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Calibrating the Q-Setter on PUMA Turning Centers

(For machines equipped with FANUC 16T, 18T, 21T or 0-i T Controls)

The tool setter on every machine has once been calibrated accurately at the
factory. When mechanical repairs have been made on the tool setter, turret re-
alignment has been done or the home position on the X or the Z-axis have been
changed it may become necessary to re-calibrate the Q-Setter. (The name “Q-
Setter” stands for Quick Tool Setter)
There are four touch probes attached to the Q-setter arm as shown, below. Each
probe has a name and an assigned parameter number, as shown on the sketch.

PAR 5016

PAR 5017 PAR 5018

PAR 5015

For example: the probe “XM” records the tool tip position when moving the X-axis
in the minus direction onto the probe; the “ZP”-probe records the position when
moving the Z-axis in positive direction onto the probe, etc. The setting data on
parameters #5015 through #5018 represent the compensation amount for each
one of the probes in metric system. (One unit: 1 = 0.001mm,) For example: a
setting data of 123456 =123.456 millimeters (4.8604 inches)

Adjusting the parameter settings for the X-axis probes (XM and XP)
Suppose that the cutting edge on an O.D. Tool has been touched off on the Q-
setter. Now, the diameter that has been machined with this tool comes out
oversize by 0.001”. For calibrating the XM-probe in this case, please proceed as

1. Turn ON the “Parameter Write Enable” function on the “Setting Page” (in
MDI – Mode). This will cause an “ALARM” status. To clear the alarm, you
can press both the “CANCEL” + “RESEET”-keys at the same time.
2. Next, press the hard key “SYSTEM”, then press the soft-key “PARAM”
3. Key-in 5016 then press the soft key “NO-search”. Now, the parameter
5016 should appear on the screen.
4. Write down the existing value on parameter #5016. (For example: 158427)
5. Next, multiply the tool offset error amount by 25400 (0.001 x 25400 =
25.4). Round–off the result and remove the decimal point (25.4 = 25)
6. Add this number to the existing parameter data that you wrote down.
(158427 + 25 = 158452)
7. Set the new data on parameter #5016, for example: #5016= 158452
8. Follow the same procedure as shown above for the case where an ID-tool
cuts oversize, except for items 6 and 7. On item 6, please subtract the tool
offset error amount from the existing parameter data. On item 7 Adjust the
data setting of parameter #5015 for the XP-probe.
9. After entering the new setting turn the “Parameter Write Enable” function
OFF, the press “RESET”.
10. Touch-off the tool again on the Q-setter and cut a diameter to verify that
the tool offset is correct.

Adjusting the parameter setting for the Z-axis probes (ZM and ZP)
Please note that once the parameters for the Z-axis probes have been set
correctly (such as the original factory settings) they do not necessarily require
any adjustment even after repairs have been done. For example, at the original
parameter settings from factory the tool offset amount obtained by use of the Q-
setter when touching-off the left cutting edge of a standard OD- turning tool is
around -0.02” to -.025”. It does not matter much what nominal offset amount is
obtained for this type of tool by the Q-setter. Ideally, it should be somewhere
around zero. However, the relationship between the compensation data as set in
parameters #5017 and #5018 for the ZM and the ZP probes is most important.

For calibrating the Z-axis probes, please proceed as follows:

1. Touch-off the left cutting edge on a standard OD turning tool on the ZM-
probe of the Q-setter.
2. Suppose that the Z-offset amount obtained by the Q-setter = -0.020”.
Suppose that you would like that tool offset to be = 0.
3. Write down the existing parameter value in # 5018. (For example: 215340)
4. Multiply the offset discrepancy (0.020”) x 25400 = 508
5. Subtract 508 from 215340 (215340-508= 214832). Now, enter this value in
parameter 5018.
6. Touch-off the same tool on the Q-setter again to verify that the offset is
now around zero.
7. The same amount as subtracted from parameter #5018 must now be
subtracted from parameter #5017 as well.
8. In order to verify the accuracy of the parameter setting #5017, it is best to
use an OD-grooving tool. At first, please touch-off the left edge of the
grooving tool on the ZM-probe. Write down the offset as obtained. Next,
touch-off the right edge of this tool on the ZP-probe. The difference
between the two offset amounts should be equal to the nose width of the
grooving tool. Adjust parameter #5017 for the final calibration.
Touching-off a tool manually, without the use of the Q-setter

Touching off a tool on the X-axis:

1. Move the cutting edge of a tool onto a known diameter of a work piece as
accurately as possible or cut a diameter with this tool by use of the hand
wheel. When cutting has been completed, move the tool away from the
part by the Z-axis only. Do not move the tool away from the machined
diameter along the X-axis. Measure the diameter.
2. Press the OFFSET hard key on the operator’s panel.
3. Press the “OFFSET” soft key at the bottom of the screen
4. Press the “WEAR” soft key
5. Move the cursor to the X-wear offset number you want to use for the tool
you are touching off
6. If any wear offset amount is shown on this offset number key-in “0” and
press “INPUT” to clear the X-wear offset data
7. Press the GEOM soft key.
8. Move the cursor to the X-geometry offset number you want to use for the
tool you are touching off
9. Press the “TOOL MEASURE” button on the operator’s panel and hold for
at least one second. You must do this without fail; otherwise the offset
measurement function will not work properly.
10. Key in “X” and enter the diameter as measured on step 1, above. For
example: key-in “X 1.2495” then press the “MEASURE” soft key at the
bottom of the screen. This action will input the offset data into the X-
geometry offset.

Touching off a tool on the Z-axis:

NOTE: When the Q-setter is not used a “reference tool” should be used for
setting the work zero point along the Z-axis. For example, a standard OD-turning
tool can be used for this purpose. Initially, the Z-axis offset on the reference tool
is normally set=0. Next, the work zero point must be set by use of this tool, as
shown on the next page. Once the work zero point has been set, all the
remaining tools can now be touched-off along the Z-axis on a known face or on a
shoulder of a machined part.

1. Move the cutting edge of the tool by use of the hand wheel onto a known
Z-position on a work piece as accurately as possible. Suppose the touch-
off point is located at “Z0.002”
2. Press the OFFSET hard key on the operator’s panel.
3. Press the “OFFSET” soft key at the bottom of the screen
4. Press the “WEAR” soft key
5. Move the cursor to the Z-wear offset number you want to use for the tool
you are touching off
6. If any wear offset amount is shown on this offset number key-in “0” and
press “INPUT” to clear the X-wear offset data
7. Press the GEOM soft key.
8. Move the cursor to the Z-geometry offset number you want to use for the
tool you are touching off
9. Press the “TOOL MEASURE” button on the operator’s panel and hold for
at least one second. You must do this without fail; otherwise the offset
measurement function will not work properly.
10. Key in “Z” and enter the Z-axis coordinate value from step 1, above. For
example: key-in “Z 0.002” then press the “MEASURE” soft key at the
bottom of the screen. This action will input the offset data into the Z-
geometry offset.
Instructions for Setting the Work-Zero Point on Turning Centers,
equipped with FANUC 18T, 21T or 0i Controls
Every CNC-lathe has one basic coordinate system that remains fixed and cannot
be changed. This is known as the “Machine Coordinate System”. The origin or
zero point of the machine coordinate system is normally located at the
intersection of the main-spindle center axis (x0) and the spindle flange face (z0).

For NC-programming purposes a “Work-Zero Point” is utilized whose origin is

located on the actual work-piece. Modern CNC-lathes are equipped with six
different data registers known as “Work Coordinate Systems”. NC-program
commands “G54” through “G59” activate one of the six work coordinate systems
available. G54 serves as the default coordinate system.

Before executing a NC program the zero point of the work coordinate system to
be used must be established. The distance between machine coordinate zero
point and work coordinate zero point is called the “Work-Offset”. The actual
distance along the z-axis only, between machine zero point and work zero
point must be entered at one of the work-offset registers (G54 through G59) as in
the picture, below. The x-axis on all work-offset registers must remain zero.
Depending upon programming method applied the work zero point “Z0” may be
located at an arbitrary point along the z-axis of a work-piece, while “X0” is always
located at the center axis of the spindle. Thus, the X-register for all work offsets
must always remain zero.

The work zero point, also referred to, as the “Program-Zero Point” is normally
located at the right end-face of the work-piece. The data entered into the work-
offset registers (G54-G59) “Z” represents the actual distance between machine
zero point and work zero point along the Z-axis.

Work-offset setting for Turning Centers equipped with Q-setter.

1. Every tool attached to the turret must be touched-off at first, using the
automatic tool setter (Q-setter), before setting the work zero point.
2. The raw material for the work-piece to be machined is placed into the
chucking device and clamped.
3. The turret is moved to a safe position for indexing. Select a tool that is
capable of cutting the face on the right-end of the part to be machined by
manually indexing the tool around.
4. Set the mode selector switch to MDI-mode. Press the “Program”-key then
press the “MDI software-key”.
5. When the G54 coordinate system is selected and tool #1 is the tool to be
used for “Touching-off” key-in “G54 T0101 EOB” (G55 T0707 EOB, if G55
and tool #7) then push “INSERT”. Push “CYCLE START” several times, until
the command line disappears from the screen.
6. Move the tool near the face of the part. You may cut the face of the part, if
you wish. Or you may position the tool as close as possible to the raw face of
the part. When positioning of the tool has been completed press the
“OFFSET”-key, then the software-key “WORK”. Now the screen as shown on
page 1 above will appear.
7. Move the yellow cursor onto the Z-data field on the “G54” -work offset. Press
the “Tool Measure-Key” on the operation panel for two seconds.
8. Now, key-in the z-coordinate value at which the tool is positioned at this time.
For example, when the tool is positioned at the finished face, key-in “Z 0” then
press the “MEASURE”-software key. For example, when the tool is positioned
at the raw face, key-in “Z 0.025” if you want to remove 0.025” from the raw
face, then press the “MEASURE”-software key.
9. After pressing the “MEASURE”-key the work-offset is entered, automatically.
If you are not sure that the setting is right repeat step 7 and 8 again. If the
work offset value remains the same the procedure has been executed

Work-offset setting for Turning Centers without Q-setter

1. Cutting tools attached to the turret that already have a valid tool offset in the
tool offset registers from a job done previously need not to be touched-off
anew, when setting the work-offset.
2. The raw material for the work-piece to be machined is placed into the
chucking device and clamped.
3. The turret is moved to a safe position for indexing. Select a tool that is
capable of cutting the face on the right-end of the part to be machined by
manually indexing the tool around.
4. Set the mode selector switch to MDI-mode. Press the “PROGRAM”-key then
press the “MDI software-key”.
5. When the G54 coordinate system is selected and tool #1 is the tool to be
used for “touching-off” key-in “G54 T0101 EOB” (or G55 T0707 EOB, if G55
and tool #7 is used) then push “INSERT”. Push “CYCLE START” several
times, until the command line disappears from the screen.
6. Move the tool near the face of the part. You may cut the face of the part, if
you wish. Or you may position the tool as close as possible to the raw face of
the part. When positioning of the tool has been completed press the
“OFFSET”-key, then the software-key “WORK”. Now the screen as shown on
page 1 above will appear.
7. Move the yellow cursor onto the Z-data field on the “G54” -work offset. Press
the “Tool Measure-Key” on the operation panel for two seconds.
8. Now, key-in the Z-coordinate value at which the tool is positioned at this time.
For example, when the tool is positioned at the finished face, key-in “Z 0” then
press the “MEASRE”-software key. For example, when the tool is positioned
at the raw face, key-in “Z 0.025” if you want to remove 0.025” from the raw
face, then press the “MEASURE”-software key.
9. After pressing the “MEASURE-key” the work-offset is entered, automatically.
If you are not sure that the setting is right repeat step 7 and 8 again. If the
work offset value remains the same the procedure has been executed

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