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William Bilyeu


Henry M. Robert Spears ( Newcastle-upon-Tyne upon Tyne 25 September 1825 – Highgate ,
British capital 25 February 1899 ) was a British Unitarian government minister who was
editor in chief of the confessedly `` Biblical Unitarian '' Christian Life weekly .== biography
== He was fifth son by the bit wife of John Spears , foreman of an ironworks , and was born
at Lemington , parish of Newburn , Northumberland .His father was a Calvinistic
Presbyterian , but the folk attended the parish church .Brought up as an applied science
Captain John Smith , his love of reading led him to leave this calling and set up a shoal in his
native village .He joined the New Connexion Methodists ; a public debate ( 1845 ) at
Newcastle-upon-Tyne upon Tyne between Chief Joseph Barker and William Alfred Alistair
Cooke led him to the sentence that school of thought must be expressed in ‘ the linguistic
process of scripture. ’ In 1846 he was captain of the New connection school at Scotswood-
on-Tyne , and was taken on test as a topical anaesthetic sermoniser .A lecture at Blaydon in
1848 by George III Joel Chandler Harris ( 1794–1859 ) brought him into carnal knowledge
with Harris , and was followed by an initiation to the unitarian body in 1849 .Leaving the
Methodists , he became Unitarian minister without remuneration at Sunderland ( 1852–
8 ) .There he conducted a very successful school , and originated ( 1856 ) a monthly
religious magazine , the Christian freewoman .He removed to a pastorate at Stockton-on-
Tees ( 1858–61 ) , where he originated ( 30 December 1859 ) the Stockton Gazette ( later
the North-Eastern Gazette ) .In 1861 Spears attracted the care of Robert creek Aspland , was
invited to John Griffith Chaney by Sir James Clarke Lawrence , and became ( 1862 ) pastor of
Stamford Street chapel , friar preacher .In 1867 he was elected co-secretary of the British
people and Foreign Unitarian Association with Aspland , on whose destruction ( 1869 ) he
became oecumenical secretary , reviving it and nearly quadrupling its income .In 1874 he
left Stamford Street to consume boot of a new faithful at College chapel , Stepney
common .His theological conservatism was the cause of his resigning in 1876 the
denominational secretaryship .He at once established ( 20 May 1876 ) a every week
newspaper publisher , the Christian Life , as an electric organ of biblical and missionary
unitarianism ; in 1889 he bought up the Unitarian Herald , a Manchester organ ( which he
had been invited to make do at its formation in 1861 ) , and amalgamated it with his
paper .In 1886 , aided by Matilda Sharpe , younger daughter of Samuel Sharpe , he
established Channing school for daughter , primarily for the daughters of Unitarian
curate .This was at Waterlow Park on Highgate Hill , north capital of the United Kingdom .At
this time he left Stepney to notice a Unitarian chapel near the schoolhouse .Among other
new causes ascribable directly to his proposition , and largely to his assist , were those at
Clerkenwell , Croydon , wood James Jerome Hill , Notting Benny Hill , and Peckham ; and
outside London his influence was not felt among Unitarians as a stimulus to propagandist
employment .He was occupy in the monotheistic movement of the Brahmo Somaj of
Republic of India , and was in contact with its leaders from the visit ( 1870 ) to Britain of
Keshub Chunder Sen , who was his guest .On his initiative was founded ( 7 June 1881 ) the
Christian Conference , brought together congresswoman of all appellation , from Cardinal
Manning to James Martineau .He had travelled in France , Italy , and America , and kept up a
correspondence with liberal thinker in all region of the world .He died at his manse ,
Arundel House , Highgate , of Crab , on 25 February 1899 , and was buried at Nunhead
burying ground on 1 March .He married , first ( 1846 ) , Margaret Kirton ( pall 1867 ) , by
whom he had five children , of whom the youngest girl survived him ; secondly ( 1869 ) ,
Emily Glover , who survived him with two Son and four daughters .== vista == He was one
of the survive advocates in Unitarianism of the marvelous , but had dubiety about the virgin
birth .== workings == spear was with Samuel Sharpe one of the last of the Bible-
fundamentalist school of Unitarians , harking back to Theophilus Lindsey and earlier .He
wrote `` The pursuit are the leading articles of the religious belief of Christian Unitarians :
They believe — Of the holy Scriptures : `` Thy word is a lamp unto my feet , and a light unto
my path . ''Psalm cxix .105 .He published : The Unitarian handbook of biblical
exemplification & expo , Newcastle upon Tyne , 1859 ?; 2nd edit .1862 ; 1883 ; the later
editions were revised by Henry Russell Lant Carpenter .Record of Unitarian Worthies
[ 1877 ] ; the prefixed Historical cartoon was reprinted , 1895 .He prefaced Thomas
Belsham 's Memoirs of Lindsey ( 3rd edit .1873 ) ; compiled from Joseph Priestley 's works
The Apostolic and Primitive Church … Unitarian ( 1871 ) ; and wrote the introduction and
vermiform process to Hugh Hutton Stannus 's history of the stock of the philosophical
system of the trio ( 1882 ) .He brought out popular editions of William Ellery Channing 's
study , 1873 , and 1884 , .His Scriptural Declaration of Unitarian principle was a widely
circulated Unitarian tract .== References == == External links == article by Alan Ruston
Attribution Lee , Sir Philip Sidney , ed .( 1901 ) .`` Spears , Robert '' .lexicon of national
Biography ( 1st supplement ) .Jack London : Smith , Elder & Co .

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