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The consumption of society has increase a lot in the past few days, the amounts of

trash that this use became bigger every year. As most of the nature resources are not
renewable is important to learn about recycling materials and avoiding waste. Some people
believe that schools should teach children to recycle, but others believe that this education
should came from home. Either way the kids that are the future of society and they need to
know about recycling and having a conscious awareness.

This job of teaching about recycling is two road way, parents should teach kids in
home separating trash, reusing packages, turning the sink off during the dish washer, not
taking long baths. During every activity in home parents have a good opportunity to show their
children good and real examples of avoiding waste.

But this conscious will improve even more in the little ones if the schools associate
recycling with their education. This can be done by doing work groups, or showing a movie of
how trash and undrinkable water can affect the population, especially poor’s. Another way is
illustrating with number and graphics of increasing waste of resources. Besides giving
information for students, the schools can instigate them to bring solutions for environment
problems, begging with the their on city.

In conclusion, for build a strong awareness in children to became responsible adults

about the environment, is important that parents and schools work together. In this way the
kids have information about recycling and avoiding waste and by the time they got home they
should use this knowledge in real action.

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