Matlab Activity 5

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NAME : _________________________ Section: _____________________


Do the following step, then answer the questions below. Write the MATLAB SYNTAX you used and MATLAB out
put on the space provided

1. Create a row vector d of 20 equally spaced elements from 1 to 10. Name the vector C.
2. Create a row vector d of 20 equally spaced elements from 2 to 5. Name the vector D.

3. Use MATLAB to plot the vector C and D.

4. Plot again vector C and D using different color.

MATLAB Syntax for numbers 1-4

Question 1: Describe the vectors C and D.

Question 2: Describe the plot/graph of vectors C and D.

B. Enter and plot the transpose of following vectors, then answer the question below.

1. ,
2. ,

3. ,

Question 1: Describe and differentiate the three graphs.

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