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3.1 Design Constraints

The design constraints are important factors to be considered in designing the structure. These are
limitations and restrictions on the design procedures which usually came from the requirements set by the
client, site condition, and other external factors. These help the designer to determine what things should
be excluded on the design and also help on narrowing down the solution that leads for more specific
design. Design constraints are classified into two which are quantitative and qualitative constraints. The
following constraints are the constraints considered by the designer on planning for the three-storey school

3.1.1 Quantitative Constraints

Economic Constraints
The budget is one of the most common factors that is being considered in design. Every engineer is
capable of making a design for a structure that is almost impossible to fail given with unlimited resources.
Unfortunately, the budget is only limited into a certain amount which limits the capability to design a
stronger structure. Given this budget, the designer is the one that is responsible for creating a design that is
economical but does not greatly affect the safety and quality of the structure. It is important to note that
having a cheaper design is not always better than expensive design and vice versa, it is better to know how
to be practical, economic, and smart by balancing these two options.

Sustainability Constraints
Sustainability constraints are essential to be take into consideration because sustaining or maintaining a
certain structure can be too expensive and it may lead to failure if it was not considered in the design.
Using these constraints, the designer must be able to create a design that is efficient and will maximize the
use of materials and minimize the impact of environment.

Constructability Constraints
In constructability constraints, the factors that are usually being considered are the time completion of the
project and the space occupied by the structure. Not being able to finish a project within the given time
frame results to higher cost of construction and bad reputation. The designer must create a design that can
be finished given the limited time and it should not bypass the other land and properties in order to prevent
unnecessary problems.

3.1.2 Qualitative Constraints

Aesthetic Constraints
Other than ensuring the safety of the future students and teachers of the proposed project, the designer
also take into consideration of the appearance of the structure. The structure will be designed so that
parents and students will be encouraged to apply as it looks neat, clean, and presentable on the outside.

Architectural Constraints
Architectural constraints were also considered in the design of the struc ture. These are the limitations
imposed on the architectural design and is usually related about the dimensions of structural members to
look more aesthetically pleasing.

Social Constraints
The people living near the location of proposed project are also considered. The three -storey school
building will be designed in a way that it will be beneficial not only for the local of City of Las Pinas but also
to the adjacent cities.

3.2 Trade-offs
The following are the types of trade-offs and trade-offs considered in the design. One for framing system
which is the Special Moment Resisting Frame. Two for beams and girders which are W-sections and
Hollow Structural Sections. Three for columns which are W-sections, Hollow Structural Sections
(Rectangular or Square), and Hollow Structural Sections (Circular). One for connection which is bolted
connection. One for foundation which is isolated foundation.
Table 3.1 Overview of Trade-offs
Trade-off Number

Framing System 1 (SMRF)

Beams & Girders 2 (W-Section & HSS)

Columns 3 (W-Section, HSS R/S, & HSS C)

Connection 1 (Bolted)

Foundation 1 (Isolated)

In order to calculate the total number of possible trade -offs, fundamental counting principle was used.

Total number of possible trade-offs = (1)(2)(3)(1)(1) = 6 trade-offs


Figure 3.1 Trade-Off Combinations

3.2.1 W-Sections
W-section steels or the wide flange steels are known for its section that is similar to capital letter I in the
alphabet. This section is widely used for almost all types of loading such as axial and flexural but not in
torsional loadings. It is very efficient to be used as compression and flexural members and these are
commonly used in beams and columns of different structures.
Figure 3.2 W-Section

3.2.2 Hollow Structural Sections

Hollow structural sections are sections that has holes in the middle, and these can be also called steel
tubes or structural tubes. Unlike any other section that are open, HSS is an example of a closed section.

Circular hollow structural section is made by bending or rolling a flat steel plate into a circular shape to create
a hollow tube-like structure. This type of steel allows optimal distribution of material, resulting in a lighter
weight while maintaining strength.

Rectangular or Square hollow structural sections are formed by bending a steel plate that results in a hollow
box-like structure. The edge of the section makes it more suitable and applicable to structures that requires
bolted and welded connection. Like any other steel section, this type of steel also offers a high strength-to-
weight ratio which can reduce the overall expenses of a project.
Figure 3.3 Hollow Structural Sections

Isolated Footing
Isolated footing, also known as spread footing, is a type of shallow foundation that is used to transfer loads
from columns down to the soil. This type of footing provides the advantage of simplicity, cost-effectiveness,
and ease of construction. However, this may not be suitable for larger or heavily loaded structures, as they
may require more complex and deep foundation systems to distribute the load adequately.
Figure 3.4 Isolated Footing

Bolted Connection
Bolted connection refers to the joining of structural members using plates and bolts . This type of connection
is extensively utilized in various mechanical and structural systems due to several reasons such as easier
installation, time efficiency, cost effective, etc.

Figure 3.5 Bolted Connection

Special Moment-Resisting Frames
A Special Moment-Resisting Frame (SMRF) is a structural system used in building construction to resist
lateral forces such that are being generated by wind or earthquakes. In this proposed project, the designer
utilized this trade off to provide stability and prevent excessive lateral movement or collapse of a structure
during seismic events which is very essential in ensuring the safety of the people since the proposed
school building will be used as evacuation areas in case of emergency.
Figure 3.6 Special Moment-Resisting Frame

3.3 Multiple Constraints Using Normalization Method

In using normalization method, initial assessment of trade -offs will be performed which means there will be
a rough estimation and computation of cost or value that will be used for the initial evaluation of each trade -
off. The weight of each criterion will be based on the client’s requirements and designer’s approach. The
formula for the getting the normalized data is:

For the weighted sum, weighted percentage for each constraint must be determined and may be based on
what must be prioritized on the project and what is set by the client. It is important to note that the weighted
percentage should be up to 100 percent. The formula for the weighted sum is as follows:

The top three design trade-off with the highest ranking or highest value of weighted sum will be chosen for
the initial analysis and design of the structure. After the initial design, the trade -off combinations will be
weighed again for the final assessment. The design trade-off with the highest ranking will be used for the
final design of the structure.

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