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Healing Water: Your Own Perfect


There is an extraordinary natural healing substance produced by our own
bodies that modern medical science has proven to be one of the most powerful
natural medicines known to man. Unlike many other natural medical therapies,
this method requires no monetary investment or doctors’ intervention and can
be easily accessed and used at any time. The extensive medical research findings
on this natural medicine have never been compiled and released to the general
public before now, but those who have been fortunate enough to hear about this
medicine and use it have found that it can often produce astounding healing even
when all other therapies have failed.

“I laughed when I first heard about this therapy and didn’t

take it seriously. My main concern at the time was about my
full-blown case of AIDS that had just been diagnosed and the
Kaposi’s sarcoma lesions (cancer) in my mouth that was
supposed to spread through-out my body. But I decided to
try the therapy topically on my vicious case of ringworm and
not only did the ringworm condition totally disappear after a
few weeks, but the dry, cracked and painful skin all around
my toes and foot had totally changed. New skin had grown in
and was as soft as a baby’s. It had a beautiful new color and
just did not appear to be my own skin! I then tried the
therapy internally each day and over the next 7 months the
Kaposi’s lesions became increasingly smaller until they
disappeared totally! The mouth ulcers and genital herpes
that used to plague me have not returned even once. I have
NEVER felt better in my life.” — Mr. Q. New York

Unknown to the vast majority of the public, this incredibly simple and wonderful
natural treatment is a well-proven medical therapy that has been used extensively
and successfully throughout the twentieth century by doctors and researchers
from many different branches of medicine all over the world and has been shown
to be amazingly effective in treating a huge variety of illnesses. It’s time that all
of us should know about this therapy and about the medical research findings on
this truly remarkable natural medicine. In this age of hi-tech drugs, plastic body
parts and mechanized medicine, I sincerely hope that all of us can become more
open and accepting of this natural way of healing the body, and that the
information provided will help all of us to learn more about, what I can
unreservedly say, is the best natural remedy to disease and illness in existence.
So what is this mystery miracle medicine and why don’t any of us know anything
about it? If the body really does produce such an amazing substance, and doctors
and scientists have used it to heal people, where are the news reports, the
accolades, the commercials, the media hype? You want to know the answer? Then
prepare yourself by first opening your mind. Let go of your initial disbelief and
preconceptions and get ready for the best-kept secret in medical history. This
extraordinary miracle medicine that numerous doctors, researchers and hundreds
of people have used for healing is human urine. Surprised? Now before you
scream “I don’t believe it” consider this: Whether you know it or not, you’ve
already reused and re-ingested your urine – large amounts of it for a long period
of time, and it’s one of the reasons you’re alive today. As medical researchers have
discovered: “Urine is the main component of the amniotic fluid that bathes the
human fetus. Normally, the baby ‘breathes’ this urine-filled amniotic fluid into its
lungs. If the urinary tract is blocked, the fetus does not produce the fluid, and
without it, the lungs do not develop.” Doctors also believe that the softness of
baby skin and the ability of in-utero infants to heal quickly without scarring after
pre-birth surgery is due to the therapeutic properties of the urine-filled amniotic
fluid. Let’s talk about how your body came into formation. The amniotic fluid in
your mother’s womb is urine. For the first 3 months, it’s your mom’s pee. For the
remaining 6 months, it’s mainly your pee. And when you’re in the womb, you
breathe like a fish. You are continually sucking your own urine in and out of your
mouth. In the womb, you are actually peeing out the water that you become, the
water that physically forms your body. (which is the water that “breaks” at birth.)
That should be a piece of proof to people that urine is not a waste product. If
urine were a waste product, how is it possible that from day one, the human fetus,
the embryo, is floating in URINE! If it were a waste product, the human fetus would
just be getting dirtier and dirtier in the womb. It would be a cesspool in there, but
it’s not. Urine is the ultimate liquid, it is the perfect water. It’s what we grow in,
and we would have not grown without it. This is a fact that probably none of you
without a medical background know –but the reality is, that urine is absolutely
vital to your body’s functioning and the internal and external applications of urine
have proven medical ramifications far beyond anything that we, the general
public can imagine.
What amazes people most when they first hear about the medical use of urine is
that they’ve never heard of it. To the vast majority of mankind, urine is nothing
more than a somewhat repugnant “waste” that the body has to excrete in order
to function. But as you’ll discover, urine is not a waste product of the body, but
rather, an extraordinarily valuable physiological substance that has been shown
throughout the history of medical science right up until today to have profound
medical uses that most of us know absolutely nothing about. If urine was indeed
toxic, how could anyone survive on urine when they are trapped in a life boat or
raft for weeks, or when they are lost in the desert for days? The governments of
several countries recommend to their soldiers to drink their own urine in cases of
liquid shortage—would they really poison their own people? There are many
people alive and healthy that are drinking their urine daily. Some have been doing
it for over ten years. The scientific community has spoken of the substances
contained in urine which are efficacious in fighting fungal, bacterial, and viral
infections. These statements denounce the belief that urine is a toxic or poisonous
Dr. P.D. Desai, M.B.B.S., states: “The fact that auto-urine provides a universal
remedy for curing the patients’ illnesses of every kind, including cancer, heart
disease, diabetes, etc., is amply proved during the past 60 years by innumerable
clinical tests conducted in the U.S.S.R., Italy, France, Germany, India, etc. But we
allopaths generally fight shy in accepting new trends in medical treatment, unless
clinical trials prove their efficacy. As found in the scientific researches conducted
in the U.S.A and Japan, human urine contains various hormones, enzymes,
vitamins, antibodies, antigens, salts etc. It is therefore no wonder if the treatment
with urine which contains such valuable substances, makes the sick body healthy
by stimulating its vital force, the defence mechanism of the body, and makes it
more IMMUNE to the most deadly bacteria, viruses, toxins etc, and cures illnesses
of all kinds.”
One of the first things we need to clear up is the common perception of urine –
urine is not what you think it is. As a matter of fact, you probably have no idea
what urine is or how your body makes it. In reality, urine is not, as most of us
believe, the excess water from food and liquids that goes through the intestines
and is ejected from the body. I know that we generally think of urine in just this
way – you eat and drink, the intestines “wring” out the good stuff in the food, and
the urine is the left-over, dirty waste water that your body doesn’t want, so it
should never, ever be reintroduced back into the body in any form –right? Wrong.

Chapter 1: Your Own Liquid Gold

“There is something esoteric about urine. As a by-product of
the blood, it contains “life-force” or prana and thus is
considered to be a super-natural living food. When taken, it
“awakens the healer within” who works both on a
mechanistic level as well as on an energetic level. That is
urine has the ability to affect all levels of being; from the
physical, to the emotional, to the mental and to the subtler
vibrations of the soul.”

If you are trained from the earliest years to regard urine as a mere waste product,
the thought of using it for its healing powers may seem shocking. Yet urine has
long played an important role in the holistic medical traditions of societies all over
the world, and is even mentioned in the Ebers Medical Papyri of ancient Egypt.
For centuries people have been availing themselves of urine’s incredible curative
powers for ailments ranging from anemia to warts. Urine is free, and acts
homeopathically to stimulate the immune system. A great number of scientists
and doctors around the world who have conducted deep research on urine have
described it as a sterile by-product of the blood. The word sterile is defined as
“free from bacteria or other living microorganisms; totally clean, aseptic, germ-
free, antiseptic, disinfected, uninfected, uncontaminated, unpolluted, pure, clean;
sanitary, hygienic”, so not something that could be described as dirty.
Urine is not a toxic substance rejected by the body. Urine is a by-product of blood
filtration, not waste filtration. Urine is essentially: all the beneficial, life-giving
substances that are carried along with the bloodstream. If a blood sample is taken
and left standing up in a test-tube, the red blood cells would sink to the bottom
of the test-tube leaving a yellowish liquid that the doctor’s call “blood plasma”.
The medical term for urine is “Plasma Ultrafiltrate” or highly filtered blood plasma,
but it is really just urine. It is a purified derivative of the blood itself made by the
kidneys whose principal function is not excretion but regulation of all the body’s
elements and their concentrations in the blood. Urine can be compared to
leftovers from a meal, and this metaphor helps explain why the body excretes
elements that are valuable to its own health and wellbeing.
Urine is made in and by your kidneys, and not the intestines. When you eat, the
food you ingest is eventually broken down in the stomach and intestines into
extremely small molecules. These molecules are absorbed into tiny tubules in the
intestinal wall and then pass through these tubes into the bloodstream. The blood
circulates throughout your body carrying these food molecules and other
nutrients, along with critical immune defense and regulating elements such as red
and white blood cells, antibodies, plasma, microscopic proteins, hormones,
enzymes, etc., which are all manufactured at different locations in the body. The
blood continually distributes its load of life-sustaining elements throughout the
body, nourishing every cell and protecting the body from disease. As it flows
through the body, this nutrient-filled blood passes through the liver where toxins
are removed and later excreted from the body in the form of solid waste.
Eventually, this purified “clean” blood makes its way to the kidneys. When the
blood enters the kidneys it is filtered through an immensely complex and intricate
system of minute tubules called nephrons through which the blood is literally
“squeezed” at high pressure. This filtering process removes excess amounts of
water, salts and other elements in the blood that your body does not need at the
time. These excess elements are collected within the kidney in the form of a
purified, sterile, watery solution called urine. Many of the constituents of this
filtered watery solution, or urine, are then reabsorbed by the nephron and
delivered back into the bloodstream. The remainder of the urine passes out of
the kidneys into the bladder and is then excreted from the body.
“Your kidneys are in fact the ultimate distillation factory
within your human body. Their primary job is not to remove
waste, but to regulate the pH of the blood and monitor and
maintain levels of vital hormones, nutrients, vitamins and
minerals. Did you know that each kidney has up to one
million nephrons a piece? The nephrons filter the water to
pure distilled water, which is an optimal fluid hydration
water for humans to drink.” – Harry Matadeen
The function of the kidneys is to keep the various elements in the blood balanced.
The important elements in the blood are not filtered out because they are toxic
and harmful to the body, but simply because the body does not need any more
than that particular concentration of that element at that specific point in time. It
is this very regulating process of the kidneys that allows people to eat and drink
more than their bodies need at any one time. Anything that was in the blood
cannot be harmful to the person that it came from. Besides, when taken internally,
the urine does not go straight into the bloodstream but travels through the
digestive system where its constituents are sorted out. The useful ones are used
up again while others are rejected as solid waste. When the level of toxins in the
blood increases, it stimulates the intestines and the lymphatic system into
flushing themselves out to eliminate any stagnated excrements accumulated in
the colon. The amount of toxins found in the urine of each person is related to
the amount of stagnated excrement in their colon. So the toxins, in such minute
amounts in urine, in fact, stimulate a cleansing reaction in the body.
Re-ingesting urine can send a signal that something within the body is out of
balance. The body can then do something about re-balancing itself. Urine therapy
can help in this process by returning to the body valuable nutrients and other
elements that have already been processed by it and are immediately ready for
re-use. If applied topically, these nutrients and other elements can pass directly
through the skin into the bloodstream instead of passing through the intestine
as is the case if ingested orally. Put simply, urine therapy can be seen as a form of
self-vaccination. It could possibly work this way: the body releases an antigen
associated with a particular illness; that antigen is reintroduced back into the body
by ingesting urine (orally or by massage) containing the antigen; the antigen is
reabsorbed into the bloodstream through either the intestines or the skin
allowing the immune system a chance to react appropriately by producing
antibodies to counteract the antigen.
Urine is not toxic, although some toxic substances might be present in urine in
small amounts, especially if one is ill. This small amount of toxic
substances contribute to the effectiveness of urine therapy. If toxic substances
enter the body, the body’s defence mechanisms are called into action (the
immune system). If substances which leave the body via the urine are the same
as those involved in the illness process, they can stimulate the defence system to
attack and in this way fight the illness. This might explain why urine therapy has
proven so helpful in treating allergies. As medical studies have unequivocally
shown, each person’s urine contains antibodies, natural ‘vaccines’ and many other
critical physiological elements that are carried in the blood that are specific to
each individual’s health condition. Urine comprises the sum of all the experiences
that the body has had (much as our individual personalities comprise the sum of
our experience). Records of disturbances, infections, diseases, and allergies are
stored within our urine. If we confront our immune system with this information
for a second time, we stimulate the construction of a (finally) effective defence.
Urine therefore teaches the immune system a lesson.
For instance, if you have an allergic reaction to wheat, your body produces a
complex of antibodies to deal with the allergy and those antibodies are found in
your urine. When you reintroduce these urine antibodies into your system by
ingesting or injecting your own urine, the allergy can be corrected. In using your
own urine to heal yourself, you’re getting medicinal elements that your particular
body has produced in order to deal with your specific, intricate and often
undetectable disturbances in your body’s functioning. You could be exposed to
polio, for example or tuberculosis and not even realize it until acute symptoms
appear – but, as medical research has proven, your urine can contain antibodies
to those diseases even if acute symptoms are not appearing. So regular use of
urine therapy can most definitely provide extremely comprehensive therapeutic
treatment that goes far beyond other medicines.
Dr Phillips states:
“Urine functions as a nosode, a small impulse of disease that, when introduced to
the body, triggers the healing powers of the immune system. From homeopathy,
the principle of healing „like with like“ is well-known. Today vaccinations work on
the same principle: A small impulse of an illness is introduced to the body to
trigger its massive defense mechanism.
In scientific terms, one can consider self-urine therapy as an extension of the
methods of Jenner and Pasteur, as auto-inoculation or self-vaccination. Certain
bodily substances which have been removed from the body, some of which may
have been produced as a result of an imbalance, are re-introduced into the body
in small amounts and re-absorbed into the blood. This gives the immune system
all the information that it needs and the opportunity to respond appropriately to
achieve homeostasis.
When urine is taken into the body, it goes through a filtration process; it becomes
purer and purer even in the course of one day’s living upon it plus tap‐water, if
required. First, it cleanses, then frees from obstruction and finally rebuilds the vital
organs and passages after they have been wasted by the ravages of disease. In
fact it rebuilds not only the lungs, pancreas, liver, brain, heart. etc., but also repairs
the linings of brain and bowel and other linings, as has been demonstrated in the
case of many “killing” diseases, such as consumption of the intestines and the
worst form of colitis. In short, it accomplishes what fasting merely on water or
fruit juices (as some naturopaths advocate) can never achieve.
“Urine is said to be an invaluable source of nourishment and
healing yet has been too controversial or not financially
rewarding enough for it to be studied, let alone encouraged
for its potency. One’s own urine, a living substance, contains
elements that are specific to one’s body alone – the reason
why it is used in routine medical tests. The body is constantly
producing a huge variety of antibodies, hormones, enzymes
and other natural chemicals to regulate and control its
functions and correct disharmony. When reutilised, these
chemicals and nutrients act as natural vaccines,
antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-carcinogenic agents as well
as hormone balancers and allergy relievers. In short, the
body’s own intelligence or defence mechanism is activated to
restore the original physiological balance or homeostasis.
The information that one’s own urine contains therefore
cannot be duplicated nor derived from any other source. Just
as nature produces no two people who are exactly the same,
there are no two urine samples in the world that contain
exactly the same components.”

Chapter 2: Why does the body excrete it?

So, you say, the body’s gotten rid of this stuff for a reason – so why would we
want to use it again? And here’s the catch: The function of the kidneys is to keep
the various elements in your blood balanced. The kidneys do not filter out
important elements in the blood because those elements in themselves are toxic
or poisonous or bad for the body, but simply because the body did not need that
particular concentration of that element at the time it was excreted. What is
excreted out as urine is simply the excess of the beneficial substances that are
carried around the body by the bloodstream. The body has a storage facility for
urine called the bladder. While there is urine in the bladder, the body reabsorbs
it, as and when the substances in it are required, rather than expend a great deal
of energy to manufacture these very substances; this is why that many of us have
had the experience where we have felt the urgent need to urinate but then we
got distracted and an hour later we realised that we no longer need to urinate.
While we were distracted, the body re-absorbed the urine and relieved the
pressure on the bladder. Reingesting urine not only saves the body from
expending needless energy, it is also exactly the right substances in exactly the
right proportions that the body needs and because it is essentially pre-digested,
it is almost instantly absorbed by the body because the body recognises it and as
such most who drink urine notice and almost instantaneous boost of energy and
feeling of wellbeing.
Researchers have observed that urine, because it is actually extracted from our
blood, contains small amounts of almost all the life-sustaining elements, enzymes,
proteins, hormones, antibodies and immunizing agents that our blood contains.
The principal function of the kidney is not excretion, but regulation … The kidney
obviously conserves what we need, but even more, permits us the freedom of
excess. That is, it allows us to take in more than we need of many necessities —
water and salt for example — and excretes exactly what is not required. And
medical researchers have discovered that many of the elements of the blood that
are found in urine have enormous medicinal value, and when they are
reintroduced into the body, they boost the body’s immune defences and
stimulate healing in a way that nothing else does. As medical research has
revealed: “One of the most important functions of the kidney is to excrete material
and substances for which the body has no immediate need…” — Urinalysis in
Clinical and Laboratory Practice. For instance, the kidneys filter out water and
sodium from the blood into the urine. Are water and sodium toxic? Of course not,
they’re both vital life-sustaining elements without which your body cannot
function. Now what about potassium, calcium, and magnesium – these are
familiar nutrients that we ingest in our food and vitamin pills everyday but they’re
also in your urine. These nutritional elements are extremely valuable substances
to the body, certainly not toxic, and yet the kidney excretes these elements into
the urine – why? Because it’s taking out the excess amount of potassium, calcium,
etc. that is not needed by your body at the time that they are filtered out. Actually,
it is this regulating process of the kidneys and the excretion of urine that allows
us to eat and drink more than our bodies need at any one time.
“Urine is an incredibly complex biofluid. We had no idea
there could be so many different compounds going into our
toilets.” – Study Researcher David Wishart, Professor of
Biology and Computing Science at University of Alberta
The idea that urine contains poisonous elements which the body is endeavouring
to eliminate is based upon theory only, and is not demonstrated by the facts. As
survivors in open boats and rafts often drink their own urine when their water
supply becomes deficient, surely if they were drinking a poisonous fluid they
would die or become very ill? And now to answer another objection. How can it
be right to take back into the body something which the body is apparently
discarding? And yet if we turn to Nature, what do we find? We find that instead
of “scientific ” manures, the dead leaves are put back into the soil, the resultant
flowers are the most fragrant, the fruits the sweeter, and the trees the healthier.
On the other hand, where the soil is for some reason deprived of those chemical
substances produced by the dead leaves, etc., then the trees which grow in that
soil are disfigured by excrescences, which I think, quite aptly, have been called
tree‐cancers. What we are accustomed to regard as useless dead leaves are the
very opposite of useless and should be dug back into the soil instead of being
swept away by the gardener. The idea that Nature is wasteful is erroneous. She
only appears wasteful to us because we do not understand her. The rotting dead
leaves provide the most valuable mineral salts for the soil‐one of the most
essential being potash. Even the ashes of burnt dead leaves and burnt wood
(charcoal) are of great value. Another example would be Mother Earth’s own
water cycle. The sun picks up water from the ocean and creates clouds, which
cause rain. This rain nurtures the ground, plants, trees, animals and humans. The
water flows back into the ocean, where the cycle will begin all over again. Nature
produces everything for a reason; nothing is wasted. A lesson for our society to
learn. What Mother Earth produces is returned to her. This is a healthy recycling
of matter. Therefore why should a principle which applies throughout Nature not
apply (with certain reservations) to the human body? This question is more readily
answered if we consider the constituents of urine.

Chapter 3: Constituents
Urine can be regarded as one of the most complex of all body fluids. It contains
practically all of the constituents found in the blood. And because it is actually
extracted from the blood, it contains small amounts of almost all of the life-
sustaining nutrients, proteins, hormones, antibodies and immunizing agents that
our blood contains.
Urine consists of 95% water, 2.5% urea, and the remaining 2.5% is a mixture of
minerals, salts, hormones and enzymes. In 1975, one of the founders of Miles
Laboratories, Dr. A. H. Free published his book, Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory
Practice, in which he remarked that not only is urine a sterile body compound
(purer than distilled water – except in the case of a urinary or kidney infection),
but that it is now recognized that urine contains literally thousands of
compounds. Among the urine constituents mentioned in Dr. Free’s treatise is a
list of nutrients that will knock your socks off. Here’s just a few… Alanine, Arginine,
Ascorbic acid, Allantoin, Amino acids, Bicarbonate, Biotin, Calcium, Creatinine,
Cystine, DHEA, Dopamine, Epinephrine, Folic acid, Glucose, Glutamic acid, Glycine,
Inositol, Iodine, Iron, Lysine, Magnesium, Manganese, Melatonin, Methionine,
Nitrogen, Ornithine, Pantothenic acid, Phenylalanine, Phosphorus, Potassium,
Proteins, Riboflavin, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Urea, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Zinc.
The most interesting thing to me is that the amounts of several important
nutrients are found in amounts many, many times higher than it is possible to
obtain them from food. In other words, these nutrients are present in urine in
orthomolecular dosages, basically megadoses that far exceed what is possible to
obtain from food. This indicates that the body produces and multiplies its own
nutrients, because if what showed up in our urine was simply the result of what
we eat, there would be no way that, for example, our urine could contain 4 mg
per day of Folic Acid (that is 4,000 micrograms, and most people get well under
800 micrograms in their diet. Or 35 mg of biotin per day. That is 35,000
micrograms of biotin. The average person gets around 300 micrograms or less in
the diet. That is also the “Recommended Daily Allowance”. 35,000 micrograms is
a very large orthomolecular dose and even the highest dose supplements don’t
have that much in one tablet. It’s well known that biotin is produced in the body,
but I believe that all or most of the known and as yet unknown nutrients actually
are produced and multiplied by the body, including known and so far
unidentified/unknown vitamins and minerals. Thiamine and Vitamin B-1 are
another two examples; 200mg per day! Most people don’t even get 5mg from
food. It’s impossible to get anywhere near 200mg from food, the only way is
through supplementation… or urine! And when you loop your urine all these
good things go up by large amounts. So it is not true that the nutrients in orin
mostly come from food, they mostly come from your body but it is true that what
you eat affects the quality of the Orin. Your own urine is the very best supplement
you could ever take.
Literally thousands of compounds have been identified in normal urine and the
vast majority of these have been derived from the blood… The understanding of
the composition of the urine has gradually evolved as the sciences of chemistry
and physiology have developed. It is now recognized that the urine contains
thousands of compounds, and as new, more sensitive analytical tools evolve, it is
quite certain that new constituents of urine will be recognized. This report goes
on to give a detailed listing of approximately 200 constituents of urine, but as the
researchers comment: “this table is not considered to be complete, but identifies
only compounds of interest.”
Listing all 200 of the ingredients here would be a bit much, so I’ll give a sample
of some of the ingredients in urine that are most recognizable because many of
them are the same ingredients that you see on your vitamin supplement labels,
or that you’ve read or heard about from various sources.
lbumin: The main protein produced in the liver, has numerous functions in the
body, the most important of which is maintaining intravascular colloid osmotic
pressure (COP). COP helps fluid stay within the vasculature instead of leaking into
tissue. Found in urine.
Granulocyte-macrophage “colony-stimulating factor”, also known as GM-CSF and
CSF2, is a cytokine that controls the production, differentiation, and function of
granulocytes and macrophages. GM-CSF can be used as a medication to
stimulate the production of white blood cells following chemotherapy. Found in
Growth hormone, also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that
stimulates growth, cell reproduction, and cell regeneration in humans and other
animals. It is thus important in human development. Found in urine.
Gonadotropins : Luteinizing and Follicle Stimulating Hormones. Luteinizing
hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) are called gonadotropins
because they stimulate the gonads – in males, the testes, and in females, the
ovaries. They are not necessary for life, but are essential for reproduction. Found
in urine.
Kallikreins are responsible for the coordination of various physiological functions
including blood pressure, semen liquefaction and skin desquamation. Found in
Urokinase is a man-made product developed using a protein that occurs naturally
in the kidneys. Urokinase is a thrombolytic agent that works by dissolving blood
clots. Urokinase is used to treat blood clots in the lungs. Urokinase may also be
used for other purposes not listed in this medication guide. Found in urine.
Thrombopoietin is a glycoprotein hormone produced by the liver and kidney
which regulates the production of platelets. It stimulates the production and
differentiation of megakaryocytes, the bone marrow cells that bud off large
numbers of platelets. Found in urine.
Interleukins are a group of cytokines that were first seen to be expressed by white
blood cells (leukocytes). The function of the immune system depends in a large
part on interleukins, and rare deficiencies of a number of them have been
described, all featuring autoimmune diseases or immune deficiency. Found in
An alkylating antineoplastic agent is an alkylating agent used in cancer treatment
that attaches an alkyl group (CnH2n+1) to DNA. The alkyl group is attached to
the guanine base of DNA, at the number 7 nitrogen atom of the purine ring. …
Alkylating agents are used to treat several cancers. Found in urine.
Erythropoietin, also known as hematopoietin or hemopoietin, is a glycoprotein
cytokine secreted by the kidney in response to cellular hypoxia; it stimulates red
blood cell production in the bone marrow. Found in urine.
“Gamma globulin” injections are usually given in an attempt to temporarily boost
a patient’s immunity against disease. Being a product derived from bone marrow
and lymph gland cells, gamma globulin injections, along with blood transfusions
and intravenous drug use, can pass along hepatitis C to their recipients. Found in
Hyaluronidase is an injectable enzyme solution that speeds the natural
breakdown of hyaluronic acid. It is used to counteract the effects of hyaluronic
acid-based fillers. Found in urine.
Lipase is any enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of fats. Lipases are a subclass
of the esterases. Lipases perform essential roles in the digestion, transport and
processing of dietary lipids in most, if not all, living organisms. Found in urine.
Ulinastatin, as an urinary trypsin inhibitor (UTI), is a glycoprotein that is isolated
from healthy human urine or synthetically produced and has molecular weight of
25 – 25kDa. Highly purified ulinastatin has been clinically used for the treatment
of acute pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis, Stevens–Johnson syndrome, burns,
septic shock, and toxic epidermal necrolysis. Found in urine.
“Collagen” the main structural protein found in skin and other connective tissues,
widely used in purified form for cosmetic surgical treatments. Found in urine.
“Acid phosphatase” is a phosphatase, a type of enzyme, used to free attached
phosphoryl groups from other molecules during digestion. It can be further
classified as a phosphomonoesterase. Found in urine.
“Insulin” is a hormone made by the pancreas that allows your body to use sugar
(glucose) from carbohydrates in the food that you eat for energy or to store
glucose for future use. Insulin helps keeps your blood sugar level from getting
too high (hyperglycemia) or too low (hypoglycemia). Found in urine.
“Pepsinogen” is an enzyme that breaks down proteins into smaller peptides (that
is, a protease). It is produced in the stomach and is one of the main digestive
enzymes in the digestive systems of humans and many other animals, where it
helps digest the proteins in food. Found in urine.
“Pro-urokinase” is a single chain, precursor form of two chain, 54,000
Mrurokinase. Although originally isolated from urine, pro-urokinase is also found
in blood, where it is believed to participate in natural fibrinolysis alongside tissue
plasminogen activator (t-PA). Found in urine.
“Red Blood Cell Growth Factor” It causes your bone marrow to make more red
blood cells. Your kidneys make a red blood cell growth factor called EPO, or
erythropoietin. Found in urine.

Chapter 4: A Gift Of Nature

Drink your own fresh and clean urine with gratitude and
joy. Every illness under which one has suffered will be
healed. -Indian Damar Tantra
Urine has been shown to be non-toxic, even in large quantities. It has the benefits
of being cost free, readily available, easily transportable, nutritious, easily
digested, simple and safe to use, having little to no morbidity, and having
antibacterial and anti-viral properties. It can be effective in preventing disease,
and has been found to be curative of many conditions. It is supportive of the
immune system.
One’s own urine is a gift of Nature given to man for his well being and
preservation of his health. The urine of each one of us is a specific remedy for our
particular disorders. There is practically nothing that urine won’t heal. Urine is said
to be effective against the flu, the common cold, broken bones, toothache, dry
skin, psoriasis and all other skin problems. It reverses aging and is helpful with
AIDS, allergies, animal and snake bites, asthma, heart disease, hypertension,
burns, cancer, chemical intoxication, chicken pox, enteritis, constipation, and
pneumonia. Urine is said to be effective against dysentery, edema, eczema, eye
irritation, fatigue, fever, gonorrhea, gout, bloody urine, smallpox, immunological
disorders, infections, infertility, baldness, insomnia, jaundice, hepatitis, leprosy,
lymphatic disorder, urticaria, morning sickness, hangover, obesity, papilloma
virus, parasitoses, gastric ulcer, rheumatism, birthmarks, stroke, congestion,
lumbago, typhus, gastritis, depression, cold sore, tuberculosis, tetanus,
Parkinson’s disease, foot fungus, and diabetes and other endocrine related
A book, Soloman’s English Physician, was published in 1695. It gives wonderful
facts about urine. Some of them are as follows:
“The urine of human beings is useful in many ways. The urine is the part of blood
in the form of serum. The urine of man and woman is warm and non-acidic. It
melts the foreign matter accumulated in the nervous system and works as an
antiseptic, protecting the body from putrefaction and degeneration. Taken
internally, it removes the trouble of liver, spleen, and diseases of gall-bladder,
dropsy, jaundice, plague, irregularities of menstruation and all types of poisonous
“The skin becomes soft and clean if rubbed with fresh and lukewarm urine.
Wounds inflicted by poisonous weapons are healed. All the acute and chronic
diseases of the skin are cured. The temperature due to fever goes down by
rubbing urine on the whole body. It is the best cure for tremor, fits and paralysis.
It removes the pains of the spleen when applied or rubbed on the stomach.”
“Urine contains some alkalies which are volatile and are highly beneficial. They
absorb acidity and root out a big number of ailments. They also cure the disorders
in the intestine, kidneys and uterus. The urine is invaluable and the best cure for
facial swelling, giddiness, nervous tension or breakdown, weakness, headache,
paralysis, lameness, deafness, partial unconsciousness or insensitivity, cold,
diseases of the head, brain, senses and joints: It also cures leucorrhoea and other
diseases of the uterus. Unne removes the obstruction in kidneys and uterus,
breaks the kidney-stone and throws it out. It is a special cure for nephritis, urinary
obstructions and all other diseases connected with the urinary system.”
Before using urine therapy it is not necessary to know what it is that is to be
treated, although for most of us it would not make sense to embark upon a course
of treatment with urine without having a particular objective, or illness, or
condition in mind. We have become so used to labelling illnesses it would seem
silly for us to go ahead without knowing what we are seeking to treat. However,
a diagnosis is strictly not necessary prior to commencing urine therapy. The aim
of urine therapy is to bring the body back into balance. Every physical illness, no
matter how minor, is an imbalance within the body, and in some cases the mind
will play a part in either the onset of the illness or its continuation, or both. An
imbalance in the body can occur in a myriad of ways and on different levels. Unlike
the allopathic way of illness treatment, urine therapy does not seek to match a
particular medicine with a particular illness.
Your own urine is your personal healing liquid full of micronutrients, antidotes
and vital information about all your health related issues and problems. It is also
the purest and most structured water on the planet, produced by the most
advanced filtering machine mother earth has to offer, your own divine and
intelligent body. Your body knows exactly the cure you need at any given moment
and is capable of producing the remedy you need in order to keep you alive. Each
person’s urine is unique to them. Your urine will know what it has to target.
Another way to put it, it rids the body of what should not be there, but what
should be there goes round and round and is used again and again. Anything
inorganic or dead in the body will be cleaned out. Any inorganic matter, mostly
inorganic minerals which are dissolved rocks and sand. Not only does it rid the
body of dead inorganic matter but there are other living organic things in the
body that shouldn’t be there and urine therapy also cleans it all out. The bugs,
right from the microscopic virus and harmful bacteria all the way up to the large
parasites as long as your leg. It will not rid the body of good bacteria and enzymes
that the liver decides is good for you.
Your urine is a powerful liquid capable of regenerating your organs and tissues
as well as removing and flushing out every harmful parasite, disease and inorganic
material in your system when returning this intelligent water of light and life back
to your body by drinking every drop of it. Your urine is far from a waste product
as you have been taught to believe. It is in fact your real life regenerating water –
your true fountain of youth.
Your own urine contains elements that are specific to your body alone which are
medicinally valuable ingredients tailor-made to your own health disorders. How
can that be? Because your urine contains hundreds of elements that are
manufactured by your body to deal with your personal, specific health conditions.
Your body is constantly producing a huge variety of antibodies, hormones,
enzymes and other natural chemicals to regulate and control your body’s
functions and to combat diseases that you may or may not know you have. Urine
is a sort of information card which registers the condition of the blood. When that
information is carried back to the body, the body can consequently react
according to this feedback; it will normally do this in an appropriate and precise
way. The body is an extremely advanced and intelligent system.
The recurring points to all of the medical research done to date on urine indicates
that it is completely sterile. If it becomes contaminated it happens after it leaves
the body. Urine is a by-product of blood filtration, not waste filtration. Urine
contains compounds that are very specific to the individual from which it comes.
Just as nature produces no two people who are exactly the same, there are also
no two urine samples in the world that contain exactly the same components.
Modern research and clinical studies have proven that the thousands of critical
body chemicals and nutrients that end up in your individual urine reflect your
individual body functions, and when reutilized, act as natural vaccines,
antibacterial, antiviral, anti-cancer agents, hormone balancers, allergy relievers,
etc., (talk about the perfect preventive care treatment!).
Urine has been referred to as a mirror which reflects the activities within the
individual’s body. Urine provides information about the functions of the whole
body. It can be seen as a liquid crystal or hologram, implying that it contains
vibrations completely in tune with the vibrational condition of the body it comes
from. In this light, reingestion gives the body valuable vibrational information
needed for two things: the first, for the already existing healthy body resonance,
and second, for diseased or stress vibrations that counteract any unhealthy
resonance in the body.
Human urine has strengthening and curative characteristics concerning many
deficiencies. Urine helps against hair loss. One should rub urine into the scalp; this
slows down loss of hair. All kinds of throat inflammation can be helped by
gargling with urine. Trembling hands and knees can be helped by washing, and
rubbing one’s own warm urine into the skin directly after one has urinated. It’s a
universal and excellent remedy for all distempers inward and outward. Wash your
ears with it warm and it is good against deafness and other ailments in the ears.
Wash your eyes with your own water and it cures sore eyes and clears and
strengthens the sight. Wash and rub your hands with it, and it takes away
numbness, chaps and sores and makes the joints limber. Wash any part that itches
and it takes the itch away. Urine should be kept in the mouth for twenty to thirty
minutes or, when that seems too much, as long as possible. Gargling with urine
is an effective way to fight gum problems or other month and tongue disorders.
In addition, toothaches disappear quickly and teeth stay healthy. It can help heal
aphts quite fast. Sniffing urine is the most effective treatment for a stuffy nose,
other sinus disorders such as sinusitis, and problems with the uppermost part of
the respiratory canal. This method also affects the eyes positively. More than any
other method, urine therapy represents the principles of natural medicine. One’s
own urine is a specific medicine for anyone who is ill. It is made for him or her
personally and is just right for what he or she needs at the present moment,
because it changes its composition all the time. It is not only something that cures,
but it also sustains health when taken as a preventative. Taken energetically, one
could consider urine to be an exact hologram of both healthy as well as diseased
body fluids. All information from the body fluids is collected and stored in the
urine. One’s own urine is the best medicine for the kidneys that we could imagine.
It is clear for any holistic health practitioner that all cycles within the body are
interconnected, and this means that the healing of one of those cycles will have
a positive effect on the others. Urine was often used at the front, for lack of other
medication and as a disinfectant for surgery instruments. A Russian doctor treated
many people from far and wide, and was able to alleviate or completely cure
illnesses with nothing else than urine therapy, while other methods up until then
had failed. In a world where money talks, urine therapy can appear threatening to
those who earn their living by manufacturing or prescribing medicine. Urine is
completely free and always available for those who need it.

Chapter 5: How To Begin

Forget all the negative thoughts that you have connected with urine since the
beginning of your life. In trying to get used to the idea of drinking urine it is
important to accept that urine is not a waste product but something that can
provide us with healing. This is what this course is all about: to help you redefine
your relationship with urine, based on scientific research and facts which may
have not come into your awareness, until now. If we can master this change of
belief we can usually approach drinking urine without an overwhelming adverse
reaction. So, firstly we have to redefine in our own minds what urine actually is.
This will help us decondition, and then recondition our attitude towards it. The
next time you have to go to the bathroom, hold your index finger in the stream
of urine. Let the liquid drip off a little and smell it. Don’t be afraid: I promise you,
you won’t smell a thing! Gather up a little more courage and then rub some of
the urine on the back of your hand and wait as long as you can before you wash
your hands again. You will discover that no odour will develop on your skin either.
The moistened area, however, will feel softer and smoother. Are you even more
courageous? Then touch your urine-covered finger with your tongue-just very
quickly. Does it taste salty? That’s normal. The morning urine is especially bitter.
The more fluid you take in during the day, the more “mild” the taste of urine. As
you keep hydrating the body while at the same time avoiding certain foods that
pollute the blood, urine will become tasteless — almost like coconut water.
Beginning urine therapy is completely simple and painless. Initially, it’s
recommended to start the internal therapy with extremely small amounts, with
the goal of getting used to the taste and feeling of it. Generally speaking, the
amount of urine intake depends largely on the diseased state of the body and the
will to recover. There is nothing wrong with consuming large quantities of urine,
or looping urine throughout the day. However, this can initially call for an intense
detoxification in the body, which can be challenging to endure. Therefore, it’s
always best to start with small amounts, and gauge how your body reacts. When
ingesting urine, be assured that the taste in the mouth will only stay for a very
short time, a couple of minutes at most, after which you will be unaware of its
presence. Before you start using the therapy, review your diet and general health
habits. For best results with any health therapy, you need to be well-rested and
be eating nutritious food. If you are constantly overtired and your diet is full of
refined sugar, processed foods, additives, chemicals, caffeine, soda, too much
meat, over-the counter-drugs, etc., your body and immune defences are not
going to be able to function properly, and your ability to heal any disorder, large
or small, will be impaired, no matter what medical treatment you use. A healthy
diet is key during the therapy. Obtaining a food chart which gives the alkaline/acid
levels of foods can be helpful. Such charts are readily available on the internet.
You will be able to refer to the chart to check the pH level of the foods you are
proposing to eat or already eat. Examples of foods that are extremely alkaline
forming are lemons (when metabolised), watermelon, mango, parsley, seedless
grapes and seaweed, while those foods which are extremely acid forming include
beef, carbonated soft drinks, white flour, lamb, pork, white sugar and artificial
sweeteners. Cigarettes fall into the high acid-forming category along with beer
and coffee.
It’s also important to realize that drug-taking and poor dietary habits impact on
the quality of your urine; everything you eat and drink has an effect on your body
and consequently on your urine. The healthier your dietary habits are, the better
your urine will taste. It is advisable to follow a mostly raw vegan/fruitarian diet
during intensive application of urine therapy. This means that it is best for you to
refrain from eating all meat and dairy products, cooked meals, processed foods
etc. If you continue to eat meat, you will probably have a high concentration of
nitrogen wastes, uric acids and other acidic substances in your urine, which are
not helpful when reingested in large amounts. A surplus of these substances in
the blood can lead to an abnormally high degree of acidity. The body
consequently acidifies, creating a breeding ground for illnesses. The above
mentioned substances in high concentrations cause the urine to taste extremely
unpleasant. Avoid foods containing refined flour products, white sugar and white
rice. These nutrients also acidify the blood and body. Avoid processed & radiated
foods, and foods which contain colorings or flavourings. Try to maintain a
hydrating diet, and aim to nourish yourself with foods high in water content. This
will make the urine taste pure as water, and the practice will be easier to follow.
The more good nutrients you put into your body, the more effective urine therapy
will be for you. Your urine is a direct reflection of what you’re taking into your
body, so it only makes sense that recycling quality nutrients during urine therapy
is going to give better results than recirculating synthetic additives, preservatives,
refined, denatured flours, sugars, caffeine, nicotine, etc.
Also remember that emotions carry with them high or low alkaline/acid levels. For
example, kindness and love help produce an alkaline environment in the body,
while anger, jealousy and fear produce an acidic environment. Meditation helps
the body become alkaline while overwork and stress produce an acidic
environment. These considerations are very important for people affected by
cancer because cancer functions more readily in an acid environment than it does
in an alkaline environment. A good practice is to drink enough water each day to
make your urine a pale yellow colour, or colorless. This will help to keep the taste
of urine as ‘neutral’ as possible, provided that dietary habits are in check. In
summary, the production of quality urine will vary from person to person. Factors
that may affect the process are age, physical condition, emotional and mental
states, dietary habits, and the presence, or otherwise of an illness.
The majority of useful, vital substances are found in the morning urine, and it has
proven to be the most efficacious against combating disease and maintaining
optimum health. The rationale is that after the body has rested during the night,
the energy that you were saving was used by the body to produce all sorts of
beneficial hormones, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and vital elements to aid in the
body’s repair and maintenance and that urine is the most “nutritionally rich”,
making it the most potent elixir. The deep relaxation during the night gives the
body the chance to carry out its recovery activities. The decomposition products
partly end up in the urine and can be reabsorbed and used for new buildup
processes. This process of filtering by the kidneys returns the so called raw
decomposition products to their original substances, which can subsequently be
absorbed and reused by the body. Certain hormones are also released during
sleep, a number of which are intended to bring about the above mentioned deep
relaxation. Reabsorbing these hormones ensures that we are more rested during
the waking hours. It saves the body energy because it does not have to
manufacture these hormones again. Ingestion of the morning urine, which is full
of hormones, regulates the entire hormonal process. These hormones have the
particular function of maintaining hormonal balance.
Most people who start urine therapy find the taste of their urine too sour, bitter
or pungent to stomach and the odour too strong to bear. Even if diluted, they
may experience nausea, headaches or other strong reactions before they get used
to it and start seeing results. Keep in mind, the bitter taste will not be conducted
through the capillaries of the tongue, but solely through the nose. If you pinch
your nose while drinking, you will not taste anything. It is also helpful, whatever
volume you choose to drink, to do it in one go. That is to say, take a deep breath
and drink it all at once. It is far more challenging to drink it a mouthful at a time
because of the repeated engagement of the senses of taste and smell. Another
method of drinking it undiluted would be to have a second glass of distilled water
or fruit juice standing by, take a deep breath and drink the urine down in one go,
and then, while still holding the breath, wash it down with the water or juice. This
removes the smell component of the taste. It is an important consideration that
urine is a mere sample of what is flowing through the body’s veins and if repulsive,
it should be used as a motivation to improve the internal conditions rather than
as an excuse for not using this therapy to create higher health. Urine is actually
cleaner and more alive than much of the food and drink that people take into
their body. However, how much more valuable, medicinal and cleansing if the
urine is the product of a body fed healthy, natural and organic foods. Drinking
urine seriously makes people think seriously about what they eat. Since it is a by-
product of the blood, it makes sense that the cleaner the blood is, the healthier
the urine will be. But even urine from relatively unhealthy blood contains valuable
immunological factors that can improve health if recycled. The urine drinking’s
cleansing effect on the blood can be observed by the change in taste and the
colour of the urine as it is more and more recycled: it becomes purer and clearer.
Start by taking only a few drops each day in order to let your body adjust
gradually. Fill a clean medicine dropper from the cup of urine and place one or
two drops under your tongue. This method lets you get used to the taste slowly
and will still give you health benefits. You can slowly increase and adjust the
amount later when you’ve determined what amount is right for your condition.
1). Start by taking 1-5 drops of morning urine on the first day.
2). The second day, take 5-10 drops in the morning.
3). On the third day, take 5-10 drops in the morning, and the same amount in the
evening before you go to bed.
4). Once you feel accustomed to the therapy, gradually increase the amount as
needed for obtaining results for your condition. As you use the therapy, you will
learn to adjust the amount you need by observing your reactions to the therapy.
Anyone who is in a diseased state is strongly encouraged to take an increased
dose. Any increase in the amount will be more effective towards a speedy
recovery. Sick people are in need of a radical catharsis, and larger doses of urine
will help the body reach homeostasis faster.
It should be noted that if there are any hidden maladies at the time of initiation,
they will also be eradicated during the process of organic purification. One who
is healthy may also experience some reactions as the body starts to cleanse itself,
with symptoms such as headache, fever, nausea, diarrhea, tiredness, skin rashes
or a general feeling of uneasiness. I must emphasize that one should not be
frightened by these reactions. They are completely NORMAL. In many of the
research studies, the doctors often observed such symptoms in their patients,
which are the body’s natural responses as stored toxins from illness and disorders
are excreted and removed from the body. The body is simply beginning to
detoxify, releasing toxic or poisonous substances, some of which may have been
stored in it for many, many years. Releasing these substances is a good thing, but
the process, which might be an unpleasant one, needs to be monitored either by
yourself. Also, by starting your therapy with a few oral drops, you may avoid or
lessen the severity of detoxification. If you have begun your therapy with larger
amounts, and are experiencing unpleasant symptoms that seem unbearable,
decrease the amount you are ingesting and continue with smaller doses.
A healing ‘crisis’ can be understood as the turning point in the healing of a
condition that is adversely affecting the body. Any uncomfortable symptoms are
normal ways the body deals with a situation that is foreign to it. They can be seen
as signs that the body is clearing itself of a greater volume of toxins than what it
is ordinarily used to eliminating. The body must go through organic purification
to reach optimum health. In order to do so, elimination of the toxic build-up must
be expelled through the body’s own natural mechanisms. In all the case histories
that have been studied, it is a mandatory step in the process of natural healing.
Everyone’s chemical make-up is unique, therefore the rate and intensity at which
purification and reactions occur will vary for each individual. Some people go
through this process quite quickly and easily, while others will find it necessary to
make radical changes in their diet and lifestyle. This will depend largely on how
toxic one is.
Treatment of symptoms of a crisis should be no different from the treatments you
have used in the past. If, for example, diarrhoea occurs just do what you would
ordinarily do. That is, fast from solids and keep up the fluids (filtered water, not
coffee, tea, carbonated drinks or alcohol) to avoid dehydration. If you experience
an overall feeling of weakness this may be nothing more than the body signalling
to you that it has used an excessive amount of energy in the detoxification
process, and rest is called for. All these reactions may begin within a short time
(2-3 days) or may take longer, depending upon one’s health condition. It is
recommended to continue the intake of urine during the time of reactions. In very
extreme cases of diarrhea, a decreased intake of urine is indicated, making it
easier for the body to adjust to this process. However, one should always use
urine externally no matter what the amount of urine intake is. (more on this will
be found in the next chapter).
The more diseased one is, the greater the reaction to the treatment, and a longer
period of ingestion of urine will be needed to complete the healing process. Even
though the reactions seem to be incompatible in their appearance, think of what
the body is doing at that time, and feel positive about it. When the reactions
appear to be too strong for one to bear, decrease the intake of urine; and increase
it again when one feels more at ease.
Research studies show that boiling urine destroys many of its medicinal
properties, so when taking it internally, use it only in its fresh, natural form.
Research studies have also shown that diluting urine (or urea) decreases its
antibacterial activity, so rather than diluting it in juice or water to get accustomed
to using it, use a few oral drops instead.
Like all other natural therapies, this is not a treatment that needs to be stopped
after the relief of certain symptoms, but can be incorporated into one’s life-long
health regime. More subtle yet very real effects of this therapy as a lifestyle choice
include feeling stronger, more grounded, self-confident, invigorated and
generally lighter mentally, emotionally and physically.
Finally, It is vital to mention that it is expected that anyone who commences
drinking their own urine for healing purposes does so in the belief that it will
cause healing. As discussed earlier we have to change our thinking so that we
think of urine as an instrument of healing instead of thinking of it as a body waste.
The physiological experience of actually drinking it for the first time is made more
challenging by our pre-existing beliefs. However, once we overcome any negative
beliefs we previously had about urine, we make an important connection between
the mind and body. Apart from urine’s physiological ability to heal, as discussed
above, we add to that a driving force which is us telling our body that what we
are doing is going to bring forth healing.

Chapter 6: External Use

The skin is the largest organ in the body. It is essential that one uses urine
externally when using it internally. Urine’s antiseptic qualities are unsurpassable.
Urine massages are the second key component of urine therapy, which is every
bit as important as drinking. Drinking the urine stimulates the body to push out
toxicity through all its channels of elimination, the breath, the bowels and the
skin, but urine massages concentrate on the largest organ of elimination the skin
by drawing toxicity out of it, as well as giving the top layers of skin access to
rejuvenating stem cells and other beneficial substances not normally afforded to
The entire body should be massaged. This will take at least an hour. Particular
attention should be paid to the soles of the feet, head and face, and the neck,
chest, stomach and pelvic region where the lymph glands are located. This does
not mean that other areas of the body should be neglected. Rubbing the entire
body every morning with fresh urine will be a great asset for the skin. And don’t
worry; nobody will smell your new lotion. Provided the urine is rubbed into the
skin until it completely evaporates there will be little to no remaining smell,
however, some people will want to rinse their body afterwards. Wait at least an
hour before taking a shower or rinsing off. This will allow sufficient time for the
nutrients contained within the urine to be absorbed into the skin. When rinsing
off do not use soap and only use lukewarm water. Urine is a natural soap, a skin-
food, and it will rebuild tissues.
The external application of urine can be seen as a kind of first aid. Small injuries,
sprains, burns, etc., are treated directly with fresh urine. Small areas of application
like pimples, warts, age spots, or ugly scars can be wetted several times a day. If
you don’t want to have the urine on your fingers, you can use a cotton swab.
Applying urine to the skin is an excellent treatment for every imaginable type of
skin disorder including all rashes, eczema, psoriasis, acne, etc. Acne, dry or oily
facial skin, can be cleared and eliminated by rubbing the first urine onto the face
in the morning. For the rest of the body you may also use older urine, which has
already developed an ammonia odour. The odour will disappear after the urine
has been absorbed into the skin. Applications onto areas of pain should be made
twice daily. The urea in urine, as the research studies demonstrated, is also
excellent for cosmetic use as an overall skin beautifier and moisturizer.
1. Use either fresh or old urine for skin applications, although old urine has a
higher ammonia content and has been found to be more effective in
treating many stubborn skin disorders such as eczema or psoriasis.
2. Pour a little urine into the palm of the hand, and taking a section at a time,
such as the head or an arm, gently massage the urine into the skin until it
completely absorbs and the skin becomes dry. Do the same with the hair,
massage the urine into the hair and scalp until the hair is dry and the urine
has completely absorbed.
3. When treating skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis, rashes, etc. pour a
small amount of urine onto a cotton ball or pad and pat or massage it
lightly onto the affected area, making sure that the area is well saturated.
4. Discard the pad and saturate another clean pad with fresh urine and
reapply, lightly patting and soaking the affected area. Continue reapplying
in this manner for 5-10 minutes or as many times as desired – the more
that the affected area is treated, the better.
5. Another method is to pour old or fresh urine into a clean, plastic spray
bottle and spray the rash, eczema, etc.
Urine can also be used to control dandruff and to ‘shampoo’ hair. Either fresh or
old urine is suitable, although better results have been reported with older urine.
It has proved itself in the elimination of dandruff. It is preferable to rub the urine
into the scalp and leave it for thirty minutes to an hour. However, this is strictly
not necessary. Excellent results can be achieved by giving the scalp a good
massage with urine while in the shower, leaving the urine in the hair for as long
as it takes to shower the rest of the body, and then rinse it out. The initial difficulty
in using urine for hair cleaning is a psychological one. In the beginning it takes a
little time to accept that the hair is actually clean. This is so because after using
conventional shampoos and conditioners all our lives we have come to believe
that these two products in combination are necessary. Firstly, we use shampoo to
strip away dirt and grease, and natural oils, and then we replace those oils we
have stripped out of the hair by using a conditioner. We have also gotten used to
the feel of our hair after going through this process. Once you have come to
accept that your hair is actually clean you know that this barrier has been
overcome. Some advocates claim that not rinsing out the urine has an even more
powerful result. This might just be too much for a lot of people. A midway point
could be to leave it overnight and rinse it out the following morning when taking
a shower. It has also been claimed that those who use urine as a hair treatment
will retain their natural hair colour much longer than would otherwise have been
the case.
Although the cheapest and best remedy, urine is rarely recommended for
massage. But a urine massage provides a great alternative whether you massage
your partner, your children, or yourself. Nothing regenerates weakened skin (due
to a damaged pH balance) faster or better. If the problem is tension in the neck,
a sore muscle, tennis elbow, or cramps, nothing is more effective than the residue-
free massage of urine into the skin. The urine should be between three and six
days old (therefore, keep collecting it). Since urine has a blood thinning effect, it
will generate a very pleasant warming circulation. Anybody who has aesthetic
difficulties with a urine massage can take a shower afterward (but please, avoid
the use of chemical soaps or bath oils)
John Armstrong recommended this practice especially when fasting for an acute
condition, and people who use it swear by it. These massages have a tonifying,
refreshing, relaxing effect and are said to allow for gradual absorption of urine
nutrients through the skin. Pour either old or fresh urine into a wide, shallow
container and dip your hands into the liquid. Shake off excess, then vigorously
massage into a small area of skin anywhere on the body until hands and skin are
dry. Rewet hands and begin massaging another area until dry; repeat this step
until all skin areas have been well massaged. There is no need to rinse off the
urine, in fact, the water that comes out of the shower head is very dirty compared
to the urine, and hot water tends to open the pores and allow unwanted minerals
and toxicity to deposit themselves under the skin. The skin is the largest organ of
elimination in the body and massaging urine will stimulate the skin to dump the
toxins that it may be harbouring. Many have heard that should one be stung by
a jellyfish, urinating on the sting will pull out the Jellyfish toxin, however urine will
extract any and all toxins through the skin.
John Armstrong (author of The Water of Life) emphasises the importance of
massaging with urine. He insists that cures work faster and more effectively in
those that are bathed, massaged, rubbed and soaked in their own urine. He highly
recommends it for more serious illnesses since urine is absorbed through the skin,
and the hormonal and protein-based contents are slowly reabsorbed into the
system, by-passing digestive juices that may have neutralised their potency
otherwise. In this way, it works best to heal skin blemishes, burns and scar tissue.
However, for this usage, he considers it preferable to use old urine of 4 to 8 days
old. The results of Urine Massages are softer, smoother skin, the reduction of
wrinkles and age spots, increased skin elasticity, and the healing of skin
For those who value smooth, flawless skin and a healthy appearance massaging
fresh urine daily into the skin in the morning or in the evening is recommended.
You can use this method after your morning shower. It is also extremely effective
as an aftershave lotion. Rub fresh urine thoroughly into your skin in the morning
and pay extra attention to the face and hair. Skin becomes soft and smooth, and
hair lustrous and clean. Fresh urine can be used for snorting through the nose, as
well, and it will clear the nasal pathways. If you plan to use urine for the ears or
eyes, fresh and warm urine is preferred, which can be collected in a 30ml dropper
bottle (obtainable at the drugstore), at any time of the day. A foot bath is good
for circulation and can also affect the entire body, as reflex zones are situated
under the foot. Both heated, old and warm, fresh urine are suitable for these
purposes. If you plan to take a foot or hip bath, collect your urine over the course
of one day so that you have enough to fill a washtub halfway. Urine therapy is an
excellent remedy for dandruff, lifeless hair and even baldness and hair loss.
Massage urine briskly into the scalp, allow it to be absorbed for thirty minutes to
an hour, and then wash it out with lukewarm water (do not use soap or shampoo).
Hair becomes clean and lustrous. If you do not rinse out the urine, the effect is
even more powerful. You can use both fresh and old urine for this. Your hair will,
however, become more beautiful and vital. Those who apply urine therapy often
do not turn grey but retain their original hair colour at a later age. If intensively
applied, hair might grow again on bald spots.

Chapter 7: Storage & Aging

Aged urine is that which has been stored for 8 days or more. When stored
correctly, Urine can be kept indefinitely, and the older it gets the more effective
it becomes. To age urine, store fresh urine in a glass container with a gas
permeable covering so that it can “breathe”. For example, if using a bottle, then
stop with a wad of cotton wool, if using a jar then cover with a piece of cloth held
in place with an elastic band. Store in a cool place where it will not be disturbed.
You may wish to have the containers marked with the date the urine in each was
Urine is a “living” liquid, it remains alive as long as you do, and the stem cells
(undifferentiated cells that can become anything within the body) that it contains,
continue to divide and multiply while in storage. This makes Aged Urine a very
powerful agent for healing cuts, burns, rashes, inflammation and for any other
topical use.
Aged urine has increased cleansing and purifying properties. Urine used for
massage is best if it is at least four days old. The more urine ages the more alkaline
it becomes as urea decomposes into ammonia. It is usual for older urine to look
cloudy because as the urine ages, calcium precipitates. It is also usual for old urine
to contain sediment. Many people will associate the ammonia smell with
infrequently cleaned public toilets. If the urine being used for massage smells a
little this way don’t be alarmed or put off by the smell. It is still perfectly okay to
use. The smell is just part of the fermentation process. During the fermentation
process, urea changes into allantoin, a substance with very strong skin healing
How to Age The Urine according to Harry Matadeen
Step 1: Piss your fresh Urine (anytime of day) into a glass or plastic container,
preferably a glass one as plastic ones will leach some of the plastic info into the
urine but they both work.
Step 2: Open Lid or Close Lid. The urine will age by itself now. It will age a little
faster with open lid.
Step 3: Wait 4 Days. Your aged urine will now alkaline and super potent. If you
have the time, patience and perseverance, wait even longer, let it age for 1-3
Step 4: Drink the Aged Urine you have collected in small sips, and I say sips
because more than likely it will feel uncomfortable and too powerful to swig back
all in one go. It won’t taste great, but you will feel different in an instant. Energy
levels will soar. You have just drunk the ultimate energy healing drink.
Step 5: If Step 4 is too much to fathom right now, you can use your collected
aged Urine topically as another option. Rub on a part of skin and see /feel its
power. It will pull out the toxins from your skin, it will darken it, hydrate it and de-
age any skin area its applied to.
Chapter 8: Fasting
Most people who choose to use urine therapy will do so in conjunction with a
normal intake of food. Observations indicate that where urine therapy is being
undertaken to treat a serious or chronic condition there is greater healing
potential if food is eliminated altogether for the time that urine therapy is being
undertaken. To maximise the potential of urine therapy in such a circumstance, it
is recommended that it is done on urine and water alone.
However, doing so in the care of an experienced urine therapist is highly
recommended. People who intend to rid themselves of a malady, may fast on
their urine. The longevity of the fast depends on the severity of one’s health
condition. It is preferable to not commence a urine fast unless you are completely
comfortable with drinking urine. It is going to take a powerful mindset to do this
type of fast. The preparation for it is very important. Additionally, for a serious or
chronic condition a fast could be used in conjunction with urine massage and
urine enemas for maximum impact to be realised. Long fasts will not be necessary
to root out our disease, but in certain cases it is strongly advocated to take short
fasts on urine and water, followed by a very light cleansing diet, and repeating
this process until the body is able to rejuvenate. This will considerably accelerate
the speed of recovery time. Consistent fasts done frequently are often more
powerful than long fasts done seldomly.
Preparation for a fast
1. Two to three days before a fast commences, increase the amount of urine
being drunk over that which the body has been used to.
2. Decrease (or better yet eliminate) the amount of salt, sugar, animal protein
and cooked foods, if it is still part of your diet.
3. Increase the amount of water over that being previously drunk.
4. Eat meals of fruit, steamed or raw vegetables which are more easily
digested and which will help the intestines to purge themselves
in preparation for the fast.
The above considerations will help you transition more easily into the fast.
The Fast
1. Drink only urine and water during the fast.
2. Take more rest and relaxation than normal. Some proponents advocate
not working or physically exerting oneself during the fast so that the
purifying process can take place undisturbed.
3. Commence in the morning after waking and drink the first urination of the
4. Wait at least 15 minutes after drinking the first lot of urine before taking
in any water. Then drink water throughout the day. It is better to take the
water a mouthful at a time, have a short break and then take another
mouthful. Keep water nearby so that you get into the habit of drinking it.
5. Drink all the urine that is captured during the day. Because of the constant
ingestion of urine and water the supply of urine will become more
6. During the sleep time period the body will need all the rest it can get. If
you continue to drink urine into the evening up to bedtime you may be
constantly waking because of a need to go to the toilet. It is therefore
prudent to stop drinking urine a couple of hours before bed. Any urine
voided during night time can be put aside in a glass container and used
for massage.
Length of fast
The length of the fast will be determined by the reason for the fast being
undertaken. If it is being undertaken as a detoxifier of the body, a fast of around
three to five days should be sufficient. Also, for someone who is intending a much
longer fast, an introductory fast of around three days may be required to give you
an idea of how you and your body are going to respond. Remember, always listen
to what your body is telling you and respond accordingly.
If you are intending to fast for a much longer period, for example, more than two
weeks, it is advisable to undertake one, perhaps two to three short fasts as
preliminary to the longer one. By doing this you will gain a good idea of how your
body is going to respond and an idea of what it is going to mean to you to
organise your life around the fast. You could sequence this by doing the first short
fast, wait a week, commence the second short fast, wait a week and if all is well,
commence the longer fast. It would be very unusual if a person was unaware they
were suffering from a chronic condition. However, this could be so in the case of
some cancers where the warning signs were not picked up, or ignored. If a person
chose to go down the path of a urine fast for such a condition it would be
advisable to move immediately into a long fast.
In the ‘The Water of Life’ you will find plenty of examples of people who went to
Armstong and were treated for chronic, life threatening conditions. He advocated
a forty-five day fast accompanied by daily urine massages as the first response to
such conditions. Armstrong also experienced that urine taken internally passes
through all digestive organs and is well filtered through. With every filtration, its
purity increases on each repeated intake of urine. Everybody can have this
experience by keeping one day’s fast on urine and water. Urine then purifies the
body and removes foreign accumulated matter. It renews the glands and nerves
rendered lifeless by disease. As a matter of fact, urine not only sets in order the
lungs, gall-bladder, stomach, brain, heart, etc., but removes many incurable
diseases also. In short, we can obtain best results by keeping a fast on urine and
Dr.Phillips on One Meal A Day Fasting paired with Urine Therapy:
On OMAD your body will be in a fasted state for 23 hrs a day. This is very good
for your blood and therefore your urine, your body is not dealing with pushing
all that food through you all that time. The compounds released are more
beneficial due to not being interrupted by having to push food through you
during those 23 hrs a day. It’s not just the human growth hormones that increase
in your urine by around 2000%, this applies to every other beneficial compound
made by the body for your body when on OMAD. The percentages will be
different with each compound but the principle is the same. On OMAD the good
stuff increases by huge amounts in your urine. So on OMAD urine looping
program your body makes even more of the beneficial compounds at exactly the
right time. The answer to deficiencies is not to eat for 23 hrs a day and feed
yourself your own perfect medicine instead. Feed yourself your own personal
pharmacy that is complete and will not take you out of the fasted state.
The protocol rules:
Each day you are allowed one meal, one plate, with only 1 beverage, to be
consumed in 1 hour at most. This is the ultimate bio life hack that rewards you
with physical and cognitive benefits, not to mention that it is also financially
beneficial. Your urine and your life will improve in astronomical ways you can’t
even imagine if you incorporate this protocol as a lifestyle choice long term. In a
nutshell that’s it. You eat only once per day in the evenings at a time that suits
you. You have a one plate meal and as a starter have either a large juice or
smoothie. This will digest quickly and you can take your time eating and most
importantly ENJOYING your solid food meal all in one hour. You can eat whatever
you want in your one meal, but the better choices you make the better the results
will be.
To start the day, drink a couple of litres of elixir (urine) as soon as you wake up.
All that you have produced since your last meal the previous evening. This does
not take you out of the fasted state. But it will loosen your bowels and give you
an internal enema in a short time. Cleaning you right the way through. All the bad
stuff goes out the back, this is cleaning the inside of your body. It’s important not
to consume anything outside your eating window that will start the digestive
system off and take you out of a fasted state. Don’t even lick a stamp! And
certainly no chewing gum or even oral sprays. It’s also best to avoid any kind of
beverages such as tea, coffee or other drinks during this time. Even bottled
mineral water or tap water contain thousands of things that need to be processed
by the body. If you need to drink water then make sure it’s pure H20 with zero
parts per million of anything. Get a good table top distiller and make your own
pure water.
When you go 20+ hours in a fasted state continually there are many beneficial
hormones and compounds that increase by thousands of percent. How do we
know this? From tests of the urine. Think about that. To say it correctly, “if you go
20+hours in a fasted state then your human growth hormone goes up 2000% in
your urine!” Testosterone and human growth hormone for example increases by
2000% or over 20x in the urine of men who continued to fast for 20 hours or more
per day. Your urine is a snapshot of you. The test showed thousands of percent
increase in many beneficial compounds, all these substances are in your elixir of
life and if you re-ingest these, the body can use them again and benefits from
them again and again.
When it comes the time to break the fast, have your last big loop 20-30 mins
before you eat. This is the last one of the day. After your meal stop looping, and
begin to save it for tomorrow morning. This will help you digest your meal, and
give your kidneys a rest at night time, and help you sleep without needing to pee
in the night so much, or at all so you can get good quality sleep. If you follow
this protocol then your own water should be a very enjoyable pleasure even after
slightly ageing for a few hours overnight. In the morning when you wake up, this
container you filled will be just what you feel like drinking. The very best satisfying
drink you could ever order from any place in the world and it’s given to you for
free just when you feel like it all through the day. I know this is hard to believe for
those new to urine therapy. But I assure you it is absolutely true that when you
get your body clean, your own urine becomes just like slightly sweet coconut
water. It smells good and tastes great, it feels so good to drink it down every time
you loop it. Your elixir will not take you out of a fasted state like the rest of the
drinks will do. Orin satisfies you and sustains you so that you really look forward
to and enjoy every time you loop it. If you feel hungry during the day then looping
gives you what you need. You can literally feel the goodness going back into
your bloodstream.
The urine will wash out accumulated waste matter, layers of harmful toxins, the
injurious substance sticking in the intestines, mucus deposited in the chest, lungs
and stomach and other foreign deposits. They come out by way of vomiting, or
by loose motions. There is nothing to be alarmed at these reactions. One should
think that the poisons deposited in the body are thus coming out and the body
is becoming more and more clean. All such actions and reactions should be
viewed with a cool mind. Nature should be allowed to do her work. One should
not lose heart and resort to medicines, internal or external. No medicine should
be taken to suppress or remove the reaction. If we have just completed a long
urine fast (over 3 days) particular caution is necessary for at least a few days after
breaking the fast. Control on diet and habits is necessary for a number of days
even after the fast. Ordinarily, the fast should be broken with juice, which will be
light on digestion. Orange juice, grape juice, or lemon juice can be great options.
It’s recommended to keep intake light for the first few days after breaking the
urine fast, and continue as normal with urine rehydration.
Monica, an experienced Urine Therapist talks about the state of bliss.
“In a totally clean body, when this state is achieved (which only few achieve),
hunger and even thirst completely disappear. And being high all the time, you
have no need to make yourself “happy” with food. Your own natural high state is
WAY BEYOND more gratifying and exciting than any taste in your palate. Trust
me, I’ve been there, it’s like having a thousand orgasms non stop. You don’t think
of food AT ALL.
I got to experience that state and remained there for many hours (almost a full
day) after a 4 day urine fast, which I did after 2-3 months eating only one fruit
meal a day, while practicing UT very intensively…. using a lot of aged urine to
cleanse my body, through enemas (several a day), drinking little sips and doing
long massage sessions – whole body rubs every single day, which equals to
drinking about a full glass or more of aged urine through the skin. The skin starts
absorbing the aged urine much quicker, when there are no additional toxins being
introduced into the body through unnatural foods. Also, the more one does the
body rubs with aged urine, the more this frees all the pores and inner channels to
allow more absorption of aged urine. During my 4 day urine fast I was also
massaging my body daily for many hours with aged urine. This really got rid of all
the parasites in my system and activated my pineal gland.
It’s our natural state to be that “high” and we simply have to keep the body clean,
so our own energy can flow through it uninterruptedly and we can FEEL it.”

Chapter 9: References
Here is a list of multiple references and books written on the subject of Urine Therapy.

Armstrong, John W., The Water of Life A Treatise on Urine Therapy, 2005
ed., Vermillion.
Dr Beatrice Bartnett: Urine Therapy: It May Save Your Life
Coen Van der Kroon: Golden Fountain: Complete Guide To Urine Therapy
Christy, Martha M., Your Own Perfect Medicine, 1994, Wishland Publishing
Shivambu Shastra: Mother of Ayurvedic Medicine – By Natalia Perera
Peschek-Bohmer, F. & Schreiber, G., Urine Therapy Nature’s Elixir for Good
Health, 1999, Healing Arts Press.
Sharma, S.K., Miracles of Urine Therapy, 2005, Diamond Books.
Urine Therapy E-Book by John Bettens
Tieze, Harald W., Urine The Holy Water, 3rd. ed., Harald W. Tieze Publishing
Pty Ltd.
Omad Urine Looping By Dr.Phillips
Here are over sixty references from the medical industry of doctors and
institutions whose conclusions support the medicinal properties found in
 Judell, B., “HIV Urine Testing Nearing Reality”: Bay Area Reporter,
August 8, 1988.
 Burzynski, S.R., et al., “Antineoplaston A in Cancer Therapy”,
Physiology, Chemistry, & Physics, Vol. 9, 1977, pg. 485.
 MacKay, E.M. and Schroeder, C.R.: Virucidal (rabies and polio) activity
of aqueous urea solution. Proceedings of the Society of Experimental
Biology, 35: 74-76, 1936.
 Noble, R C . , et al ., “Bactericidal Properties of Urine for Neisseria
gonorrhea”: Sexually Transmitted Diseases., Vol. 1-l, #-1, pp.221-226.
 Wilson, C.W.M. and Lewis, A., Auto-Immune Therapy Against Human
Allergic Disease: A Physiological Self Defe11cc Factor, Medical
Hypotheses 12:143 -158, 1983.
 Myrvik, Q., Weiser, R.S., Houglum, B. and Berger, L.R.: Studies on the
Tuberculoinhibitory Properties of Ascorbic Acid Derivatives and their
Possible Role in Inhibition of Tubercle Bacilli by Urine, The American
Review of Tuberculosis, Vol. 69 January – June 195-1.
 “Urea: New Use of an Old Agent”, Symposium on Surgery of the Head
and Neck, 1957.
 Dunne, N.L., The Use of injected and Sublingual Urine in the
Treatment of Allergies, A Preliminary Report, held at Oxford Medical
Symposium, 1981.
 Hegyeli, A., McLaughlin, J. A . , and Szent-Gyorgyi, A.: Preparation of
Retine from Human Urine, Science, December 20, 1963, pp. 1571-
 Smith, H., “De Urina”, Journal of American Medical Association, Vol.
155, #10, pp. 899 – 902
 Kolata, G., “Surgery on Fetuses Reveals They Heal Without Scars”,
New York Times, August 16, 1988, Section C, pp. 1-3.
 Free, A H . and Free, H.M., Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice,
CRC Press, Inc. 1975, pp. 13 -17.
 Cameron, Stewart, Kidney Disease, The Facts, Oxford University Press,
1986, pg. 3.
 Staff Reporter, “Now Urine Business,” Hippocrates (Magazine), May,
 Munk, N., “The child is the father of the man”: Forbes, August 16,
1993, pp. 88 – 92.
 Physicians’ Desk Reference for Nonprescription Drugs, Medical
Economics Data Productions Co. Inc., 14th Edition, 1993.
 Serup, J., Acta Derm Venerol (Stockholm) 1992: Suppl. 177: pp. 29
 Herman, J.R., “Autourotherapy”, New York State Journal of Medicine,
Vol. 80, #7, June, 1980, pp. 1149 – 1154.
 Davies, 0., “Youthful Uric Acid”, Omni Magazine October, 1982,
Continuum Section.
 Free, A.H. and Free, H.M., Urinalysis in Clinical and Laboratory
Practice, CRC Press, Inc. 1975, pg. 1.
 Beasley, J.D., The Betrayal of Health, Times Books, 1991, pp.191
 “Urea: New Use of an Old Agent”, Symposium on Surgery of the Head
and Neck, 1957.
 Physicians’ Desk Reference, 1992, page 1200.
 Schlegel, J.U., Cueller, J., and O’Dell, R.M., “Bactericidal Effect of
Urea”, The Journal of Urology, Vol. 86, o.6, Dec. 1961, pp.819-822.
 Free and Free, A.H., and H.M., Urinalysis in Clinical and Laboratory
Practice, Chapter 1, pg. 13.
 Handbook of Toxic and Hazardous Chemicals and Carcinogens,
 Kaye, D., “Antibacterial Activity of Human Urine”, Journal of Clinical
Investigation, Vol. 47, 1968, pp. 2374 – 2390.
 Lerner, A.M., et al., “Neutralizing Antibody to Polioviruses in Normal
Human Urine”, Journal of Clinical Investigation, Vol. 41, No. 4, April,
1962, pp. 805-815.
 Berger, R., et al., “Demonstration of lgA Polioantibody in Saliva,
Duodenal fluid and Urine”, Nature, Vol. 214, April 22, 1967, pp. 420-
 Giordano, C., “The Use of Exogenous and Endogenous Urea for
Protein Synthesis in Normal and Uremic Subjects”, Renal Laboratory,
Naples University School of Medicine, 1963.
 Sandweiss, D.j., Sugarman, M.H., Friedman, M.H.F., and Saltzstcin,
H.C., “The Effect of Urine Extracts on Peptic Ulcer”, Joum. , Oct. 1941,
pp. 371 – 382.
 Armstrong, J., The Water of Life, C.W. Daniel Publishers, 1944-.
 Weinstein, L. and McDonald, A.: The action of urea and some of its
derivatives on Bacteria, Journal of Immunology, Volume 54: pp. 117 -
149, 1946.
 “Fourth Annual Report on Carcinogens”, Journal of Advanced Cancer
Research, 1986.
 Plesch, J., “Urine-Therapy”, Medical Press (London), Vol. 218, August
6, 1947, pp. 371 – 382.
 Bjornesjo, K.B., “On the Effect of Human Urine 0n Tubercle Bacilli ll:
The Tuberculostatic Effect on Various Urine Constituents”, Acta
Scandinavica, Vol. 25, No.5, 1951, pp. 447-455.
 Myrvik, Q., et al., “Studies on the Tuberculoinhibitory; Properties of
Ascorbic Acid Derivatives and Their Possible Role in Inhibition of
Tubercle Bacilli by Urine”, American Review of Tuberculosis, Vol. 69,
No.3, March 1954, pp. 406 – 418.
 Tsuji, S., et al., “Isolation from Human Urine of a Polypeptide Having
Marked Tuberculostatic Activity”, American Review of Respiratory
Diseases, Vol. 91, No. 6, June 1965, pp. 832-838.
 Associate Press, “Tuberculosis on rise in US”, Arizona Republic,
10/8/93, Section A 6.
 Dunne, N.P., “The Use of Injected and Sublingual Urine in the
Treatment of Allergies”, A Preliminary Report held at Oxford Medical
Symposium, 1981.
 International Immunology Institute, “lmmuno-Tolerance”, Physician’s
Handbook, 1982, pp. 1, 16.
 Linscott, William D., Specific Immunologic Unresponsiveness, Basic
and Clinical Immunology, Lange Medical Publications, 3rd Edition,
 Wilson, C.W.M., and Lewis, A., “Auto-Immune Therapy Against
Human Allergic Disease: A Physiological Self Defense Factor”, Medical
Hypothesis, Vol. 12, 1983, p. 143.
 Wilson, C.W.M., “The Protective Effect of Auto-lmmune Buccal Urine
Therapy (AlBUT) Against the Raynaud Phenomenon”, Medical
Hypothesis, Vol. 13: 99-107, 1984.
 Noble, R.C., et al., “Bactericidal Properties of Urine for Neisseria
gonorrhea”, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Vol.14, #4, Oct-Dec 1987,
pp. 221-226.
 Liao, Z., et al., “Identification of a Specific Interleukin 1 Inhibitor in
the Urine of Febrile Patients”, Journal of Experimental Medicine,
Rockefeller University Press, Vol. 159, January, 1984, pp. 126 -136.
 Mannucci, P.M. and D’ Angelo, A., Urokinase, Basic and Clinical
Aspects, Serono Symposia. Academic Press, 1982.
 Beasley, The Betrayal of Health, 1993, Times Books, p. 206 and 201
and p. 4
 McMenamin, B., “An educated consumer is the best patient”, Forbes,
June 21, 1993, pg. ll8.
 Kent, S., “DHEA: Miracle Drug?”, Geriatrics, Vol. 37, No. 9, 1982, pp.
157 – 161.
 Celia Farber, A.I.D.S. Words From lite Front, Co-Factors Magazine,
June, 1988, pg. 81, 82.
 Farber, C., and Lederer, B., ” A.I.D.S. Words From lite Front, Co-Factors
Magazine, V Vol. 5, lo.3, June 1989, pp. 90-107.
 Staff Reporter, “HIV Urine Testing Nearing Reality” Bay Area Reporter,
August 8, 1990, pg. 1.
 International Immunology Institute, “Immuno-Tolerance”, Physician’s
Handbook, 1982 pp. 1, 16.
 Staff Writers, “Blood Clots: Legs and Lungs”, Harvard Medical School
Health Letter, Vol. 10, o. 3, January, 1985. pg.5.
 Swanbeck, C., “Urea in the Treatment of Dry Skin”, Acta Derm
Venereal (Stockholm), 1992; Suppl. 177: pp. 7-8.
 Physician’s Desk Reference for Non-Prescription Drugs, Medical
Economics Data Production, 1993.
 Hanson, Lars A., et al., “Characterization of Antibodies in Human
Urine”, Journal of Clinical Investigation, Vol. 44, No. 5, 1965, pp. 703-
 Free and Free, Urinalysis in Clinical and Laboratory Practice, pg. 32.
 Soeda, Momoe, “Treatment of Gastric Cancer with HUD, an Antigenic
Substance obtained from Patient’s Urine”, Tokyo Nihon Igaku
Hoshasen Gakkai, Vol. 28, 12/25/68, pp. 1265 – 1278.
 Null, Gary, “The Suppression of Cancer Cures”, Penthouse, Oct. 1979,
pp. 90-95
 “Effect of Urea on Cerebrospinal Fluid Pressure in Human Subjects”.
Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 160, No 11,
3/17/56. Pp. 943 – 949
 “Shivambu Kalpa” by Arthur Lincoln Pauls, D.O.
 “Golden Fountain: The Complete Guide to Urine Therapy” by Coen
Van der Croon
 “Your Own Perfect Medicine” by Martha M. Christy.

Chapter 10: Q&A

The most important prerequisite for urine therapy is this: The only people
eligible for the internal use of the self-urine therapy are the ones whose
bladder, kidneys, and genitals are absolutely healthy. In case of a bladder
infection, a sexually transmitted disease, or the intake of certain medications
(cortisone, strong pain relievers, psychopharmaceuticals, antibiotics,
insulin), urine should only be used externally.
Q: Are there harmful substances in urine?
A: Urea is one substance that is commonly regarded as harmful. This might be so
in large quantities, but the amount contained in one’s own urine will not take that
quantity to a dangerous level. In fact, when ingested orally the urine ends up in
the intestines where it can have a cleansing or purifying effect. Bacteria in the
intestines are able to convert the urea into glutamine. Glutamine is an amino acid
found in meat, poultry, and vegetables like cabbage and spinach. It supports the
immune, digestive and nervous systems, assists in removing excess ammonia
from the body, helps regulate blood glucose levels, and helps balance pH
(acid/alkaline) levels.
Q: Does urine change throughout day?
A: Yes it does, this is a big question and deserves a big answer. The body knows
what is best for the body at the right time. Your body will release the hormones
and compounds that are best for your body at that time throughout the day. For
example as soon as you wake up and sunlight comes through your window, when
you open your eyes and that sunlight gets into your eyes, this starts a process of
releasing compounds and substances into your blood. They are then in your urine
at the right time, next time you pee, loop all these substances as well as everything
your body put into your blood while you were sleeping. These are exactly what
the body needs at that time. You can loop the excess good compounds that are
in your urine at that time of the day. This comes just at the right time. Your
morning urine will have different things in it that your midday and afternoon
compounds made by the body. In the evening the body can sense from the
sunlight and other ways changing that the end of the day is approaching.
Different substances are made and released which are exactly what the body
needs AT THAT TIME. What you are doing and how you feel will affect which
substances are put into your urine. If you are very active then your body gives you
just what you need in your urine. If you are very excited and happy then different
substances are put into your urine. It works the other way as well if you are very
stressed or worried about something then different substances are put into your
urine. But looping them is exactly what the body needs to deal with the situation.
Q: Does stress affect the taste of urine?
A: There can be good stress and bad stress. A lot depends on your attitude. For
example going skiing, surfing or snowboarding; If it’s exhilarating and you enjoy
it then that can be a good stress. You get a good quality of urine next time you
loop and you can feel it going back into your blood. If you hated it and were
forced to ski down a mountain that made you petrified. Then different negative
chemicals would be in your urine. The quality of your urine would be noticeably
poor. Anyone who does urine therapy knows very well from their own experience
that the abundant nutrients, hormones, etc that are contained in urine are very
readily absorbed and utilized by the body. When you are happy the quality goes
up, but if you are unhappy or have excessive stress the quality goes down. You
can actually physically feel this. The quality of your urine is an expression of the
quality of you.
Q: Is there any time when I should not drink my urine?
A: There is never a time when you should not loop all your urine. As John
Armstrong brings out, even if it’s the most foul substance you have ever seen
showing there is something wrong, this is still exactly what the body needs to get
better. If you are unwell, unhappy or stressed then yes your urine will not be very
high quality. The same if you have a bad diet and lifestyle. It is a reflection of you.
Your urine is a snapshot of you. This does not mean that you should not loop it
even in these situations.
Q: Do I need to be eating any special way to start?
A: No. Even if your nutrition is terrible your body is making the exact medicine
you need at that time. The better the diet, the easier the taste of urine, but it’s
always beneficial for you.
Q: Can a woman drink her urine during her menstruation?
A: Yes, and although the urethra and the vagina are two separate organs, there is
nothing in the menstrual fluid that can harm a person if it is accidentally mixed
with urine.
Q: Can a person drink their urine while on medications?
The short answer is no because of the remote possibility of overdosing on any
particular medication by recycling what is discharged in urine. Hormone, vitamin
and mineral supplements, on the other hand, can be taken while drinking urine
as long as the intake is frequently monitored and the amounts reduced
accordingly as the imbalance improves. However, the long answer is that in some
cases, according to the illness and the nature of the medications, urine can be
taken in homeopathic doses for some time to kick-start the internal healing
process whilst slowly increasing that amount and gradually reducing the
medication dosage.
Q: But what about urea? Urea is in urine and isn’t that the toxic stuff that
causes uremic poisoning?
A: Actually, medical researchers discovered many decades ago that urea, far from
being a toxic body waste, is an incredibly versatile, far-reaching and effective
medicinal agent. In numerous medical studies, it was shown that urea is one of
the most potent non-toxic virucidal agents ever discovered. In reality, Urea is an
FDA-approved medicinal agent that doctors and researchers utilize in an amazing
variety of therapeutic modalities. Because of its remarkable and comprehensive
anti-neoplastic (anti-tumor) properties, it’s presently being used in anti-cancer
drugs and is extensively studied for use in cancer treatments.
Q: Should I filter urine or do anything to it?
A: No. Urine is ultra-filtered through the kidneys. The best way to consume it is
fresh and untouched. It is best to consume it at body temperature, as this way the
body does not have to raise or lower the temperature for digestion.
Q: If urine is a collection of such life-sustaining elements, why does the body
get rid of it?
A: The answer is that the kidneys excrete a portion of urine as a way of removing
certain key elements in your blood that are simply not needed at a specific point
in time. For instance, you’ve just been out jogging. You come home and have one
or two big glasses of water to drink. Now at this point you’ve probably taken in
more water than your body actually needs. But not to worry — your kidneys will
balance the amount of water delivered into your bloodstream by your copious
water drinking and through the urine will excrete whatever amount of water from
the blood that isn’t needed at the time. Now water is certainly a life-sustaining
element the body cannot do without. So why is it excreted from the body? The
answer is obvious. There’s too much water in your system and it needs to be
excreted. Your kidneys aren’t doing damage to your body by getting rid of
particular excess nutrients, they’re just simply excreting the precise amount not
presently needed by your body at a given time. And the same goes for practically
every nutrient, enzyme, hormone, antibody, etc. that are critical to your survival
— the kidneys keep what your body needs at a certain time, and excretes what it
isn’t momentarily using into your urine. And as medical scientists and doctors
have discovered, these urinary ingredients extracted from the blood can be
immensely therapeutic.
Q: How can I get started?
A: Start slow. Try a drop under the tongue daily. Graduate to a shot glass and then
to drinking. Repeat to yourself “urine is medicine, not a waste”. Eventually, your
mind will absorb it. After overcoming the mental block, it’s smooth sailing from
Q: If urine therapy was so popular in the past, as is maintained, why are
people no longer interested in it, and why don’t they know it can be useful?
A: With the development of culture and technological progress, we have strayed
further and further from nature. Our interest in natural medicines, including urine
therapy, has therefore decreased. Furthermore in many respects we have turned
away from our own bodies. This has made urine therapy psychologically
inaccessible to us; in other words, we think our own bodily products are
Our economic system is based upon scarcity and scarcity is related to
dependence. Urine therapy provides patients with so much independence that
the remedy, urine is not lucrative. Urine is free and always available for those who
need it. In a world in which money talks, urine therapy can appear to be
threatening to those who earn their living by manufacturing or prescribing
medicine. In short, urine therapy does not fit in the current economic picture of
Many people believe we are healthier nowadays thanks to advances in medical
science. This is partly true. The flip side of the coin is that we have had to give up
a great deal of freedom and independence. The enormous efforts of medical
science are partly based upon the failure to really cure illnesses. Fighting
symptoms is considered to be crucial, but this does not take care of the cause.
Urine therapy, being a real nature cure, not only reduces the symptoms, but also
deals with the cause of the illness.
Keep in mind that urine therapy is not a ‘wonder drug’ that relieves all symptoms.
Illness always has several causes and is usually not only physical. Feelings,
thoughts and the environment also play a role. If you apply urine therapy in order
to get rid of a symptom, but after improvement continue to treat yourself and
your body carelessly, the symptoms might reappear. It is therefore important to
also pay attention to other factors playing a role in the healing process.
Q: Should you only use your own urine?
A: It is best to use exclusively your own urine, especially if internally applied. Your
own urine contains personal, characteristic substances and provides the particular
information the body needs order to carry out the healing process as effectively
as possible However, if you are in a state of shock and cannot urinate, the urine
from somebody else can safely be administered. If possible, use the urine from
somebody of the same sex. Different hormones can be in the urine from a male
than in that of a female. The urine from another person can also be used in
external massage application for the seriously ill who cannot produce enough of
their own urine.
Q: Can’t the effects of urine therapy be attributed to suggestion or belief?
Those who seek refuge in urine therapy as a last resort’ have often already made
the rounds by every other method of treatment, from allopathy to homeopathy,
Ayurveda, etc. They hoped and believed these other therapies would work. Yet it
seems that many who did not achieve results with other methods of treatment
have been cured by urine therapy. This is remarkable when you consider that the
nature and obscurity of urine therapy initially evoke a skeptical reaction.
In India, it was observed with a urine therapist who in his role as supervisor at a
national park also successfully treated animals with urine therapy. Here, there is
no question of the treating animal under the influence of suggestion or belief.
However, it is generally important to believe in the method of treatment you
choose. This is also true if you choose another treatment.

I am a qualified and experienced medical doctor with the highest
degrees both in medicine and surgery. On March 12, 1986, I was
diagnosed with cancer of the ary-epiglottic area (throat) with enlarged
cervical lymph nodes. After receiving chemotherapy and a course of
cobalt therapy I was to be operated on. Between August and October
I tried Urine Therapy. By October 5, 1986, my disease was under
control and the proposed surgery was cancelled. I have not only
recovered in a medical sense, but I am also leading a fully active
professional life. In other words, even the quality of my life has
improved. I feel the same zeal which I felt 30 years ago.- Dr. V.P.
Mehta, Mumbai

I was laughing and snickering in the back of the room. After all, who
would take anyone seriously talking about drinking one’s own urine
to heal any disease! My main concern at the time was how I was going
to handle this diagnosis of full-blown AIDS. I was told just two
months prior to this that the prognosis could be about two years more
if I was fortunate, and to seriously consider preparing a “living will.”
For obvious reasons, I seemed to be much more tolerant to the idea of
applying urine topically for all sorts of conditions. My right foot was
the epitome of necrosis. For months doctors had prescribed many
different medicated creams for a vicious case of athlete’s
foot/ringworm. Nothing seemed to work. After all, the root of the
problem is the immune system not functioning at full capacity. I
couldn’t wait to go home to put my own urine on the foot. That
evening was the first time in many months that the tingling itch did
not drive me into a frenzy! I actually got a full night of sleep. Not only
did the ringworm condition totally disappear after a few weeks, but
the dry, cracked and painful skin all around my toes and bottom of
the foot had totally changed in colour and texture! New skin had
grown in and was soft as a baby’s. I have NEVER felt better in my life.
-Dr. O. New York

I am a PWA (person with AIDS). I have been doing Urine Therapy for
three months. My fatigue and dizziness dissipated within the first
month. I experienced intense eye itchiness. A few drops of fresh urine
stopped it immediately. If I forget to take the urine one day, the next
day I will pay for it with fatigue. Also my lymph gland swelling is
reduced by 50%. – Mr. B. Georgia

I had been suffering from migraine headaches for 35 years. In

addition, rheumatoid arthritis had plagued me for the last 15 years.
The pain and swelling in the joints of my hands was unbelievable. I
could not leave the house without painkillers. For four months, half
of my foot was covered with a fungus. I tried many different
treatments. Unfortunately, it only got worse. At 198 pounds, I was
overweight as well. Needless to say, I was not the picture of health.
Then a friend told me about Urine Therapy. I soaked my feet in urine,
and within a week, the fungus cleared up. Then I started drinking my
own urine. The result was just incredible. Four and a half months
later, my weight was down to 130 pounds. I have lost 68 pounds! My
arthritis is gone, and my headaches are gone. I feel like I am 20 years
old again. Thank you for telling me about Urine Therapy. – Mrs. B.

I am a PWA. Three months prior to starting Urine Therapy I

experienced heavy night sweats, and I needed 18 hours of sleep daily!
Also my skin was very dry and ashy looking. All these symptoms got
resolved within 10 days of Urine Therapy. – Mr. D. Georgia

Seven years ago, I was diagnosed with a lymphatic disorder. The

doctors first thought it was Hodgkin’s disease. During a vacation in
Brazil I contracted some parasites. One was Shigella and the other was
Giardia. I was treated with penicillin and many other antibiotics. But
I still lost weight and the diarrhea was persistent. Then the new
testing for AIDS came out, and I tested positive. I had constant
problems with thrush. I also suffered from Kaposi’s sarcoma
intermittently over portions of my body. My energy levels were very
low. To make a long story short, I started Urine Therapy. The first
treatment with urine was on my skin. The second day I noticed that
the KS lesions were starting to fade. Then I started to drink my own
urine. I took about one ounce a day in the beginning. My thrush went
away. Every time when I apply urine to any aberration or sore on my
skin, it all but disappears. The KS lesion I was talking about is not
even one-fourth the original size. Also, my energy level is much
higher. I had colitis. I no longer have an inflamed colon. I am steady
as a clock and do not suffer anymore from chronic diarrhea. So
evidently this is working for me. – Mr. T. California

I am a PWA and have been doing Urine Therapy for two-and-one-half

months. My Lymphadenopathy was gone within 48 hours after
starting the urine. I had a severe acne problem on my back. After five
weeks the skin is clear. My energy levels increased enormously within
a few days of drinking my urine. – Mr. A. Georgia

One and one-half months ago I was diagnosed with gonorrhea, anal
sores and herpes. I took medication and the condition improved but
two weeks later the herpes came back even worse. So I started Urine
Therapy. Within two or three days, everything cleared up totally.
What was even more amazing to me is the parasite problem I suffered
for quite some time got resolved inadvertently with Urine Therapy,
while treating my herpes. – Mr. S. New York

The last 40 years I have suffered from eczema, and the last 20 years
from amoeobic dysentery. I got rid of both diseases by this wonderful
remedy, Urine Therapy. You will be further surprised to know that
there were some side effects too; but not of the usual nature, which
you suffer in allopathic treatments. I also suffered from falling hair
and dandruff. I always used to have cracks in my feet and even on my
lips during all the seasons. Once every few months I also suffered form
stomatitis. I got rid of all the above complaints and ailments
unknowingly, as side effects of this therapy. My wife was a regular
patient for more than 20 years and was suffering from numerous
disease like ear trouble, vertigo, constipation, pain in the joints and
many more. She tried the best available treatments in allopathy,
homeopathy and ayurvedic medicine but without any results. At last
she tried Urine Therapy and got rid of all her ailments miraculously.
And if this is not enough, my younger son, 17 years old, suffered from
hematuria (blood in the urine) for more than a year. The doctors
thought that something was seriously wrong with his kidneys and
recommended an intravenous polygraph. I persuaded my son to start
drinking his urine for 30 days and then to take another urine test After
that period of time, the report of the urine test came back absolutely
normal! – Dr. G.K. Thakkar Bombay

One day I wanted to make sure my iron was turned off before I left the
house. So I checked the iron surface with the palm of my hand,
expecting it to be cold. To my surprise, the iron was very hot.
Unfortunately, the damage was already done. I burned my hand with
at least second degree burns. It was very painful, to say the least. Then
I remembered that some weeks earlier I had stored away a bottle
containing urine. I got that old urine from the bottle and covered my
burns with it. The pains soon left. A few hours later, My hand looked
and felt as if nothing had happened to it. No blisters, no scars, no
redness. The effectiveness of this simple but powerful liquid is
amazing. – Mrs. B. New York

If it is of interest to you for any research purposes, I nearly died from

the reactions of several strong antibiotics administered over several
months of lung infections. I have been hospitalized three times in the
past year for the resulting gastro-intestinal problems created by the
medication. After the most recent hospital stay, I refused to continue
with the medication. Most of the problems began to clear up within a
few days. However, my rectal bleeding from colitis and internal
hemorrhoids continued. In the meantime a friend told me that in the
Tennessee Hills, where he was raised, urine enemas were used for
similar problems. On July 31, 1988, I began using urine for daily
enemas. By the end of the following week, the bleeding had stopped
completely, and as of this date (September 25, 1988), I have not
passed a single drop of blood. – Mr. M. Florida
As a result of a supernatural fact in the year of 1941, I found that when
ingesting my own urine, we can have an amazing and incredible
treatment of our diseases. I am cured of cysts in the breast, problems
of the right mitral valve of the heart and pain in my shoulder. I also
had an accident of being infected with a needle from a patient with
AIDS. I began to take my own urine and fasted for four days and after
the third fast of four days, the cysts of the bust disappeared. The
problems of the heart faded with no future pain. I have never had
problems with the infected needle accident of the H.I.V. I must
mention that my examinations are completely negative. I have
recovered my health. I promised to God to present this therapy to as
many people as possible without any interest of profit. – Gary Ward,
Author of Personal Pharmacy

I am 47 years of age and I had 5 children. I thank God for the

knowledge of urine therapy. I want to give my testimony by this
means to all people of how I am and how I cured myself. In the year
of 1980, I had a very hard automobile accident. They needed to
remove one organ from my body. From that day on I was very sick. In
the year of 1993, near the month of July, after passing by a very sad
situation of two brothers who died I also had other medical problems.
I began to suffer depression, headaches and cramps in the hands and
feet. I also felt strong palpitations in my heart. My eyes were becoming
deformed. They were swollen and bulging. There were nights that I
could not sleep and suffered from insomnia. I began to lose weight. I
felt that I was drowning. I could not go to the bathroom alone. I was
always very thirsty. I have a brother who is a doctor and began to give
me medicine. He gave me a liquid prescription but it did not help me.
He had to commit me to the hospital where he works until midnight.
There they gave me several medicines and they did several exams. The
Doctors of the hospital told me my Thyroid gland was not working
properly. Tablets were prescribed for me and I was taking them for
over a year. I improved a little, but when taking the tablets, I was
nervous and I trembled. They sent me to a second hospital with a
specialist to see if she could cure this disease. The pressure started
when a ball in the neck started growing. I no longer could take the
medical drugs. I felt only that I wanted to lay down. I went again to
the Doctor, after 15 days, because the symptoms had no improvement.
The doctor said that I was to continue taking the medicine. I felt that
the iodine had not served me well and became very sick followed by
throat problems and bronchitis. I took 6 to 8 daily medicines. My
kidneys began to hurt and I no longer knew if I should continue to
take the medicine. One day my husband took me to the hospital for a
checkup and now, they detected a tumor in the bust. I worried more
because my body was filled with diseases. One day, in the month of
May of 95, they invited me to witness with a notary, for writings. I was
accompanied by my neighbors and friends. That day a neighbor said
that urine was good for all diseases. On the following day I began to
take only a little with water, because I did not know how to take it. I
was taking medicine for the thyroids and also antibiotics for my other
problems.I followed with the urine. Soon the moment arrived that the
drugs made me sick. Little by little I was leaving the medicine, I did
not have further indications of problems, nor did I need to go to the
Doctors conference. After 3 months in 1997,a report arrived in my
hands that I was cured from my problems. It was when I began with
my urine fasts. Later I had the opportunity to go to a conference. I am
cured of the thyroids and I no longer have the ball in the neck, or feel
depressed. No longer volumes of medicines and the cyst in the bust
disappeared. The varicose veins in the legs are gone. Already I can see
without glasses. I want all the people to know of this wise knowledge
so that all people will be healed and without spending money. – Ma.
Rosalba C. of Ramirez. { Mexico }

I am 50 years of age, and I had 5 children. I was born here in

Guadalajara, JaUsco, Mexico and later moved to Veracruz, Mexico.
From youth I suffered from low pressure. There were occasions in
which I had only up to 60. It later raised and now it gets up to a
180*120. In November of 94, I began to have my feet fall asleep. Soon
the legs and finally it advanced that my whole body was asleep without
movement and the body was very swollen. I was in bed almost a year.
The Doctors diagnosed me with Diabetic Neuropathy. They filled me
with medicines. I took from 8 to 10 tablets daily. With a lot of work
and pain I began to move. My sister visited me at Vera Cruz with her
husband and their family. When they arrived at my house they gave
me news that, by means of Urine, people were healing seemingly
incurable diseases. We invited another diabetic brother who lives in
Orizaba and they taught us the whole picture of the therapy. Soon I
began the process of urine therapy. For 3 weeks I took the urine and I
continued taking the medicine. I felt high pressure and one day I was
feeling so bad that it could not move. I stopped the medicine and on
the following day l felt in a perfect state of health. I forgot that I
stopped the medicine. I am now without any medicine and in great
health. Now at the present time with the therapy, the swelling
disappeared. I can walk by myself since it only walked with the aid of
somebody or in a wheelchair, and the nervous system that caused me
insomnia now feels very relaxed, I sleep perfectly, thanks to Urine-
therapy. -Ma. of the Refuge To de Aldrete { Mexico}

A month ago I fell off a truck, the blow was very strong giving pain on
my backside. It is now more than 3 years suffering from kidney and
venous insufficiency. The blows were in all the body. Less in the feet
but I have very delicate legs and feet. Then I felt a damp sensation and
later vaginal hemorrhage. I began with bleeding and that night I could
not sleep because of the pains I felt in the right leg. Thanks to my sister
and the experience of other relatives, I knew of the urine fasting. I
decided not to take allopathic drugs because it affects the kidney so
bad, but to take the urine instead. The second day after taking my
urine all the morning I no longer hurt and already I could move
easily. I thank God to have made this therapy resource or means of
treatment. Thanks to this I have been able to sleep very well.
Annoyances like the backache, fatigue and the blows of this fall are
gone. My son suffered a cough that could not clear up with anything
and he suffered colds that were very strong. I gave him urine and in 3
days his cough left and he feels much energy. – Marcelina L. Juan

FIN 1.

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