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 We use present simple to talk about:

-Daily routines/ repeated actions

-General truths
- Habits

 “Verb + -s, -es, -ies” in third person in POSITIVE sentences

 Use “do/ does” as helping verbs in NEGATIVE and QUESTION.

We use frequency adverbs: always, often, usually, generally, occasionally, sometimes, rarely, seldom, never
once a week, twice a day, three times a year etc.

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs.

1) Diana __________________ ( work ) in a company.
2) We __________________ ( play ) the guitar at the school band.
3) The cleaner __________________ ( clean ) the house every Friday.
4) Students __________________ ( read ) books in the library.
5) The gardener __________________ ( pick ) up the flowers. He __________________ ( love ) them.
6) __________________ they __________________ ( know )the rules?
7) I __________________ ( not-want ) to drink coffee. I __________________ ( not-like ) it.
8) Julia __________________ ( feed )her dog every time.
9) __________________ she __________________ ( enjoy ) swimming?

B. Make the sentences negative and ask questions for the underlined word.
a) He works at a hospital.

b) They watch TV in the evenings.


c) Jane goes to school four days a week.


d) You can play the violin.


e) Their father is a firefighter.

C. Answer the questions.

1. What do you usually do in your free time?


2. When do you usually get up?


3. What is something you never do?


4. How often do you visit your grandparents?


5. How often do you ride a bicycle?



 We use present continuous to talk about:

- for things that are happening at the moment of speaking/ around the moment of speaking
- Definite future plans

 am/is/are + V ing

We use time expressions: at the moment, now, currently, these days

“always” is used with present continuous to talk about annoying habits.

 Don’t add –ing to the state verbs like: know, believe, like, love etc.

A. Complete the sentences with the present continuous of the verbs in brackets.

1. Mary ___________________ the homework (not/do), she ___________________ (listen) to music.

2. ___________________ (you/ revise) for tomorrow’s exam?

3. What ___________________ (Paul/wear) today?

4. “ ___________________ (you/ work) on Saturday, Susan?” “Yes, I ___________________”

5. The cats and the dogs ___________________ (fight).

6. Mrs Brown ___________________ (iron) some shirts.

7. “___________________ (your sister/ read), Sue?”

“No, she ___________________”

8. The boy ___________________ (not/ swim) today.

9. Tom ___________________ (sit) next to me in today.

10. “Where ___________________ (you/go), Tina?” “I___________________ (go) to the

B. Make sentences negative and question.
a) We are staying in Florida until Monday.

b) He is coming with me.


c) They are going on holidays in July.


d) I am working at a restaurant at the moment.


e) You are looking for a job.


C. Answer the questions.

1. What do you think your best friend is doing right now?


2. What are you studying these days?


3. What TV shows are you watching now?


 We use “will” and “be going to” to talk about future.


- to make decisions that are made at the - a future event that has been planned
time of speaking before the time of speaking
- to make a promise - to make a future prediction based on facts /
- to make a prediction evidence
- with words like I think, I guess, I hope,
probably, possibly
- to give orders and for requests.

 We use time expressions: tomorrow, next year, next week, next month etc.
A. Fill in the blanks with “will or be going to”.

1. We _________ have an English exam tomorrow morning. I have to study all night.
2. _________ you open the window, please? It's hot and humid here in the classroom.
3. Joseph _________ fly to Berlin for a company project next week.
4. Waiter: What would you like as a starter, sir?
Man: I _________ have some soup, please.
5. I don't think my parents _________ give me permission to go to the school trip.
6. Can you tell me your secret? I swear I _________ tell it to anybody.
7. The scientist says people _________ make artificial organs soon in the future .
8. Don't worry about the Maths homework. I ________ write it for you.
9. Who do you think ______ win the box tournament?
10. My father _________ visit the dentist at 9:00 am on Wednesday.
11. Look at those dogs! They're running wildly. They _________ attack those cats by the wall.
12. OK. I _________ do the washing up for you.
13. I don't think there _________ be rain tomorrow.
15. Hey, that man is crossing the road at the red light. He _________ have an accident.

B. Answer the questions below.

1. Do you want to get married? When will you get married?
2. Will you have children?
3. What is your plan after this class?
4. How do you think you will change in the future?


 We use past simple to talk about completed actions in the past.
 verb + -d, -ed, -ied OR irregular verbs in POSITIVE sentences
 Use “did” as helping verb in NEGATIVE and QUESTION.
 use “was-were” as verb to be.

We use time expressions: yesterday, last week, last year, last month etc.
two days ago, six months ago, five years ago etc.

A. Fill in the blanks with the past forms of the verbs in brackets.
1. When I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (be) a little girl I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not, drink) coffee.
2. Mr. Parker _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (come) back home an hour ago.
3. Where _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Greg and Helen, meet) last week?
4. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (share) a room with my sister when we _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (be) kids.
5. Peter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (fall) off his bike last Saturday.
6. Who _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (you, talk) to in the corridor this morning?
7. We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not, build) our house by ourselves.
8. Nick and Terry _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (drive) to Southampton last weekend.
9. What _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (your mum, cook) for dinner yesterday?
10. My grandparents _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (spend) their honeymoon in Italy.
11. Why _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not, Amy, bring) her project?
B. Make questions for the underlined word or negative
1. Sally left the window open last night. (-)
2.I washed up the dishes after dinner. (?)
3. The kids woke up early last Saturday. (?)
4. We flew to Dublin last month. (-)
5. Robert crossed the road in a hurry. (-)
6. Jane and Nan ran after the dog. (?)

C. Answer the questions.

1. When was the last time you went to the cinema?
2. How did you come to school?
3. Tell about where you lived as a child?


 We use present perfect to talk about:

- unspecified time before now

- past actions with present results
- Life experience

 have / has + V3
 Time expressions: just, already, yet
ever, never, this week, this month, this year

A. Complete the sentences.

1.- Richard ____________________ (write) a good book.

2.-Mary ____________________ (not get) up yet.
3.-Walter and Pat ____________________ (finish) their projects.
4.-The teacher ____________________ (not come) today.
5.-Hector ____________________ (break) his left arm.
6.-The driver ____________________ (stop) at the traffic lights.
7.-Lucas ____________________ (pass) his last exams.
8.-Katherine ____________________ (meet) him before.
9.-The girls ____________________ (switch) on the TV.
10.-Alexander ____________________ (have) dinner with me.
B. Complete the sentences with the interrogative form of the verb in brackets

1_____________________ (he/walk) a lot ?

2_____________________ (they/ find) the murderer ?
3_____________________(you/ finish) painting the garden shed?
4. _____________________(it/stop) raining yet?
5. _____________________ (you/ ask) your boss about your pay rise?
6. _____________________ (he/ decide) where he will go on holidays?
7. _____________________ (your father/repair) the lawn mower?
8. _____________________ (Frank/buy) the last I pad?
9. _____________________ (you/ write) your history essay yet?
10. ____________________ (Mum/make) a good chocolate cake for my birthday?

C. Answer the questions

1. Have you ever had an accident or injury?

2. Have you ever shot a gun?
3. How many times have you been to the cinema this month?
4. What sports have you played up to now?
5. Have you ever eaten anything really strange?

D. Complete the sentences with : JUST, ALREADY, YET , NEVER or EVER

1. My sister went to the swimming pool, but she has not come back ____________________

2. Steve has ____________________done his homework ,but he hasn’t revised for his history test
3. Oh look! Somebody has ____________________broken that shop window, there are pieces of glass
4. It is 3.00 pm and he hasn’t had lunch ________________

5. The students have ____________________been on a trip abroad , but they would like to.

6. We haven’t managed to sell our house _______________.

7. “Have you _______________eaten frog legs ?” ” Oh no, but I have ____________________eaten
8.” Has she ____________________sung in a choir? “ “ No, ____________________, but she has
____________________acted in a theatre play.
9. Our school has ____________________moved into a brand new building.

10. I haven’t decided anything about my next summer holiday ____________________

Mixed tenses

Fill in the blanks with the verbs using appropriate tense.

1. John ____________________ reading. (not, like)
2. ____________________ any of you ____________________ sports regularly? (play)
3. Man ____________________ on the Moon in 1969. (land)
4. Right now he ____________________ on the phone. (talk).
5. A strange thing ____________________ (happen) to me yesterday.
6. He ____________________ just ____________________ back. (come)
7. The Sun _________________ (rise) in the east.
8. ___________ you ever _________________ (drive) a really fast car?
9. Be quiet, I ____________________ to concentrate. (try)
10. Could you close the window? I ____________________ (freeze)
11. She ___________________________________ her homework yet. (not/finish)
12. Two men____________________ (paint) the wall yesterday.
13. The coffee ____________________ good. (smell)
14. I ________________ (not, hear) anything he said, because the room _________________(be) very
15. We __________________________ (visit) them next week on Thursday.
16. I __________ never __________ (do) that again, I promise.
17. I am not hungry, because I ____________________ (already, eat) a big hamburger.

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