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EduEdge® Tik Tok LIVE | Paper 2 Skills

O-Level Specimen 1184 Text 3

Area of Language Focus You Will Learn How To:

▪ Read a text closely for Contextual Clues
Reading & Viewing ▪ Infer and Unpack hidden meanings
▪ Answer Comprehension Questions accurately and precisely

Let’s Discuss

• What are your thoughts about Joseph Schooling’s retirement

from competitive swimming?
• What can we learn from his journey?

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EduEdge® Tik Tok LIVE | Paper 2 Skills

Paragraph 3 Question 8
I hated doing calisthenics with the team. Referring to Paragraph 3, explain in your own [2]
Usually we did them after swimming: sit- words what the writer thinks is unfair about the
ups, push-ups and leg extensions way Coach organises calisthenics.
(hundreds of each). Coach counted and
we had to keep pace with him. Between __________________________________________
each set of repetitions, he gave us a one-
minute break, but if anyone fell off pace
or did the exercises incorrectly, he made __________________________________________
us start the set all over again. I wasn’t
averse to working hard; I liked the __________________________________________
challenge of staying on pace, but I
detested being punished for someone
else’s laziness. __________________________________________


#Learning Tips

Paragraph 4 Question 9 (a)

When I asked Coach if I could stay in the Identify one word in Paragraph 4 which [1]
pool, he looked at me incredulously. I suggests that Coach is surprised that the writer
insisted I’d be fine, desperate to convince wants to continue swimming.
him. Because I kept swimming, I
constantly created body heat, and so __________________________________________
stayed warm. Before he could reply,
Coach distracted by uproarious laughter,
hurried towards the locker-room. I was
thrilled. I loved swimming at my own Question 9 (b)
pace, alone in my own lane, with no one Give one piece of evidence from Paragraph 4 [1]
kicking water in my face, and no one which suggests that the writer was a slow
behind tapping my toes. I was a feeling of swimmer.
buoyant freedom.


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EduEdge® Tik Tok LIVE | Paper 2 Skills
Paragraph 5 Question 10
Swimming into a storm was even better; In Paragraph 5, the writer is swimming during a [2]
waves were rushing around me, lifting storm. Explain how the language used in this
me, and tossing me from side to side. I paragraph makes the storm seem like an
aggressive person. Support your answer with
felt vibrations rattle through me from the two details from Paragraph 5.
wind howling, slamming against the
chain-link fence echoing the clanging of
warning bells. It resembled an
approaching tornado, only without the __________________________________________
funnel cloud.




#Learning Tips

Paragraph 5 (continued) Question 11

I wondered briefly if I should climb out of The writer ‘wondered briefly’ if she should get [2]
the water. I pushed that thought away – I out of the water. Find two pieces of evidence
was so immersed in unbridled energy in Paragraph 5 which explain why she stayed
in the water.
and supernatural beauty. My world was
reduced to the blur of my arms stroking __________________________________________
as a cold, driving rain began. The
raindrops that hit my lips tasted sweet; I __________________________________________
delighted in the sensations. I wanted to
see what would happen next. Huge
hailstones blasted my hands, neck, and __________________________________________
shoulders. I winced and tried to squeeze
into a ball, hoping it would be over soon. Question 12
The hail transformed into a heavy rain. In Paragraph 5, the writer uses the simile ‘the [1]
As I hauled my arms through the water, it pool was like a giant bowl of ice porridge’.
struck me that the pool was like a giant What does the simile suggest about the
writer’s ability to move?
bowl of ice porridge.


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EduEdge® Tik Tok LIVE | Paper 2 Skills
Paragraph 6 Question 13
That day, by putting myself in a situation The writer claimed that she had had ‘the best [3]
different from everyone’s else, I had workout ever’. Explain how this claim is
experienced something unique. As I supported with reference to three pieces of
evidence from Paragraph 6.
watched the storm gather force, the
awesome power and terrible beauty of
nature became apparent to me. Being in
the water during that storm made me feel
a part of the physical world, somehow __________________________________________
connected to it. I saw my mum waiting in
the car park. I climbed out of the pool and __________________________________________
floated towards her. She enveloped me in
the warmth of a large towel; I sank into
the comfort of her arms as she asked, __________________________________________
‘How long have you been swimming in
this storm?’ __________________________________________

‘The whole time,’ I said dreamily. ‘It was
the best workout ever.’ __________________________________________

Rubbing my back gently, she murmured, __________________________________________

‘Someday, you’re going to swim across
the English Channel*.’ My heart skipped
a beat. __________________________________________

*The English Channel is a section of the Atlantic Ocean __________________________________________

that separates England from France. The distance
across the English Channel is 34 kilometres.

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