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} Loncman EXAM SKILLS FASE Brodie Reading Teacher’s Book Patrick McGavigan John Reeves Fe Reding Teaches SN First Certificate Reading: an_ overview ‘The rationale behind this book is to provide a highly exam focused set of materials that are transparent to both teachers and students, which ean be covered comfortably’ within one teaching year, and which trains students in the reading skills necessary to cope with the requirements of the UCLES First Certificate in English, Paper 1. However, the book can also be used flexibly as supplementary material, and dipped into whenever the teacher identifies the need for further work on specific reading tasks. Each unit of the book identifies reading task and a reading strategy as a starting point. The scheme of work for each unit is to take learners through: * Eliciting information and building up themerolated vocabulary * Developing the reading strategy and familiarsation with the actual reading task ‘+ Applying the reading strategy developed for a real exam type task * Practising lexico-grammatical features that would lead to further practice in Paper 3. Organisation of Students’ Book Core units Developing reading skills ‘The unit begins with a lead-in section which aims at cliciting vocabulary from students and providing theme related vocabulary input. Each unit is built around a reading strategy. Practice in using the reading strategies is provided through short pre- text activities. After students have become familiar with the reading task and strategy in question, they can move to the Exam practice section which provides realistic practice for each part of the exam, ‘Units are arranged in eyeles of four units, with each unit dealing with one of the four parts of the exam. Within each eycle, units appear in the same order as they appear in the exam, ‘The final cycle (units 17-20) draws together the reading strategies presented in units 1-16. Exam practice Ik provides practice for the relevant part of the exam and enables students to see the reading strategy already developed in use ‘The exam practice sections are carefully graded reaching the FCE level by the end of the frst eyde of four units {PE Reading Teacher's Book and in the final eyele taking the student beyond FCE in terms of the reading and related tasks, Language development ‘The Language development section in each tnit focuses on text-based vocabulary sclected for its relevance to the ECE exam and frequency in natural English use Panicular emphasis is given to mult-word groups including phrasal vecbs, prepositional phrases and de- lexical verbs lke make, fo, have, take Vocabulary awareness is emphasised through tasks both in the language development section and development reading skills section. Our aim isto facilitate a generative approach to dealing with vocabulary ~ in terms of both the comprehension and production of the new words that students meet. In this section ther Paper 1 and Paper 3 are Use of English task linking 3 for more effective exam preparation. Revision units ‘There are five revision units, one after every four units These units reinforce the vocabulary of the preceding cycle of 4 units. They consist of vocabulary task, reading tasks and contextualised Use of English task, Lesson map The table below summarises the objectives of each unit section and makes suggestions about the teaching approach and lesson plannin; ieee mae Cee Lead-in * To elicit information Done in class * To raise awareness of the topic ‘* To introduce and practice vocabulary related to the topic Reading strategy ‘© To develop the reading skill Done in class ‘© To provide reading tips and present the reading task Exam practice To provide practige for the Done in class relevant part of the exam completely or the ‘To enable the students to see text- prepared the reading strategy in use, for homework To provide exam tips and checked in class Language development ‘To focus on vocabulary from Done in class or the text set for homework To provide contextualised ce on a range of lexico- cal features, Birk 10 ~ 15 minutes About 40 minutes | 40 ~ 45 minutes, if done in class, 30 minutes if the | text has been prepared for | homework 40 minutes of class | time or it can be set as homework, PC Reading Teacher's BOOK Soe Developing reading skills _ Exam practice: Part 1 Lead-in [E. Answer key Answer key 1b 20 3d aa 1C 2B 31 4H SG 6A 7F Answer key Answer reference bungee jumpers: jump from bridges ot hills they jump 4c ‘sing a special rope birthday present, an anniversary gift ora celebration. skydivers: jump from aeroplanes; they use a parachute 2 to slow their fal/perform movements in the air/try 0 enjoyable flight; Flights are available... We do not fy Tand smoothly yn ‘hang glider pilot: jump from mountains oF hills they dependent on the wind... no to flights are slide ike birds/try to land smooth ‘exactly the same;,..the average distance we travel ans 1 Answer key relax and enjoy the view:...brilliant platform for 1 skydiving 2 bangee jumping 3 white water rafting | _photography:..bring a eamere or a camcorder 4 hang gliding. 5 bungee jumping. 6 skydiving 5G Jong trousers and long sleeves... natural bres. keep + Focus on key words and introduce the concept of you warmer... waterproof jacket. warm footweat, a satching h 6A Reading task: Multiple matching grand re meet ws on ang (headings) the departure point. Strategy: Looking for word groups 7 pecan sll ou equipment. we can even ain FI) Answer key you , bb + Ask students to provide a related word group for heading A, e.g. shark attacks, poisonous fish, etc. Language development. * Draw ther attention to the italicised words, ase awareness ofthe word group and atempt the matching task Word attack + Discs the items of diving equipment italien the text that lead to anssier Bh TD Answer key ambition 2 unigue 3 adventure 4 sunset S dawn 6 discoveries 7 view. waterproof A There is information in the text about dangers, (protect ae Was them ... brushing against) but it does noc eaprure the gist + Discuss distractors This more appropriately describes the frst part of the text, before the headin ae D The diving suit is only part ofthe equipment and ee ee ee therefore. docs no eptre she gistaf the paragraph, | Be dawn Bsanee, Sembilan + Relate the ip to the tsk Seerew 1landing (ED) answer key 1c Showing what things are used for + Get $s to identify words/phrases related to each of the ee Tor aiowators den cull won pais: Deege Ga ‘on the correct answer and justify i eee eee FE Answer key 3 SSeS 1 diving suit 2 sleeping bag 3 camping store tying word A fshing rod 5 sling jacket 6 climbing rope section before « Relate this task to the strategy of i {groups in order to round up the str ‘moving to the exam practice a a o Keep + noun + adjective Answer key 1 keep the campsite tidy 2 Keep yourself warm 43 Firewood and matches should be kept dry 4 Keep ‘your tent door shut 5 keep your valuables .. safe 6 Animals must be kept quict Use of English Answer key 4 excitement 2 uninteresting. 3 adventurous 4 dangerous 5 highest 6 rating 7 terifying Balking 9 stranger 10 impressed ee ay Developing reading skills Lead-in Answer key 3 ‘isi ache 2 te 9 a glt ab '5 foothall boots 6 snowboard 7 ice skates 8 crash helmet 9 boxing gloves 10 skateboard Answer key do: gymnastics, karate, weightlifting play: basketball, football, handball, tennis ‘go: motorcycle racing, skateboarding, snowboarding Answer key 1b 2a 3c Reading task: Multiple choice Strategy: Looking for words and phrases of similar meaning Answer key 1D * Get the students to look at the distractors in 1b, then look in the fist paragraph of the text to find a phrase very similar in meaning to a phrase in one of them, «+ Students should underline the plhrase in the text that led them to the matching, For 1A the phrase they need to underline is « champion swimmer in his age group. [Fe Reading teacher's Book * Discuss the distractors: A It does not summarise the gist of the paragraph. B It is not stated that Jamie has competed against older competitors, Jamie is a champion so he elearly has taken part in competitions, * Move to the tip and relate it tothe task, [EL | Answer key 28 2 Answer key 1 ...he will have to have speed and stami bbe in superb physical condition ... need to be ‘mentally tough as well. 4 certain amount of repetition and monotony is Answer key 1A 2B3C4A5D 6A 7B Answer reference 1A enjoyed spending time wit 2B but it did seem funny’ 3c Thad short hair so I ooked an the really horrible thing was when the parents started joining in sD More and more teams refused to play us. 6A would never have got so far if Td stayed in the boys’ league 7B My advice to gies is, them. and my advice to boys is, Language development___. Word attack Answer key 1 was keen on 2 got on my nerves 3 get rid of 4 couldn't stand $ made up my mind 6 have a ‘word with 7 made it clear 8 put you off °C Reading Teacher's Book Answer key ¥-can't stand 2 have made up my mind 3 has made itclear 4 gets on my nerves § puts me off 6 had a ‘word with him 7 will get rid of 8 was keen on Win, beat, lose, miss answer key 1won 2 beat 3 missed 4 beat 5 lost 6 missed 7 missed lost 9 were beaten 10 had won Use of English Answer key 1C 2B 3A 4D 5A6A 7B 8D Suggested answers People who work in offices use computers to keep. records. Scientists at NASA use computers to control spaceships ‘The police use computers to help them entch eriminals by matching DNA and fingerprints Journalists use computers 10 write articles. Students use computers to find information on the Internet. Designers use computers to design new products. ©) answer key 1a teenager 2a businessman 3a compaiy employee 4 police officer a teacher + Ask students to justify their choices. Focus on the idea ff associating words with concepts. Reading task: Gapped text Strategy: Understanding reference words [ED Answer key ta answer key 1D 263A ‘+ Explain that skimming is the process of reading a text quickly 0 get the general meaning. * Draw students’ attention to the words in bold, e.g. at that time, Ask them to find the words in the text 10 which these eould refer: * Direct students’ attention to the reading tip and explain how reference words are used 0 organise a ‘+ Explain that there might be questions in this part of the examination that tes students’ knowledge about how a text is organised through reference words Answer key ; ‘computers 2 one of Babbage’s designs 3 components 4 people 5 vito conerencing Answer key ‘A they 2 this 3 these, such 4 such S their Exam practice: Part 3 Answer key 18 2G 3D 4A 5F 6B7C Answer reference 1 jone-to-one interaction students have with the ‘computer .independent learning: ..employees are being physically reusoved, while seatainins viisolly connected, 2G ‘computers enable business people important information, 3D Computers are also important film industry to have access to 6f information: In the a an Additionally, SE -ottaining pilots in light simulators... Viral Reality Not only do these programs .. ..3-D animated graphics, 6B on the Internet 7c In the future, ... as machines become more powerful Language development Word attack Answer key. 1 technology 2 life 3 information 4 key S century 6 time Suggested answers 1 It seems impossible 2 Te is necessary 3 It wasn't tuntil 4 Tris incredible 5 Tes only a mawer of time G Itis unwise 7 Itis a good idea 8 It docsn't matter Word-building: nouns Answer key ‘conference, defence, violence dlevelopment, equipment, investment, attachment lusion, explosion, decision, diseassion possiblity accessibility, maturity, generosity ! information, imagination, participation Use of English | Answer key 1 popularity 2 invasion 3 correspondence 4 attraction $ dependence 6 security 7 information 8 cooperation. Answer key 1B 2D 3D 4B 5C 6D 7A 8C 9A WD SRReAaing Teacher's Book PEL et) Lead-in 1 Suggested answers a Some students are taking an examination A doctor is giving two men some disturbing news. The woman in the picture could be having a driving lesson, 2 Model answers a The students probably fee! quite anxious and tense as they are taking a test or examination, 'b Both men appear to be very concerned about the news they have received. Perhaps a relative has just had fan operation and the doctor is telling them how successful the operation has been The woman appears to be a bit frightened. Her diving instructor seems to be pulling the steering, wheel so I suppose the woman must have done something wrong. Suggested answers 11 you could take a painkiller 2 you could have it set in plaster 3 you could take some cough medicine 4 you could take some antibiotics 5 you could drink Tots of liquids. 6 you could call a doctor 7 you could use some antiseptic lotion 8 you could call a doctor 9 you could use some skin cream. 10 you could put a plaster on it 11 you could clean it well and put a ‘on it 12 you could tie it up with a tight 1b 203d 45h 6c 7c Bg Reading task: Multiple matching (questions) Strategy: Recognising additional information through relative clauses Answer key a 1g 2h 3c 4b Se 607i Bf 9d 10} Answer key. information about people 1, 5.7.11 a reason 4 ‘information about places 10. examples 2, 6, 9 ‘suggestions 3, 10 information about time 8 ‘+ Point out that the questions focus on specific details in the text. ‘Train students to ‘sean’ the text looking for key words ant idea Word attack * Direct students to look for teative clauses, which carry txt informaton abou someone or something ina ay sentence and could help them locate the correct Answer reference 1A dissatisfied with 28 «x schooldays were a time when I misbehaved... 3A _. making a list of things T have to get done,... 45 think of somewhere quiet and relaxing, 5B enrol ata college: ... I hope this will give me the ‘confidence, 6c ‘The only person who relly understands me . 7B 38h aided to bau oan gai. Revision (units 1-4) 8p | am not like those health freaks who. 1 wasn’t the brightest pupil... They hati Seating = tania i ac rte en te gm an say we a 1 go to keep fit classes, which is marvellous for reducing stress. WE .s husband, four children and a fulltime job,... * Discuss the examples of specialist shops in the text: antique shops, (shops) selling hand-made articles, pet shops, modelmaking shops, photography shops... * Discuss the distractor: A There is no reference to whether these shops offer 00d prices, B Computer shops are not ‘traditional’ shops. D Its not the customers but some of the goods which could be regarded as ‘unusual’ + Get the students to identity words/phrases related t0 ‘each of the four distractors, Students could work in poirs. They decide on the correct answer and justify + Examples of traditional shops ate: baker, butcher's, areengrocers airconditioning systems, the enormous variety of shops:.. department stores, supermarkets, smaller shops, boutiques. 35 eat and dink; ..a choice of places to sit, drink and chat with ... shoppers; .. places to eat. 7an «children are ... not forgotten; Adventure rides, water parks, animal exhibits, .. clowns cinema complexes and even Reading task: Multiple matching (headings) Strategy: Looking for word groups ive all malls contain banks: ...have post offices: There are first-aid stations. a wonderful fantasy lands ..we want to get away from...; provides us with a marvellous sense of secutity.; created for the self indulgent consumer. * Raise ewareness of what is meant by the strategy of looking for word groups/examples and attempt the matching task Laraiagedeveoenert gy Word attack professional] destructive | exciting additional | abusive | amazing | useful ‘emotional | active ‘embarrassing | delighifal ‘exceptional | appreciative | entertaining | disgraced political explosive | thrilling | forgedtal protective | worrying | peaceful Painful Use of English * Draw students’ attention to how the use of the conditional ~ if they are used sensibly — implies that not everyone uses credit cards sensibly. + Raise students’ awareness to the way adverbs like ‘disappointingly’ function and how they affect the meaning of a sentence. * Discuss what is implied by the distractors, relating the discussion to the tip. ‘A According to the text James didn’t seem to be bothered by the thought of spending years studying so that ean not have been the reason why he didn’t become a doctor. 6c suggestion is that he got carried away with his success ye been quite responsible sofa so I'm not tempted fs an amateur footballer and decided not to have & Seow mul eatineests: ge ni seamen foo to how tavay and he “. give me a good [D He was good at his schoolwork and that suggests 7D that he had the ability. «+ [wanted to be liked for myself, not my money. ‘+ Focus on the implied meaning thatthe big store's prices were more competitive. Word attack + Discuss the distractors: A The shop soon started to do well so thee no suggestion that he did not get on well with his partner. B The big store opened at the other end of the town from his shop. not next to it Their shop had started to do well and attracted ‘customers but only until the big store opened, + Focus students’ attention tothe fat thet the question thas to do with the writer's belie abou James" future and not what James himself believes about his own fare * Discuss the distractor: ‘Verb patterns AA Tames went abroad because he had debts and limited prospects. His main interest was not travelling or Secing other countrics, © There is no evidence in the text tha the writer believes that fames will become rich in America. D James had to go abroad because he couldn't open another business in his own country and he was in deb Some uses of hold Bamprcie:fan 2" Reactant, eee Answer reference a 1c was really jealous of my parents and my oer frends... 20 --1 went tothe Lottery's London office; she came out ‘with my cheque. 3B sn TV crows «ny 15 minutes of fame aa -1 bought mum a new jeep [also gave my grandparents Some each. 5c T'm determined it won't change me; wining the “Lowery isn't going to make me change my min. FC Reading Tesch BSS Developing reading skills Lead-in 3 Suggested answers astronauts: daring, responsible, calm, quick-thinking, methodical tennis players: physically strong, determined, hardworking office employees: sociable, responsible, honest, pati ‘nurses: emotionally strong, patient, calm, responsi Reading task: Gapped text Strategy: Looking for associated words and ideas Answer key TA2A3B Answer reference 1A ‘Career’ is related to ‘future’ 2A “Prospects for promotion’ is related to ‘opportunities for moving up the carcer ladder 32 ‘Qualifications or skills’ is related to ‘education or vocational training’ oe “Tob skills’ is associated with * the ability to apply yourself to your work’ ‘the flexibility, analysis and judgement of the employee’ Draw stuctemts’ attention to the way words and ideas are associated Remind your students that associated words and ideas are reflected in the way a text is organised. Explain how these associated words/ ideas and reference words can offer guidance about the structure of the text and lead students to the correct answers. Relate the strategy of this unit to the one in unit three, Exam practice: Part 3 Answer key 1D 2H 3B 4F 5A 6E Answer reference 1D Being in ‘tip-top physical condition’ is achieved by going “jogging every day” and by restricting herself to “high: protein, low-calorie meals 2H ‘jobs were not always available’ is associated with ‘bookings began to drop off 33 “a session in a studio’ is associated with ‘time well spent’; ‘Bridget was an immediate hit’ is associated with ‘the reaction to the new pictures was overwhelmingly enthusiastic 4P “bad decisions’ refers to ‘regrets that she dropped out of school so early 5A ‘she has not felt strongly motivated! is associated with her fast and furious lifestyle’ 6E ‘an allstar party’ is associated with ‘her hectic social life 4 high hopes. 2 sung stomach 3 deep trouble ‘strong terms 5 high standard 6 deep sleep 7 strong relationship high season Phrasal verbs and compound nouns with work Answer key 1 workload 2 workshop 3 working on 4 workout '5 work up an appetite 6 workmates 7 workstation 8 work out Word-building: jobs Vocabulary connected with work |, Answer reference VIE planes from World War I, and numerous photographs and film shows depicting the history of the Royal Navy A Force vap ‘There are reductions for pre-arranged parties of 15 ot ac ‘sip into the unknown... Jad a collection of rural tools, machinery .. 5a «peaceful pienie area. 6B witness the unique rearing, reeling and production of English silk... VIA (Goris on foot; ...wander around... -take a stroll your leisure. for disabled members of the public . JOA (splendid stately home. Reading task: Multiple matching pus (questions) _. beautiful house. Strategy: Looking for words Yap and phrases of similar meaning its rare and exotie plant... 3B rounds whlch ae schin vegetation and fore. pen '* Draw students’ attention to the italicised words and Cond nari ate iL booker ns gira raise awareness of looking for words and phrases with / #8 D. similar meanings. ‘There are reductions for pre-arranged parties of 15 * Point out that there is often more than one picee of coe information which leads to the correct answer, en ‘+ Move to the exam tip and relate it to the task. a licensed restaurant... 7 Reading Teacher's BOOK Phrasal verbs ED) iasweritey 3 baal B2A 3D 4B 5C 6A 7C BA 9B 10C Answer Key BIC 13C 4B 15A 1 had been looking forward to 2 look back 3 looked down on 4 look into 5 looking for 6 look out for 7 look back on 8 looking it up. Ue fai [I Anewer key 10 2€ 3A 4C 5D 6C 7A BA 9B 0C moe Developing reading skills [Ey Answer key Lead-in 1 delightful 2 entertainment 3 enjoy 4 spectacular ‘S$ continuously 6 conservation 7 attractions oO A key, bons. 9 ineracive 0 pleasura cane _ ssi 1F 2D 36 4G 5H 6C 71 8B 9] 0A Suggested answers a cee cresmeueeat large dogs: make good companions but they need! a lot of exercise/can do serious damage. [El Answer key snakes: are beautiful and fascinating but they are ‘Money: account, afford, borrow, eatn, interest, lend, expensive to keep. ‘owe, refund hamsters: are easy to keep but you can't do much with Shopping: afford, bargain, display, goods, refund, sale, them. shop around, try on, window-shopping cats: are cheap to keep but they can make a messin the Leisure: entertainment, facilities, piene, play area, oege. refreshments, safari pack fish: are lean to have in the home but they require a Jor of equipment 1 parrots: require litle equipment but they can make « ee messin the home small dogs: don't take up disturb neighbours. 1 window-shopping 2 bargains. 3 shop around uch space bat they ean 4 tried on 5 goods 6 refund 7 sale ; J Answer key Rata, 1e2d3a4d {account 2 to borrow 3 cam 4 interest $ afford 6 lend 7 ovwe Reading task: Multiple matching 3 (headings) entertainment 2 safari park 3 play area 4 display Strategy: Understanding the gist S relreshments 6 picnic 7 facilites (the main idea) of a paragraph , TE Answer k Answer key D * 1E2P 3A + Raise awareness ofthe strategy and get the students to 1 cxseamanig: attempt 1b and te 1 Gecadertal, > denassing 5 peciceul-a ettcency + Discuss why D is the answer that best summarises the A desorcastsed,b thactndas 1, eho adeno ist. Students should underline the following phrases: Daneite oeasojen woes ee their upkeep is considerable, paying for stabling and 8a E feed, vets bills... a major headache, children ...quickly tire of the constant effort, * Discuss the distractors: A There is evidence in the text that they are worth it. affectionate creatures that you become attached to. B Its implied that you should choose the horse carefully but this answer does not summarise the gist, of the paragraph, C the reader is certainly advised to think carefully before buying a horse but this is not the same as being advised not to buy one. E There is information in the passage about high vets" bills but this again does not summarise the gist of the paragraph Answer key 2A38 + Key phrases in paragraph 2: plenty ofspce, expert advice, building the stable, protesionaly-un sable, «Key phrases in paragraph 3: warm and clean conditions, examined regulary acenaid against diseases, «carefully balanced dic, regular grooming to keep its coat looking shiny and healty nese ‘Text 2: headings B, C and D. “Tent 3: heading C Exam practice: Part 1 Answer key a 1E2F 3A 4158 6H7C Answer reference 1E the most beautiful of dogs the elegant way they move; Soft toys. 2F ‘ean be trusted with small children; They cannot stand being ignored,..: Males can be aggressive 3A the instinct to pull is very strong: Getting them to stop pulling .. i very difficult; ...can become destructive, .-can chew through almost anything: ...shed a huge amount of hair. ar {or fit and active people; People who have access to ‘open spaces. 3B ‘easy t0 look after; ..their coat requires litle attention: ‘brushing is all that is needed their vivid blu puppies look just like "FO Reading Teacher's Book 6H sledge-pulling races: huskies. 7 extremely loyal: The affection with whieh it greets its ‘owner...: They are dogs that people seem to be irresistibly attracted to, Language development___ Word attack awry E 1 back lie panier algal See 6 instinct B chew 9 affection 10 stroke 1 puppies 2 breed 3 curious 4 affection 5 instinct G aggressive 7 barking 8 chew 9 stroke Phrasal verbs 1 Answer key 1 to look after 2 cleaning out/to be cleaned out 3 go without a 2 Answer key ‘taking up 2 find out 3 is set up 3 Answer key Vis tied up 2 be taken out 3 to run after 4'is brought back 4 Answer key 1 get on 2 grow up 3 brought into 4 setle down 5 put up with Word-| 7) answer key careless: helpless, meaningless, painless, restless, tireless ing: adjectives FC Reading Teacher's Book 7) [ED answer key helpful 1b helpless 2a carcful 2b careless. 3a restful 3b restless 4a painful 4b painless Sa useful Sb useless Use of English wo 1 smelly 2 adorable 3 noisiest 4 marvellous S hairy 6 poisonous 7 fearless & knowledgeable 9 reasonable 10 thoughtless Developing reading skills Lead-in [El] Suggested answers Robert is Julia’s grandfather and Joanna is her grandmother. Maria is Anna’s sister-in-law. Olga is Marcos’ cousin. Thomas is Olga’s unele. Anna is Olga’s ‘aunt. Marcos is Adam's nephew. Julia is Adam's niece Reading task: Multiple choice Strategy: Looking for reference sentences Answer key to 2a 3d 4b * Raise awareness ofthe strategy, focusing attention on. the tip. ‘+ Show how statement C refers back to the concepts of helping look after the younger children in the family ‘and having to help out in statement 1 and how this is achieved with the introductory phrase “That's the kind of upbringing * Draw attention to the key reference phrases in the a All that This is why. That's the kind of That experience. Answer key 1 those nalues’relers to A, ‘respecting your family and the people around you'. 2 ike that’ refers to B, ‘being free to go out and play all day’. 3 ‘look at life in this way’ refers to D, ‘being satisfied ‘with whatever you have go. 4 ‘such things’ refers wo C, ‘ttving the typical lifestyle of ‘a wealthy person’. Exam practice: Part 2 Answer key Es 1D 2D 3A 4B 58 6C7D 6B 1D Thad closed that part of my life for ever 2D imy thyce sisters and a brother had already wou, 3A she just gave me a long and searching look. 4B T was excited, full of self-confidence, 5B Such considerations didn’t trouble me, however 6c | might have turned back ‘would have got from them, my brothers ... the teasing 1 7D ‘Those memories have sayed with me ever since 8B She stood ... one hand raised in farewell and blessing, not questioning why I went. Language development ____ Word attack Dae {got on well 2 gor around 1 3 i cop id ‘fo on foot 3 get by 6 on nf Own 7 rnd back 8 pt op wt, Ey Answer key 1 get on well 2 put up with 3 get around to 4 cross the minds $ get by. 6 on thdr own Compounds beginning with se/f- ED) ‘Aiwwer ey 1 eltservce 2 clfdindpine 3 silence 4 seleaerng 8 seltemployed 6 slFeonfidence 1 selfacphine 8 elreian Compound nouns: family relationships Answer key J fatherintaw 2 stepfather 3 halfsister 4 ex-wife 5 great-grandfather Answer key 1 grew up 2 sreat grandfather 3 fatherindaw 4 have been brought up look down on. 6 take after 7 stepfather 8 took to. 9 took cate of 10 ex-wife AW halsiser Some uses of leave © Answer key 1 lft er behind 2 tet « message. 3 0 leave her alone 4 had left her job 5 leaving school 6 leaving the decision hhouse have been left open. The garage door has been left open. The side gate has been left open. "There is 2 drainpipe underneath the open window and a ladder in the garden, The car window has been left open. 2 The lawnmower, the child's toys, tools from the ‘garage, the bike, the ear. 3 If something is made available, then some people might not be able to resist the temptation of stealing it Answer key 1 pickpocketing 2 smuggling 3 hijacking ‘4 vandalism § robbery 6 burglary 7 forgery 8 mugging 9 shoplifting 10 arson Reading task: Gapped text Strategy: Understanding the connection between two ideas - cause and effect Answer key * “because” links the problem (the inrease in the crime rate) tothe effec (British public fs geting worried). + Asa result links the problem (the increase in the crime rate) and the consequences (the government as decided to take tough measures). “PO Reading Teaenor's Boot + ‘so’ links the result (he was breaking the law) with the action (he was handling stolen goods). * ‘therefore’ links the effcet (jail terms will be long) to the cause (juries are likely to be harsh). ‘Answer key 1 The government has decided to take tough measures. 2-The fact that theft and burglary and violent crimes, ‘are on the increase 3 Because, according to the police, he had been handling stoten goods, 4 Due to, therefore, consequently Db Answer key a result 2 s0 3 duc to 4 therefore / consequently a *Exam practice: Part 3 Answer key 112G 3A 4H SC 6F7D Answer reference nn fitting strong locks on all points of access to the house 2G incrudlers are sed buildings where the 3A the householder has left a door unlocked or a window open. 4H _ between five and ten percent of some education authorities’ maintenance buelgets is spent 5c Graft residents 6F tags or ‘signatures! 7D they are rarely apprehended by the police Language development Word attack keen to try theie luck on are signs of life. causes of the fear of crime among city Ey Answer key 1 drawback 2 getaway 3 set-up 4 telling-off S hold-up 6 breakout 7 crackdown 8 setback 9 ghrenway FC Reading Teacher's Book) Connectors: cause and effect task: Multiple matching (questions) Answer key Strategy: Recognising words which 1 due to 2consequemly 3 asa esull/so 4 because introduce examples ‘of so that 6 therefore 7 due to / because of ~ Answer key Word-building: nouns LES eSB * : + Draw students attention to the eet of using words Answer key and phrases to give exampls. ‘equipment: development, punishment, discouragement + Relate the tip tothe eading task destruction: detection, prevention, invention supicion, intention, identification [Answer key responsibility: stupidity, security, illegality, identity ‘Text A: including, such as Text B for instance, sich as, neues ‘eat C: for example, namely Use of English = [Answer key ED) Answer key a eee 1 indude 2 for example / for instance Goer e aay eee See 3 uch including fr xamplo Beeeeeeesceren Examoractice: Part 4 Answer key 18 2C 3A 4A 5B 6D7C BC 9D WE Lag eet Answer reference Lead-in 1b 2c 1 Paragraphs A , {band 1 refer to the past unfavourably TY) Answer key coach services are afar ery from their predecessors... Picture 1: food, pc : Although in the past railway employoes scemed to have eT: flood, picture 2: train crash, picture 3: fre, At 7 : . cae a onions Galt ile respect for passengers... librarians are duty= bound. wkich fe « compleis tazmaround fom youre 5 sone by x3 In paragraphs and © there is no negative reference to Answer key the past In picture 1 the fire brigade would pump away the 3A ‘water try to control the flooding and reseue stranded sod 37% ace meee refunds are promised... when serious inconvenience ae ee occu In picture 2 the fire brigade would search for survivors, 4 senso ortpeubabe tatbeek ck Aico octane, Unlike planes and teains, however, the coach is atthe doroages| taal eta alot inetea veld a mercy of road tate ‘care ofthe inured and offer support to the vietims. 50 In pleture 3 the fire brigade would rescue stranded travellers can make use of modem communication people and offer support to the victims. systems, Passengers ean Tink up to the Internet, or use fax In picture 4 the fire brigade would assist the police facilis and try to prevent the outbreak of fire. Ambulance 6D ‘workers would offer support to the victims and take They are very helpful and will often go out of their way care ofthe injured, to provide, assistance 7 councils must work closely with other local authorities and voluntary ac Investigations into complaints are usually within a week and a full response is 9D highly tained and efficient staf OE no complaints procedure exists for dissatisfied clientele "1B a trolley buffet servic... hot meals and drinks can be obtained in the restaurant car RA .a choice of affordable light refreshments. 3D books, videos, CD-ROMS and music cassettes... computer terminals. 4D In Line with recent legislation, ....duty-bound to provide a prompt, eflicent and courteous service, ried out soon after. Language development. Word attack Answer key 1 reference books 2 road maintenance 3 computer terminals 4 fax facilities 5 application form 6 complaints procedure 7 focal authority 8 leisure facilities J Answer key. 1 scheme 2 public 3 excellence 4 politeness 5 commitment 6 policy 7 agencies 8 installation 9 access 10 leaflets Prepositional phrases Answer key Vin touch with 2 in time for 3 in charge of 4 in common with § in response to 6 in place of ye with B in honour of Phrasal verbs (ED Answer key 1 cartied on 2 carried out 3 to carry it through A carries it off § carried over Use of En: Answer key 1 service 2 sympathetically 3 departure refreshments 5 organisation 6 behaviour 7 inconvenience 8 employees 9 unhelpful 10 dissatisfaction (FO Reading Teacher's Book Revision (Units 9-12) Answer key Animals: bark, breed, chew, coat, vaccinate, vet Crime: aceuse, apprehend, commit, getaway, release, terrorist, witness Services: agency, customer, lealet, performance, prompt. quality, staf, train 1 Answer key 1 breed 2 coats 3 vaccinating 4 vet § training 6 chewing 7 barking 2 _ Answer key ‘1 prompt 2 stall 3 customer 4 quality 5 leafless 6 agencies 7 performance a Answer key 1 witnessing 2 committed 3 accused 4 terrorists 5 getaway 6 apprehended 7 released Answer key 1B2E 3D J Answer key 1 characteristic 2 untriendliness. 3 ignorant ‘ideration 8 imprisonment 9 inconvenience 10 unreasonable Answer key 1B 2€3D 4C 5D 6A 7D 8B 9D 0D no RC BD 4C 5D Developing reading skills Lead-in Answer key 1 motorbike 2 monorail 3 hovercraft 4 ferry S coach 6 yacht 7 helicopter 8 tram [Ey Sussested answers A plane is fast/safe but it is expensive to use. A tram is quiet/clean but it is slow/limits you by its ‘timetable and routes. A car is convenient to use but it ereates pollution/is expensive to run. A bus is cheap to travel on/safe/ but it limits jou by its ‘timetable and routes. A motorbike is cheap to run but it ean be dangerous/is. EE) noisy. STEM se Reading task: Multiple matching (headings) Strategy: Understanding figurative Answer reference 1 othe restricted range of. ler eas..; Drivers Gjiey tired of cars; they had to stop to charge their batteries + oe amare ofthe ray by riding wanes ‘words used figuratively in everyday communication, newspapers, etc, r built by tiny independent companies or conversions ... + Discuss how shatters is ‘normally’ used, i its literal, by ameter. sense 10 deseribe glass breaking into many tiny picees, 3B + Contras it withthe way iis wsed to emphasise that ~ between 25 and 50 miles ona charge perfectly leo hee Adequate forthe dally neds ofthe average driver. easy to drive in city traffic. + Continue with 2a, relating the tsk to the tip and showing how the context, ‘clecric vehicles’ and legal ‘obstacles’, can lead the students to the correct answer. a new type of lead-acid battery ..pleased with its Performance; -.a 50 per cent increase to a vehicle's range. 6c _tremendous cornering ability an electric engine delivers instantaneous power he smoothness of electrically powered vehicles a 7 much lower maintenance bill .t0 last about a miles; .-vchicls are emitting no exhaust gases Language development El Word attack Answer key | Trevolutionary 2 charge 3 range 4 convert 5 install 6 the mains 7 performance 8 revolutionise 9 maintenance 10 exhaust Answer key 1 maintenance 2 converted 3 performance A installed § the mains 6 revolutionary 7 charged 8 exhaust Phrasal verbs Answer key 1 broke down 2 turned on 3 to find out 4 go about 5 to carry out 6 came up with 7 built up 8 went on Some uses of break Answer key 1 ve breaking the law 2 broke my arm 3 break the habit 4 broke my heart 5 had broken his word/promise 6 to break the news/breaking the news 7 broke the ice 8 was broken Use of Ens Answer key 1C 2B 3D 4A 5B 6B7C 8B 9D wCO UB RA Ug Lead-in Suggested answers Recycling helps reduce the damage done to the sh Planting trees inereases/helps sustain the oxygen in the Growing food organically reduces the levels of pesticides in the environment, Using public transport reduces congestion and reduces urban pollution, a (ena Techers Rook Suggested answers ‘Water pollution is eaused by oi, industrial waste and sewage. It threatens fish stocks and kills life in rivers and lakes. Noise pollution is created by vehicles, loud musie and Power tools. It damages people's mental health, Acid rain is caused by power stations and vehicle exhausts It kills life in rivers and lakes. ‘Ozone layer damage is caused by reftigerators and air ‘conditioning. It increases the risk of skin cancer. Radiation is ereated by nuclear power stations. It lends 10 several forms of cancer. Urban smog comes from power stations and vehicle exhausts, It results in breathing disorders, ‘Tree loss results from forest fires and air pollution. It creates floods and soil erosion, | Answer key J eoncerned 2 dissatisfied 3 happy 4 happy Reading task: Multiple choice Strategy: Identifying the writer’s purpose Answer key 1b 203d 4c Present different purposes for writing: personal correspondence, informing the readers, entertaining, ate ‘Train students to identify the writer's purpose by examining style, register and the characteristics of the information provided, Get students t© make general observations about the passages Passage 1 describes a personal experience Passage 2 contains factual information and involves the reader emotionally Passage 3 is a piece of formal writing a series of arguments Passage 4 is a description of an adventure holiday and attracts attention by addressing the reader directly Answer key ‘The writer's purpose in text 1 is to entertain, in text 2 to warn and in text 4 to challenge the reader. Answer key ‘ext 3 is written in a very formal style. ‘Text 2 has words that express strong feelings and contains facts intended to shock the reader, Texts 1 and 4 contain descriptive details ‘ext 3 contains a number of verbs in the passive voice. “Test 4 addresses the reader direetly and contains the words we and you. ‘Text 3 comtains specialist vocabulary. FC Reading Teacher's Book "il Answer key 11 Tris a scientific, detached, unemotional presentation fof the facts, 2 In onder to provoke an emotional response in the reader. 3 It produces a fling of closeness (ntimary) between Ed the writer and reader A They make the writer's account more interesting. a Exam practice: Part 2____ Answer key 1€ 2838 4A 5D 6C7D 1c they vary from country to county: ..a bewildering variety of shapes, sizes, colours and habitats. 2B frogs that possess ingenious methods of safeguard their eggs and young, 3B these narrow, smelly litle streams. aa ‘wns just going to phinge his net back into the water ‘again when he stopped 5D the breeding habits of the pipa toad are the most extraordinary deposited 6c chose a moment ... Iwas on board a ship, in the middle of the Atlantic ocean, 7D The writer lays emphasis on natural variety and provides tails about the pipa toads’ appearance and breeding method the skin becomes soft and spongy: .-are along her back; ..they sink into her skin. Language development Word attack Answer key 1 rearing 2 batch 3 protect lays 5 breeding 6 deponited 7 ferlised 8 developed Answer key 1 lay 2 to hatch 3 develops 4 are fertilised 5 rearing 6 deposit 7 protect 8 to breed Answer key {habitat 2 species 3 prowled 4 capturing 'S amphibians 6 specimens 7 fur 8 weird Answer key 1 species 2 amphibians 3 weirdest 4 specimens Sifur 6 habitats 7 prowling @ are captured Raise, rise, rear, lay, lie Answer key ‘Thas risen 2 lying 3 laying 4 are raised 5 to rear Compound a Answer key 1 world-famous 2 manceating 3 deepsea 4 freerange § nuclearfree 6 lead-free People and relationships Lead-in Pieture 1: Aborigines Picture 9: Prince Answer key: Age: elderly, middle-aged, teens, getting on Hair: curly, fringe, dyed, bald Bulla: overweight, plump, slender, well-built Face: bear, freckles, wrinkles, moustache Attitude: annoyed, fed up, depressed, excited Reading task: Gapped text Strategy: Understanding connectors which give additional information Answer key. 1d 2b 3c Answer key XDYCZB ‘Draw students’ attention to the way additional information is 2h vsing connectors, + Summarise ways of offering additional informatio illustrated in unit 4 (relative clauses), unit 10 (reference sentences) and unit 15 (understanding Exam practice: Part 3 Answer key 1D 20 314G 5E 6F7B Answer reference 1D in the implements themselves, with small... points and blades 2c Aboriginal painters... Painting techniques ... painting: ccolourful images. 31 dentifving the speci animals toward a tap... 4G Boomerangs and nets may also be shown in use SE 1 group of people driv 1 customs rigidly observed ... isthe avoidance ‘of the mother-in-law or The act of painting is itself religious .. part of a wider 7B Life for women was by no means easy... Language development__ Word attack Answer key 1 archaeological 2 earliest 3 tribal 4 indigenous ‘S wandering 6 household 7 varied 8 colourful Expressing negatives Answer key 1 by no means 2 rarely 3 a lack of 4 ite 5 not until Compound adjectives Answer key strong-minded, well-dressed / behaved, uick-tempered, light-headed hearted/skinned, cold-hearted, half-hearted, open-minded Answer key 1 wellbchaved 2 quiek-tempered 3 half-hearted 4 welldressed 5 open-minded Use of English Answer key 1D 2C 3B 4D SA 6B 7D 8A aici) Lead-in Answer key 1 London/Athens 2 Inverness. 3 Athens 4 Barcelona 5 Krakow 6 Innsbruck 1s Suggested answers Going on a sighiseeing holiday you would be able to Jearn about the euliure and history of w place ‘The main advantage of w skiing holiday would be the excitement you would feel as you skied down a mountain slope. Iti ideal only for those who are keen on skiing A to capital cities would be great fan {out about the history and architecture ‘of the city from a specialist guide 1 wisit to ancient sites could be both educational and entertaining. It may involve a lot of walking and could prove to be tring The main advantage of « beach holiday is that you can, Jaze around all day on the beach and get a good suntan, You could also meet lots of interesting people but you might get bored Jn activity holiday would be very rewarding and ‘exciting because you are doing something which is very different from your daily routine at home Reading task: Multiple matching Strategy: Understanding words and expressions which show an opinion or 2 promising: you will eerainly discover. 3 offering: let us help you. 4 suggesting: why not... 5 preferring: if you would rather Answer key 1h 2a de4eSd # Draw students’ attention to the italicised phrases and raise awareness of their function in the tex Get students in groups and ask them to find ways of expressing opinion or attitude without actually using ‘words like think, believe, or suggest # Move to the tip and relate it to the task. 23 | Exam.practice; Part 4 Word-building: prefixes Answer reference 1A its always wise to prebook tours. ac “oan advance booking is esental. : 3D will no doube wish they had more time to explore the diy. ae its almost total destruction in the early forties. 5B set in a stunning location. 6p =s-with the romantie Mediterranean on its doorstep. 7A despite the noise and traffic jams... an 1 Thad the choice... in which to live, it would be Rio. Use of English oC - =aVenice is best seen by water. 1Or [A must for all vistors is the Palace of Culture and Science. "Bb ‘The effec Rio has on the visitor is unforgetable. RB - blessed with « wonderful sunny climate. BD «rest assured that the sun will shine each day. name from Wars, a fisherman and, Sava, Revision (Units 13-16) «to sample the wonderful cuisine ... 1A «.-book a city tour...; There is a wealth of scenery ... in the .. countryside; -..oneday excursions out of the city. 2 Answer key 1 conservationists 2 habitats 3 species 4 pesticides S marine 6 deforestation 7 erosion - va _ Vinhabit 2 settlements 3 identity 4 détermined 5 customs 6 competent 7 generation Answer key 1A 2E 3B Answer key 1 preferable 2 maintenance 3 prosperity A technologically 5 beneficial 6 indication 7 awareness. 8 controversial 9 penalised 10 independence Answer key 1A 2C 3B 4D $B 6A 7C 8C 9B WD NA RC BK MD EB Living conditions a 1d 2ce3c 4b $a Suggested answers iecure a: expensive to maintain, good to relax in, auite cut off Picture b: smart and modern, facilities within easy reach, noise problems Picture c: easy to look aftr, facilities within easy reach, noise problems Picure d: expensive to maintain, good to relax in, smart and modern 1 beautiful garden, hard to keep up, in an Jocation, quite cut off, old and charming Picture attra 2 parks and open spaces, lively nightlife, good public sports facilities nearby, within easy reach of schools 1b within easy commuting distance to work © parks and open spaces, a good range of shops within walking distance, a good community spirit, 1 modieal centre on the doorstep, easy access to unspoilt countryside, litle vandalism and violence, peace and quiet (FO ReAaing Teacher's Boox 4. a good range of shops within walking distance, a ‘medical centre on the doorstep. places of interest, an easy drive or bus-tide away, cultural facilities such as libraries, theatres and cinemas within easy reach, peace and quiet “Answer key 1e2d3a 4b Sc Suggested answers The main living area: highly flexible, occupants can vary lay-out and shape of rooms The kitchen: highly automated, comput The sleeping area: temperature controlled by sensors monitoring the sleepers’ body temperatures The power supply: possibly completely solar Domestic entertainment facilites: large 3D wall screens, interactive TV programs liators, computer controlled + The heating: no visibl Strategy overview Part 1: Multiple matching (headings) Don't Unit reference © Unit 1, page 5 and Unit 9, page 58 * Unit 1, page 6 * Unit 5, page 82 and Unit 9, page 57 Exam practice; Part) Answer key 1G 2D 3H 4B 50 6A Strategy reference 1G Understanding the gist 2D . Understanding figurative language 3H Understanding figurative language and understanding the gist 4B Understanding the gist 5c Looking for word groups FC Reading Teacher's BOOK’! Language development Word attack Answer key average 2 exterior 3 manmade 4 cut dowsi S efficient 6 giving way to 7 self-contained B traditional Answer key 1 domestic 2 appliances. 3 glazing 4 insulation S construction 6 household Answer key 1 traditional 2 insulation 3 glaring 4 construction S exterior 6 cut down 7 giving way to 8 manmade household 10 self-contained 14 appliances Phrasal verbs Answer key 1 have come about, 2 work out 3 see to A be broken into 5 go back Some uses of keep Answer key 1 keep his mind on 2 keep in touch 3 kept him alive 4 keep a record of keep her company 6 can't keep a secret Compound nouns with house- and home- Answer key house: housebound, housekeeper, houseproud, housewarming, housewife, housework home: homegrown, homeland, homeless, homemade, homesick, homework Answer key. 1 homesick 2 houseproud 3 homemade, homegrown 4 housewarming 5 housewife, housework 6 homework 7 houschound 8 homeless Science and technology Developing reading skills Lead-in F) Answer key 1 (laser) f 2 (telescope) d 3 (syringe) e 4 (robot) b 5 (Xray machine) a 6 (microscope) © | Answer key see if someone had broken a bone: Xray machine ‘make something tiny look larger: microscope improve efficiency in a factory: robot take blood from someone: syringe search for new planets and stars: telescope perform a delicate medical operation: laser [| Answer key Isaac Newton devised the law of gravity Charles Richter devised @ seale for measuring, cearthauakes. Marie Curie discovered radium. Galileo invented the telescope. Jacques Cousteau invented the aqualung, Pythagoras devised mathematical laws. Copernicus discovered the orbits of the planets. ‘Vasco da Gama discovered a sea route 10 Indi Answer key 1d 2e3f 4g 5c 6h 72 Bb Answer Key 1b 2d 3a he 5a 6d Answer key On the one hand, automation has made factory production highly efficient. On the other hand, i has forced many people to work in dehusmanising conditions. On the one hand, animal cloning has given us the ability to standardise meat prodiction. On the other hhand, it could possibly be used on human embryos. Answer key, 7 1D 2A3A 40 5D 6C7B Strategy reference 1D Looking for words or phrases with similar meaning 2A Understanding implied meanin 3A Looking for reference sentences ac Looking for words or phrases with similar meaning and ‘understanding implied meaning 5D Looking for words or phrases with similar meaning 6c ‘Understanding implied meaning in the text 7B Kentifying the writer Language development Word attack ‘Answer key 1 mass production 2 factorylike 3 conveyor belts 4 mechanisms 5 modifying 6 rate 7 uniform Bstandard 9 batch 10 well-being, Preposition + noun + preposition [Answer key 1 on behalf of 2 in sight of 3 in danger of 4 in charge of in place of 6 in contol of 7 in terms of Bon account of 9 In fear of 10 in eae of Some uses of do Answer key 1 do me good 2 is doing a course 3 do your best 4-do me a favour § do for a living 6 doing the housework, doing the washing up Use of English Answer key 1C 2A 3B 4D 5A 6A7B8C 9A 0D {FO Reading Teacher's Book PCr CUCM} Picture a depicts young people sitting at computer terminals. They are at school and they could be using the computers to learn a foreign language, This is an ‘example of independent learning and computers are used as a learning tool. Picture b shows a traditional single-sex style classroom, Picture b is an example of teacher-centred classrooms whereas in picture a the students interact ‘with the computer at their own pace In picture ¢ the young girl is studying using a smputer, Most likely she is at home and is using the puter to do a project Answer key ta/e2e 3a 4a Sb a/c Exam practice: Part 3 Answer key 1D 2C314E 5A 6F 7B Strategy reference 1D Recognising words which introduce examples 2 ‘Understanding the connection berween caus ar Understanding reference words 45 Looking for associated words and ideas 5A. Looking for reference sentences oF Recognising words which introduce examples 7B Understanding connectors which give additional information Reading Teaches BSN Language development. Exam_practice; Part 4 Word attack Answer key. ‘ 1A 2B 3F 4D 5C 6F 7E BA 9E Answer key wC NE 2D BA MD 1 literacy 2 truancy 3 tutor. 4 was bullied 5 qualifications 6 funding 7 stateofthean 8 pace Strategy reference 1a Word pais Looking for associated words and ideas [Answer key 2B 41 facts and figures 2 part and parcel 3 sidcand tired Looking for associated words and ideas A hit and miss 5 peace and quiet 6 now and again aF Looking for associated words and ideas at 4D Espressione ee Looking for words of phases in the texts which have BSE similar meanings to those in the questions 11 made a mistake 2 made a promise to aC 3 have made progress 4 not to make a noise Looking for words or phrases in the texts which have 55 make an attempt at /to do similar meanings to those in the questions 6F _ Looking for associated words and ideas Error correction ee Anantelan Looking for associated words and ideas 1 take 2 pass 3 marks @ education 5 instructions Ba 6 pay 7 candidates 8 check / Took over 9 make Looking for associated words and ideas 10 subject OF Looking for associated words and ideas Use of English we ngli Looking for words and phrases of similar meaning TD) Answer key NE 10 2D 38 4D SB6BTABD 9A WC Looking for words and phrases of similar meaning np Looking for associated words and ideas Beer Ba yeoe fies Looking for associated words and ideas mp Looking for examples in the text of ideas which appear in the questions Ca Language development ___ Developing reading skills Word attack Lead-in HD) Answer key hands-on 2 act out 3 unrivaled 4 textiles i iaiver ay ipelikesGocqmartsi7meior Mga et a3 bi ez W0 assembled 11 housed 12 contemporary a a B Answer key 1 audition 2 textiles 3 acting out housed 5 intriguing 6 assembled 7 hands-on 8 unrivalled Use of English Answer key 1 presentation 2 accessible 3 exhibitions cultural 5 creativity 6 decorative 7 interaction / interacting Bexcitement 9 enables 10 imaginary Answer key 1D 2A 3A 4A 5A 6A 7D 8C 9A 10C iT jon (Units 17-20) Answer key. Science and technology: break through, clone, discover, ‘experiment, field, research Living conditions: community, high-rise, nighiife, rent, vandalism, Education: apply, attendance, curriculum, essay, fil, literacy, qualification, subject 1 Answer key 1 discovered 2 clone 3 breakthrough 4 be applied 5 experimenting 6 research 7 field 2 Answer key. Lents. 2 highrise 3 vandalism 4 nightlife 5 suburbs 6 residential 7 community 3 Answer key Vattendance 2 literacy 3 fail 4 essays 5 subjects 6 curriculum 7 qualification Answer key 1D 20 3F ‘Answer key 1 knowledge 2 natural 3 insight 4 evolution S failure 6 impressive 7 observers 8 participants 9 improvements 10 technological “Answer key 1 2B 3D 4D $A 6B 7A 8C 9D 0B WA RC BA WB ISD (FoREsting Teacner’s Book FC Reading Tests a Be ee) ‘Choose the word or plhrase which best completes each 14 No one has yet managed to find cures for common nee like colds and influenza. A diseases B ailments €sicknesses injuries 1. After two hours on the tennis... we were all exhausted 15 She fulfilled her lifetime ... when she played for her Acourt Burack € pitch D ring country Awish Bhope C intention D ambition 2. She's not really very keen .. team sports Ain Birom Con Dat 16 Ifyou want to take up gol get yourself a good set 3 It’sa good thing for young people to be... in spor. Acdubs B sticks Cats D rods Acapable Boccupied C involved D active ¥7 In 1900, at the ... of the century, there were very few 4 The pilot and all his... survived the plane crash. ear in the world, Neh micew

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