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The physiology and pharmacology of oxytocin in

labor and in the peripartum period
Kerstin Uvnäs-Moberg, MD, PhD

Oxytocin is a reproductive hormone implicated in the process of parturition and widely used during labor. Oxytocin is produced within the
supraoptic nucleus and paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus and released from the posterior pituitary lobe into the circulation.
Oxytocin is released in pulses with increasing frequency and amplitude in the first and second stages of labor, with a few pulses released in
the third stage of labor. During labor, the fetus exerts pressure on the cervix of the uterus, which activates a feedforward reflex—the
Ferguson reflex—which releases oxytocin. When myometrial contractions activate sympathetic nerves, it decreases oxytocin release.
When oxytocin binds to specific myometrial oxytocin receptors, it induces myometrial contractions. High levels of circulating estrogen at
term make the receptors more sensitive. In addition, oxytocin stimulates prostaglandin synthesis and release in the decidua and cho-
rioamniotic membranes by activating a specific type of oxytocin receptor. Prostaglandins contribute to cervical ripening and uterine
contractility in labor. The oxytocin system in the brain has been implicated in decreasing maternal levels of fear, pain, and stress, and
oxytocin release and function during labor are stimulated by a social support. Moreover, studies suggest, but have not yet proven, that labor
may be associated with long-term, behavioral and physiological adaptations in the mother and infant, possibly involving epigenetic
modulation of oxytocin production and release and the oxytocin receptor. In addition, infusions of synthetic oxytocin are used to induce and
augment labor. Oxytocin may be administered according to different dose regimens at increasing rates from 1 to 3 mIU/min to a maximal
rate of 36 mIU/min at 15- to 40-minute intervals. The total amount of synthetic oxytocin given during labor can be 5 to 10 IU, but lower and
higher amounts of oxytocin may also be given. High-dose infusions of oxytocin may shorten the duration of labor by up to 2 hours compared
with no infusion of oxytocin; however, it does not lower the frequency of cesarean delivery.
When synthetic oxytocin is administered, the plasma concentration of oxytocin increases in a dose-dependent way: at infusion rates of 20
to 30 mIU/min, plasma oxytocin concentration increases approximately 2- to 3-fold above the basal level. Synthetic oxytocin administered
at recommended dose levels is not likely to cross the placenta or maternal blood-brain barrier. Synthetic oxytocin should be administered
with caution as high levels may induce tachystole and uterine overstimulation, with potentially negative consequences for the fetus and
possibly the mother. Of note, 5 to 10 IU of synthetic oxytocin is often routinely given as an intravenous or intramuscular bolus administration
after delivery to induce uterine contractility, which, in turn, induces uterine separation of the placenta and prevents postpartum hem-
orrhage. Furthermore, it promotes the expulsion of the placenta.
Key words: augmentation, birth, epigenetic changes, Ferguson reflex, first stage, induction, infusion of oxytocin, labor, myometrial
contractions, oxytocin, plasma levels, pregnancy, prostaglandins, pulsatile secretion, receptor, second stage, synthetic oxytocin, third

Introduction Du Vigneaud sequenced oxytocin from Oxytocin is produced in neurons of the

In 1906, Sir Henry Dale reported that isolated bovine pituitary extracts. It supraoptic nucleus (SON) and para-
extracts of the posterior pituitary lobe corresponded to a cyclic pentapeptide ventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypo-
promoted uterine contractions in cats. containing cystine and a tripeptide thalamus and released into the circulation
He called the substance “oxytocin,” (prolyl-leucyl-glycine) (Figure 1). Soon from the posterior pituitary lobe. It in-
which is Greek for “rapid birth.”3 In after, he synthesized oxytocin by adding duces contractions of the uterus and the
addition, pituitary extracts induced milk the individual amino acids to each other, myoepithelial cells in the mammary gland
ejection.4,5 Half a century later, Vincent which allowed clinicians to use it.6,7 during birth and lactation. Furthermore,

From the Department of Animal Environment and Health, Swedish University of Agriculture, Uppsala, Sweden.
Received Oct. 12, 2022; revised April 5, 2023; accepted April 9, 2023.
Kerstin Uvnäs Moberg owns shares in a company called Oxagon AB, in which the effects of locally applied oxytocin on vaginal atrophy in menopausal
women is studied.
Corresponding author: Kerstin Uvnäs-Moberg, MD, PhD.
ª 2023 The Author. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (

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S740 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MARCH 2024 Expert Review

Chemical structure of oxytocin, vasopressin and oxytocin metabolites

A, The figure shows the chemical structure of the oxytocin and vasopressin molecules. Oxytocin consists of a cyclic structure with 6 amino acids
(cysteine, tyrosine, isoleucine, glutamine, asparagine, and cysteine) and a linear structure with 3 amino acids (proline, leucine, and glycine). Note that the
2 cysteines are linked together by a disulfide bond and that the glycine at the carboxy or C-terminal end of the molecule is amidated. In vasopressin, the
amino acids isoleucine and leucine are exchanged by phenylalanine and arginine, respectively. B, The figure shows the main metabolic pathways by
which oxytocin is degraded. As shown by the left pathway, one or several amino acids can be split off from the C-terminal end of the molecule. As shown
by the right pathway, the cyclic structure of the oxytocin molecule can be opened up, for example, between the amino acids cysteine and tyrosine, to
create linear forms of the oxytocin molecule. The linear oxytocin molecule can be further degraded to shorter fragments by amino acids being split off
from both the amino and C-terminal ends of the molecule. In addition, a cysteine molecule may be split off from the linear molecule.
C-terminal, carboxy-terminal.
Uvnäs-Moberg. Physiology and pharmacology of oxytocin. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2024.

these same neurons from the SON and recently obtained knowledge regarding several mechanisms of action. Because
PVN project to important regulatory oxytocin-linked molecular mechanisms oxytocin receptors are widely distrib-
areas within the brain. A plethora of to physiological processes. uted, it makes more sense to refer to
centrally induced, oxytocin-linked, Synthetic oxytocin has been used for an oxytocin system rather than to
behavioral and physiological effects are more than 60 years to induce and oxytocin.10,26
induced concerning labor8 and breast- augment labor, to decrease the frequency
feeding.9,10 In addition, locally produced of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH), and Structure of the oxytocin system
oxytocin within the decidua and cho- sometimes to stimulate milk ejection, Oxytocin is mainly produced in the
rioamniotic membranes stimulates the such as when an infant is premature.24,25 magnocellular neurons of the SON and
production of prostaglandins.11e14 All Currently, many birthing women receive PVN of the hypothalamus15 and is
oxytocin effects are mediated by the infusions of synthetic oxytocin to induce transported via axons to the posterior
oxytocin receptor through different or augment their labor. In addition, pituitary lobe, from where it is released
intracellular mechanisms.15e17 hospitals often give mothers a bolus into the circulation to act as a classical
Oxytocin is a reproductive hormone in administration of oxytocin after delivery. hormone during labor, delivery, and
a broad sense. Concerning its role in labor This study aimed to review the func- breastfeeding.8e10,15 Moreover, it in-
and breastfeeding, oxytocin stimulates tion of oxytocin during labor, the dif- fluences brain function via local mech-
the maturation of eggs in the follicles, ferences between oxytocin in the plasma anisms.27 A multitude of separately
tubal transport of the eggs, fertilization of and oxytocin’s functions as a neurohor- organized bundles of parvocellular neu-
eggs, implantation of the blastocyst, and mone, and the use of synthetic oxytocin rons from the PVN project to important
stimulation of growth of the fetus,18e23 in inducing and augmenting labor. regulatory areas in the brain, where
Fritz Fuchs and Anne-Riita Fuchs oxytocin influences behavioral and
contributed substantially to our under- Oxytocin physiological functions.28e30 In addi-
standing of the role of oxytocin in Oxytocin is produced at multiple sites tion, magnocellular oxytocin neurons
parturition. Their results help connect and induces many different effects via projecting to the posterior pituitary send

MARCH 2024 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology S741

Expert Review

axon collaterals to various brain areas,

including the median eminence, amyg-
Release of oxytocin from the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei dala, hippocampus, cingulate, and
frontal cortex.31,32 In this way, oxytocin
induces different integrated effects con-
sisting of various combinations of
circulating oxytocin-mediated effects
and centrally induced behavioral and
physiological functions (Figure 2).33,34
In addition, oxytocin is produced in
the peripheral organs, such as the car-
diovascular system; in the gastrointes-
tinal tract, ovaries, decidua of the uterus,
and chorioamniotic membranes; and in
cells, such as endothelial cells and kera-
tinocytes.11,12,15,35 Peripherally pro-
duced oxytocin mainly exerts local,
modulatory functions via paracrine
Effects of oxytocin
The classical effects of oxytocin in-
clude stimulating contractions of the
myometrium and myoepithelial cells in
the mammary glands.3,4,8e10 In addi-
tion, many new effects of oxytocin have
been identified. Oxytocin stimulates so-
cial interactive behaviors, including
caregiving and maternal defense of the
offspring2,8,10,36e38 It decreases fear,
pain, and inflammation and decreases
stress levels by down-regulation of the
hypothalamic-pituitary axis and sym-
pathetic nervous system.33,39e42 In
addition, it increases parasympathetic
and vagal nerve activities, which pro-
mote absorption, digestion, and meta-
bolism of ingested food.9,10,33,41
Furthermore, oxytocin exerts healing
and restorative effects and stimulates
wound healing.43 Moreover, it may
Oxytocin from magnocellular neurons from the SON and PVN is transported via axons of the oxytocin stimulate the growth of stem cells44 and
neurons to the posterior pituitary, where it is released into the circulation. Oxytocin from the regenerate skeletal muscle by stimulating
magnocellular neurons of the SON and PVN is released from dendrites of the oxytocin neurons into the activity of stem cells in muscle tis-
the surrounding brain tissue, where it reaches neighboring areas in the brain by diffusion. Oxytocin is sue.45 In women experiencing meno-
released into many areas of the brain from axon collaterals emanating from the axons of the pause, the atrophic uterine mucosa
magnocellular neurons from the SON and PVN, projecting to the posterior pituitary. The axon col- consists of 2 to 3 layers of cells. Local
laterals project to several brain regions, including the median eminence and anterior pituitary, intravaginal application of oxytocin in-
amygdala, and cortex. Oxytocin is released from parvocellular neurons from the PVN into many creases the number of cell layers to 12 to
regulatory areas in the brain. The figure illustrates how oxytocin released from the same oxytocin 14, which is seen in fertile women.46,47
neurons may simultaneously be released into the circulation to stimulate uterine contractions and The chemically related substance vaso-
into the brain to influence brain function. pressin is involved in the regulation of
PVN, paraventricular nucleus; SON, supraoptic nucleus. behavioral and physiological functions,
Uvnäs-Moberg. Physiology and pharmacology of oxytocin. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2024. but the effect profile is more linked to
aggression and increased stress levels.48

S742 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MARCH 2024 Expert Review

Molecular structure oxytocin molecule by amino- or car- The oxytocin gene

The oxytocin molecule is a nonapeptide boxypeptidases. In this way, several cy- The oxytocin and vasopressin genes are
that consists of a ring of 6 amino acids, clic and linear variants of the molecule located on the human chromosome
kept together by a disulfide bridge, with are formed (Figure 1, B).15 The intact 20p13. The structure of the oxytocin and
a 3-amino acid long tail with an ami- ring structure is necessary for the con- vasopressin genes and the post-
dated glycine residue in the carboxy- tractile effects of oxytocin, but the effect translational modifications of the 2
terminal (C-terminal) end (Figure 1, is weakened as amino acids in the tail peptides are very similar, supporting the
A). The oxytocin molecule differs from (prol-leu-gly) are lost.15 Linear oxytocin assumption that they have developed
vasopressin by only 2 amino acids at fragments with an intact C-terminal, from a common ancestral gene.15 The
positions 3 and 8 (Figure 1, A). The such as oxytocin 1-9 or 4-9, influence function of the oxytocin gene can be
structure of oxytocin is similar in all memory and give rise to calm, antistress, enhanced via effects in the promoter
mammals, indicating that the molecule and restorative effects.51,52 Furthermore, region of the gene via estrogen-alpha and
is well conserved. In addition, oxy- the sequence prol-leu-gly is known as a estrogen-beta receptors, thyroid alpha
tocinlike peptides occur in birds and melanocyte-inhibiting factor (MIF) and receptors, and retinoic acid alpha and
fish, “mesotocin” and “isotocin.” has been shown to have antidepressant beta receptors.15
respectively, and these peptides are effects.53 Oxytocin, being the principal
linked to egg laying and sociosexual hormone, can give rise to all of these The oxytocin receptor
behaviors. Moreover, oxytocin- and effects.15,51 Localization
vasopressinlike peptides are produced The release rate of endogenous Oxytocin receptors, which mediate the
in more primitive animals and have oxytocin (or the administration of syn- effects of oxytocin, are present in the
been shown to participate in repro- thetic oxytocin) and the speed by which myometrium and myoepithelial cells of
ductive behaviors and egg laying.17 the oxytocin molecule is degraded the mammary glands and in many pe-
determine the level of oxytocin in the ripheral tissues, such as the heart, blood
Synthesis and metabolism of oxytocin circulation or in other tissues. The vessels, kidney, ovary, testis, and thymus;
Similar to all peptide hormones, oxytocin degradation of oxytocin takes place in adipose tissues; deciduae; and cho-
derives from a much larger prohormone, the liver, kidneys, and any peripheral rioamniotic membranes.10,15e17,60e62 In
including neurophysin. Enzymatic pro- organ and in the circulation.15 The half- addition, oxytocin receptors are found in
cesses degrade the prohormone into life of oxytocin seems to be relatively many areas of the brain, including the
smaller molecules. Longer prohormones short: 3 to 6 minutes.54 However, it may olfactory system, limbic system, hypo-
of oxytocin have been demonstrated, be as long as 30 to 40 minutes. Studies of thalamus, basal ganglia, brain stem, spinal
especially in early life.15 Molecules that are intravenous oxytocin administration cord, and some cortical regions.17
not completely degraded to oxytocin but have demonstrated a 2-compartment
are extended at the carboxyl end of the model for oxytocin elimination.55 Structure of the oxytocin receptor
molecule are involved in cardiac differ- Circulating oxytocinases increase 10- The oxytocin receptor, such as the
entiation. Moreover, they stimulate heart fold in the late term of pregnancy and closely related vasopressin receptor, be-
cell growth and stimulate growth in a during labor because the placenta pro- longs to the G-proteinetype receptor,
more general sense.49 Examples of these duces placental leucine-amino-pepti- which transfers information from the
molecules include oxytocin-glycine- dase, a specific type of oxytocinase. The cell membrane into the cell via G pro-
lysine-arginine, oxytocin-glycine-lysine increased degradation of oxytocin dur- teins. Only 1 oxytocin receptor has been
and oxytocin-glycine, and C-terminally ing labor and birth suggests that the half- demonstrated, whereas 3 different
extended molecules. An extended life of oxytocin might be shortened vasopressin receptors exist (V1a, V1b,
oxytocin molecule is likely released into during these periods. Surprisingly, few and V2 receptors). The oxytocin recep-
the circulation, in response to certain conclusive studies measure oxytocin tor contains 389 amino acids and is a 7-
stimuli, such as high concentrations of half-life concerning labor. However, it transmembrane helix receptor with 3
estrogens during pregnancy.15,50 took 3 times as much synthetic oxytocin extracellular and 3 intracellular loops.
The brain and periphery both pro- to induce the same plasma level of The extracellular loops are of great
duce active fragments or metabolites of oxytocin in late pregnancy compared importance for the binding of oxytocin
oxytocin, which may exert behavioral with the same women at 6 to 8 weeks to its receptor (Figure 3).16,17
and physiological actions corresponding after delivery.56e58 As a hydrophilic and The oxytocin and oxytocin receptor
to those induced by the principal hor- polar peptide molecule (molecular complex
mone, oxytocin. Oxytocin is degraded by weight of 1007), oxytocin is not sup- The oxytocin receptor is coupled to a
oxytocinases in 2 principal ways: by posed to cross biological membranes trimeric complex of G proteins, con-
opening of the ring, thereby giving rise to easily, such as the blood-brain barrier. sisting of 1 G alpha unit and 1 beta or
a linear variant of oxytocin, and by Less than 1% of an administered dose of gamma unit. Several different subforms
deletion of single amino acids from the synthetic oxytocin passes into the of the proteins exist, which contribute to
amino- and C-terminal ends of the brain.59 different compositions of the G-protein

MARCH 2024 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology S743

Expert Review

contractions may be activated in

response to binding between oxytocin
Illustration of the binding between oxytocin and its receptor and its receptor. One of these pathways
involves mitogen-activated protein ki-
nase (MAPK) MEK 1-2 and ERK 1-2. By
activation of this pathway, oxytocin has
been shown to stimulate the growth of
cardiomyocytes, stimulate osteoblasts,
induce maturation of human mesen-
chymal stem cells, reverse osteoporosis,
and improve muscle regeneration by
enhancing muscle stem cell regenera-
tion.44,45,63 The synthesis of prostaglan-
dins in the decidua and chorioamniotic
membranes involves an oxytocin-
induced activation of the MAPK/ERK
During labor, the oxytocin receptor in
the myometrium gives rise to myometrial
contractions, whereas the oxytocin re-
ceptors in the decidua and chorioamni-
otic membranes are linked with the
synthesis and secretion of prostaglandins
and inflammatory substances, such as
leukotrienes and arachidonic acid.11e14
The figure shows the structure of the oxytocin molecule and oxytocin receptor and a 3-dimensional
Although both these effects are mediated
illustration of the oxytocin receptor within the cell membrane. The oxytocin receptor contains 389
by oxytocin, they are linked to specific
amino acids and is a 7-transmembrane helix receptor (TMH1-7) with 3 extracellular (EL 2-3, EL 4-5,
receptor populations, which activate
and EL 6-7) and 3 intracellular loops. The extracellular loops are of great importance for binding of
different intracellular signaling pathways,
oxytocin to its receptor. The figure is redrawn from a freely available figure published in a paper by
as described above.15e17
Jurek and Neumann.17
Uvnäs-Moberg. Physiology and pharmacology of oxytocin. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2024.
The oxytocin receptor gene
There is only 1 gene coding for the
expression of the oxytocin receptor,
complex. These structural differences, in endoplasmic reticulum. This Caþþ ac- which is located on chromosome 3p25(A)
part, explain why different effects may be tivates calmodulin, leading to the phos- in humans. The oxytocin receptor gene
induced when oxytocin binds to its phorylation of myosin light-chain kinase consists of 4 exons and 3 introns. Estrogen
receptor.15,17 that phosphorylates myosin light chains, can bind to the promoter region of the
Molecular pathways activated in response which, in turn, facilitates actin-myosin oxytocin receptor gene via both estrogen
to binding between oxytocin and its interaction and contraction. During la- alpha and estrogen beta receptors to
receptor bor, the frequency of Caþþ oscillations activate transcription of the oxytocin re-
When oxytocin binds to its receptor, in the myometrial cells is linked to the ceptor. Progesterone inhibits the tran-
multiple intracellular effects are induced, amount of oxytocin-induced contrac- scription and translation of the oxytocin
the effect spectrum, in part, being tions (Figure 4). receptor gene, thereby leading to a relative
dependent on the type of cell that is In contrast, in myometrial cells iso- quiescence of uterine smooth muscles
activated. Most experimental studies lated from pregnant rats, oxytocin re- and a low frequency of contractions dur-
have been performed on myometrial ceptor binding stimulates adenylyl ing pregnancy.15e17
cells. In this model, when oxytocin binds cyclase 2, which suppresses Caþþ and
to its receptor, the beta or gamma unit is reduces contractions. These data Factors that influence the function and
separated from the G-alpha protein. demonstrate an inhibition of the availability of the oxytocin receptor
This, in turn, leads to the stimulation of oxytocin-induced contractile effects on High- and low-affinity state of the
phospholipase-C. This enzyme catalyzes myometrial cells during pregnancy, oxytocin receptor
phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate contributing to uterine quiescence dur- The oxytocin receptor may exist in 2
breakdown to diacylglycerol and ing this period.15e17 different affinity states: low affinity (Kd
inositol 1,4,5, triphosphate and triggers In addition, intracellular pathways of >100 nM) and high affinity (Kd of <1
calcium (Caþþ) release from the smooth other than those leading to myometrial to 5 nM), which optimizes the

S744 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MARCH 2024 Expert Review

physiological activity of oxytocin. The

low-affinity state can transfer into the
high-affinity state and vice versa; the
Intracellular pathways activated when oxytocin binds to its receptor
presence of Mgþþ or Mnþþ transfers
the low-affinity state into the high-affinity
state. Cholesterol stabilizes the oxytocin
receptor in a high-affinity state.16,17
Effects of estrogen
The amount of oxytocin receptors in the
myometrium gradually increases during
pregnancy in response to the high levels
of estrogens, and at term, there is a 100-
fold increase in the concentration of
oxytocin receptors, showing that the
synthesis and number of oxytocin re-
ceptors are enhanced.15,62 In addition,
estrogen increases the concentration of
oxytocin receptors in the decidua and
chorioamniotic membranes.11,12
Oxytocin receptor internalization
When oxytocin binds to its receptor, it
also activates a G-proteinecoupled
receptor kinase, allowing binding to beta-
arrestin, which leads to oxytocin receptor
internalization or desensitization. Beta-
Stimulation of the oxytocin receptor leads to stimulation of PLC. This enzyme catalyzes PIP2
arrestin uncouples the oxytocin receptor
breakdown to DAG and IP3 and triggers calcium (Caþþ) release from the smooth endoplasmic
from its G proteins, and in doing so, it
reticulum. Caþþ activates CaM, leading to phosphorylation of MLCK that phosphorylates myosin
allows the receptor to be internalized or
light chains, which, in turn, facilitates actin-myosin interaction and contraction. In addition, the MAPK
incorporated into the cell.15e17
cascade is activated, which stimulates prostaglandin production and muscle contraction.
Receptor desensitization
CaM, calmodulin; DAG, diacylglycerol; IP3, inositol 1,4,5, triphosphate; MAPK, mitogen-activated protein kinase; MLCK, myosin light-
The availability of high levels of li- chain kinase; PIP2, phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate; PLC, phospholipase-C.
gands over longer periods can result Uvnäs-Moberg. Physiology and pharmacology of oxytocin. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2024.
in receptor down-regulation and
thereby insensitivity to the ligand.
There is limited evidence for this type oxytocin receptor production. This myoepithelial cells of the mammary
of down-regulation happening with mechanism has achieved much attention gland to promote milk ejection.8e10,15 In
oxytocin receptors. However, chronic lately, and studies are being performed to addition to these classical contractile ef-
exposure to high amounts of intrana- determine whether DNA methylation of fects of circulating oxytocin, oxytocin
sally administered oxytocin in mice oxytocin or the oxytocin receptor occurs released from neurons within the brain
decreased the number of oxytocin after delivery in human mothers and exerts important adaptative, physiolog-
receptors.15e17 A desensitization of their neonates.15e17,68 ical, and psychological effects. These ef-
oxytocin receptors, which reduces the fects have been reviewed below.
function of the receptors, hypotheti- Oxytocin during pregnancy, labor,
cally might occur after augmentation and delivery Methodological considerations
of labor by infusions of synthetic Oxytocin and its receptors increase regarding measurements of oxytocin
oxytocin.64e67 during pregnancy in preparation for la- levels
Methylation of the oxytocin receptor gene bor and delivery. During labor, peak The gold standard for the analysis of
The production of oxytocin receptors levels of oxytocin are released into the oxytocin concentrations is the immu-
depends on the level of methylation of circulation, which induces uterine con- nologic technique radioimmunoassay
the DNA in the promoter region of the tractions to allow the birth of the fetus. (RIA), which is a very specific and sen-
receptor as DNA methylation in this re- Immediately after delivery, peak levels of sitive technique for oxytocin levels and
gion reduces the accessibility of the circulating oxytocin stimulate uterine gives rise to reproducible measurements.
oxytocin receptor for transcriptional contractions to expel the placenta and RIA can detect oxytocin levels within the
factors. The higher the levels of methyl- lower the risk of PPH. Moreover, picomolar range with great accuracy.
ation, the lower the levels of oxytocin oxytocin is released in response to The antibodies used in high-quality RIAs
receptor messenger RNA (mRNA) and breastfeeding to contract the are well characterized and are often

MARCH 2024 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology S745

Expert Review

specific for the entire oxytocin molecule Large amounts of placental oxy- stimulating the inhibitory opioidergic
and do not detect linear fragments of tocinase (placental leucine aminopepti- mechanism via gamma-aminobutyric
oxytocin or cyclic fragments in which dase [P-LAP]) are produced in the acid A receptors. As demonstrated in
amino acids have been split off from the placenta during late pregnancy and la- animal experiments, this opioidergic
C-terminal end of the molecule bor, and circulating levels of P-LAP in- inhibition is withdrawn as the produc-
(Figure 1, B). The different processes crease substantially. This circulating tion of progesterone decreases toward
involved in RIA are well described, and oxytocinase may influence the half-life of the end of pregnancy, allowing peak
plasma samples are always extracted oxytocin in vivo and may induce degra- levels of oxytocin to occur.72e76 This
before analysis to diminish unspecific dation of oxytocin even after the collec- endogenous inhibitory mechanism is
binding.65e67 Most high-quality studies tion of blood samples. This increases the intended to reduce the risk of premature
during pregnancy and labor have used need for rigorous handling of blood labor. In addition, the limited amounts
RIA. More recently, a simpler immuno- samples collected during labor.56,57 of oxytocin in the hypothalamus and
logic technique without radioactivity, Although RIA is a highly sensitive and posterior pituitary are stored until labor
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay specific method for the detection of starts, thus enabling the massive release
(ELISA), has been developed and used oxytocin levels, it is an indirect method of oxytocin that is necessary during labor
for the analysis of oxytocin concentra- in the sense that the oxytocin values and delivery.15
tions. If the plasma is extracted before obtained are based on changes in the Whether this opioidergic mechanism
analysis, and if the antibodies are well balance within an equilibrium reaction, is present in humans or whether another
characterized and specific for the cyclic involving binding between antibodies to mechanism mediates the inhibition of
oxytocin molecule, high-quality results oxytocin and iodinated oxytocin or oxytocin neurons during pregnancy is
can be obtained with ELISA. Without oxytocin from the samples. Methods that not known. Moreover, progesterone
extraction, very high oxytocin levels, and directly quantify the number of oxytocin levels do not decline in humans and
sometimes different effect patterns of molecules, such as mass spectrometry, nonhuman primates toward the end of
oxytocin, are obtained with ELISA, are being developed. pregnancy. In vivo studies of oxytocin
which may be caused by the detection of neurons during pregnancy in women
unspecific material in the samples. Pregnancy may be performed in the future using
Furthermore, if the antibodies are less Oxytocin concentrations modern molecular imaging techniques.
well characterized, which is sometimes Most studies show a gradual 2- to 4-fold The number of oxytocin receptors in
the case with ELISA, measurements may increase in basal oxytocin levels during the uterus increases substantially from
include the detection of fragments or pregnancy.8 The oxytocin-producing the beginning of pregnancy to reach
metabolites of oxytocin, for example, neurons in the SON and PVN have es- maximal levels at term. A 100-fold in-
linear fragments of oxytocin, which are trogen receptors, such as estrogen-beta crease in the number of oxytocin re-
not detected by RIA (Figure 1, B).51,69e71 receptors, through which estrogen acti- ceptors has been found in the human
vation promotes the synthesis and myometrium concerning the onset of
Collection and handling of samples release of oxytocin.15e17 As circulating labor.60 This increase in receptor density
Oxytocin is released in short pulses with estrogen levels rise substantially during is likely to a large extent caused by the
different intervals during labor, and pregnancy, the increased concentrations gradual increase of the availability of
therefore, it is necessary to collect mul- of oxytocin may at least, in part, be sec- estrogens in the circulation during
tiple repeated blood samples at short ondary to the increased levels of estro- pregnancy, which leads to an activation
time intervals to be able to detect the gen. Some studies indicate that elevated of the oxytocin receptor gene.8,15,60e62
pulses. In addition, the speed by which oxytocin levels during pregnancy, in The increased amount of oxytocin re-
blood samples are collected is crucial and addition to the nonapeptide oxytocin, ceptors and function will allow small
must be standardized. Studies in which involve the release of an elongated increases in circulating oxytocin levels to
RIAs have been used most often include oxytocin molecule.50 induce contractions of the myometrium
data based on multiple, serial blood Toward term, oxytocin pulses appear at term, which further reduces the need
samples, which will allow visualization in the circulation, and uterine contrac- for oxytocin during labor, which is
of the oxytocin pulses. In contrast, tions start to appear.8 Data obtained important given the limited amounts of
studies using ELISA are generally based from rodents suggest that a central available oxytocin.
on only a few blood samples, reducing opioidergic mechanism, possibly medi-
the value of the studies.8 In addition, ated via mu-opioid receptors, actively Labor and delivery
blood samples must be kept cold, and inhibits peak levels of oxytocin during Plasma concentrations of oxytocin
plasma must be frozen immediately after pregnancy. Allopregnanolone, a neuro- during labor and the postpartum
collection. Enzyme inhibitors, such as active metabolite of progesterone pre- period
aprotinin (Trasylol), must be added to sent in increasing amounts in the brain Labor is associated with short-lasting
the samples to avoid the degradation of during pregnancy, mediates this inhibi- pulses of oxytocin.8,77e88 which occur
oxytocin in the tubes. tory effect on the oxytocin neurons by more frequently as labor progresses to

S746 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MARCH 2024 Expert Review

Plasma oxytocin levels at term and during labor

The figure shows the pattern of peak levels of oxytocin in plasma at term pregnancy (A), first stage of labor (B), and second and third stages of labor (C).
Samples were collected at 1-minute intervals from an indwelling catheter in the right arm. Data plots were chosen to show the highest and lowest pulse
frequencies and amplitudes in each group. Each identified pulse is denoted with a cross. The figures are reproduced with permission from Fuchs et al,78
with the courtesy of Dr Roberto Romero, who is a coauthor of the article.
Uvnäs-Moberg. Physiology and pharmacology of oxytocin. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2024.

reach a maximal frequency of 3 pulses that project to the posterior pituitary. Oxytocin-mediated stimulation of
per 10 minutes at the end of the second The oxytocin-producing cells in the prostaglandin synthesis and release in
stage of labor.77 Figure 5 demonstrates SON and PVN have been shown to get labor
the presence of occasional oxytocin closer to each other because of retraction Prostaglandins play an important role in
pulses at term pregnancy (Figure 5, A), of the surrounding glial cells in response labor as they affect cervical ripening and
an increasing frequency of pulses during to the strong stimulation of the myometrial contractility. As described
the first (Figure 5, B) and second stages of oxytocin-producing cells, such as during previously, oxytocin promotes the pro-
labor, and a few pulses during the third birth and breastfeeding.89,90 As a conse- duction of prostaglandins60,61,78,94e98; it
stage of labor (Figure 5, C). The figures quence, the electrical action potential of increases the production of prosta-
are based on data from Fuchs et al.78 the individual magnocellular oxytocin- glandin F2-alpha, prostaglandin E2, and
In addition, the amount of oxytocin secreting cells starts to synchronize. leukotrienes in the uterine decidua and
released with each pulse increases over When all the neurons burst in syn- prostaglandin E2 in the amnion.13,14 The
time as labor progresses.78 As a conse- chrony, an oxytocin pulse is released into prostaglandins produced in the decidua
quence of the more frequent pulses, the circulation.91,92 Examples of short- induce local inflammation, which pro-
average plasma oxytocin concentrations lasting pulses of oxytocin in response to motes the ripening of the cervix and
double during labor compared with nipple stimulation in women close to stimulates the propagation of the myo-
oxytocin levels at term.77 A very pro- term are illustrated in Figure 6. To metrial contractions. Moreover, the
nounced peak level of oxytocin often oc- demonstrate peak levels of oxytocin, prostaglandins in the membranes
curs concerning the delivery of the 5 blood samples were collected at change the texture of the membranes,
fetus.81e85 Some articles show decreased 15-second intervals in association with 5 thereby making them more fragile and
oxytocin levels after delivery, indicating a uterine contractions. The peak shaped able to rupture in labor.85,94e100
fall from higher levels during labor. patterns of oxytocin among individuals The stimulation of prostaglandin
Several studies show that there is no direct showed different appearances, whereas release by oxytocin is mediated by
correlation in time between uterine con- the oxytocin pattern tended to be more circulating oxytocin101 and by oxytocin
tractions and peak levels of oxytocin similar concerning the contractions in locally produced in the decidua, amnion,
during spontaneous labor.8,79,82,85,86,88 the same individual. Furthermore, in and chorion.11,12 The oxytocin released
some individuals, peak levels of oxytocin within these areas activates specific types
Electrophysiological aspects of the were only observed in 1 of 5 samples of oxytocin receptors, within the same
oxytocin pulses collected at 15-second intervals, illus- tissues, which are linked to the synthesis
The oxytocin released into the circula- trating how difficult it might be to record and release of prostaglandins, via a local,
tion derives from oxytocinergic neurons oxytocin pulses.93 paracrine mechanism. The expression of

MARCH 2024 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology S747

Expert Review

both the tissue-specific oxytocin release the autonomic nervous system. Although during the first and second stages of la-
and oxytocin receptors is promoted by the authors did not discuss it at the time, bor. The increase of oxytocin release
estrogen.11,12,77,85,94e100 The oxytocin the facilitating effect induced by auto- during labor may, in part, be linked to
released within the decidua and the nomic nervous activity on the ability of repeated activation of the Ferguson re-
chorioamniotic membranes is degraded oxytocin to induce uterine contraction flex, which is mediated by sensory
by a local supply of oxytocinases, thereby might be linked to an increased function parasympathetic nerves that connect the
further restraining the effect of the of the myometrial oxytocin receptors. uterus and the brain (Figure 7).117,118
locally released oxytocin to neighboring Whether the activity of the autonomic When the head of the fetus presses
tissues.102,103 These local, oxytocin- nervous system plays a role in human la- against the cervix and vaginal wall,
linked, prostaglandin-mediated inflam- bor and delivery is not known. The mechanoreceptors are activated that
matory responses run counter to the autonomic innervation of the uterus, stimulate the activity of afferent para-
effects of circulating oxytocin, which is both the sympathetic and parasym- sympathetic nerves, which terminate in
linked to a powerful reduction of in- pathetic branches, undergoes degenera- the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS).
flammatory reactions.42 tive changes during pregnancy, as Noradrenergic fibers from the NTS
demonstrated both in animal studies and project directly to, and activate, the
Oxytocin and the third stage of labor in women.112 However, such degenerative oxytocin-producing neurons within the
A large peak level of oxytocin often oc- changes do not occur in the more densely SON and PVN.15,34,119 As the uterine
curs during, or just after birth, perhaps innervated cervix of the uterus, where the contractions become more powerful, the
as a result of the activation of the Fer- innervation remains intact. Therefore, pressure exerted by the fetal head on the
guson reflex.81e85 Thereafter, smaller nervous activity may still play an impor- cervix and the vaginal wall becomes
peak levels of oxytocin are observed tant role in controlling the function of the stronger, which will lead to a more
during a 30- to 60-minute period after cervix and the rest of the uterus con- intense activation of the para-
birth, often coinciding with the delivery cerning labor.113 sympathetic sensory nerves, and conse-
of the placenta.104e106 In addition, Knockout mice lacking the oxytocin quently, more oxytocin is released into
oxytocin released during the third stage gene were found to go into labor, sug- the circulation from the SON and PVN.
of labor reduces postpartum bleeding. gesting that oxytocin may not be necessary In this way, oxytocin concentrations in
for labor.114 However, other studies circulation increase over time. The
Role of the autonomic nervous system showed that oxytocin antagonists and mega-peak levels of oxytocin often
The role of the autonomic nervous sys- exposure to stress, which lower oxytocin described during labor and delivery
tem during labor was recognized in older levels, inhibited the progress of labor, birth might be due to a particularly
studies but has not been a subject of indicating that oxytocin does contribute strong activation of the Ferguson reflex
recent research. The results of these significantly to the progress of labor and during the delivery of the fetus.81e85
previous findings are often not included delivery. In particular, oxytocin seemed to In animals, such as sheeps, a sub-
in newer research.97 be important for the timing and onset of stantial rise of oxytocin levels occurs in
Based on animal experiments, activa- labor.115,116 The data can be interpreted as the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) during la-
tion of the parasympathetic, cholinergic if the oxytocin receptor may be even more bor and delivery. The release of oxytocin
nerves innervating the uterus gives rise to essential for birth than oxytocin itself.99 into the CSF during labor and delivery is
uterine contractions and increased uter- The redundant mechanism by which abolished if peridural analgesia is applied
ine blood flow. Moreover, activation of labor is promoted in the absence of during labor and delivery, and it is
sympathetic nerves results in uterine oxytocin might hypothetically involve enhanced by mechanical stimulation of
contractions but decreases circulation.107 the autonomic nervous system, particu- the cervix. Overall, these findings suggest
Labor can be induced by electrical stim- larly the parasympathetic branch.107 that the Ferguson reflex plays an
ulation of paracervical tissues in pregnant From this point of view, it is interesting important regulatory role in the release
guinea pigs, and the uterine sensitivity to that mice that lack the oxytocin gene of oxytocin into the CSF during labor
the contractile effects of oxytocin in- completely fail to eject milk in response and delivery.120
creases following this treatment.108,109 to suckling and the offspring die. The The oxytocin released into the brain
Furthermore, low-intensity stimulation absence of a redundant mechanism in derives from the parvocellular neurons
of the hypogastric nerve (1e6 Hz and 1 the case of milk ejection may be due to from the PVN and from axon collaterals
mA), which did not induce any uterine the fact that the mammary glands lack of the magnocellular neurons of the
contractions per se, induced uterine parasympathetic innervation.10 SON and PVN.28e32 In addition, a
contractions during a simultaneous release of oxytocin from dendrites and
oxytocin infusion of subthreshold doses Modulation of oxytocin release cell bodies of the magnocellular neurons
of synthetic oxytocin.110,111 These results during labor may contribute to the rise of oxytocin
indicate that myometrial sensitivity to the Reinforcement of oxytocin release concentrations (Figure 2).27 The
contractile effects of oxytocin can be The frequency and size of peak levels of oxytocin of dendritic origin diffuses into
enhanced by a concomitant activation of oxytocin in the circulation increase adjacent areas of the brain to activate

S748 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MARCH 2024 Expert Review

Plasma oxytocin levels in response to nipple stimulation

The figure shows pulses of oxytocin in plasma and uterine contractions in response to nipple stimulation in 6 women in late pregnancy (38e39 weeks of
gestation) not in labor. Of note, 5 samples were collected at 15-second intervals from an indwelling catheter in the right arm during individual con-
tractions. Plasma levels of oxytocin were measured with radioimmunoassay. Note that the peak levels of oxytocin correspond in time with uterine
contractions, that their appearance varies between different women, and that the peak level sometimes can be observed in only 1 sample. In (A) data
from 4 women are shown and in (B), 2 women with particularly high oxytocin levels are shown. The figures are redrawn based on data published by
Christensson et al.93
Uvnäs-Moberg. Physiology and pharmacology of oxytocin. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2024.

MARCH 2024 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology S749

Expert Review

The percentage of nulliparous women

that receive oxytocin infusion during la-
Nervous connections between the uterus and the brain bor in Sweden is approximately 70%,
compared with 30% in multiparous
women. The use of oxytocin during labor
is increasing. In women who receive
synthetic oxytocin infusion because of
delayed progress of labor, the adminis-
tration of oxytocin may shorten the
duration of labor until birth by approxi-
mately 2 hours, but the number of ce-
sarean deliveries is not changed.131,132
The amounts of oxytocin adminis-
tered during labor and delivery are most
often expressed in international units or
milli-international units of oxytocin.
When converted to weight units, 1 IU of
oxytocin corresponds to 1.67 mg of
oxytocin and 1 mIU corresponds to 1.67
ng of oxytocin. Oxytocin concentrations
(eg, in blood and plasma) are expressed
either as microunit per milliliter or
picogram per milliliter. The concentra-
tion of 1 mU/mL of oxytocin corre-
The Ferguson reflexes or parasympathetic sensory nerves are activated by the pressure exerted by sponds to 1.67 pg/mL of oxytocin.
the head of the fetus on the cervix and lead to an increase of oxytocin levels in the circulation and the
brain. Sympathetic afferents from the myometrium are activated by myometrial contractions which Actions of exogenous oxytocin on
decrease the release of oxytocin. myometrial contractions
CRH, corticotropin-releasing factor. According to Fuchs et al78, the lowest
Uvnäs-Moberg. Physiology and pharmacology of oxytocin. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2024. effective amount of oxytocin, given as an
intravenous bolus dose for induction of
oxytocin receptors and induce oxytocin Whether similar effects are present in myometrial contractions, was shown to
effects. Interestingly, the dendrites of the women during labor and delivery re- be between 4 and 8 mIU. These amounts
oxytocin neurons are provided with mains to be established, but the levels of of oxytocin administered as an intrave-
oxytocin receptors, which, when acti- oxytocin increase in CSF of human nous bolus gave rise to elevations of
vated by oxytocin, further stimulate the mothers during labor. However, an plasma concentrations of oxytocin, which
release of dendritic oxytocin. In this way, oxytocin mediated stimulation of were comparable to the size of peak levels
a central feedforward mechanism for maternal interaction and bonding with of oxytocin recorded during spontaneous
the dendritic release of oxytocin is the newborns, a potent reduction of fear, labor. There was no immediate temporal
established.121,122 pain and stress as well as an activation of relationship between the peak levels of
The oxytocin released into the brain of dopaminergic neurons have been estab- oxytocin and the contractions induced,
sheep during labor and delivery is asso- lished in mothers during skin-to-skin but there was a relationship between the
ciated with the onset of maternal contact after birth as well as in connec- amplitude of the peak level and the
behavior and bonding with the tion with breastfeeding.8e10,71,125e129 number of uterine contractions induced
newborn. The administration of peri- Oxytocin release may be affected by bolus administrations.78
dural analgesia, which blocks the intra- negatively during labor. Activation of
cerebral release of oxytocin, and the sympathetic afferent nerves and pain- Oxytocin infusion rates
administration of oxytocin antagonists,
mediating fibers increases sympathetic Infusions of synthetic oxytocin often
which block the effects of oxytocin,
nervous activity and decreases oxytocin start at low rates, such as 1 to 3 mIU/
abolish these behaviors.120 Maternal
sensation of pain and the levels of fear release (Figure 7).130 minute. The infusion rate is increased at
and stress are reduced by oxytocin 15- to 40-minute intervals usually by a
released in the brain. In addition, Intravenous administration of stepwise increase of a set amount of
oxytocin may, via effects in the central synthetic oxytocin for induction and oxytocin or by doubling the dose until
amygdala, reduce the long-term mem- augmentation of labor contractions are initiated. The maximal
ory of pain and fear of labor and Intravenous administration of oxytocin is rate of infusion of synthetic oxytocin
delivery.123,124 often given to induce or augment labor. rarely exceeds 32 mIU/minute in many

S750 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MARCH 2024 Expert Review

clinical settings.133 In a recent survey Dose-response curves have been infusion is the standard approach to
performed in 12 European countries, a performed in both connection with minimize the negative consequences of
substantial variation regarding dose induction75,142 and augmentation of hyperstimulation concerning infusions
regimens was observed. Starting rates labor,140,141 and similar-sized dose- of oxytocin.150
varied from 1 to 15 mIU/min dependent increments of oxytocin con- Recent studies show that if oxytocin
(0.06e0.90 IU/h), and maximal infusion centrations were observed. As measured infusions are performed within the rec-
rates varied from 15 to 60 mIU/min by RIA, the plasma oxytocin concentra- ommended dose levels, they are safe. A
(0.90e3.60 IU/h). In addition, the in- tion rose by 1 to 2 pg/mL in response to recent multicenter, randomized study
terval between changes in the infusion an increase of the infusion rate by 1 evaluated the effect of discontinuing
rate varied. The predicted total amount mIU/min.140,142 In all of these dose- oxytocin infusion when reaching the
of synthetic oxytocin infused during 8 response studies, oxytocin levels were active phase of labor. This intervention,
hours varied between 2.38 and 27.00 IU; measured using RIA. No dose-response which is associated with a decrease in the
however, in most countries studied, the study has been performed in which amount of administered oxytocin, did
calculated 8-hour dose was 7 to 8 IU.133 oxytocin levels were measured using not improve neonatal morbidity or in-
These data demonstrate that the rate of ELISA. Of note, 1 study that measured crease the rate of other neonatal or
oxytocin infusion and the total amount both the average rise of oxytocin con- maternal negative outcomes.151 In
of synthetic oxytocin administered dur- centrations occurring during sponta- another study, the risk of adverse out-
ing labor vary substantially between neous, physiological labor and the comes in response to infusion rates
countries in Europe. More synthetic increase of oxytocin concentrations in higher than 20 mIU/minute were
oxytocin might be given in other coun- response to infusions of synthetic compared with those induced by infu-
tries (eg, in the United States). oxytocin found that infusion rates up to sion of oxytocin at lower rates. In this
The sensitivity to oxytocin varies 10 mIU/min (0.6 IU/h) raised oxytocin double-blind randomized controlled
among pregnant women. In 1 study, concentrations to levels normally trial, no significant difference in
adequate myometrial contractions were observed during the second stage of la- maternal or perinatal adverse outcomes
obtained by infusion rates of synthetic bor (from basal concentrations of 20 to was found when the effects of the 2 dose
oxytocin varying between 0.9 and 5 40 pg/mL). However, at higher infusion levels were compared.152
mIU/minute. The reason behind this rates, a further 2- to 3-fold increase of Whether circulating oxytocin from
variation is not known, but the different oxytocin concentrations above those the maternal circulation passes the
sensitivity of the oxytocin receptors may recorded at an infusion rate of 10 mIU/ placenta and maternal blood-brain bar-
include factors, such as different expo- minute was observed. This means that rier has become a matter of debate. It has
sures or effects of increased estrogen plasma oxytocin concentrations rarely been suggested that maternal circulating
levels during pregnancy, different body exceed 100 to 150 pg/mL during infusion oxytocin levels become extremely high in
mass indices, and age of the woman.61 of synthetic oxytocin during labor if response to infusions of synthetic
Some studies, but not all, show that if recommended dose regimens are used.77 oxytocin and that oxytocin under these
synthetic oxytocin is administered in Steady-state oxytocin levels were ob- circumstances would pass through the
pulses and not as a continuous infusion, tained within 40 minutes of infusion. As placenta and the maternal blood-brain
similar results regarding the duration of the half-life of oxytocin in plasma is barrier and negatively affect the fetus and
labor concerning induction or augmen- relatively short (3e6 minutes),54,55 basal the maternal brain.153,154 However, there
tation of labor are obtained, but less oxytocin concentrations are soon is little scientific support for a transfer of
oxytocin may be needed.134e137 This may reached after infusions of synthetic oxytocin over the placenta if oxytocin is
indicate that the physiological adminis- oxytocin have been stopped. Moreover, infused during labor according to rec-
tration of oxytocin (in pulses) is it should be pointed out that individual ommendations. As stated above quite
more efficient than the stable rate of oxytocin pulses during labor can reach small amounts (5e10 IU) of synthetic
administration in response to infusion quite substantial concentrations for a oxytocin are infused, often for a period
of oxytocin.138 Whether peak levels of short period (Figure 4). of several hours during labor, and
oxytocin still occur during infusions of therefore maternal plasma oxytocin
synthetic oxytocin is not known; however, Hyperstimulation concentration are only moderately
1 study suggests that pulsatile oxytocin is The amount of oxytocin administered is elevated. In clinical studies in which both
blunted after infusion of oxytocin.139 crucial, as too high levels of oxytocin maternal and oxytocin fetal oxytocin
may induce hyperstimulation of the concentrations were measured after
Plasma oxytocin concentrations in myometrium, including excessive fre- birth, there is no evidence of any passage
response to infusion with synthetic quency of contractions. This may harm of oxytocin from the mother to the
oxytocin the fetus as the placental and fetal fetus.155 Fetal plasma oxytocin concen-
Plasma oxytocin concentrations have blood flow may become compromised trations are higher than maternal
been measured after infusion with syn- with consequent fetal hypoxia.147e150 oxytocin concentrations in terms of
thetic oxytocin during labor.77,140e146 Discontinuation of the oxytocin vaginal birth, suggesting a fetal

MARCH 2024 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology S751

Expert Review

production of oxytocin.156 Furthermore, oxytocin after delivery leads to delayed oxytocin induced by infusions of syn-
oxytocin, being a polar peptide, does not absorption of oxytocin and consequently thetic oxytocin. In vitro experiments
easily pass biological membranes, and to lower oxytocin levels, compared with support this assumption. When oxytocin
only 0.1% to 1.0% of a given dose of intravenous administration.161 receptors are exposed to nanomolar or
oxytocin passes over the blood-brain Cardiovascular events have been re- micromolar concentrations of oxytocin
barrier.59 Overall, these data indicate ported after bolus administration of for 5 to 10 hours, a decrease in oxytocin
that infusions of synthetic oxytocin oxytocin. For example, a fall in blood receptor mRNA has been
within the recommended dose range do pressure, transient tachycardia, and demonstrated.64e67 However, the very
not influence the fetus or the mother by chest pain were reported after intrave- high concentrations of oxytocin and the
passing through the placenta or blood- nous administration of 10 IU of syn- long exposure time needed in these ex-
brain barrier during labor. However, the thetic oxytocin to women who have periments for down-regulation of
dose of oxytocin administered is crucial. received epidural analgesia during ce- oxytocin receptor mRNA suggest that
If higher amounts of oxytocin are given, sarean delivery. In addition, the ST the results do not represent physiological
oxytocin may pass the placenta and segment of the electrocardiogram was conditions, as plasma oxytocin concen-
maternal blood-brain barrier. depressed, and troponin levels were trations in response to infusions of syn-
In addition, some animal data sug- increased in some of these women, thetic oxytocin are within the picomolar
gest the presence of a local transport indicating a possible occurrence of range. The down-regulation or desensi-
system for oxytocin from blood to areas ischemic tissue damage in the heart. The tization of the oxytocin receptors may be
in the brain, such as the amygdala, the cardiovascular effects disappeared or due to another mechanism, for example,
receptor for advanced glycation end were reduced when the bolus dose of related to a physiological feedback inhi-
products (RAGE) system. In animal oxytocin was reduced to 5 IU or the bition of the function of the oxytocin
experiments, the RAGE system has been route of administration of oxytocin receptors.
shown to promote maternal interaction was changed from intravenous to
with her pups, possibly because of the intramuscular.162e165 The cardiac pain Social support and activation of the
transfer of oxytocin from the circula- may be caused by a cardiac vasocon- oxytocinergic system
tion to the brain. Whether a similar ef- strictor effect as a consequence of the Social support is a well-known concept
fect occurs during physiological and hypotension and tachycardia caused by within the field of psychology. The
induced labor in women is not yet the administration of oxytocin. More- presence of a supportive person de-
known.157 over, the contractile effects on cardiac creases stress levels, including cortisol
blood vessels may be caused by a direct levels and inflammatory markers, and
Postpartum administration of effect of oxytocin on cardiac oxytocin perceived anxiety in individuals of
oxytocin receptors, or possibly on vasopressin different age and sex groups, suggesting a
An intramuscular or intravenous receptors, as oxytocin in very high levels down-regulation of the stress system.170
administration of 5 to 10 IU of oxytocin may bind to and cross-react with vaso- A similar calming effect may be
is often given routinely at the time of the pressin receptors.15 induced by the presence of a supportive
expulsion of the posterior arm of the person during labor and delivery. The
fetus to induce uterine contractility, to Down-regulation of oxytocin receptors presence of a supportive person during
promote placental separation, and to The administration of oxytocin for labor labor shortens its duration, decreases the
decrease the risk of PPH.158e160 The induction or augmentation has been rate of cesarean delivery, and reduces the
amount of synthetic oxytocin contained suggested to increase the risk of PPH, use of medical interventions, such as
in the bolus dose given after delivery is and some patients who receive oxytocin epidural analgesia and infusions of syn-
similar to the average amount of syn- develop myometrial hypodynamia. This thetic oxytocin.1,171e173 In addition,
thetic oxytocin administered during la- effect has been attributed to the desen- studies show that mothers participating
bor, and consequently, maternal sitization of the oxytocin receptor in in midwife-led continuity models of care
oxytocin concentrations are very high response to prolonged exposure to during pregnancy were more likely to
(700 pg/mL) immediately after the oxytocin.166e169 have a spontaneous vaginal delivery and
administration of the postpartum bolus The levels of oxytocin receptor mRNA less likely to have regional analgesia,
administration. Thereafter, oxytocin and protein synthesis have been shown instrumental vaginal delivery, preterm
levels decrease rapidly and reach basal to be reduced in these situations showing birth (<37 weeks of gestation), and fetal
levels within 1 hour.161 Moreover, high that there is a down-regulation of the loss.174 It is important to mention that
oxytocin levels were observed after production of the oxytocin receptor. It not all studies performed show a positive
intravenous bolus administration of 10 has been suggested that this reduction of effect of social support on birth, and
IU of synthetic oxytocin to women the function of oxytocin receptors is due more clinical studies and evidence
experiencing menopause (oxytocin to a direct inhibitory effect by circulating regarding the effect of social support are
levels of >2000 pg/mL).55 Intramuscular oxytocin concentrations on the oxytocin needed before it could be introduced as a
and subcutaneous administration of receptors, caused by the high levels of clinical practice.

S752 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MARCH 2024 Expert Review

Social support may hypothetically act

by modulation of oxytocin release con-
cerning labor and delivery.175 Of note, 1
Oxytocin release in response to activation of cutaneous sensory nerves
study investigated the pulsatile oxytocin
pattern during labor but found no effect
of social support on oxytocin levels.176
However, the effects of social support
are not likely to act via a release of
oxytocin from the magnocellular
oxytocin neurons in the SON and PVN
into the circulation but rather by effects
of oxytocin released from neurons
within the brain.
In animals, environmental cues that
signal calmness and safety have been
shown to activate specific nerve fibers in
the cortex, which, via the amygdala-
hippocampal pathway, innervate the
parvocellular oxytocinergic neurons of
the PVN.17,26 Hypothetically, the pres-
ence of a person, who is experienced as
friendly, warm, empathic, and support-
ive, may actively stimulate such oxytocin The cutaneous sensory nerves respond to touch, stroking, light pressure, and warmth and may
neurons in the brain. correspond to unmyelinated C-tactile fibers and to thicker myelinated nerve fibers. In addition,
In addition, touch or sensory stimu- analogous mental triggers mediating information about safety, familiarity, support, warmth, and
lation of the skin may contribute to the empathy may hypothetically trigger oxytocin release. This model demonstrates how the release of
positive effects exerted by a supportive oxytocin from parvocellular neurons in the SON and PVN during labor can be reinforced by activation
person on the progress or experience of of cutaneous sensory nerves.
labor. Several studies show that oxytocin PVN, paraventricular nucleus; SON, supraoptic nucleus.
can be released and that oxytocin mRNA Uvnäs-Moberg. Physiology and pharmacology of oxytocin. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2024.
in the PVN can be increased in response
to touch via stimulation of cutaneous
sensory nerves (Figure 8). Such stimu-
lation does not induce a pulsatile release become more social and less prone to in the oxytocin receptor may influence
of oxytocin but may or may not be stress reactions as adults, compared with different aspects of labor. Some of these
associated with increased levels of those who do not receive these treat- receptor variants are linked to varia-
circulating oxytocin2,34,119,177 Recent ments. These changes possibly involve tions in the effect of oxytocin on
studies performed by Grinevich and epigenetic change with differences in the myometrial contractility, to the dose
colleagues show that parvocellular oxy- levels of methylation of the oxytocin and requirements regarding infusion of
tocinergic neurons in the brain are acti- cortisol receptor genes.23,181e184 oxytocin, to susceptibility to preterm
vated in response to touch and social Some data implicate that the amount birth, and to the risk of PPH. Moreover,
stimuli.178,179 Moreover, activation of of positive mother-infant interaction in the effects of SNPs may involve the
the oxytocin neurons in response to early life is associated with decreased function of intracellular signaling
touch may reduce pain and stress DNA methylation of the oxytocin re- pathways activated by the oxytocin
levels.123,124 ceptor gene in the neonate, whereas receptor.189e193 This is a rapidly
other authors suggest that these data growing field of research, and more
Epigenetic and genetic influence on the should be regarded with caution.185e187 findings are to be expected soon.
oxytocinergic system To date, there is no data that demon-
Animal experiments show that long- strates epigenetic changes of the Conclusions
term behavioral and physiological effects oxytocin gene or oxytocin receptor gene Oxytocin is a system involving hor-
can be induced in the perinatal period, in connection with labor or delivery in monal, neurosignaling, and paracrine
by how mothers handle their infants.180 humans, but there is great interest in this effects. It has multiple important effects
Some mothers provide their neonates research topic.68,188 during labor, and several oxytocin-
with more tactile interaction than others Single-nucleotide polymorphisms linked mechanisms cooperate to pro-
do. Neonates receiving extra tactile Data are emerging that show that sin- mote the birth of the neonate. Oxytocin
stimulation or are given extra oxytocin gle-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) stimulates uterine contractions by

MARCH 2024 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology S753

Expert Review

oxytocin are only moderately elevated in

Glossary response to infusions of synthetic
oxytocin and are not likely to be associ-
Allopregnanolone: A neuroactive metabolite of progesterone ated with a passage through the placenta
Amino-terminal: The end of a peptide containing an amino group and maternal blood-brain barrier if
Aprotinin (Trasylol): A substance that inhibits the activity of degrading enzymes given within recommended dose regi-
Beta-arrestin: A molecule that helps move oxytocin receptors from the surface into the mens. Social support may be used in the
cells future to support mothers during labor
Calmodulin: A substance involved in the intracellular signaling after oxytocin has bound and delivery. -
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