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Writing task 1:
Nowdays, many family have both parents working. Some working parents
believe other family members like grandparents can take care of their children,
while others think chilcare centers provide the best care. Discuss both views and
give your own opinion.
(Discussion) (Benefits of both)

Summary :
View 1 (Grandparents) View 2 (Childcare center)

M1: experience in raising children M1: professional organization  staff

Reason: lived for many years  well train  good babysitting skills.
brought up their own offspring.

M2: family members  love their M2: children can have a chance to
grandchildren more than other people make friends with their peers when
do coming here
Result: tend to spend much time and Result: communication and language
effort caring for their grandchildren abilities

M3: youngster are looked afrer by

their grandparents  family orientied
 appreciate the value of a happy
Full essay:
Currently, many parents tend to be busy working, and they need to rely on
someone else to take care of their offspring. While some people think childcare
organizations can offer the best care, I would argue that it is better for children to
be looked after by their grandparents.
On the one hand, it is believe that youngsters should be sent to childcare centers
for some reason. The first one is that since those centers are professional
organizations, their staff are often well-trained and therefore have a good
babysitting skill. For example, when a child falls over and gets himself injured, a
staff can react quickly and give him first aid. Futhermore, children can have a
chance to make friends with their peers when coming there, which might increase
their communication skill and language abilities. If they are looked after by their
family at home they might feel a bit lonely.
On the other hand, I believe it is a better idea for grandparents to take care of
their grandchildren. Firstly, as grandparents have lived for years and have brought
up their own offspring, they have much experience in raising children. For
example, they might know how to calm the baby down when he cries. Secondly,
grandparents are family members love their grandchildren more than other
people do. As a result, they tend to spend much more time and effort caring for
their grandchildren compared to a childcare staff. Finally younster looked after by
their grandparents are likely to become more family oriented and appreciate the
value of a happy family.
In conclusion, whule there are some benefits of children being sent to childcare
centers, I believe they should be raised by their own grandparents.
Writing task 1:
People today do not feel safe either at home or when they are out. What are the
causes? What are the solutions?

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