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You were sitting in the middle of the Amazon late at night, about a mile from the

camp where the rest of your research team was sleeping, The head of the team
decided it would be a good idea to observe the primitive village constantly and
unfortunately being the junior researcher you were stuck with the late shift. So
here you were sitting in your vantage point overlooking the quiet village while trying
to keep the buzzing insects away. You had been out here for three months already
and the plan was to remain for nine more. You were really started to get homesick
and missed your girlfriend who told you she was pregnant just before you left. You
couldn’t wait to get back home to your girlfriend and child. It was really dark as the
dense canopy of trees blocked out most of the moonlight. Although everyone was
sleeping the jungle was alive with all kind of animals and creatures. You could hear
the strange calls of howler monkeys, croaking of frogs, hooting of owls, and the
constant chirping of crickets.

You started to think about the larger predators that might be lurking about like the
ferocious jaguar and the massive anaconda. You realized that at this very moment
one could be stalking you and you would never see it being surrounded by all this
dense vegetation. You remembered the story of the researcher who disappeared
on the last expedition and wondered if he was taken by one of these mighty
predators. You decided you better stop thinking about this and to concentrate on
observing the village.

There was no activity and everything was quiet except for the occasional crackle
from the fire in the middle of the village. Earlier it had been the center of activity as
the woman cooked the game that the hunters brought back and everyone gathered
around to eat their meals, socialize and dance. All of a sudden you heard a branch
snap nearby and all the jungle became eerily silent. You heart started to beat
rapidly and you desperately looked for something to defend yourself. Suddenly you
sensed something behind you and felt sharp claws dig into you as it grabbed you.
You screamed and fell down as you tried to get away from what you thought could
only be a large Jaguar about to eat you. You were surprised to hear the laughter of a
young woman and were relieved to see it was only the very pregnant native girl
Yaluma had always fascinated you since you arrived. She wasn’t scared of your
team like the rest of the villagers and surprised everyone on the team when she
approached and seemed to try to communicate. She had quickly become the
team’s favorite subject to observe. When it started to become evident that she was
with child the team became ecstatic realizing that they would be able to see how
the natives treated there pregnant women and newborns. As her belly continued to
grow it reminded you of your girlfriend back home and how she probably was at a
similar stage in her pregnancy.

When she was finally able to get control of herself she started to speak and as
usual you didn’t have a clue what she was saying. You could see her frustration
grow as you were not able to understand her and she couldn’t understand you. She
started to motion for you to follow. You hesitated and she grabbed your hand and
started to pull you in the direction that she wanted you to go. You were surprised by
how strong she was since she was easily able to pull you along even though you
were a foot taller and weighed twice as much. You realized years of surviving in this
harsh environment had made even the woman of the tribe tough and strong. As
she led you away from the village you were curious as to where she was taking you.
You soon came to na area overgrown with ferns and vines and start to think why the
heck did she bring me here. Suddenly you see a glow coming from underneath one
of the fern leaves. You cautiously push it away and discover a glowing stone with
strange markings that you have never seen before. Yaluma is speaking very fast and
animately now. You can tell she is trying to tell you something important but you
just can’t figure it out. She is pointing to the stone and herself making strange
gestures. As her frustration grows she points at you then the stone then her.
Thinking she wants you to give the stone to her you bend down to pick it up. You
didn’t see the panic in her face and that she was shaking her head no. She tried to
reach to stop you but she was too late as your fingers touched the stone and a
shock rips through your body. You collapsed to the ground as your body began to
go through a painful transformation. You looked up at Yaluma and you could see
sadness in her eyes which caused you to fear what was happening to you. Every
part of your body was on fire and you let out painful screams and started to cry as
the pain swept through your rapidly shrinking body. The pain started to subside and
you were able to get back to your feet. The first thing you noticed was that you were
slightly shorter than Yaluma and your skin had turned darker like hers. Your clothes
were now huge and baggy as you removed them you were in for the shock of your
life as a small pair of female breasts were sitting on your now hairless chest and
looking down you could see that your penis was missing and in its place was
feminine lips covered in bushy black hair. You started to pass out from shock when
you felt the strong arms of Yaluma catch you. “How?” is what you asked. “It is the
powerful of the stone. It also transformed me. ” she replied. You suddenly realized
that you could understand her now and asked “Why did you want me to touch the
stone?” She explained that she didn’t that when you didn’t understand what she
was trying to say she tried to show you what happened to her by pointing at you to
show that she had once been a white man like you then the rock and to herself to
show that the rock had transformed her into Yaluma. You had just misinterpreted
and that she had tried to stop you. You wanted to head back to your camp but she
convinced you it was pointless that nobody would understand you, that you should
head back to the safety of the village before you were discovered by a predator. You
knew you had no other choice but to follow her.

Once back at the village she gave you a skirt like the one she was wearing. As the
village began to slowly wake up word spread quickly about the new arrival. You
were brought before the chieftain who proclaimed that you were now a member of
this tribe and would be called Tamaya and would become a part of Yaluma and
Tari’s family. Yaluma would be your sister and teach you the ways of the tribe.

As the days passed you learned quickly what was expected of the woman of the
tribe and with Yaluma’s guidance, you learned how to weave baskets, make
clothes, where to gather berries, and how to clean and cook the animals the
hunters brought back. Yaluma even taught you which berries you needed to create
the black and red face paints that all the women wore. Yaluma being married
would always wear the black paint while you were expected to wear the red to
signify that you were single and available. You enjoyed this simpler less stressful
life and how close the tribe was. You especially enjoyed sitting by the fire gossiping
with the women, playing with the children, singing, dancing, and listening to the
hunters brag about their exploits. Tonight was a special occasion as the hunters
had killed a jaguar that had been seen hanging around the village stalking a group
of women and children before being chased away by some of the men. A hunting
party was formed and after many anxious nights, they had returned with the body
of the huge beast. You were listening intently to Tawa one of the young hunters who
was describing how he had killed the jaguar all by himself. You noticed that even
though he was the youngest hunter in the tribe he was already one of the tallest
and strongest. You noticed that he had a handsome face and you loved the way he
looked and smiled at you while he was telling his story. Yaluma whispered into your
ear “Tamaya, I think he likes you and wants to make you his wife.” You were
surprised that instead of being repulsed you actually liked the idea.
Later that evening when everybody was asleep you heard somebody outside your
hut calling your name. You peeked out and saw that it was Tawa and he asked you
to follow him. He led you to a small clearing next to a beautiful waterfall. He
grabbed your hands and told you that he loved you and was going to make you his
wife. You knew that as a woman of the tribe, you had no choice in the matter and
were required to become the wife of any hunter that demanded it. The truth of the
matter was that you were attracted to Tawa and would have gladly said yes anyway.
He started to kiss you and you passionately returned his kiss. Before you you knew
it you were laying beneath him with your legs in the air as he thrust deep inside of
you. You were lost in the pleasure that he was giving you and started to moan
loudly. You could feel his pace pick up and you knew that he would be filling you up
with his hot cream soon. With a loud grunt and final thrust, you knew he was done
and as you lay naked there basking in the afterglow you suddenly realized where
you were and knew that you would be in view of the researcher’s observation post.
Looking in that direction you were embarrassed when you saw that a pair of your
colleagues had watched the whole thing. You hurriedly put your skirt back on and
asked Tawa to take you home.

The next day Tawa announced to the whole village that you were going to be his
wife. Preparations were made and you the chieftain performed the ceremony that
would bind you together for life. You moved in with Tawa but still remained close to
Yaluma who was the only one you knew you could confide in when you suspected
you were pregnant after your menstruations stopped coming. Weeks later you
were with her supporting her when she went into labor. You had never witnessed a
woman in labor before and seeing how difficult and painful it was made you
uneasy about what was in store for you when it was your turn for your baby to
come. You were the first to hold the baby and it made you wonder about how your
girlfriend and baby were doing. The baby started to cry and you carefully handed
the baby boy to Yaluma. The look of joy on Yaluma’s face as she held her newborn
baby to her breast reassured you that all the pain would be worth it.

As the months went by your belly and breasts continued to grow and you spent
most of your time with Yaluma helping her take care of her infant. You were in the
jungle looking for a fruit that you were craving when you heard the sounds of boat
engines. You followed the sound and you saw that your former team had packed
everything up and were preparing to leave. They waved at you and shouted “wiː ær
hɪər tuː riːsɜːrtʃ” You had no idea what they were saying but as they entered the
boat and started heading down the river you felt a sense of loss as you realized
your only connection to your old life was gone. You started to feel depressed until
you felt a strong kick in your belly which brought a smile to your face and you
thought about how it wouldn’t be long before you would be holding your baby in
your arms.

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