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Ariel @Prolotario1

Mar 1, 2024 • 3 tweets • Prolotario1/status/1763555818627055727

What Lurks Above & Below: A Whistleblower's Tale

Do you all want to know what was found in the government basement during the so called
insurrection? A VHS tape with what looked to be a prisoner from MS-13 gang. He had alot of
the tattoos displaying those ties. He had "Mara Salvatrucha" across his chest. Which means
"street-tough Salvadorans". And he had M on one side of his neck with S on the other. The
footage was a bit grainy but clear enough to make out everything without straining your eyes.

This was uploaded on a private blog that is no longer up. I was searching for it and trying to
request it but no one knows the whereabouts of the guy who uploaded it. The guy told us it
was the subterranean basement complex that is part of the National Defense Command
Center, a bunker located below the West Wing in the White House. This is where he found
the tape.

Anyway he was in a room that looked like one of those padded rooms you see in psyche
wards. But this room had two doors. One door was much wider and taller which was
automated. No door knob or latch or anything. It came up vertically and was made of
reinforced steel.

So once the prisoner seen it slowing opening you can see from his reaction the horror on his
face of what he was witnessing and he desperately ran to the other door beating and yelling
for someone to get him out of their. But once this thing fully came into the room you knew
the outcome was certainly death.

This thing looked atleast 9 foot tall with 4 foot wide width across the shoulders. It had pitch
black hair with tapetum lucidum which is a eyeshine you see with animals that see well at
night. And with what looked to be 5 inch claws with human looking hands.

But the face was the most terrifying. It looked like something from that movie Howl that
came out in 2015 starring Ed Speleers. You can tell this was a Super Soldier government
project. The thing had pants on. Along with dog tags.

I bring this up because I heard someone last year tell me a story about certain prisoners who
are taken out of their cells at night and never return. They are approached in their cell by
agent who clearly are not normal authority figures. And they are brought to certain locations
unbeknownst to the general public.

And this is what made me think of what I saw on that footage. And it made me ponder that if
all these hard-core gang members knew what our government was doing would crime be
reduced? Especially when they realize their not the monsters they think they are compared
to these monstrosities.
This is all I can recall. I'll share more on this subject in the future.

Listen most of this info I can take to the grave as I am content with my understanding of the
world for what it is. I only post these types of stories because I know there are people out
there who would love to post their experiences on a platform where they will not be mocked
or ridiculed for something that was also oblivious to them at one point.

Something that was traumatic and unexpected. Now they have to process something they
never thought they would encounter. Not to even consider the fact that we have private
government agents who are hired to hunt down experiments gone wrong that are now rogue
running around our National Parks that are responsible for many missing people.

Found with wounds that are not consistent with any known animal. Lacerations that defy the
ability of what a claw or bite can create. Then those who witnessed these things are
threatened by agents that their lives and reputation would be ruined if they speak up or
attempt to share any info. They are forced to sign papers with strict terms & conditions.

Luckily not everyone adheres to these things are were lucky enough not to be harassed to
stay silent. Given that all circumstances are different for those who are unfortunate enough
to be in that type of situation where they have to weigh their safety up against the truth and
decide which one is viable to warrant risking their life to share.

People I will say this once again. If I was lying to you documents like this wouldn't need to be
drafted requesting the government to stop making these beast. This is as much proof you can
ask for. Please look up what a Chimera is.

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