Intention Setting Work Sheet

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Intention setting worksheet

The journey towards your dreams

begins with intention!

Intention begins with inspiration or divine thought. This

leads to setting an intention for your highest good.
Intention works because the universe holds the space
for it to be so. Just like an acorn is programed to
become an oak tree....we are programed for SUCCESS.
Our dreams are our pre-programmed success that we
just need to tap into. We tap into that when we set our

Transform Your Life Within 21 Days Challenge!! 21-Days Manifesting Challenge (Starter Series)
The Intention setting prayer
I ask that I call forth my heart's truest desires to flow through this pen at this point in time.
I trust and surrender the outcome will unfold in perfect Divine timing and I believe
(with the essence of my being) that I am guided and supported on this journey.
In the spirit of magic, celebration and joy may I now commence this intention writing
session and spark off the energy that will allow for the manifesting process to unfold

With All My LOVE...

(sign/date here)


Transform Your Life Within 21 Days Challenge!! 21-Days Manifesting Challenge (Starter Series)
There are 3 segments of this goals,dreams,
wishes and desires worksheet experience.

• You will first focus on what you want to BE

• Then move onto what you want to DO
• And thirdly, what you want to HAVE
(This is called “The Be- Do-Have formula”)

“You gotta be before you can do,and you've gotta do before you
can have.” Z I G Z I GL E R

Transform Your Life Within 21 Days Challenge!! 21-Days Manifesting Challenge (Starter Series)

1. Name 3 of the highest values that define who you are...

2.Name 3 people that you would like to be like that inspire you. Mentors can be
anyway that you personally define as an inspiration.

3.Let’s say you are a leading world expert on a certain topic, what is your title? For
example: ‘I am now the world’s top motivational speaker.'

4.Write down the top 3 things you would like to be...(eg. bestselling author,
celebrity chef, philanthropist, most sought-after speaker)

Transform Your Life Within 21 Days Challenge!! 21-Days Manifesting Challenge (Starter Series)
5.Do you believe you could make these things happen in the next 12 months? If
yes, what are 3 steps you could take in the next few days to get the ball rolling in that
direction? Remember, the Universe always rewards inspired action!

6.Presence and being present is a vital part of BE-ing. What are 3 things that
bring you the greatest sense of peace, JOY, presence, and wellbeing? Now make
sure you do them daily.

7.What is your style? The iconic essence of this physical world that helps to define
you? It could be the things you love, the people you surround yourself with or the
way you define LOVE. Describe everything that lights up your soul: (eg. the color
pink, roses, rainbows, painting, types of clothes, music, fragnance like lavender oil,
art etc)

Transform Your Life Within 21 Days Challenge!! 21-Days Manifesting Challenge (Starter Series)
8.The truest essence of your being is LOVE and your connection to a higher
power. If you could write one sentence to spark a conversation with God, The
Universe or your higher self (use your own name for this power) what would it

Transform Your Life Within 21 Days Challenge!! 21-Days Manifesting Challenge (Starter Series)
1.Pretend that money is no object and that you have more money
than you could ever spend.

What would you do? Go...

2.Would you still be in the business (or industry) you’re in now

ifyou didn’t have to make money? If so, why or why not

Transform Your Life Within 21 Days Challenge!! 21-Days Manifesting Challenge (Starter Series)
Transform Your Life Within 21 Days Challenge!! 21-Days Manifesting Challenge (Starter Series)
3.What do you do in your life to serve others? Being of service to others, to humanity
and being a good global citizen is vital to the manifestation of success and

4.Name 6 places you would love to visit in the next year...

Transform Your Life Within 21 Days Challenge!! 21-Days Manifesting Challenge (Starter Series)
Transform Your Life Within 21 Days Challenge!! 21-Days Manifesting Challenge (Starter Series)
5.What are 3 things that you would like to do and have accomplished 12 months
from today? What steps of inspired action can you take TODAY?

6.What is the one thing that no-one would ever guess that you really want to do?
How can you make it happen?

Transform Your Life Within 21 Days Challenge!! 21-Days Manifesting Challenge (Starter Series)
1.This is the fun part where you start to order from the cosmic catalog! Setting very
clear intentions about what you want to create is super-important. What type of a
house do you want to live in? What kind of car would you like to drive? Be very
specific. The Universe is listening...and most importantly...

2.What does your body look like? How are your energy levels? Fitness levels?
How do you feel?

Transform Your Life Within 21 Days Challenge!! 21-Days Manifesting Challenge (Starter Series)
Transform Your Life Within 21 Days Challenge!! 21-Days Manifesting Challenge (Starter Series)
3.If Rs 500,000 is gifted to you randomly and you have to pay-it-forward...
Who would you give it to and why? And how do you think this would make you
feel? (donation and Philontraphy)

4.Design your ultimate wishlist with 12 things you would love to manifest within 3
months or less.

Transform Your Life Within 21 Days Challenge!! 21-Days Manifesting Challenge (Starter Series)
LAST STEP: Seal up this worksheet, put it away, and then
set a reminder in yourcalendar to revisit your intentions
when you feel like you need a dose of inspiration.

I bet you’ll be surprised at what manifests for you!

The key in the meantime is to TRUST + SURRENDER. If
you enjoyed this resource and proces please make
sure you visit for regular doses of manifesting
inspiration to create a life you love. You can also check
out the listed resources below.

To Your Success!

With LOVE and Gratitude,

Monika Dubey!!

Transform Your Life Within 21 Days Challenge!! 21-Days Manifesting Challenge

(Starter Series)

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