 | 225] 1 0.75 3 (Complete the table. BI (ii) On the grid, draw the graph of y= 2x*—4x? +3 for —1 Nu= ISL, 13t -litres [2] (b)_ Manjeet has two mathematically similar bottles in her bathroom. ‘The large bottle holds 1.35 litres and is 29.7.em high. ‘The small bottle holds 0.4 litres, Calculate the height of the small bottle, x (me, Ou SA-ton) ].361 em (3] (©) Water from Manjeet’s shower flows ata rate of 12 litres per minute. The water from the shower flows into a tank that is a cuboid of length 90cm and width 7Sem. Calculate the increase in the level of water in the tank when the shower is used for 7 minutes. Ve Vrate xb *Velxwxh DV= ex Fon 3 Vs Bly > he Ste % (90%35)cm* 84x 1000¢n? (90x75) om* = hz (2-4om C3 sig. ign?) em [3] © UCLES 2020 osw042.F/M120 1 4 Asolid metal cone has radius 1.65 cm and slant height 4.70, (a) Calculate the total surface area of the cone. [The curved surface area, A, of'a cone with radius r and slant height /is A = zr/.] Tea = Acurven suarace t Acitcuar ease > Tsa= 1(1-G5em)C4.40em) + TO-65em)> 3 Tens 22.9ent (359. fp, em? [2] (b) Find the angle the slant height makes with the base of the cone. G5em_ FON > d= 1.65" lo 4.40, BT) scones, ot (©) @_ Calculate the volume of the cone. [The volume, F, ofa cone with radius r and height his ¥=4n77h ] Finding h Finding Volume 2 He 70%= hh 1-65 Ve (1e6500)"x (J4-70"= 1 65* Jem he ITO whi Lee 3 Ve ID. Som (3sig fin’), ul 5. soemeee em? [4] (ii) A metal sphere with radius Sem is melted down to make cones identical to this one. Calculate the number of complete identical cones that are made. [The volume, V, of a sphere with radius ris V = * ns Ns Ve 2, an TED 12-5 oe De H.88..m th - (4) UCLES 2020 oswii42/FI 20 “"Plurn over S (a) Writeas a single fraction in its simplest form. x+3_x-2 x-3 x#2 _n CREB) K49) -(%-ANE-3) Ce-B R42) Ce-8n+2) R45KIG~ K+ 54-6 Ce B Rt) lon > CerBxtdy, > On (b) Find the value of k. ant Ole wm. Since the bases are equal, > - wYwy F Sie eke 5 . = a=! + oH © UCLES 2020 osw042.F/M120 (©) Expand and simplify. (+3) 4Qr=1, > (yy 12)CQy-1) D> Oy dy* Dty-yAty tid > ay*- By- 28y + 12, (@) Make x the subject of the formula, des y D> try=3te D> ry-E=8 D> wly-1=3 x ‘© UCLES 2020 osw042.F/M120 [Turn over: 6 — Suleika has six cards numbered 1 to 6. 1|[2][3][4] [5] [6 (a) She takes one card at random, records the number and replaces the card. @ i) Write down the probability that the number is $ or 6. * Pz n(5and 6) = (Total) Suleika does this 300 times. Find how many times she expects the number $ or 6. * NeJxtoe = 100, EO science OH (b) Suleika takes two cards at random, without replacement, “ co) © vcLes 2020 Find the probability that the sum of the numbers on the two cards is 5. oe P= PClond +) or (2 and 3) aa(txt ish ors 2(t*s) +2(¢ #) aPen 6, Find the probability that at least one of the numbers on the cards is a square number. P= PCS and S!) or PCS ond S) Pe 2 ayl phen (2xt)t (245) aPed a B 9 . BI ossna.FiMi20 7 (a) Naga has n marbles. Panay has three times as many marbles as Naga. Naga loses 5 marbles and Panay buys 10 marbles, N202~ (0-3) marbles ‘Together they now have more than 105 marbles. Write down and solve an inequality in 7, #KN-S+3n +10 7105 > 4m+57 105 > 4n>100 > n>25, (b)_y'is inversely proportional to x. hen 3 i 5 Find y when x = 5. eye, when 225, 3 = £20 Ose Dy=43, Finding k B= k => t-5: e => k=no, Yes (©) Find the nth term of each sequence. 2 kt 6 ay On = At (n-Od 2) An= 4+ (a=) x-2 2 On=4~On +2 2 Qn =6-9ny 1 7 17 3 49 eee ye ye SOOO My =on*+ oN +6. yOon4+ s3atb=G satbtcel Dat, D8B)tb=6 Datotcal Db Deel, © vcLes 2020 osw042.F/M120 ee. Panay — (3n+l0) marbles BI . BI 6-2n 7 2 ne . 2] [Turn over: fa) NOT TO SCALE P 74cm The diagram shows a quadrilateral PORS formed from two triangles, POS and ORS. Calculate @ OR, x QR. bem sins” gin F 3 Qte _Gon y sn 26° 9 Re ae * > QR= 2-6Fom, (3 sig fin, OR= em [3] (ii) PS, + PS? = PO*+ QS*- 2(PQ)LQS) cos PAS > PS= (JS4*4 6*- 204. 4) (6) 0 34° ) om > PS= 4. lthem (Ssig. figy PS= onthe em [3] Gi) the area of quadrilateral PORS. * Apaes = Apas + Aas > Arges = 4-4ton (Gon) sin 34° $f lGon)(O- Gem) sin 3° =) Araes= 20-on® (8 sig fig), Le 20-4 sesseiem? [4] © vcLes 2020 oswoia2FIM20 © vcLes 2020 (b) 16cm A 20em H The diagram shows an open box ABCDEFGH in the shape of a cuboid. AB = 20cm, BC = 18cm and AE = 16cm. A thin rod AGX rests partly in the box as shown, The rod is 40cm long. (Calculate GX, the length of the rod which is outside the box. * Gk= AX-AG + Ak tOcm + AG?= AC™+ CG* > AG= (SCAITRIY + 16* Dom DAG= Gem, a's GX= 40am - 5 em = 810m (8 ig fp), OF=gomuzene (ii) Calculate the angle the rod makes with the base of the box. * tan d =_IGom WUBI cor > ds tan! (ait) D> d= 30.7 Cldp), 20-4 oswii42/FI 20 8:70. NOT TO SCALE * AC*= AB* + Bc* > Ac= (1207+ 18* Jom DAC= VWiony em [4] BI [Turn over 4 9 This year, 40 students have each travelled by one or more of plane (P), train (7) or boat (B). 7 have travelled only by plane. $+ V4 Ilt L+8-K4 C-% + 3-% = 40 11 have travelled only by train, Bee 9 have travelled only by bort, 2 tt“ 2e= 40 > Ina} n(PnT) =e n(BNT) % n(BNP)=6 é (a) Complete the Venn diagram, BI (b) Find n((PuBy). (©) Use set notation to complete the statement (PuTUBY = a © vcLes 2020 osw042.F/M120 15 (d)_ Two students are chosen at random. Calculate the probability that they both have travelled only by plane. - 2] (e) Two students are chosen at random from those who have travelled by train, (7) = !!*6+2+1 = 20 Calculate the probability that they both have also travelled by plane. wPe8 yd 20" 9 > Pet By i % Q1 © vcLes 2020 osw042.F/M120 [Turn over: 10 f(x) = 4x—1 (a)_ Find in its simplest form @ f-3, > 4cx-3)-1 2 te-10-1 > 42-13 > ey thes 8 ve (i) g(5x). 25x)" aor > Bx . 25x. mW (b) Find f!@) Fld = He! > ea4y-1 Dye ss 2. Plas EAL 4 ING) = ne © Find the value of hh(I), correct to 4 significant figures. sh= Ste} 4 + hOs)= 5 = 0. 6434 (sg fon}, 0.6934 . BI © vcLes 2020 osw042.F/M120 7 (@) (i) Show that g(3x~2)—h(—3) can be written as 9x? —12x—23. > e-27°- BO 2 Weide t 4-27 > We- [2% - 23, Use the quadratic formula to solve 9x? —12x—23 = 0. Give your answers correet to 2 decimal places. 2D eect SRP HOCR) 20) > v= lat JTS ar ae é mone seep 8 i %y=2-40(adp), as-L-OFCdp)y 1S ann AO... os OE (e) Find x when f(61) = h(x). 2 461)-123-* = 143.3% > 9=3™ streesasn an D-s5 2D ue-5 © vcLes 2020 oswoia2FIM20 2) [Turn over: 11 Acurve has equation y =x° —3x+4. (a) Work out the coo tes of the two stationary points vdy 3 When m= ly a D> ye(D- BU) 44=% At stationary point, di-0 x When %=-1, aril Dy CNBC It 4 = 6, > ox*=3 > eel 2 xeHT ¢\ th al Cone a a) t 6. ts) (b) Determine whether each stationary point is a maximum or a minimum. Give reasons for your answers. wd 2 3x-3 dx aay bn dx* * When “=1, > 44 _ cpg, Since the result is positive, Point (1 2)is a a inion, * When aah _g._ Since the result is negative, Point (-1, 6) is a a ois BCN=-G, maximum B) ouctrs ao oswii42/FI 20

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