The Great Gatsby Study Questions

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The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Study questions for homework and/or discussion

Note: Teachers can download these questions to create worksheets for homework or for in-class
discussion guides.

Chapter 1

1. Who are the characters the author introduces us to in Chapter 1?

- Nick Carraway - Narrator
- Daisy and Tom Buchanan - married
- Daughter of Daisy and Tom = Pammy
- Jordan Baker – friend of Daisy’s
- glimpse of Gatsby at the end
2. What do we learn about each character? Make a chart that gives us the descriptions and
backgrounds of each character.
- Tom and Daisy Buchanan live in East Egg (OLD MONEY)
- Nick (little cottage) and Gatsby (mansion) live in West Egg (NEW MONEY)
- Nick came from Midwest and moved to New York City to learn about the bond business
- Nick and Tom went to college together: YALE
- Nick and Daisy are 2nd cousins
- Daisy and Jordan are best friends (Jordan is a professional golfer)
3. Where is this story taking place? Give as much detail as you can.
- New York City, New York
- East Egg and West Egg = Long Island
- 1920s
4. What does Nick’s father tell him about criticizing other people?
- “Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone, just remember that all the people in this
world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.”
- Communicative in a reserved way = understood that his father meant a great deal more
than that
- Nick is inclined to reserve all judgements; he tolerates and doesn’t boast or brag = get
along with everyone; but it has also made others not agree with him = calling him a
- Implied that he shouldn’t criticize/ has more
5. What questions are raised for the reader in chapter 1?

- Who is Gatsby?
- What is the plot the story? What is the story about?
- What is Gatsby reaching towards at the end of the chapter? Why is he reaching out towards this
green light?

Chapter 2

1. Where did Tom take Nick? Where were they supposed to go?
2. Describe the valley of the ashes which Nick describes in chapter 2. What do you think the valley
of ashes represents?
3. Describe the atmosphere and the attitudes at the party at Tom and Myrtle’s apartment.
4. How is marriage depicted in chapter 2? What are some of the similarities between Tom and
Daisy’s marriage and the Wilsons’ marriage?
Chapter 3

1. Describe the atmosphere at the Gatsby party. What are the attitudes of the various guests?
What do these attitudes contribute to the image that Fitzgerald is creating?
2. What role does Gatsby play at these parties?
3. What do you think the following quote means: “I wondered if the fact that he was not drinking
helped to set him off from his guests for it seemed to me that he grew more correct as the
fraternal hilarity increased.”
4. What were some of the rumors about Gatsby that were shared at the party?

Chapter 4

1. What is the newest rumor about Gatsby?

2. Identify one part that we learn about Gatsby’s past.
3. What does Gatsby show Nick as proof that he was in the war?
4. Where is Nick taking Jordan?
5. How does Gatsby get out of a traffic ticket when he gets pulled over by police?
6. What is one fact that Nick learned about Mr. Wolfsheim?
7. Who do Gatsby and Nick see at lunch? How does Gatsby react?
8. What information do we learn from Jordan about Daisy and Tom’s wedding?

Chapter 5

1. What does Nick agree to do for Gatsby?

2. How does Gatsby react to seeing Daisy? How many years have passed since their last meeting?
3. What does Nick do when Gatsby and Daisy are talking?
4. What was Daisy doing in Gatsby’s bedroom?
5. Who is Mr. Klipspringer? What does he do in the

Chapter 6

1. Who did Gatsby meet in Little Girl Bay who changed his future and led to the change in his
2. What name did Gatsby have before changing it?
3. Where is Gatsby originally from?
4. Who did Gatsby meet that changed his life?
5. Where did Tom and Daisy go?
6. What do Gatsby and Daisy do?

Chapter 7

1. Do you think that Daisy will leave Tom for Gatsby? Why or why not?
2. Why does George Wilson want to move to the western part of the United States with his wife,
3. Why do you think that Gatsby stopped giving parties and fired all his old servants?
4. Describe the atmosphere and attitudes in the hotel suite. What are the truths and lies that are
being told?
5. Describe Daisy’s reaction to the things that are going on in the hotel suite and the decision she
needs to make.
6. What happened at the end of chapter 7?

Chapter 8

1. What does Gatsby say about his meeting and courting Daisy?
2. Why was Daisy so easily courted by Tom?
3. Describe George’s situation and reactions to the events from chapter 7.
4. What happens at the end of chapter 8?
5. Who does Nick refer to when he calls “a rotten crowd?”

Chapter 9

1. Describe the funeral. Who attended the funeral?

2. What does Wolfsheim say when Nick contacts him?
3. What do we learn about Gatsby’s past in this chapter?

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