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1. Is Statistics an Art?

Answer: Statistics is both science and art. Statistical methods are systematic
and have a general application which makes it a science. Further, the
successful application of these methods requires skills and experience of
using the statistical tools. These aspects make it an art.

2. Define Quartiles.
Answer: A quartile is a statistical term that describes a division of
observations into four defined intervals based on the values of the data and
how they compare to the entire set of observations. Quartiles are organized
into lower quartiles, median quartiles, and upper quartiles.

3. What is Scatter Diagram?

Answer: A scatter diagram is used to examine the relationship between
both the axes (X and Y) with one variable. In the graph, if the variables are
correlated, then the point drops along a curve or line. A scatter diagram or
scatter plot gives an idea of the nature of relationship.

Fig: Perfect Positive Correlation Fig: Perfect Negative Correlation

4. Define Regression.
Answer: Regression is a very popular statistical method used in statistical
analysis. It is used to model and find the relationship between a variable
unknown to us and a variable whose values are known to us. The
unknown variable, which depends on the other variables, is called a
dependent variable (target), and the variables whose values are known
are called independent variables (predictor).
Regression is a supervised learning method that allows us to understand
the relationship between variables and make predictions about a
continuous output based on one or more predictor variables. It is
commonly used for forecasting, time series modelling, and determining
cause-and-effect relationships between variables. By supervised learning
method, we mean that the actual value of the target variable is known to
us for a given set of predictor values. Regression also helps us
understand the change in the unknown variable when the known
variable's value changes.

5. What are artificial variables?

Answer: An Artificial variable is a type of additional variable in the
Simplex method of Linear Programming Problems. As its name suggests,
it refers to indicate the temporary slack variables which are used during
the process of calculations and are removed thereafter.

6. Define feasible solution.

Answer: A feasible solution in linear programming is a solution that
satisfies all the constraints of the problem.
In linear programming, a feasible solution is a solution that satisfies all
the constraints of the problem. These constraints are usually
represented as linear inequalities or equations.

7. Define theory of Games.

Answer: Game theory, branch of applied mathematics that provides
tools for analyzing situations in which parties, called players, make
decisions that are interdependent. This interdependence causes each
player to consider the other player's possible decisions, or strategies, in
formulating strategy.

8. Define Critical Path Method.

Answer: The Critical Path Method (CPM) is a project management
technique used to determine the longest sequence of dependent tasks
and the shortest amount of time in which a project can be completed. It
helps project managers identify the most critical tasks that need to be
completed on time in order to prevent delays in the overall project

9. Write any two characteristics of statistics.

Answer: Characteristics of Statistics
1. It has an aggregate of facts.
2. Data are collected in systematic order.
3. It should be comparable to each other.
4. Data are collected for a planned purpose.

10. Define Average

Answer: In statistics, the average is a measure of central tendency that
represents the typical value of a set of numbers. There are several types
of averages, including the mean, median, and mode.

Average: The term “Average” describes a value that should represent the
sample. An average is defined as the sum of all the values divided by the
total number of values in a given set. It is also known as the arithmetic
mean. Let us consider simple data to find the average. Given, the set of
values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

11. Define Correlation.

Answer: Correlation is a statistical measure that describes the
relationship between two variables. It indicates the strength and
direction of a linear relationship between two variables.

12. What do you mean by Operation Research?

Answer: Operations research (OR) is an analytical method of problem-
solving and decision-making that is useful in the management of
organizations. In operations research, problems are broken down into
basic components and then solved in defined steps by mathematical

13. What is Maximization in LPP?

Answer: In linear programming, maximization refers to the objective of
maximizing a linear function, known as the objective function, subject to
a set of linear constraints. The goal is to find the values of the decision
variables that will maximize the objective function while satisfying all the

14. What do you mean by PERT?

Answer: PERT stands for Program Evaluation and Review Technique. It is
a project management tool used to schedule, organize, and coordinate
tasks within a project. PERT is particularly useful for projects with a high
degree of uncertainty and complexity.

15. Write any two functions of statistics.

Answer: The two functions of statistics are as follows.
(1) Statistics helps in providing a better understanding and exact
description of a phenomenon of nature.
(2) Statistics helps in the proper and efficient planning of a statistical
inquiry in any field of study.
(3) Statistics helps in collecting appropriate quantitative data.

16. Define Standard Deviation.

Answer: A standard deviation (or σ) is a measure of how dispersed the
data is in relation to the mean. Low, or small, standard deviation
indicates data are clustered tightly around the mean, and high, or large,
standard deviation indicates data are more spread out.
 σ = Standard Deviation
 xi = Terms Given in the Data
 x̄ = Mean
 n = Total number of Terms

17. What are regression lines?

Answer: A regression line is a straight line that best represents the
relationship between a dependent variable and one or more
independent variables in a scatter plot. It is commonly used in statistical
analysis to predict the value of the dependent variable based on the
value of the independent variable.

18. Define the term probability

Answer: Probability denotes the possibility of the outcome of any
random event. The meaning of this term is to check the extent to which
any event is likely to happen. For example, when we flip a coin in the
air, what is the possibility of getting a head? The answer to this question
is based on the number of possible outcomes. Here the possibility is
either head or tail will be the outcome. So, the probability of a head to
come as a result is 1/2.
The probability is the measure of the likelihood of an event to happen. It
measures the certainty of the event. The formula for probability is given

P(E) = Number of Favourable Outcomes/Number of total outcomes

P(E) = n(E)/n(S)


n(E) = Number of event favourable to event E

n(S) = Total number of outcomes

19. What do you mean by linear programming?
Answer: Linear programming is a technique in algebra that uses linear
equations to determine how to arrive at the optimal situation (maximum
or minimum) as an answer to a mathematical problem, assuming the
finiteness of resources and the quantifiable nature of the end
optimization goal.

3 Marks Question
1. What are the merits of arithmetic mean?
Answer: Merits of Arithmetic Mean:
(i) It is rigidly defined, simple, easy to understand and easy to
(ii) It is based upon all the observations.
(iii) Its value being unique, we can use it to compare different sets of
(iv) It is least affected by sampling fluctuations.

2. What are the purposes of dispersion?

Answer: Purpose of dispersion as follows
1) To judge the reliability of measures of central tendency.
2) To make a comparative study of the variability of two series.
3) To identify the causes of variability with a view to control.
4) To serve as a basis for further statistical analysis.

3. What are the properties of correlation co-efficient?

Answer: Below are some properties of the linear correlation
1. The value of r lies between -1 and 1 inclusive.
2. The sign of r indicates the direction of the linear relationship
between x and y.
3. The size of r indicates the strength of the linear relationship
between x and y.
4. Write a short note on ratio of variation.
Answer: The variation ratio is a simple measure of statistical
dispersion in nominal distributions; it is the simplest measure of
qualitative variation. It is defined as the proportion of cases which
are not in the mode category: where fm is the frequency (number of
cases) of the mode, and N is the total number of cases.

5. Write short notes on methods of Transportation.

Answer: In statistics, the method of transportation refers to a
technique used to find the optimal solution for transportation
problems. This method involves determining the most cost-effective
way to transport goods from multiple sources to multiple
There are several steps involved in the method of transportation,
including identifying the sources and destinations, determining the
transportation costs between each source-destination pair, and
finding the optimal transportation plan that minimizes total costs.
One common approach to solving transportation problems is the
transportation simplex method, which is an extension of the simplex
method used in linear programming. This method involves setting up
a transportation tableau and iteratively improving the solution until
an optimal one is found.

6. Define Decision Making under risk.

Answer: Decision making under risk refers to the process of making
choices when the outcome of each choice is uncertain and there is a
possibility of multiple outcomes with varying probabilities. This type
of decision making involves assessing the potential risks and rewards
associated with each option and making a decision based on the best
available information.
7. What are the merits of Arithmetic Mean?
Answer: Merits of Arithmetic Mean:
(i) It is rigidly defined, simple, easy to understand and easy to
(ii) It is based upon all the observations.
(iii) Its value being unique, we can use it to compare different sets
of data.
(iv) It is least affected by sampling fluctuations.

8. What are properties of standard deviation?

Answer: The properties of standard deviation include:
1. It is always non-negative: Standard deviation cannot be negative
as it is a measure of dispersion around the mean.
2. It is affected by outliers: Standard deviation is sensitive to outliers
in the data, meaning that extreme values can greatly impact its value.
3. It is in the same units as the original data: Standard deviation is
measured in the same units as the original data, making it easier to
interpret in context.
4. It is a measure of dispersion: Standard deviation measures the
spread or dispersion of data points around the mean.
5. It is affected by the scale of the data: Standard deviation is
affected by the scale of the data, so it is not always the best measure
of variability for all datasets.

9. Distinguish between linear and non-linear regression.

Answer: Linear regression is a statistical method used to model the
relationship between a dependent variable and one or more
independent variables by fitting a linear equation to the observed
data. Non-linear regression, on the other hand, is a method used
when the relationship between the dependent and independent
variables is not linear and cannot be adequately modeled by a linear
In linear regression, the relationship between the variables is
assumed to be linear, meaning that the change in the dependent
variable is proportional to the change in the independent variable(s).
Non-linear regression, on the other hand, allows for more complex
relationships between the variables, such as exponential,
logarithmic, or polynomial relationships.

10. Bring out the properties of probability.

Answer: The properties of probability include:
1. Probability values range from 0 to 1: The probability of an event
occurring is always between 0 and 1, where 0 means the event will
not occur and 1 means the event will definitely occur.
2. The sum of all probabilities is 1: When considering all possible
outcomes of an event, the sum of their probabilities must equal 1.
3. Complement rule: The probability of an event not occurring is
equal to 1 minus the probability of the event occurring.
4. Addition rule: The probability of the union of two events is equal
to the sum of their individual probabilities minus the probability of
their intersection.
5. Multiplication rule: The probability of the intersection of two
independent events is equal to the product of their individual

11.What are the advantages of linear programming?

Answer: The following are some of the key advantages of using linear
1. Attaining optimum use of resources.
2. A more objective way of arriving at decisions.
3. Ensuring due attention to bottlenecks before the problems
4. Easy adaptation to changes in circumstances.
12. Write down the steps to solve Assignment Problem.
Answer: The Assignment Problem is a type of optimization problem
in which we aim to find the optimal assignment of tasks to resources
in order to minimize the overall cost or maximize the overall profit.
The steps to solve the Assignment Problem are as follows:
1. Formulate the problem as a cost matrix, where the rows
represent tasks and the columns represent resources. Each cell
in the matrix represents the cost of assigning a particular task
to a particular resource.
2. Apply the Hungarian Algorithm to find the optimal assignment.
The Hungarian Algorithm is an efficient method for solving the
Assignment Problem and involves finding a series of
augmenting paths to minimize the total cost.
3. Once the optimal assignment has been found, analyze the
results to determine the total cost and the specific
assignments of tasks to resources.

13.Explain the types of Decision Making Environments.

Answer: There are generally three types of decision-making
1. Certainty: In a certainty environment, the decision-maker has
full information about the available alternatives, their
outcomes, and the probabilities of each outcome occurring.
This type of environment is rare in real-world situations.
2. Risk: In a risk environment, the decision-maker has information
about the available alternatives and their outcomes, but the
probabilities of each outcome are not known with certainty.
Decision-making in a risk environment involves assessing the
likelihood of each outcome and making a decision based on
that assessment.
3. Uncertainty: In an uncertainty environment, the decision-
maker lacks complete information about the available
alternatives and their outcomes. The probabilities of each
outcome are unknown, making it difficult to assess the risks
involved. Decision-making in an uncertainty environment often
involves making educated guesses or relying on intuition.

14.What do you mean by activity time in Networking?

Answer: An Activity Network Diagram is a diagram of project
activities that shows the sequential relationships of activities using
arrows and nodes. An activity network diagram is a tool that is used
extensively in project management and is necessary for the
identification of a project's critical path.

15.What are the merits of Median?

Answer: Merits of median are:
1: Certainty 2: Simplicity 3: Unaffected by extreme values
4: Possible even if data is incomplete 5: Graphic presentation
6: Appropriate for qualitative data.
16.Write a short note on ‘Statistical Thinking’
Answer: Statistical thinking is a way of understanding and
interpreting data by using statistical methods and tools. It involves
analyzing data to make informed decisions, identify patterns, trends,
and relationships, and draw conclusions based on evidence.
Statistical thinking is essential in various fields such as business,
healthcare, science, and social sciences to make sense of complex
data and make informed decisions.

17.Bring out the usefulness of regression analysis.

Answer: Regression analysis is a statistical technique used to
understand the relationship between two or more variables. It is
commonly used in various fields such as economics, finance,
marketing, and social sciences to analyze and predict trends, make
forecasts, and identify patterns.
Some of the key benefits of regression analysis include:

1. Identifying the strength and direction of relationships between

2. Making predictions and forecasts based on historical data
3. Testing hypotheses and determining the significance of variables
4. Controlling for confounding variables and isolating the effect of
individual factors
5. Evaluating the impact of interventions or changes in variables

18.State fundamental rules of probability.

Answer: The fundamental rules of probability are the basic principles
that govern the likelihood of events occurring in a random
experiment. These rules include the law of large numbers, the
addition rule, the multiplication rule, and the complement rule.
The law of large numbers states that as the number of trials in a
random experiment increases, the relative frequency of an event will
converge to its true probability.
The addition rule states that the probability of the union of two
events A and B is equal to the sum of their individual probabilities,
minus the probability of their intersection.
The multiplication rule states that the probability of the intersection
of two independent events A and B is equal to the product of their
individual probabilities.
The complement rule states that the probability of the complement
of an event A is equal to 1 minus the probability of A.

19.What are the types of linear programming solution?

Answer: There are three types of solutions in linear programming:
1. Feasible Solution: A feasible solution is a solution that satisfies all
the constraints of the linear programming problem.
2. Optimal Solution: An optimal solution is a feasible solution that
also optimizes the objective function, either by maximizing or
minimizing it.
3. Infeasible Solution: An infeasible solution is a solution that does
not satisfy all the constraints of the linear programming problem.

20.What are pure strategies? Explain.

Answer: A pure strategy denotes a choice of an available action in
games in strategic form. This is a relatively straightforward concept,
at least insofar as the notions of availability and actions are well
understood. But the concept of strategy also includes pure strategies
in extensive games and mixed strategies.

21.Write a note on Time Cost in Networking.

Answer: Time cost in networking refers to the duration taken for
various processes within a network, including data transmission,
processing, and response times. Factors such as latency, packet
processing, and protocol overheads contribute to this cost, impacting
performance and user experience. Efficient resource management
and optimization techniques are crucial for minimizing time costs and
ensuring smooth network operations.

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