Lesson 2 Канікули

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Lesson 2 Канікули

1. Запам”ятай!

tree sleep teeth

[triː] [sliːp] [tiːθ]
дерево спати зуби

beet green cheese

[biːt] [ɡriːn] [tʃiːz]
буряк зелений сир

week three
[wiːk] [θriː]

2. Прочитай і добери кульки. З’єднай!

3. Прочитай.
seed beef feet fee teeth
feed reef meet see keep
reed green greet free week
need feel beet bee deep
speed weep sleet deed heel
heed peel sweet flee been
weed seem street tree teem

I don’t feel well. I can’t sleep. It’s hot.

The wheel is made of cheese.
The trees make me sneeze.
He bumped his knee on the jeep.
Reed lives in this street.
Lee has got three sweets. They are green.
I need some beef and beets. Peel beets for me please.
Let’s meet under the tree.
Don’t feed geese!
We can get to the reef in a jeep. It’s free.
I need to feed the sheep before we meet by the creek.
Ted works three days a week.
Let’s greet Reese. She seems sad.
4. Зафарбуй ‘ee’ слова зеленим, інші слова - синім.

trip read drop parrot

clap drum cheese please stamp

nest speed sneeze greet glad

feed seed feet keep

green sleep tweet beef three

knee sweep free deep

lamp bee seek reef land

stop plum leek blog drink

cake hand plate smell

tram band
5. Впиши пропущені букви.

1. te_t_

2. _ree_

3. w_e_
4. t_e_

5. _hee_e
6. be_ _

7. s_e_p

8. t_r_e

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