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Cold air blew through the tree branches in Ponyville, one morning.

Draco shivered
as he walked through town, wearing a thick fur jacket. “ really is cold out.”
He said to himself. Looking around, Draco couldn’t see anyone out yet. The reason
he was out so early was because his cuckoo clock had rung too early and woke
him up from dreams about making fireworks with his friends. Draco figured it
wouldn’t hurt to take a nice little walk before most of town was awake, so he could
see what town was like when it was early. Suddenly Draco heard a gooey noise
from one of the alleyways. “Hello?” Draco asked curiously, stepping closer. Draco
could make out a bright shape from the alleyway, and he stepped closer. Carefully,
Draco moved deeper into the alley, pushing aside some discarded fliers and
papers with his claws. The gooey sucking sound got closer and Draco could now
see where it was coming from. A pony shape that looked like Starlight Glimmer was
leaning down. Its colors seemed darker than usual, and more threatening looking.
“Um...Starlight? You okay?” Draco quietly asked. The pony seemed shifting, like
they were made of smoke. Suddenly the pony’s head snapped up and Draco saw
its face.

The mare that looked like Starlight’s face looked evil and demonic. Its mouth was
normal, with shiny teeth but it was in a unsettling grin and its eyes were purple
swirls that seemed oddly hypnotized. “Hi there! I see you want to help me. I might
need help with something.” The evil looking version of Starlight said, staring deep
into Draco’s eyes. Draco wanted to run but her gaze rendered him immobile. The
eyes seemed to fill his entire vision and stare into his soul. Slowly, Draco’s eyes
flickered a purple color, as he fell under her control. A giddy, mindless smile
spread on Draco’s face. “What do you need help with? I’d love to help.” Draco said,
feeling like he wanted to help her in any way. “Why, you’re such a gentlemen. I wish
more ponies were like you, so kind.” Starlight said, grinning at Draco and staring
closer into his eyes. She began to strut around him, knowing he was now her
puppet. “Well, you see I have something unfortunate going on right now. I was flung
out of my body, and so I need a new one. You’d love to be a good friend, right?” She
said, holding Draco’s chin and chuckled. “I’d love to be a good friend! No, a great
one.” Draco giggled like a child. “Now, just open your mouth sweetie and breath in,
okay?” She said, explaining it to him. Draco opened his beak and prepared to
breath deeply. Slowly, Starlight began to turn to a fine purple smoke and poured
into his mouth and nose. “That felt nice...” Draco muttered to himself, head leaning
to the side. “Good. You’ll feel even better soon my best friend.” She said, starting to
take control of his body. Slowly, Draco’s claws and paws began to merge together
into hard hooves. Slowly, fine, smooth purple hair began to burst forth from Draco’s
tail. Slowly, it molded itself to match Starlight’s. The soft stub of a unicorn horn
began to protrude from Draco’s head, and he began to know spells for
brainwashing and equalizing ponies. A crazed laugh rose in Draco’s throat, as his
mind was slowly tainted as Starlight began to spread into his mind. “Good...”
Starlight purred as she watched the changes through Draco’s eyes. Perfectly clean
white teeth began to grow in Draco’s beak, which began to mold into a gentle mare
muzzle. Slowly, Draco’s eyes began to swirl slowly in a gentle purple rhythm.
Slowly, Starlight began to take control of Draco’s body, which had become for all
intent and purposes, her own.

“Thank you Draco. I thank you will make a good me. Doesn’t it feel good to be me?”
The spirit of Starlight’s evil asked, trying her new throat. The new voice sounded
exactly like her normal one, but much more seductive and purring. She licked her
lips and looked down at her new hooves. “Thank you mistress Starlight.” Draco’s
voice said in her head, sounding dull and slow. “Now, my best friend we’re going to
go and make some more ponies my friends. But you always been my best friend,
doesn’t that sound nice?” Evil Starlight asked gently to Draco. “Yes mistress, it
sounds so much fun...” Draco said, giggling. Starlight chuckled at her new slave’s
new attitude.

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