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Residents’ Section • Pat tern of the Month

Hryhorczuk et al.
Bowel Obstructions in Older Children

Residents’ Section
Pattern of the Month


inRadiology Bowel Obstructions in Older Children

Anastasia Hryhorczuk1

n older children, bowel obstruction cosa within the diverticulum or inflammation.
Edward Y. Lee1,2 can be due to a variety of congeni- Bowel obstruction due to a Meckel diverticu-
Ronald L. Eisenberg 3 tal and acquired causes that are lum presents in either of two typical patterns:
often different from the causes of First, a distal ileal obstruction can occur sec-
Hryhorczuk A, Lee EY, Eisenberg RL bowel obstruction in neonates or adults. Among ondary to bowel torsion around an omphalo-
neonates, bowel obstruction is almost always mesenteric band (Fig. 1). Second, obstruction
due to congenital causes, including bowel atre- can be due to intussusception of a Meckel di-
American Journal of Roentgenology 2013.201:W1-W8.

sia, malrotation, and Hirschsprung disease. In verticulum (Fig. 2). In addition, Meckel diver-
adults, the list of common causes of bowel ticulum varies in size and can be incidentally
obstruction is relatively short, with the vast seen on CT when very large. It may mimic a
majority arising from postoperative adhesions, single enlarged bowel loop. Notably, patients
incarcerated hernias, or neoplasms. However, with intussuscepting Meckel diverticula are
in older children, the causes of bowel obstruc- usually older than patients with idiopathic in-
tion are more extensive and varied, and a more tussusception. In both cases, surgical resec-
diverse list of diagnoses should be entertained tion of the Meckel diverticulum is essential
(Table 1). for definitive treatment.
Almost all pediatric patients with bowel ob-
structions present with abdominal pain, dis- Malrotation
tention, and vomiting. Because these are not When a child presents with acute bilious
specific, diagnosing a bowel obstruction in an vomiting and clinical signs and symptoms
older child requires imaging to determine its suspicious for bowel obstruction, malrotation
cause, location, and extent. Conventional ab- should be considered as a possible underly-
dominal radiography is often the initial im- ing cause. Although the majority of cases are
Keywords: bowel obstructions, pediatrics
aging study for assessing bowel obstruction seen in the first year of life, older children may
DOI:10.2214/AJR.12.8528 in older children. However, this study is of- also present with malrotation and concomi-
ten rapidly followed by an upper gastrointes- tant midgut volvulus. On upper gastrointes-
Received December 30, 2011; accepted after revision tinal (UGI) or enema study, ultrasound, CT, tinal studies, malrotation with midgut volvu-
March 22, 2012.
or MRI. By understanding the proper selec- lus typically appears as a “beak” of contrast
Department of Radiology, Children’s Hospital Boston tion of imaging modalities and developing enhancement at the site of obstruction, with a
and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. familiarity with the characteristic appearances corkscrew appearance of proximal small bow-
of common causes of bowel obstruction, the el loops in the right upper abdomen (Fig. 3B),
Department of Medicine, Pulmonary Division, Children’s radiologist can assist in optimizing the man- without a normally positioned duodenojejunal
Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA.
agement of older children with this condition. junction. In cases of a tight volvulus, contrast
Department of Radiology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical material may not pass distal to the mid duo-
Center and Harvard Medical School, 300 Longwood Ave, Congenital Causes denum, and the classic corkscrew appearance
Boston, MA 02115. Address correspondence to Meckel Diverticulum may be absent; instead, findings will only sug-
R. L. Eisenberg (rleisenb@bidmc.harvard.edu).
A Meckel diverticulum forms when there gest an extremely high-grade proximal small
WEB is incomplete closure of the vitelline duct dur- bowel obstruction. Cross-sectional imaging,
This is a web exclusive article. ing fetal development. Although most Meckel such as ultrasound or CT, may show an ab-
diverticula are asymptomatic, children with normal relationship of the superior mesenteric
AJR 2013; 201:W1–W8 symptoms most commonly present with bow- artery (SMA) and vein (SMV), with the SMA
el obstruction (seen in approximately 40%), to the right of the SMV (Fig. 3A), or swirling
with a smaller number developing either pain- of the mesenteric vessels (whirlpool sign). In
© American Roentgen Ray Society less bleeding secondary to ectopic gastric mu- addition to reversal of the normal SMA-SMV

AJR:201, July 2013 W1

Hryhorczuk et al.

orientation, CT may also show the absence TABLE 1: Causes of Bowel Obstruc- Interloop fluid between the intussuscep-
of a retroperitoneal third portion of the duo- tion in Older Children tum and intussuscipiens should be noted be-
denum (Fig. 4). Treatment of malrotation is Congenital cause this finding is associated with a lower
surgical, with an urgent Ladd procedure per- rate (50%) of successful intussusception re-
Meckel diverticulum
formed in cases of midgut volvulus. duction. Bowel obstruction, free fluid, dimin-
Malrotation ished Doppler flow, and prolonged symptoms
Congenital Inguinal Hernia Congenital inguinal hernia are also indicators suggesting lower rates of
Although congenital inguinal hernias affect Infectious or inflammatory successful intussusception reduction, but these
only 1–2% of children, 10% of these hernias are not absolute contraindications for attempt-
may be complicated by incarceration and bow- ed reduction. Children with intussusception
el obstruction. Risk factors for bowel obstruc- Intussusception and subsequent bowel obstruction are current-
tion in children with congenital inguinal her- Inflammatory bowel disease ly treated with fluoroscopy-guided reduction
nias include a young age at presentation, male Iatrogenic (Fig. 7C), using either an air or contrast en-
sex, and a right-sided hernia. An inguinal her- ema. Although 80% of intussusceptions are
nia is often a clinical diagnosis managed with reduced with fluoroscopic guidance, surgical
manual reduction and surgical repair without Acquired hernia reduction is reserved for patients in whom flu-
the need for imaging. However, the diagnosis Other oroscopic treatment is not effective. Immedi-
may not be immediately apparent in a patient Ingested foreign body ate surgical intervention is required for chil-
presenting with vomiting, and a further imag- dren who develop bowel perforation during
Distal intestinal obstruction syndrome
ing evaluation may be obtained. In some cas- the reduction procedure, amounting to approx-
es, conventional abdominal radiographs may Note—A popular mnemonic for remembering imately 0.5% of patients.
several common causes of pediatric bowel
show gas within the scrotal sac or an appar-
American Journal of Roentgenology 2013.201:W1-W8.

obstruction is AIM, where A = adhesions,

ent soft-tissue scrotal mass, which, in conjunc- appendicitis; I = intussusception, inguinal hernia, Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Crohn Disease
tion with findings of bowel obstruction, should inflammatory bowel disease, ingested foreign body; Children with inflammatory bowel disease
and M = Meckel diverticulum, malrotation. (IBD) are more likely to have Crohn disease
raise suspicion for an incarcerated inguinal
hernia. However, findings may be less specif- than ulcerative colitis. In patients with Crohn
ic and simply suggest bowel obstruction (Fig. In children who are developing a bowel ob- disease, bowel obstruction may represent a
5A). Although hernias are often diagnosed on struction, there may be dilated and fluid-filled complication either from stricturing disease
physical examination, ultrasound may be sub- loops of small bowel. These patients often re- or extensive inflammatory change. Although
sequently obtained if there is concern for a quire CT (Fig. 6) for further delineation of MR enterography is emerging as the primary
scrotal mass or another cause for bowel ob- the location and extent of bowel obstruction imaging modality for the serial monitoring of
struction, such as intussusception. Bowel loops as well as to detect the size of any fluid col- children with IBD, patients who present acute-
identified within the scrotal sac on ultrasound lections. This information is particularly use- ly with clinically suspected bowel obstruction
can provide a definitive diagnosis (Fig. 5B). ful in planning either surgery or more conser- may be directed to CT for more rapid imag-
Hernias are typically treated by rapidly re- vative treatment (e.g., percutaneous abscess ing. CT can show dilated loops of bowel ter-
ducing the herniated bowel loop into the ab- drainage with antibiotic therapy) of pediatric minating at the site of bowel wall thickening
dominal cavity through either a closed or open patients with acute appendicitis complicated and inflammatory change (Fig. 8). Treatment
reduction. A surgical herniorrhaphy is also per- by bowel obstruction. is predominantly nonsurgical, with bowel rest
formed in these cases to mend the defect in the and immunotherapy representing the primary
inguinal canal. With prolonged bowel hernia- Ileocolic Intussusception therapeutic interventions.
tion, care must be taken at the time of surgi- In ileocolic intussusception, invagination of In an acute setting in which a child presents
cal intervention to assess the bowel viability the distal small bowel into the cecum leads to with bowel obstruction and right lower quad-
and then resect any nonviable loops. abdominal pain and obstruction. Intussuscep- rant inflammatory change or abscesses, a
tion is the most common cause of bowel ob- common clinical concern is often whether the
Infectious and Inflammatory Causes struction among children 6 months to 3 years child has appendicitis or IBD. Although im-
Appendicitis old. It is most often idiopathic, suspected to be aging may not definitively solve this clinical
Bowel obstruction is a known complication secondary to lymphoid hyperplasia in the bow- dilemma, identifying whether the epicenter of
of acute appendicitis. Most cases occur with el wall serving as a lead point for the invagina- inflammatory change is surrounding the ap-
complicated and perforated appendicitis, in tion. Among children above this age range, a pendix or terminal ileum may aid clinicians in
which adhesive bands develop in a background possible pathologic lead point, including lym- directing patients to appropriate medical or
of surrounding inflammation. If patients are ini- phoma or a duplication cyst, can be considered. surgical care.
tially imaged with conventional radiography, a Affected children may be initially evaluat-
paucity of gas in the right lower quadrant or a ed by conventional abdominal radiography, Iatrogenic Causes
calcified appendicolith may serve as an initial which can show a paucity of gas in the right Adhesions
suggestion of the final diagnosis. The initial im- lower quadrant. Left lateral decubitus views After abdominal surgery, approximately 5%
aging modality is ultrasound, which may show may show an absence of air rising into the ce- of children develop adhesions that eventu-
a dilated appendix, appendicolith, or focal right cum. Ultrasound (Fig. 7A) shows a focal mass ally result in bowel obstruction (Fig. 9). Be-
lower quadrant inflammatory mass or abscess. with alternating hypo- and hyperechoic layers. cause these pediatric patients have a known

W2 AJR:201, July 2013

Bowel Obstructions in Older Children

history of abdominal surgery, bowel obstruc- tients require surgical intervention. Bezoars, Conclusion
tion and adhesive disease are often primary di- which are indigestible masses of foreign mate- Clear knowledge of the spectrum of causes
agnostic considerations when patients present rial, represent a special form of obstructing for- of bowel obstruction is essential for the ap-
with acute vomiting, distention, and abdominal eign body and often require surgical removal. propriate management of older pediatric pa-
pain. Historically, small bowel follow-through Bezoars can occur throughout the gastrointes- tients with bowel obstruction. Although this
was performed in cases of suspected adhesive tinal tract, from the stomach to the rectum, and diverse population may present with similar
bowel obstruction. However, this examination may be rapidly identified as the cause of bow- symptoms of vomiting, abdominal pain, and
has fallen out of favor because the results do el obstruction if abdominal radiographs show distention, the causes of bowel obstruction
not change clinical management and the exam- radiopaque foreign bodies in the presence of are varied and identification is essential for
ination incurs unnecessary costs and radiation multiple dilated bowel loops (Fig. 11). timely and appropriate management.
exposure. Although conventional radiography Among ingested foreign bodies, magnets
may provide adequate diagnostic information merit special attention because of the specific Suggested Reading
in the presence of an appropriate history, many complications that may occur when children 1. D’Agostino J. Common abdominal emergencies
patients may undergo CT for further evaluation, ingest multiple magnets (Fig. 12). If a child in children. Emerg Med Clin North Am 2002;
especially in the more acute postoperative pe- consumes multiple magnets, there is a risk of 20:139–153
riod. Bowel rest and conservative management bowel obstruction and perforation caused by 2. Gee MS, Nimkin K, Hsu M, et al. Prospective
are often the initial treatment in these patients; magnets in distant loops of bowel that may ad- evaluation of MR enterography as the primary im-
however, more than 85% of patients do not re- here together. If this occurs, the child is at risk aging modality for pediatric Crohn disease assess-
spond to conservative management and even- for volvulus and perforation secondary to pres- ment. AJR 2011; 197:224–231
tually require surgical intervention. sure necrosis at the site of magnet adherence. 3. Jabra AA, Eng J, Zaleski CG, et al. CT of small-
Because of this risk, it is imperative that pa- bowel obstruction in children: sensitivity and
Acquired Hernia tients who have ingested magnets receive close
American Journal of Roentgenology 2013.201:W1-W8.

specificity. AJR 2001; 177:431–436

Although intraabdominal adhesions are a clinical follow-up as well as early endoscop- 4. Lautz TB, Raval MV, Reynolds M, Barsness KA. Ad-
more common cause of bowel obstruction ic removal or surgical intervention if there are hesive small bowel obstruction in children and adoles-
among postoperative pediatric patients, chil- signs of bowel obstruction or peritonitis. cents: operative utilization and factors associated
dren who have had prior surgeries may also with bowel loss. J Am Coll Surg 2011; 212:855–861
be at risk for obstruction secondary to an ac- Distal Intestinal Obstruction Syndrome 5. Licht M, Gold BM, Katz DS. Obstructing small-
quired or iatrogenic hernia. Patients who have Distal intestinal obstruction syndrome (pre- bowel bezoar: diagnosis using CT. AJR 1999;
undergone cardiac procedures may be at risk viously referred to as “meconium ileus equiv- 173:500–501
for a diaphragmatic hernia (Fig. 10), and those alent”) represents is a specific type of bowel 6. Olson DE, Kim YW, Donnelly LF. CT findings in
with prior abdominal incisions are at risk for obstruction that is rare but occurs in children children with Meckel diverticulum. Pediatr Ra-
incisional hernias. Imaging may show loops with cystic fibrosis. Viscous secretions in the diol 2009; 39:659–663; quiz, 766–767
of bowel herniating through a defect in the dia- terminal ileum may create thick fecal matter 7. Sauer CG, Kugathasan S. Pediatric inflammatory
phragm or abdominal wall. Definitive treatment that obstructs the distal small bowel. Imaging bowel disease: highlighting pediatric differences
requires surgical reduction and hernia repair. will typically show a fecalized segment of in IBD. Gastroenterol Clin North Am 2009;
distal ileum (Fig. 13), with dilatation of proxi- 38:611–628
Other Causes mal bowel loops. Treatment of these patients 8. Taylor GA. CT appearance of the duodenum and
Ingested Foreign Body is predominantly nonsurgical, with laxatives mesenteric vessels in children with normal and
Ingested foreign bodies are relatively com- and enemas serving as the primary methods abnormal bowel rotation. Pediatr Radiol 2011;
mon among the pediatric population, with for management. Conventional radiography 41:1378–1383
more than 100,000 ingestions per year in the is commonly used to assess stool burden, al- 9. Vernier-Massouille G, Balde M, Salleron J, et al.
United States. The majority of these foreign though CT may be considered in cases of per- Natural history of pediatric Crohn’s disease: a
bodies either pass spontaneously or are re- sistent clinical symptoms or if operative inter- population-based cohort study. Gastroenterology
moved endoscopically; less than 1% of pa- vention is under consideration. 2008; 135:1106–1113

(Figures start on next page)

AJR:201, July 2013 W3

Hryhorczuk et al.

Fig. 2—Intussuscepting Meckel diverticulum in
Fig. 1—Obstructing Meckel diverticulum (surgically confirmed) in 8-year-old girl who presented with acute 11-year-old boy who presented with 3 days of
onset of abdominal pain. abdominal pain. Abdominal radiograph (not shown)
A, Frontal conventional radiograph shows multiple air-fluid levels in dilated loops of bowel (arrows), suspicious revealed multiple dilated bowel loops, concerning for
American Journal of Roentgenology 2013.201:W1-W8.

for bowel obstruction. small bowel obstruction. Contrast-enhanced coronal

B, Contrast-enhanced coronal CT image shows dilated loops of proximal bowel (asterisks), with apparent CT image shows mesenteric fat and bowel within distal
decompressed loops (arrow) in right lower quadrant and adjacent free fluid. ileal lumen (arrow), as well as dilatation of proximal
loops of small bowel (asterisks). Given patient’s age
and appearance of intussusception on CT, there was
high suspicion for pathologic lead point, and patient
was taken for surgery, where he underwent resection
of intussuscepting Meckel diverticulum.

Fig. 3—Malrotation in 3-week-old boy who presented with lethargy and feeding difficulties. Surgery confirmed presence of malrotation and midgut volvulus. Patient
subsequently underwent Ladd procedure.
A, Transverse ultrasound image (obtained during assessment for possible pyloric stenosis) shows abnormal orientation of superior mesenteric artery (straight arrow) and
superior mesenteric vein (curved arrow). This raised suspicion for possible malrotation.
B, Image from subsequent upper gastrointestinal series shows corkscrew loops of bowel (arrow) in left upper quadrant, consistent with malrotation and midgut volvulus.

W4 AJR:201, July 2013

Bowel Obstructions in Older Children

American Journal of Roentgenology 2013.201:W1-W8.

Fig. 4—Malrotation in 8-year-old boy who presented with vomiting and abdominal pain. After imaging
evaluation, patient was immediately directed to surgery, which confirmed malrotation with volvulus. Patient
subsequent underwent Ladd procedure.
A, Contrast-enhanced axial CT image shows absence of retroperitoneal third portion of duodenum as well as
apparent reversal of superior mesenteric artery (SMA) (straight arrow) and superior mesenteric vein (curved
B, Normally located retroperitoneal third portion of duodenum (arrow) crossing posterior to SMA is shown for
C, Enhanced coronal CT image shows dilated proximal bowel loops (asterisk) in right and mid abdomen.

AJR:201, July 2013 W5

Hryhorczuk et al.

Fig. 5—Incarcerated inguinal hernia in 2-year-old
boy who presented with vomiting. Patient underwent
surgical reduction of incarcerated inguinal hernia
without complication.
American Journal of Roentgenology 2013.201:W1-W8.

A, Frontal upright abdominal radiograph shows

dilated loops of bowel with multiple air-fluid levels
(arrows), raising concern for bowel obstruction.
B, Transverse ultrasound image for evaluation
of intussusception shows dilated loops of bowel
(asterisk) and free fluid. Intussusception was not
identified, but scrotal mass was detected during
ultrasound examination.
C, Longitudinal view of right inguinal region shows
loops of bowel (B) adjacent to testicle (T) within
scrotal sac.

Fig. 6—Appendicitis in 15-year-old boy who

presented with 2 weeks of progressive abdominal
pain, fever, and vomiting. Initial ultrasound and
CT showed perforated appendicitis with large
right abdominal fluid collection that was drained.
Patient’s symptoms persisted, and second CT was
performed for further evaluation. This enhanced
coronal CT image shows multiple dilated proximal
loops of bowel (B) terminating in extensive fluid
collection (asterisk), which extends from right lower
quadrant-appendiceal tip to left mid abdomen. Drain
is seen (straight arrow) in prior right abdominal
fluid collection and appendicolith (curved arrow) in
dilated appendix (A). Second drain was placed in this
central abdominal fluid collection, and patient slowly
improved after drainage and antibiotic therapy.

W6 AJR:201, July 2013

Bowel Obstructions in Older Children

Fig. 7—Ileocolic intussusception in 3-month-old girl who presented with vomiting. Radiographs (not shown) revealed dilated loops of bowel. Because of incomplete reduction
with air enema, patient subsequently proceeded to operative treatment.
A, Transverse ultrasound image shows right lower quadrant mass (arrow) with characteristic appearance of ileocolic intussusception (alternating hyper- and hypoechoic
layers). Note dilated, fluid-filled adjacent loop of bowel (asterisk), compatible with bowel obstruction.
B, Fluoroscopic image obtained at conclusion of attempted reduction of intussusception shows persistent filling defect (asterisk) in region of cecum, indicating incomplete
American Journal of Roentgenology 2013.201:W1-W8.

Fig. 8—Inflammatory bowel disease in 16-year-old Fig. 9—Adhesions in 16-year-old girl with history of complicated appendicitis who
boy who presented with vomiting. Patient improved presented with acute onset abdominal pain and vomiting. Axial CT image shows
with medical therapy and bowel rest. Contrast- dilated loops of proximal small bowel (asterisk) with abrupt right lower quadrant
enhanced coronal CT image provides further transition point (arrow). Patient subsequently underwent lysis of right lower
delineation of location and extent of dilated bowel quadrant adhesion that had caused bowel obstruction.
loops (asterisks). Prominent mesenteric adipose
tissue is also identified (curved arrow) near inflamed
terminal ileum (straight arrow), compatible with
“creeping fat” appearance. B = bladder.

AJR:201, July 2013 W7

Hryhorczuk et al.

Fig. 10—Iatrogenic diaphragmatic hernia in 3-year-old boy with history of cardiac surgery and pacemaker placement who presented with abdominal pain and vomiting.
Surgical reduction was performed, and hernia was repaired.
American Journal of Roentgenology 2013.201:W1-W8.

A, Frontal abdominal radiograph shows loop of bowel (arrow) projecting over lower chest, above expected area of diaphragm.
B, Sagittal CT image shows diaphragmatic hernia with bowel (B) and omental fat (F) extending through defect in diaphragm (arrows).

Fig. 11—Bezoar in 20-year-old woman with Fig. 12—9-year-old girl who swallowed multiple Fig. 13—Distal intestinal obstruction syndrome in
developmental delay and pica who developed round magnets. Abdominal radiograph shows 19 17-year-old girl with cystic fibrosis who developed
vomiting, with hair elastics identified in vomited radiopaque bodies projecting over distal stomach. abdominal pain and vomiting. Enhanced coronal CT
material. Frontal abdominal radiograph shows These magnets were removed endoscopically. image better shows location and extent of multiple
multiple radiopaque structures within heterogeneous bowel dilatation (asterisks) with fecalization of more
mass that appeared to conform to gastric contour. distal loops of small bowel (straight arrow) extending
Surgical exploration was immediately performed, to terminal ileum (curved arrow).
revealing large gastric bezoar resulting in gastric
outlet obstruction.

W8 AJR:201, July 2013

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