CJR Esp Course Design

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Lecturer: Nora Ronita Dewi, S.Pd., S.S., M.Hum.

Disusun oleh:
Aisyah Aliffa Zahra 2213321026
M. Zaky Fathurrahman Nst 2213321010
Putri Ayu Lestari 2213121048
Radhia Annisa Hasibuan 2212421002


Table of Contents

CHAPTER I .................................................................................................................................... 3
The Purpose of the Journal ............................................................................................................. 3
1.1 The Purpose of Main Journal ........................................................................................... 3
1.2 The Purpose of Comparative Journal ............................................................................... 3
CHAPTER II................................................................................................................................... 4
Summary of the Chapter ................................................................................................................. 4
2.1 Summary of Main Journal ................................................................................................ 4
2.2 Summary of Comparative Journal.................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER III ................................................................................................................................. 6
Strength and Weakness ................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Strength of the Journal ..................................................................................................... 6
A. The Strength of Main Journal: ......................................................................................... 6
B. The Strength of Comparative Journal .............................................................................. 6
3.2 The Weakness of Journal ................................................................................................. 7
A. The Weakness of Main Journal ........................................................................................ 7
B. The Weakness of Comparative Journal ............................................................................ 7
CHAPTER IV ................................................................................................................................. 8
Conclusion and References ............................................................................................................. 8
4.1 Conclusion........................................................................................................................ 8
References ....................................................................................................................................... 9
The Purpose of the Journal

1.1 The Purpose of Main Journal

The purpose of the journal "Challenges of Teaching and Learning English Language for ESP
Courses" by Miranda Enesi et al. is to present the challenges faced by teachers and learners in
teaching and learning English for Specific Purposes (ESP) courses, particularly in the context of
Information Technology (IT). The study aims to identify the difficulties related to students and
teachers, and to suggest effective teaching techniques to overcome these challenges. The journal
aims to provide insights into the challenges of ESP course design and implementation, and to offer
practical solutions for ESP instructors to enhance their teaching practices and improve learner

1.2 The Purpose of Comparative Journal

The purpose of the journal "An ESP Coursebook Design Principles Grounded in Design-Based
Research" by Eva Ellederová is to provide a comprehensive framework for designing English for
Specific Purposes (ESP) coursebooks that cater to the specific needs of learners and the contexts
in which they will apply their English skills. The study aims to formulate design principles for an
ESP coursebook derived from the results of design-based research of the coursebook, English for
Information Technology, designed for the course, English for IT, that is attended by students of
the Faculty of Information Technology at Brno University of Technology in the Czech Republic.
The research focuses on the development of design principles for ESP coursebooks that are
grounded in empirical data and meet the evolving needs of learners
Summary of the Chapter

2.1 Summary of Main Journal

The journal "Challenges of Teaching and Learning English Language for ESP Courses" by
Miranda Enesi et al. presents a comprehensive overview of the challenges faced by teachers and
learners in teaching and learning English for Specific Purposes (ESP) courses. The authors
highlight the importance of ESP in universities due to the widespread use of English in technology
and specialized fields. They identify several challenges that ESP teachers encounter, including
difficulties in giving and receiving feedback, unfamiliarity with the genre of ESP subjects, and
lack of familiarity with some specialized terminology

The study emphasizes the need for ESP courses to be tailored to the specific needs of
learners and their professions. It suggests that ESP lecturers should use more than one coursebook
and incorporate materials drawn from real-life scenarios to introduce a new and effective approach
to teaching ESP. The authors also stress the importance of compiling adequate syllabuses based
on the five skills, including grammar, and of providing students with the skills and vocabulary
required in their studies and professions

The challenges faced by ESP learners include students of different levels of proficiency in
English in the same class, lack of student motivation, and insufficient teaching hours. The study
recommends that ESP teachers should focus on teaching students to communicate effectively and
should use authentic materials and tasks that reflect real-world language use

Overall, the journal provides valuable insights into the challenges of teaching and learning
English for ESP courses and offers practical suggestions for overcoming these challenges. It
highlights the importance of ESP in universities and emphasizes the need for ESP courses to be
designed with a deep understanding of the learners' needs and contexts
2.2 Summary of Comparative Journal

The journal "ESP Coursebook Design: Issues to Consider and Design-Based Research as an
Effective Solution" by Eva Ellederová presents a comprehensive approach to designing English
for Specific Purposes (ESP) coursebooks, emphasizing the importance of incorporating design-
based research principles. The author highlights the need for ESP coursebooks to be tailored to the
specific needs of learners and the contexts in which they will apply their English skills. She argues
that traditional ESP coursebook design often neglects the complexities of real-world language use,
leading to a disconnect between the coursebook content and the learners' needs.To address this
issue, Ellederová proposes a design-based research approach that involves a collaborative process
between ESP coursebook designers, language learners, and instructors. This approach involves
several key principles:

1. Contextualization: ESP coursebooks should be designed with a deep understanding of the

learners' context, including their profession, work environment, and the specific language
needs they face.

2. Learner-Centeredness: The coursebook design should prioritize the learners' needs,

interests, and goals, ensuring that the content is relevant and engaging.

3. Authenticity: ESP coursebooks should incorporate authentic materials and tasks that
reflect real-world language use, rather than relying on artificial or contrived examples.

4. Flexibility: The coursebook design should allow for flexibility and adaptability, enabling
instructors to tailor the content to the specific needs of their learners.

5. Iterative Design: The design process should involve ongoing iteration and refinement,
incorporating feedback from learners, instructors, and other stakeholders to ensure that the
coursebook meets the evolving needs of the learners.

By incorporating these design principles, ESP coursebooks can be designed to better support
learners in developing the specific language skills they need for their professional and personal
lives. Ellederová concludes that a design-based research approach can lead to more effective and
engaging ESP coursebooks that are grounded in a deep understanding of the learners' needs and
Strength and Weakness

3.1 Strength of the Journal

A. The Strength of Main Journal:

1. Comprehensive Overview: The journal provides a detailed and comprehensive overview
of the challenges faced by ESP teachers and learners, covering a wide range of issues from
student motivation to teacher training.
2. Practical Suggestions: The authors suggest practical solutions to overcome these
challenges, such as using authentic materials and tasks that reflect real-world language use,
and incorporating feedback from learners and instructors into the design process.
3. Contextualization: The study emphasizes the importance of understanding the learners'
context, including their profession, work environment, and specific language needs, to
design effective ESP courses.
4. Collaborative Approach: The authors propose a collaborative approach between ESP
coursebook designers, language learners, and instructors, which involves ongoing iteration
and refinement to ensure that the coursebook meets the evolving needs of the learners.
5. Open Access: The journal is open access, making it easily accessible to a wide audience
and promoting the sharing of knowledge and ideas.

B. The Strength of Comparative Journal

1. Comprehensive Approach: The journal provides a detailed and comprehensive overview
of the design principles for ESP coursebooks, covering a wide range of issues from
contextualization to iterative design.
2. Design-Based Research: The study incorporates design-based research methodology,
which involves systematic implementation, evaluation, and development of an educational
intervention (in this case an ESP coursebook) with the aim of producing design principles
and empirically grounded theories.
3. Empirical Grounding: The research is grounded in empirical data from students and
teachers, providing a basis for the design principles presented in the study.
4. Flexibility: The design principles presented in the study are flexible and adaptable to
different contexts and learners, making them applicable to various ESP courses.
5. Theoretical Contribution: The study contributes to the development of theories of ESP
coursebook design and evaluation, providing a foundation for future research in this area.
3.2 The Weakness of Journal

A. The Weakness of Main Journal

1. Limited Scope: The study focuses primarily on the challenges faced by ESP teachers and
learners in IT fields, which may not be representative of all ESP courses or contexts.
2. Lack of Quantitative Data: The study relies heavily on qualitative data and anecdotal
evidence, which may not provide a comprehensive picture of the challenges faced by ESP
teachers and learners.
3. Limited Generalizability: The findings of the study may not be generalizable to all ESP
courses or contexts, as the study is based on a specific population of IT students and
4. No Clear Solutions: While the authors suggest practical solutions to overcome the
challenges, the study does not provide clear and definitive solutions to the problems faced
by ESP teachers and learners.
5. No Comparison with Other Methods: The study does not compare the effectiveness of the
proposed approach with other methods or approaches to teaching ESP, which may limit its
impact and applicability.

B. The Weakness of Comparative Journal

1. Limited Scope: The study focuses primarily on the design of an ESP coursebook for
medical doctors, which may not be representative of all ESP courses or contexts.
2. No Comparison with Other Methods: The study does not compare the effectiveness of the
proposed approach with other methods or approaches to teaching ESP, which may limit its
impact and applicability.
3. No Clear Solutions: While the author suggests practical solutions to overcome the
challenges faced by ESP teachers and learners, the study does not provide clear and
definitive solutions to the problems faced by ESP teachers and learners.
4. No Quantitative Data: The study relies heavily on qualitative data and anecdotal evidence,
which may not provide a comprehensive picture of the challenges faced by ESP teachers
and learners.
5. No Clear Guidelines: The study does not provide clear guidelines for ESP coursebook
designers on how to apply the design principles presented in the study, which may limit its
practical impact.
Conclusion and References

4.1 Conclusion

Both journals, "Challenges of Teaching and Learning English Language for ESP Courses" by
Miranda Enesi et al. and "An ESP Coursebook Design Principles Grounded in Design-Based
Research" by Eva Ellederová, offer significant insights into the complexities of ESP coursebook
design and the challenges faced by instructors and learners alike. These studies highlight the
importance of ESP in contemporary educational settings, particularly in the context of
technological advancements and specialized fields.

The authors of these journals emphasize the need for ESP coursebooks to be tailored to the
specific needs of learners and the contexts in which they will apply their English skills. They also
underscore the significance of incorporating design-based research principles into the development
of ESP coursebooks to ensure that they are grounded in empirical data and meet the evolving needs
of learners.

The journals' findings are particularly relevant in today's educational landscape, where ESP
courses are increasingly crucial for students to succeed in their academic and professional pursuits.
The challenges identified in these studies, such as difficulties in giving and receiving feedback,
unfamiliarity with ESP subjects, and lack of familiarity with specialized terminology, are common
issues faced by ESP instructors and learners worldwide. By presenting practical solutions to
overcome these challenges, the authors of these journals provide valuable guidance for ESP
instructors seeking to enhance their teaching practices and improve learner outcomes.

Furthermore, the journals contribute to the development of ESP coursebook design theories by
highlighting the importance of incorporating design-based research principles into the
development process. This approach ensures that ESP coursebooks are designed with a deep
understanding of the learners' needs and contexts, which is critical for effective language learning
and teaching. The journals' emphasis on the need for ESP coursebooks to be grounded in empirical
data and designed with the learners' needs in mind underscores the significance of a collaborative
approach between ESP coursebook designers, language learners, and instructors.In conclusion,
both journals provide valuable insights into the complexities of ESP coursebook design and the
challenges faced by teachers and learners. While they have limitations, they contribute to the
development of ESP coursebook design theories and offer practical suggestions for overcoming
challenges. The journals' findings are particularly relevant in today's educational landscape, where
ESP courses are increasingly crucial for students to succeed in their academic and professional


Ellederová, E. (2022). ESP coursebook design: Issuesto consider and design-basedresearch as an

effective solution. STRANI JEZICI , 185-206.
Miranda Enesi, d. (2021). Both journals, "Challenges of Teaching and Learning English Language
for ESP Courses" by Miranda Enesi et al. and "An ESP Coursebook Design Principles
Grounded in Design-Based Research" by Eva Ellederová, offer significant insights into the
complexities o. Journal of Educational and Social Research, 213-226.

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