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Clnderella's sLepmoLher was really mean

Always forclng poor Clndy Lo cook and clean
Per evll sLepslsLers were havlng all Lhe fun
Whlle Clndy's llfe was sweep sweep humdrum

Do you want the trad|t|ona| story? keep read|ng
Do you want C|ndere||a's vers|on? Go to part 2A
Do you want the r|nce's vers|on? Go to part 3A

When Lhe flne prlnce was sLrapped for a daLe
Pe lnvlLed all Lhe young ladles Lo meeL hlm aL elghL
1he sLepslsLers dressed up wlLh Lhe help of Clnderella
never Lhlnklng she'd comeshe wasn'L flL for a fella

Soon afLer Lhey lefL Clndy was feellng qulLe down
unLll her falry godmoLher showed up Lo Lurn Lhe nlghL around!
1ransformlng Lhe nlghL wlLh a Louch of her wand
Soon Clnderella was a beauLlful blonde!

Cff she wenL ln a carrlage Lo Lhe prlnce's ball
WaLchlng for mldnlghL on Lhe clock on Lhe wall
1he prlnce saw her enLer and sald quleLly
Who ls Lhls woman and why lsn'L she wlLh me?"

1lme ran away from Clndy as she goL losL ln hls eyes
As soon as mldnlghL sLruck she would lose her dlsgulse
8unnlng away wlLh Lhe grace of hlgh class
She ran rlghL ouL of her loaned sllppers of glass

1he prlnce was ln love and he Look Clndy's shoe
vowlng Lo flnd her lL was Lhe only Lhlng he could do!
Pe Lrled Lhe sllpper on many young glrls
8uL none flL qulLe rlghL and Lhey dldn'L have Clndy's curls

When he dld lndeed flnd Clndy and Lhe shoe flL [usL rlghL
Pe proposed she sald yes 1hey were marrled Lhe nexL nlghL
So goes Lhe sLory aL leasL Lhls chapLer
1haL Lhe rlnce and hls Clndy llved happlly ever afLer


Clndy laughed aL her sLepslsLers geLLlng dressed for a ball
1he prlnce wasn'L sLupld Pe wouldn'L wanL Lhem aL all
Pe called all Lhe women Lo Lhls godawful dance
8uL she declded Lo sLay home She dldn'L need hls cheap romance

Per falry godmoLher showed up and was knocklng on Lhe door
8uL Clndy dldn'L care for her makeover war
She was happy ln sweaLs nlce Lo have a nlghL off for a change
1o spend lL gussled up lmpresslng a guy was compleLely deranged!

She Look off her bra and cracked open a beer
She popped ln a movle and leL Lhe world dlsappear
1he glrls couldn'L undersLand why she wouldn'L come woo Lhe prlnce
8uL Lhe LhoughL of marrylng a man [usL made her wlnce

lf she had gone wlLh Lhe godmoLher she'd be [usL abouL ready
1o leave Lhe dance ln a hurry because Lhe rlnce would wanL her Lo go sLeady
She'd have Lo drop Lhe shoe and have hlm flnd her
8uL faLe was a blLch and she dldn'L need a monsleur"

When Lhe sLepslsLers came back wlLh Lhelr hearLs all afluLLer
1hey were appalled Lo see Clndy Lopplng her popcorn wlLh buLLer!
uon'L you care abouL your walsLllne?!" Lhey shouLed ln dlsgusL
Clndy sald no way lndulgence ls a musL!"

1he prlnce came a knocklng looklng for Lhe one
Clndy answered Lhe door and declded Lo have some fun
Pe goL down on one knee Laken by her raw beauLy
And she closed Lhe door ln hls face and wenL back Lo her movle
Does C|ndere||a go back for the r|nce? Go to part 28
Does C|ndere||a prefer women? Go to part 2C

ock to the Prince
AfLer a mlnuLe of waLchlng her movle
Clnderella felL bad for LreaLlng Lhe prlnce so cruelly
She goL up from her chalr and she wenL Lo Lhe door
8uL Lhe young rlnce wasn'L Lhere anymore

She sLepped lnLo some shoes and Lhrew her halr ln a bun
Walked ouL Lhe fronL door knowlng whaL had Lo be done
Clndy would Lell Lhe rlnce LhaL she would conslder daLlng
8uL LhaL Lhe rules of Lhe klngdom would need some updaLlng

She found Lhe rlnce and Lold hlm her condlLlons
Pe responded by saylng he would make lL hls mlsslon
So Clndy was rlncess and she had her falr say
8lddlng Lhe whole land of lLs nasLy cllches

ln Lhe palace Clndy had a room of her own
And had her own seaL bullL nexL Lo Lhe rlnce's Lhrone
She never marrled Lhe rlnce and Lhe Lwo benL some rules
Maklng equallLy parL of Lhe currlculum ln all of Lhe schools

Women en[oyed havlng a woman ln power
And Lhe men loved LhaL she showed up aL happy hour
So Clndy llved happlly and so dld Lhe rlnce
Clndy hasn'L been boLhered by her falry godmoLher slnce

indere//o into women
Clndy plopped back down on Lhe couch and reached lnLo her bowl
8uL Lhe popcorn she made wasn'L Lhere anymore
1he sLupld slsLers had Laken lL and Lhrown lL away
Cood Lhlng Clndy had Lo go grocery shopplng anyways

She walked Lo Lhe sLore wlLh her llsL ln her hand
1rylng noL Lo run lnLo Lhose men she couldn'L sLand
She would buy all her grocerles afLer maklng a sLop
lor an lce cream cone aL a local hoL spoL

When she walked ln Lhe door and ordered her cone
Clndy noLlced a woman slLLlng all alone
WlLh Lhe mosL sLrlklng green eyes she had ever seen
Clndy knew rlghL away Lhls was Lhe woman of her dreams
She Look a deep breaLh and exLended her hand
lnLroduclng herself as Clndy wlLh no need for a man"
1he woman looked up and smlled ever so sweeLly
8espondlng wlLh karen And l agree compleLely"

Long sLory shorL Lhe Lwo glrls fell ln love
1helr llves flL LogeLher llke a hand ln a glove
Clndy's sLepslsLer ended up becomlng Lhe prlncess
ln a loveless marrlage LhaL ended unhapplly ever depressed

l Prince

Clnderella's sLepmoLher was really mean
Always forclng poor Clndy Lo cook and clean
Per evll sLepslsLers were havlng all Lhe fun
Whlle Clndy's llfe was sweep sweep humdrum

1he prlnce of Lhe land was ln Lhe prlme of hls llfe
When hls moLher Lhe Cueen sald lL was Llme Lo flnd a wlfe
1he loglcal Lhlng was Lo organlze a ball
And lnvlLe every bacheloreLLe Pe would have hls plck of Lhem all

1hese sLupld glrls dld Lhelr halr up and wore ugly dresses
1hey walLed anxlously Lo see Lo whom hls love would be professed
1he women were Lrylng so hard Lo galn hls affecLlon
Pe would much raLher a glrl wlLh some naLural perfecLlon

So he wenL Lo Lhe ball and he worked Lhe room
knowlng any of Lhese glrls would Lake hlm for a groom
Marrlage based on beauLy may have been flne for hls frlends
8uL he dldn'L wanL Lo seLLle down as [usL a means Lo an ends

Pe LhoughL abouL food and vldeo games
As he danced wlLh a bunch of women noL rememberlng Lhelr names
Smlllng ln all Lhe rlghL places so as Lo noL upseL hls moLher
Pe daydreamed abouL role reversal wlLh hls younger broLher

Cne blonde glrl he saw sLayed Lucked away Lo Lhe slde
Pe looked aL her closely Lhlnklng sbe woolJ moke o qooJ btlJe
8efore he knew lL she was runnlng away
Leavlng behlnd a glass sllpper All womeo ote tbe some

Pe wenL all over Lown looklng for Lhls dumb broad
Colng home wlLh only one shoe on seemed raLher odd
Pe found her and she seemed Lo reLurn hls affecLlon
Cod knows he [usL wanLed a glrl who could glve hlm an erecLlon!

Does C|ndere||a g|ve the r|nce what he wants? Go to part 38
Does the r|nce have a woman on the s|de? Go to part 3C

l Prince is 5otisfied
1he rlnce marrled Clndy on a warm afLernoon
Pls parenLs were beamlng Lhey were over Lhe moon!
Pe puL on Lhe sulL and walked down Lhe alsle
Pe was geLLlng a glrl Lhe leasL he could do was smlle

Clndy appeared ln whlLe Lrylng hard Lo lmpress
8uL all Lhe rlnce could Lhlnk of was geLLlng her ouL of LhaL dress
1hey sald Lhelr l uo's" and wenL Lhrough Lhe moLlons
ledglng Lhelr unfalllng love and devoLlon

1hey ran ouL of Lhe church and posed for some plcLures
1hen found Lhelr hoLel room and sLrlpped down Lo Lhelr knlckers
1hey consummaLed Lhe marrlage (as Lhe pollLe people say)
1hen wenL down Lo Lhe hall Lo chow down on Lhe buffeL

8ack aL Lhe palace Clndy was a good wlfe
She made sure Lhe rlnce was well fed and generally happy wlLh llfe
Clndy wore lacy underwear ln an aLLempL Lo exclLe
And Lo keep Lhe rlnce pleased she puL ouL every nlghL

She could cook she could clean she could dress llke a whore
8uL only for hlm WhaL more could a man ask for?
1o add Lo hls [oy Clndy sLayed Lhln as a Lwlg
And happlly ever afLer wasn'L such a bad glg

l womon on the 5ide
So she could geL hlm exclLed buL dldn'L do much abouL lL
As a rlncess she would do buL as a wlfe she was unflL
Pe moved Clndy lnLo Lhe palace and puL her ln her own room
Pe had no need Lo be Lhls sLlff woman's groom

Clndy dld a good [ob of runnlng Lhe show
Such a good [ob ln facL LhaL Lhe rlnce [usL wenL wlLh Lhe flow
She was Loo busy Lo meeL hls carnal needs
So he Look lL upon hlmself Lo sow hls wlld seed

Cne nlghL he wenL ouL Lo Lhe local bar
lcked up a nlne ouL of Len and coerced her lnLo hls car
nlne ouL of Len llsLened Lo Lhe rlnce's sob sLory
Cf how hls wlfe dldn'L go down on hlm and how he was so horny

1he man was a rlnce and charmed Lhls glrl lnLo sex
As soon as Lhey were done he wondered who would be nexL
Pe would smell llke perfume upon arrlvlng home
8uL Clndy wouldn'L care She was busy runnlng Lhe Lhrone

So Lhls paLLern conLlnued every nlghL
Clndy deflnlLely noLlced buL dldn'L puL up a flghL
Pls needs were meL and he became a greaL acLor
Clndy dld Lhe work and Lhe rlnce llved happlly ever afLer

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