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tGroup Worksheet

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Class :

Complete these sentences in the simple past tense using regular form!

Example : Every morning, I study. Last week I studied.

1. Every day, I walk. Yesterday I ________________.

2. Every day, I work. Yesterday I ________________.

3. Every day, Omar shaves. Yesterday, Omar ____________.

4. Every night, Paula watches TV. Last night, she _______________ TV.

5. Every day, Mrs. Wu cooks. Last night, she ____________.

6. Every day, people smile. Yesterday, they ____________.

7. Every week, it rains. Last week, it ____________.

8. Every day, we ask questions. Yesterday we ___________ questions.

9. Every day, I talk on the phone. Yesterday, I ___________ on the phone.

10. Every day, Tomo listens to music. Yesterday, he _____________ to music.

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