Ingles Semana 3 Entrevista

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MÓDULO: Inglés de Especialidad

Docente: Sandro Pacheco Silva
Estudiante: Marjorie Bravo Villegas



For a better understanding of the development that I will address below, it is necessary
to point out that the interview is composed of two or more people and that there are
different types: according to the final purpose, according to its conduction. We will also
be able to learn how this is carried out, since it is necessary to take into account the
handling, the varied conditions that may arise and also the different steps that must be
followed for it to be carried out properly.

For the realization of any work, it is necessary to establish what are the objectives of the
group, project or research that is being carried out, since once this is determined, it will
be possible to obtain an enriching learning.

This report was made through the development of an individual, semi-structured

interview guideline, within the same, an observation of the user is made, in order to also
collect information.



General data:

First and Last Name Nayomi Orellana Paez

Age 25 years old

Sex Female

Occupation I work as a cleaner

Place of interview Her home

Time at 10 am

End 12 middle sia

Technique to be used ● Interview

● Observation

Reason for intervention: The user is referred to by the teacher because he says that
his behavior with his classmates and teachers is very aggressive and restless.
Current problem: the mother says that lately she was summoned to school because
there was an aggressive behavior with his classmates, she mentions inappropriate
behavior such as tearing sheets of his classmates and pushing his classmates to laugh;
the mother says that this behavior does not occur at home, that he does not receive
abuse from her but that she spoils him by giving him everything he wants, and when he
does not do it, he acts rudely and does not leave his room. He says that his aggressive
behavior began when his dog died of poisoning at his grandparents' house.
Relevant background:

● Extended family
● Lives with her mother
● Has a good relationship with his grandparents
● Mother spoils him in what he wants
Relevant personal and family history:
Personal history: in the management period there were no complications and it was a
planned pregnancy.

In his childhood: It was a very good stage since he comments that he was always with
his parents, however, entering the stage of adolescence he began to get sad and to
miss his father who worked in mining in shifts 14 x 14.
Education: User comments that he attended nursery school at the age of one year,
kindergarten at the age of three years and currently school at the age of 6 years,
mentioning that he liked to attend, in kindergarten he had no problems with the teacher
or his classmates, that he was affectionate. When he moved to first grade, he did not
have any problems. The problem began when he moved to second grade, when his
father decided to move to another city for work reasons. User mentions that in the
classroom he is a bit aggressive with his classmates, that he broke the sheets of his
classmates and that he pushed one of them.
Residence: He mentions that he has always lived in the same place.
Any chronic illness: Mentions that he/she does not suffer from any illness
Habits: User mentions that after school he plays Free Fire, couter strike, half life and
vice city in his room, to which he comments that the games are aggressive since most
of them try to kill others, to see who is the best and after that he says he goes to watch
movies with his grandparents.
Objective to achieve:

● Identify the causes and consequences of the user.

● Self-knowledge and self-control of their emotions, which allow them to get along
with their family and friends.
● Learning to manage their anger and impulses of aggression in a normal way in
front of their family and peers.
Development of the interview phase:

Phase 1 during the first interview, attention is given in a pleasant, comfortable space
and the points that will help the user are mentioned, which techniques would be
implemented in each interview, presentation of the interviewer and procedures to follow.
Phase 2 interview to collect the user's general data, the reason for his referral from
school. Conversation with the user's mother for a more complete intervention of the
Phase 3 on the previous intervention, the results obtained in the interview and
observation show that the user Álvaro, 16 years old, is very depressed, discouraged
and unwilling to talk.
At the time of the intervention, observation showed that he was a little tense and
frustrated, which was an important reason for his performance.

Phase 4, the user was instructed in relaxation techniques, where he was taught to
breathe, where the user was very cooperative, and was recommended daily to reduce
emotional stress.
And as a final point, techniques are provided to improve their performance in reading
comprehension and problem solving, which allows them to perform their tasks step by
step with feedback at home for a maximum of one hour.

● Implement techniques to manage reading comprehension and math problems.

● Provide an adequate physical space, without many distractions.
● Show him/her errors and stimulate him/her to correct them.
● Set a daily study schedule, previously established and do not give up a maximum
of one hour of study time.
● Facilitate sports activities.
● Parents allow dialogue in situations of school failure.
● Congratulate the achievements and accomplishments of his family.

In social work there are methodological tools, important for the technical performance of
social intervention, this is how techniques such as interview, observation, home visits
are detected, these techniques are based on the scientific method, therefore as a
technique they are accompanied by professional principles, such as respect and dignity
for the human being, having an attitude of attention, learning to listen, development of
The interview technique consisted of an intentional conversation, which is characterized
by being confidential between the interviewer and interviewee, which allowed us to
collect information about their events or situations experienced, which requires some
preparation time.
With the professional task it is important to detect that every action we perform, even in
hypothetical cases, it is necessary that we always keep in mind the ethical values
required in the work and our future profession. For example, in the case study, it is
necessary to educate with respect to the different governmental supports, aimed at the
population, since many times due to unclear information, lack of knowledge about the
steps to follow and/or lack of understanding, people do not have access to these
support networks.



léxicos y gramaticales en idioma inglés, ESCUELA DE DESARROLLO SOCIAL
Coordinación Área de Especialidad Inglés: Susana Baeza Gallegos 2024.

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