Slaying Dragons Electronic Games Mar82

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An Introduction

to computer

T here's a dragon living at our house.

In faa, we're also infested w ith ko-
bolds, zombies, orcs and hordes cI evi~
IRPGs) such as
& Dragons: as in real life, is not a cut-
and-dried propositon. RPGs are general-
& Dragons. ly played as a series of semi-connected
doers of every description. Fortunately, Unlike more traditional episodes. Characters accumulate exper-
there's no immediate cause for alarm. games like chess and Monopoly, 'OW' ience as a result of their exploits and
They're all trapped on diskettes, and an emphasizes creating a persona for a gradually rise in power during the course
intrepid band of heroes intends to finish game-character and then play-acting of their heroic careers. Sometimes. suc-
most of them off this weekend. that character through a serie s of cess is measured in the number of char-
Combatting the forces of darkness- increa sing ly cha llen gin g situations. acters that sUNive a deathtrap to fight
and other familiar elements of sword and In another striking depature from the again another day .
sorcery hyinks like finding treasure and usual boardgame, participants work co- The hub of any non-electronic role-
saving damsels in distress-- are among operatively to accomplish common playing game is the so-called Dungeon-
the thrills that await players of computer goals instead of competing against each master (OM) . This individual designs the
adventure games. Already running a other. It is not uncommon to see one scenarios. referees games in progress
close second to arcade-style computer player sacrifice a character to preseNe and informsplayers of the consequences
programs in overall popularity. adven- the others in the adventuring group. of their charaaers ' aaions. Here's a seg-
tures give devotees the opportunity to " Winning" in games like 'Dungeons ment that might occur in a typical session
spena a couple of hours vicariously ex- of 'Dungeons & Dragons':
periencing worlds of frightening dangers Party l eaders: We're walking slowly
and glorious deeds.
Computer adventures are loosely bas-
= =.'::'':''-:''''roIes- down the passage. Tovah the Thief is

ed on concepts introduced
carefUIlY checking the walls and floors
::: for pitfalls and traps. Hercules the
by non-elec- fighter w ill bring up the rear.

.. ---
watching behind us for an ambush. sion in the form of a few audio-visual
OM: You walk 60 ft. and see a door on enhancements.
your right. Illustrated adventures. Aaual pic-
Tovah : I'm looking at the door and, parti- tures replace the long descriptions of
cularly, the lock. what the on-screen hero sees. These
OM: It is an oaken door reinforced with generally take the form of multi-color line
metal strips. The lock appears to be of the drawings in the high-resolution graphics
pin tumbler type. mode. Movement is still accomplished
Tovah: I will attempt to pick the lock. by the input of commands through the
OM: You succeed. keyboard, though the range of com-
Party leader: let's open the door and mands is frequently more restricted than
enter. with the text or graphiCS adventures.
OM: You're in a dimly lit room and six
hulk shapes charge at you from the dark Action aventures. Manual dexterity
corners. plays a much bigger role in this type of
Party leader: Battle positions everyonel less crude back then than they do tOday, adventure than in any other, since the
And so it goes, The only catch is that but that couldn't have made them any gamer maneuvers and fights by utilizing
the Oungeonmaster usually ends up more exciting to play. a joystiCk. There mayor may not be a
spending untold hours creating the fan- few additional one-letter commands
Text-based games created by pioneers
tasy world and dreaming up exciting sce- such as "get:' "shoot" and "examine,"
like Scott Adams filled the gap admirably.
nanos. W hat's more, the OM mustfunc- Since these contests relied on mental, not but the emphasis is on navigating your
tion solely as a neutral arbiter and can't adventures around what amounts to a
physical, dexterity, the slow response
run a charaaerl time of games programmed in BASIC schematic map of the game's setting.
Electronic adventures substitute the was totally irrelevant. Graphics adventures. The newest
computer for a human OM . While no Of course, the scope of adventure arrival on the computer adventure scene
machine can match the imagination, games has widened enormOUSly as per- combines elements of all four other types
creativity and resourcefulness of a live sonal computer hardware improved. in varying proportion. The trend is to-
Oungeonmaster, the computer version Some of the newest titles include such ward giving the gamer the view of the
requireslittle set-up time and no impartial niceties as illustrations of key scenes, hero's surroundings as he would aaual-
umpire. Virtually all computer adven- multi-charaaer play and even animated Iy see them rather than offering an om-
tures can even be played solitarie, while sequences. Some companies are even niscient overhead perspective,
non-elearonic RPGs require at least four producing additional scenarios that tack A~hough a good case can be made
or five participants. onto the basic qame program . for graphics adventures as the true state-
The development of interactive com- There are five distina types of adven- of-the-art variety, all five approaches
puter adventuresconfirms that necessity tures currently available. They are: have their unique strengths . Many
is, indeed, the mother of Invention. They Text adventures: These resemble RPGers, for instance, claim to prefer the
were truly an inspiration born out of short stories that are, in a sense, jointly text adventures. They liken the exper-
desperation . written by the game's designer and each ience of playing an all-text game to listen-
The first generation of personal com- individual player. When the person or ing to the radio, in that it gives free rein to
puters, however well they balanced persons manipulating the on-screen each gamer's own imagination instead
checkbooks and stored mailing lists, just characters inputs one- or two-word of fencing it in by displaying everything
didn 't have the capacity to adequately commands via the keyboard, the pro- in minute visual detail.
render arcade games. The reasons were gram responds with the appropriate de- So if the workaday cares of 1982 have
simple and obvious: the earliest micros scription . Often but not always, text ad- got you down, why not strap on an
lacked the basic ingredients that make up ventures present a series of puzzles that elearonic sword, don your armor, and
such programs. They possessed neither must be solved in a pre-determined order head for the dragon's lair? Maybe you
sound nor color and offered only the until the ultimate goal is finally achieved. can become the Siegfried or Conan of
most rudimentary on-screen graphics. Augmented text adventures. the computer world I
Perhaps novelty alone made those These are basically similarto the standard
pioneering computer arcade games look text adventures but add an extra dimen-
ElKtronk Game-s 31

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