Adobe Scan 13-Apr-2024

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NAME: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BATCH: _ _ _ _ _ _ DI\ I

nne:30 mlncns 1 Quiz - Vector

INSTRUCTIO#S: (0 &di OOl1'«:lqwstbl ~ - +3 INlb, .,... . , .
(iJ C:W,one dtOice is a,,red.

1. If A ,c 8 • C+ 0. then the cooed alternative Is ( more than 1 options may be correct )

(A) 8 Is parallel to ( C+ D )
(8) A Is perpenclaJlar to c
(C) component of Calong A • component of Oalong A
(D) component of c atong A• - component of r5 along A
2. Two wx:tors Pand Q are perpetldcular to each other and rl •2161. The angle between
P+a and xa) 1sr
(A) cos· 1 ~12J2)

----- -
lfvectora A.B.C.D.E.F forms the sides of a closed polygon, then vedorF Is equal to:
(A) A
- - -
(8) A+B+C
-- ---
---- -
(0) A+B+C+O+E

•• Let P•A+ B and a • A- B. If lhe rnagritudes of P & a are equal YNt Is the angle
between A and a

(C) !

5. Givan two wctors A. 2i + 3j and B • i + j . The component ohector A along vector ii Is

1 5
(A) ./2 (8) 72
(C)N (D)*

6. A force F. 3T -•j + 6k appled on a mau produces an ac:celeration of 1ms • What Is the
mau of the body.
(A) 5./2kg t (8) 2Js kg
(C)Skg (D) 10 kg

7. Given two \leCtorl A and B at a certain angle (none of them beklg null vect011) then
(more than 1 options may be correct )
(A)(AxB)•A- o (B) (AxB)•B • O
(C)AxB =-BxA (D) jA•~ ~xAj

~cannea w1u1 ~an,~c~uul

a. ConlAdlr lie toaowlnQ aperllons on veaora : -
(1) ~ (2) 5.
'Mlk:t, o f ~ Isl- poellble?
(A) only 1 (8) only 2
(C) Bdh 1 & 2 (0) Neither 1 nor 2

9. The - - - of two wctors each of eac:t, of magntlude

10 N • lhowrl In the lgure ll
(A) 5 N (8) 10 N
(C) 12 N (0) 20 N

1D. IfPx o•
R•which of the tolkM6ng ata1ement Is NOT coned?
(A) Rl.P (8) Rl. a
(C) Rl.(P+a) (0) Rl.( P•C)

11. lf A+B cc and A• B • C, then Wlllt should be the angle bet#een A and 8?
(A) 0 (8) w/3
(C) 2sl3 (0) •

12. What is the aflDM! betvJW1 A+B and Axe?

(A)0 (8) .,_.
(C)-a/2 (O)a

13. If the "8dar.l P- ai + aj + 3k and Q • ai - 2i-k are pa,pendicular 10 each other, then the
positiwe value of a ls :
~3 002
~1 ~o
14. If resullan of 3 forces ls along Y-axi& than Fi ii equal to
(A)100Js (8) 1oo./3
{C) fJJJ./6 (0) 100Ji

15. What .ls projedion of wector A on e? ( more lhan 1 opUan1 miavbe corn,ct )
(C) w (0) UlrO

16. The angle made bv vector i 1 2] - 2' wilh lhe y axla ls

(A) cos· '½ (B) coa·•(-½) (C.)co1,· 1(¾)

17. And AxB , lf i\ ... i- j.di ; B• i +k
(A) i - 31 +k
te> zt l•d t
(C) J+ 2k
(D) J\ 21 i ~

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