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Name: Class: Date:

Area of Language Focus Learning Objectives

Writing & Representing ▪ Plan coherent and well-thought out paragraphs using PACO.

An Eyewitness Report - Planning Paragraphs and Generating Ideas

Planning our essays is crucial. If we have not planned what we want to write, we run the huge risk of
spending way more time we had intended on writing the entire essay! This is because we are taking
unnecessary pauses. We can write our essays more efficiently and effectively by taking 5 to 10
minutes to plan and generate ideas before we start writing. This way, we can kill two birds with one
stone by saving time and improving our flow of writing!

Let’s use the P-A-C-O Planning Framework to plan our letter:

P-A-C-O Notes/ Ideas in Point Form

Purpose: WHY am I
I am writing this eyewitness report to provide an accurate account of a school
writing this essay?
fight that happened recently

Audience: WHO am
I writing this essay The Discipline Master of my school

● I must write in a formal and objective tone

● My Discipline Master so happened to come across a webpage
Context: WHAT is ● That webpage showed pictures of a fight that happened in my school
the given situation? ● While on my prefect patrol duty, I observed the fight happen between
the two students

PACO Paragraph Focus Notes/ Ideas in Point Form

Paragraph 1 Introduction:
● Greet the Discipline Master
Introduction ● I am Hannah Ho, a Secondary Two Prefect
Organisation: HOW (Greetings + Self-intro from Class 2 Integrity
do I structure my + Purpose) ● There had been a school fight in Sunflower
writing? Secondary School recently
● I want to give you an accurate depiction of
what occurred on the day of the fight

Secondary Two English Mastery | E-Lesson 3 1 | EduEdge Learning Hub ©

Name: Class: Date:

P-A-C-O Paragraph Focus Notes/ Ideas in Point Form

Paragraph 2 • I was standing by the school lift at 10.30 am

last Thursday morning on 27 May 2020
Describe what you during my recess duty
saw while you were • I spotted two boys shoving each other near
patrolling the school fountain at Block B
• The shorter boy was bawling his eyes out
• The taller boy was holding the shorter one by
his collar while hurling profanities at him

Paragraph 3 • Upon closer examination, I managed to

identify the two students as Secondary One
Identify the two students
students involved in • Their names were Raymond and Samuel
the fight and describe • However, they refused to tell me their names
what happened during and classes as they were afraid of getting
the fight into trouble

<We will be describing memorable characters with

CAB next week. Stay tuned!>

• I found out that Samuel accidentally

shattered the screen of Raymond’s brand
new Iphone X while playing League of
• Livid, Raymond chased Samuel down the
corridor and demanded that he pay for the
mobile phone screen repair
• When Samuel declined, Raymond boiled
with rage and slapped him across the face,
causing Samuel to let out a loud cry

Paragraph 4 • I broke the fight up by instructing the two

boys to stay calm
Explain what you did • A group of boys from my class walked past
and identify us after 15 minutes and separated the two
individuals who came boys
to help • I shared that violence and anger will not
solve any problems. Instead, acting
impulsively will aggravate the issue

Secondary Two English Mastery | E-Lesson 3 1 | EduEdge Learning Hub ©

Name: Class: Date:

Paragraph 5 • Unfortunately, I was not able to get their

surnames and classes
Conclusion • As a result, I would like to seek your help in
identifying the two students based on their
given description
• I feel that proper counselling could be offered
to resolve the issue between them
• Furthermore, it is important for us to keep
school fights at bay to ensure a safe learning
environment for our students

Secondary Two English Mastery | E-Lesson 3 1 | EduEdge Learning Hub ©

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