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Exhale during the concentric

Physical Education
phase (lifting or pushing the

Second Quarter weight up).

1. Easy Pose (Sukhasana): To relive stress; Sit
cross-legged with hands on knees, palms up.
Eating Disorders
Keep spine straight, push sit bones into the
illnesses that involve crucial disturbances in eating
floor, close eyes, inhale, and exhale.
behaviors thought to stem from some environmental
2. Cat-Cow: To awaken the spine and ease back
pressures; characterized by an intense fear of
pain; Start on all fours, hands below
becoming fat
shoulders, knees below hips. Inhale and round
your back like a cat, exhale and lower back
Anorexia Nervosa self-imposed
starvation down, creating a scoop shape.
Bulimia Nervosa a pattern of binge 3. Tree Pose (Vrksasana): To improve balance;
eating and purging Stand straight, bring hands in prayer position
Binge-eating uncontrollable over head. Balance on right leg, bend left
Disorder episodes of eating knee out to the side, press left foot to inner
excessively within a thigh. Hold for 30 seconds, switch legs, and
short time repeat.
Emotional Eating consumption of large
4. Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha
quantities to suppress
negative emotions. Svanasana): To enhance flexibility; Form an
inverted V-shape. Place hands on the mat in
Hip-Hop Aerobics front, palms down, slightly in front of
a form of exercise that blends dance moves with shoulders. Knees under hips, lift buttocks
strengthening exercises. toward ceiling, push thighs back, and stretch
Low Impact and High Impact Movement heels down. Keep head in line with arms.
 High impact - move both feet off the ground 5. Child’s Pose (Balasana): To help you relax
at the same time. and unwind; From downward-facing dog,
 Low impact movements - to leave at least bend knees, lower butt to heels, bring chest
one foot off the ground. toward floor over knees. Lower shoulders and
Yoga head to the floor to relax and unwind.
 a spiritual discipline based on an extremely
subtle science, which focuses on bringing
harmony between mind and body.
 an art and science of healthy living.
 derived from the Sanskrit root “Yuj”,
meaning “to join” or “to yoke” or “to unite”.
 According to modern scientists, everything in
the universe is just a manifestation of
quantum firmament. One who experiences
this oneness of existence is said to be in Yoga,
and is termed as yogi, having attained to a
state of freedom referred to as mukti,
nirvana or moksha.
 Thus the aim of Yoga is self - realization, to
overcome all kinds of suffering leading “to
the state of liberation” (Moksha) or
“freedom” (Kaivalya).
o Inhale during the eccentric
phase (bringing the weight
 Oral Contraceptives (Triphasic pills):
Health Prevents pregnancy, reduces ovarian and
uterine cancer.
Second Quarter  Injectable (Noristerat, DMPA):
Administered every 2-3 months, thickens
cervical mucus, stops ovulation.
 Bilateral Tubal Ligation (BLT): Surgical
Pillar 1: Informed Choice
tying/cutting of fallopian tubes.
- Reproductive healthcare: Safe, legal, accessible,
 Vasectomy: Surgical tying/cutting of vas
deferens in males.
- Government promotes unbiased information
 Cervical Cap: Dome-shaped cap blocking
- Integration of sex education in schools
sperm entry into the womb.
Pillar 2: Respect for Life
- Abortion is illegal and punishable
- Post-abortive treatment and counseling with HIV and AIDS
compassion Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
Pillar 3: Birth Control  Is a fatal communicable disease with no
- Accessible reproductive healthcare for the poor effective treatment or a known cure; the final
- Government respects individual family planning stage of infection caused by HIV.
choices Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
Pillar 4: Responsible Parenthood Possible infections or diseases:
- Couples decide family size o Kaposi’s sarcoma, a rare but deadly
- Government provides information on family life type of skin cancer,
and reproductive health o recurrent pneumonia, and
o toxoplasmosis within the brain.
FAMILY PLANNING METHODS Early symptoms of infection with HIV
Family Planning o rash, sore throat, fever, and tiredness.
- Regulating and spacing childbirth voluntarily.
- Decisions: When to have/not have, how many, GATEWAY DRUGS
when to stop (least risk to mother, best chance for  may be considered as windows to unprotected
child survival). sex. ; people use initially that may eventually
lead to the abuse of illegal drugs.
Types of Methods Alcohol
I. Natural Methods:  Alcohol is a psychoactive substance with
 Rhythm: One egg per cycle (28 days), dependence-producing properties.
fertilizable within 24-48 hours.  When alcohol is consumed, the central
 Calendar Method: Identifies in/fertile days nervous system is affected.
based on menstrual cycle length.  Types of Alcohol
 BBT (Basal Body Temperature): Low 1. Isopropyl - is known as rubbing alcohol and
temperature before ovulation. usually used in medicine.
 Withdrawal: Least effective, requires self- 2. Methanol - also known as methyl alcohol that can
control. be converted into fuel.
3. Ethanol - is a clear, colorless liquid and the
II. Artificial Methods: principle ingredient in alcoholic beverages like beer,
 IUD (Intrauterine Device) and CUT380A: wine, or brandy
Mechanical device in uterus preventing sperm
and egg meeting.
 Male Condom: Barrier method, 75-98%
effective if used properly.
 Female Condom: Inserted in vagina,
addresses male responsibility.
2. Computer-generated, digitally or manually crafted
images or graphics of a person represented as a child
Child Pornography
- Representation by any means of a child in explicit
sexual activities.
Explicit Sexual Activity:
- Actual or simulated sexual intercourse or
lascivious acts.

Standardized Field Sobriety Test (SFTS)

 It is a series of three tests that will determine
if the driver is driving under the influence of
alcohol in the Philippines.
 Tobacco epidemic is one of the biggest public
1. Eye Test (Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus)
health threats the world has ever faced, killing
 Check for involuntary eye jerking.
more than 8 million people a year around the
world.  Failure leads to breathalyzer or penalty.
o More than 7 million of those 2. Walk-and-Turn Test
deaths are the result of direct  Walk heel-to-toe for 8-9 steps, turn, return.
tobacco use  Assess balance and ability to follow
o Around 1.2 million are the result directions.
of non-smokers being exposed to 3. One-Leg Stand Test
second-hand smoke.  Stand on one leg for 30 seconds.
 Check coordination, balance, and ability to
follow directions.

Breath Analyzer
 This device should only be used if the
suspected drunk driver fails the three failed
sobriety test stated above.
 BAC Limits: Non-professional drivers (BAC
> 0.05%), professional drivers/motorcycle
Cybercrime riders (BAC > 0.01%).
Cyber - Computer or network for online
Cybercrime - Crime in cyberspace using a
computer and the internet.
1. Computer as Target: Attacking other
computers (hacking, viruses, DoS attacks).
2. Computer as Weapon: Committing real-world
crimes (cyber terrorism, credit card fraud).

Child Pornography
 abusers to reach and abuse children sexually
Child - person below eighteen (18) years of age or
over but is unable to fully take care of

For the purpose of this Act, a child shall also

refer to:
1. Person presented, depicted, or portrayed as a child

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