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Binalonan, Pangasinan

College of Teacher Education

Learning Task #12: Accomplishing My Exit and Evaluation Forms

Intended Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this learning task, I should be able to:
1. confer with the Cooperating Teacher regarding the forms and other requirements to be
2. prepare all the exit requirements properly
3. accomplish exit forms on time
4. use professional reflection and learning to improve practice

Clarifying My Task
As a pre-service teacher, we need to accomplish exit and evaluation forms after the Teaching
Internship. This will ensure that when you leave the school, you are cleared from all
responsibilities and accountabilities. These are the things you need to do:
1. Confer with the Cooperating Teacher regarding the documents and forms you need to
2. Prepare all the documents/forms required.
3. Submit all the requirements and forms needed.
4. Have all the clearance, documents, and forms signed by the designated authority.
5. Extend your gratitude and appreciation to the Cooperating Principal, Cooperating
Teacher, Other School Heads, School Personnel and your students.
6. Give the Certificate of Appreciation to your Cooperating School, Cooperating Principal,
and Cooperating Teacher.

Performing My Teaching-Learning Activities

Performance Task 1
Accomplish your Exit clearance form and paste them here.
Exit Clearance (Cooperating School)

Performance Task 2
Accomplish the Teaching Internship Evaluation Form and paste them here.
Teaching Internship Evaluation Form (For Teaching Intern's Use)

Writing My Reflection
How did I feel after rendering over 301 hours in my cooperating school?
Binalonan, Pangasinan
College of Teacher Education

What I feel after rendering my teaching intern in my cooperating school? Just a small
background why I choose to enroll in the course of education is that since i was a child i
ike to teach, me and my friends playing “ teacher, teacheran” and it pop on my mind that
someday i want ot be a teacher. After that i learned so hard that i reached where i am
now. During my “ Field Study Teaching” I feel overwhelmed by the students who
willingly accept us to teach and guide them with the help of our cooperating teachers. As
my journey start from “Field Study to Teaching Intern” and as I finished it I felt
accomplished. Now, im ready to be a teacher in facing the reality of social scenarios in
public school. I learned a lot all through out this journey not only i teach the students but
i also teaching myself by applying all the lesson i learned in my cooperating teachers, the
teachers around my cooperating schools and also our adviser who guide us.
Binalonan, Pangasinan
College of Teacher Education

Working on My Learning Artifacts

Paste pictures/screenshots of your certificate of completion.
Binalonan, Pangasinan
College of Teacher Education
Binalonan, Pangasinan
College of Teacher Education
Binalonan, Pangasinan
College of Teacher Education
Binalonan, Pangasinan
College of Teacher Education
Binalonan, Pangasinan
College of Teacher Education
Binalonan, Pangasinan
College of Teacher Education
Binalonan, Pangasinan
College of Teacher Education

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