Material Escuela 15 - 2do III Inglés

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AÑO: 2023

I Completethe diagramwith wordsfrom the box. 3 lIlO Listenandwritethenames.

mother boyfriend wife son Richard Andrea Nancy Tom John Odile Marie lsabel
niece brother aunt grandmother

f* t
ffi &aq*ttY l-f;-"1

hus band


ff ffi'
grandfather j



the sentences.
I My rrrother'strther is my qrandfather
. Write the namesof somepeoplein your family.
2 My lirther's
rrrother is my _. Ask and answerquestionswith a partner.
3 M1,rnother'.s
sisteris my -.
Alberto l4artaandRaquel Louis
4 My aunt'.s
husbandis my _.
5 My sister's
sor-tis rny _.
6 My brother'sdaushteris mv
7, 8, and 9
cousins children parents

7 Your mother and father areyour

8 Your son and your daughterare your Talk to your partner aboutyour family.
9 Your aunt'schildren areyour -.
Mygrandnolher is72. Mygrandfather
is ...
I likemyaunt... and...

12 UnitI . Youandme
A talented FOR
Do you haveany talentedpeoplein your family?
What can they do?

Look at the pictures of Nicola Benedettiand her father,Gio.

Readthe introduction to the article.Answer the questions.
I What doesNicola do?
2 Why was2004specialfor her?
3 Where doesshelive?
Nicola Benedetti is a world-famous
4 What doesher sisterdo? violinist. Shewas the BBC Young
5 What doesher father do? Musician of the Yearin 2004 when
Work in two groups. she was 16. Shelives in Chiswick,
Group A Readabout Nicola. Answer thesequestions. west London, near her sister,
I Was music important in her family? Stephanie,who is also a violinist.
2 How old was Nicola when shecould play the violin? Their father, Gio Benedetti,is a
3 Did her father work hard?
4 Were her grandparentsrich or poor? businessman.He lives with his wife,
5 Is money important to Nicola and her father? Francesca,in Scotland.
6 Does her father like classicalmusic?
7 What doessheteachher father?What doeshe teachher? s''a'4
8 When doessheplay the violin with her sister?

Group B Readabout Gio. Answer thesequestions.

1 Where was Gio born?
2 IJ/hy couldnt he buy the |aguar car?
3 What was Gio'sbusiness?
4 How old was Nicola when shecould play the violin?
5 Can Gio play a musical instrument?
6 What music doeshe like? What doesnt he like?
7 Does Nicola work hard?
8 Why doeshe cry?

4 Work with a partner from the other group. Tell youi - .

partner aboutyour person.

from the text referto?
5 Who or whatdo theseadjectives

busy important difficult proud

hard-workingclassical expensive passionate
poor close independent sentimental

Nicola'sfather busy.

What do you think?

Work asa class.Discussthe questions.
. DoNicolaandGiohavea goodrelationship?
. Howaretheysimilar?Howaretheydifferent?
. DoesNicolahavea goodrelationship
. Whataboutyour Whoareyoucloseto?Why?
Nicola Benedetti Gio Benedetti

t When I wasyoung, music wasn't very 5I *", bom in a small village nearLuccain
important in our house.Then,when I was Italy. We were poor but happy.When I was
four, I startedplaying the violin. In my first ten, I cameto Scotlandto live with mv uncle.
lesson,I wasso happy,I couldn't stop crying. It wasvery difficult.
My dad, Gio, was alwaysbusy.He wasvery When I was 16,there was a beautiful car - a
hard-working.His parentswerepoor, so he faguar- in the shopsbut I couldn't afford it.
wanted to give me and my sistereverything. It was too expensive.So I starteda businessto
I like hard work too, and I know what I want make money - a dry-cleaningbusiness.Soon
- if someonesaysto me "You can't do that", I therewere 15 shops.By the time I was 19, I
think "Oh yesI can!" That'svery like my dad. could afford the |aguar.That was a very good
But my dad'sa businessman,and I'm an day!
artist.Money is very important to him, but Nicola was alwaysindependent,like me. She
for me, successisn't the sameasearninglots could play the violin when shewasfour. Now
of money.He likes the music I play,but he sheplaysconcertsall overthe world. I am so
doesn'tlike classicalmusicvery much. I teach proud of her. Shepractisesfor sevenhours a
him about music,and he tells me about day.Scotlandis so proud of her. Everybody
business. knows her now.
My sisterand I arevery close.We sometimes I can't play any musicalinstruments.I like
play together- not professionally,but country and westemmusic,but not classical.
at family occasionslike weddingsand at Nicola knowswhat shewants.Shehas a
Christmas. passionto succeed,like me, and sheworks
I live for my work. I neverwant to stop. very hard to get it. When sheplaysthe violin,
Music is my life. t she'spassionate - that'sthe Italian in her.
When I seeher play,I often cry.I can't help it.
I'm verysentimental.9

Unit5 . Super
me! 43
6 The family 7 Adjectives
Look at the family. Complete the crossword. 1 Write the opposite adjective.
easy small cold good
nice elEpensi't'e young old

1 London isn't cheap. It's expellsive .

2 My coffee isn't hot. It's
George Alice
3 'Are your shoes new?'
'No, they're
4 You aren't a bad student! You're a _ ___ student!
5 'My Dad's 40. He's old:
'He isn't old! Forty is !'
6 This exercise isn't difficult. It's
James Mike = Ellen Fay 7 Our flat isn't big. It's
8 The weather isn't horrible! It's

2 Complete the adjectives.

1 The weather's nice! It's ~ ___ _
2 It's difficult to understand you. You speak f __ .1.
Karen Charlie 3 My family's very nice. We're very f r. ___ .!! _ y.
4 I like my girlfriend. She's 1 ___ .1 _ f _ 1 .
3 James is Mike's __ . (7) 5 My book is good. It's very 1 _ .1 _ r. __ .1 __ .!.
8 Karen is Charlie's __ . (6) 6 Mm! The coffee is really good! It's 1_ Y _1_ .
9 Ellen is Mike's __ . (4)
10 Charlie is Mike's __ . (3)
11 Charlie is Fay's __ . (6)
15 Karen and Charlie are Mike's __ . (8)
6 7
16 Karen is Ellen's _ _ . (8)

1 Ellen is Karen's __ . (6)
11 12
2 Fay is Charlie's __ . (4) 13 14

4 George is Alice's __ . (7)

5 Alice is Charlie's __ . (11)
6 Karen is Fay's _ _ . (5) 15

7 George is Karen's __ . (11)

12 Mike and Ellen are __ . (7)
13 Mike is Charlie's _ _ . (6)
14 James is Karen's _ _ . (5)
Unit 1 • You and me 7
Reading and listening
--------- Our street
8 Our street
1 rt1 Read about the Hall family. Complete the sentences.
One family, 66 people, and
1 66 members of the Hall family live on the same street.
15 houses - all on the same street!
2 They have fifteen _ _ _ __
3 _____ is four weeks old.
The Hall family is big - very big - and they
all live on the same street, Cotswold Gardens in

4 Joe is a great-grandfather. He's _____ years old.
Gateshead, England.
S Catherine and George have six _ _ _ __ They have 15 houses. Their ages go from four
6 Their daughter's name is _ _ _ __ weeks old (Ellie) to great-grandfather Joe, 76.

7 At Christmas they all _____ to one house for Catherine and her husband, George, have six
a party. children, and 15 grandchildren. Other relatives
8 The neighbours _____ the Hall family very much. - aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, and nieces -

all live there, too.
2 rt1 Listen to the conversations. Who says the first line? 'Our family is the most important thing,'

says daughter Marganne, 42. 'We like living in
Joe Catherine George
Marganne Sandra
the same street. It's lovely to have all my family
together. At Christmas, or on a birthday, it's

1 MarganM 4 crazy in this street,' she says. '66 people all go to
2 S one house!'
Neighbour, Sandra Ross, 41, says 'It's great
3 6
having a big family in the street. We're all
friends.' Her husband, Dave, agrees, 'We love
living in such a friendly street. '

8 Unit 1 • You and me

6 Daily routines
1 Look at the pictures of Annie's day. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the box.
have breakfast go home start work get-ttp finish work have lunch
go to work have a shower watch TV get dressed have dinner go to bed

Annie's Day
Annie (1) gets up at 7.00 in the morning. Then she (2) _ _ _ _ _ and washes her hair. After the shower
she (3) . Then she goes into the kitchen and (4) . She has tea and toast.
Annie (5) _ _ _ _ _ on the bus. She works in an office. She (6) at 9.00. At 1.00 she
(7) in a cafe with her friend, Sal. She (8) at 5.30 and (9) _ _ _ __
In the evening she (10) _____ and (ll) _ _ _ _ _ . She likes dramas. She (12) _____ at 11.00.

2 Look at the answers about Annie's day. Complete the 3 Correct the sentences about Annie.
questions using the words in bold.
1 Annie has coffee for breakfast.
1 she does get
She doesn't have coffee for breakfast. She has tea and toast.
'What time does she get up?' 'At 7.00:
2 She works in a shop.
2 have does she
'What for breakfast?' 'Tea and toast:
3 She starts work at 10.00.
3 does work she
'Where ?' 'In an office:
4 she start does 4 She has lunch with her sister.
'What time work?' 'At 9.00:
5 she have does 5 She watches sport on TV.
'Where lunch?' 'In a cafe:
6 do she does 6 She goes to bed at 10.30.
'What in the evening?'
'She has dinner and watches TV. '

12 Unit 2 • A good job!

Reading and listening
7 The Eurostar train driver
1 rt1 Read about train driver, Brian Law. Are the
sentences true (.I') or false (X)? Correct the false
sentences. Brian Law is a train driver for
Eurostar. He drives high speed
1 [l] He works five days a week. trains in England and in Europe.
/-Ie doesn't work five days a week. /-Ie works four days
a week . Brian works four days a week. Sometimes he's free at the
2 [Z] Sometimes he doesn't work at weekends. weekend, but usu ally he works on Friday and Saturday.
3 D Eurostar trains run 365 days a year. Friday and Saturday are very busy days for Eurostar
4 D The first train to Paris leaves before 5.00 a.m. because everybody wants to go on holiday or go home for
the weekend. Eurostar runs every day (but it doesn't run on
5 D He does several journeys every day.
Christmas Day).
6 D Brian starts work very early every day.
The first train to Paris leaves London at 5.25 in the
7 D He always goes home in the evening.
morn ing, so Brian starts work at 4.30. In one day he does
8 D Brian speaks good French. two or three journeys between London and Paris. He finishes
9 D He doesn't earn very much. work at 12.00 noon. Sometimes he starts late - at 4 .00 p.m.
10 D He goes to France on holiday. - and works until 11 .30 at night. Sometimes he doesn't go
home at the end of the day, he stays in Paris.
2 Complete the sentences.
1 Brian usually works on Friday and Saturday.
The journey
The journey takes 2 hours 15 minutes, and the train travels
2 He doesn't work on Christmas Day.
at 300 km/h. It doesn't go so fast in the tunnel - it only goes
3 Brian work at 4.30. at 160 km/h when it travels through the tunnel. It carries
4 He work at 12.00 noon. 794 passengers.
5 The journey to Paris 2 hours 15 minutes. When the train is in France, Brian speaks to his controllers
6 The train at 160 km/h in the tunnel. in French. His French is very good. He has a lot of French
friends, and his son, Toby, goes to stay with them in Paris.
7 Brian £45,000 a year.
Brian earns £45,000 a year. In his free time he likes going
8 He going out with his wife, Angela. out with his wife, Angela, and walking their dogs. Angela is
9 Angela at weekends. a chef, so she works at weekends too. She has Monday free
10 He 25 days' holiday a year. and goes walking with Brian.
He has 25 days of holiday a year. Where does h e go on
3 rt1 Listen and complete the information about holiday? 'France, of course!' says Brian.
Brian's wife, Angela, and their son Toby.

,Anee la I l lib
Age 36
Job chef in a works in a - -

Wage £ a year £ a day

Free - - with Brian • sleeps
time and their dogs
Unit 2 • A good job! 13
7 My perfect weekend
1 Look at the heading of the newspaper article. perfect
1 What is Miranda Hart's job?
2 Is she m arried? weekend
2 rtl Read the article carefully. Answer the questions.
1 What time does she get home on Friday evening? Miranda Hart
2 What does she have to drink? - actress and
3 Does she stay in London for the weekend? comedian
4 Does she like driving?
5 Who does she go with?
6 What are her favourite things? 'Most single women
3 Look at Miranda's answers. Complete the questions. Iknowwanta
1 'What time do you go to bed on Friday night? ' boyfriend, but
'At 10.00: I love being on
2 'What time on Saturday morning? ' my own.'
'At 8.00:

3 'Where ?'
'In a cafe:
6 On Friday night I get home 8.00, I'm very hungry, so I
at 6.15 from work at the BBC have breakfast in a cafe. After
4 'What after breakfast?' and make a hot chocolate. I breakfast I do exercises, and
'I do some exercises: watch TV for an hour. I wait then go for a long walk next
for the rush hour to finish, and to the sea.
5 'Where
'Next to the sea:
" then drive out of London. I hate In the afternoon I go out on
driving in a lot of traffic. my boat and have a picnic. I
I go with my dog, Peggy. watch birds and enjoy the quiet
4 Complete the sentences about Miranda with a verb. We go south to a cottage near - just me, the birds, and the sea.
the sea. It's very quiet. I don't In the evening I read. I don't
1 On Saturday evening Miranda reads a book.
have any neighbours. I look at have a TV in the cottage.
2 She doesn't have a television. the stars in the sky - there are On Sunday morning I listen
3 On Sunday morning she _ _ _ _ _ to music. thousands of them! to music then go for a really
long walk to a pub, where I have
4 She _ _ _ __ _ for a long walk.
My fa vourite things ... lunch - a real Sunday lunch with
5 She lunch in a pub. a roast and lots of vegetables.
o A hot bath
6 She the cottage at 5.00. I leave the cottage at about
o Going to the th eatre
5.00 because I don't like driving
7 On Monday morning she _ _ _ _ __ to or cinema
in bad traffic. Back in London
go back to work. o Lookin g at th e sky
on Sunday evening I go to
8 She _ _ __ _ _ with nice people. o Ta lking to my dog, who the cinema.
listen s and doesn't I like my job, but it's difficult.
answer back
After a lovely, relaxing weekend
I don't really want to go back
I go to bed at 10.00 and sleep to work on Monday morning.
for ten hours. On Saturday But it's fine - I work with nice
morning, when I get up at people. 9
20 Unit 3 • Work hard, play hard!

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