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Address: Bangalore, India

Phone: +91-8618263463
B A Arpith Kumar Email:
Software Engineer


BMS College Of Engineering | Aug 2017 – July 2021

● Major: Electronics and Communication(GPA-8.82/10)

● Programming Coursework: Data Structures and Algorithms, C Programming, Object Oriented Programming with C++,
Operating Systems, Computer Networks.


Software Engineer | Cisco Systems August 2021 - Present

● Front-end development. (Using Angular)

o Redesigned many of the applications which were in native AngularJS with Angular10.

● Currently working as a GoLang developer.

○ Working on making changes and upgrades to an existent B2B message management system.

● Search Engine Optimization using Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana.

o Optimized the data processing and storage model, reducing the average search speed from seconds to milliseconds
compared to pulling from traditional relational databases.
o Implemented a logging pipeline using my knowledge of Logstash to send out alerts even without the use of a
scheduling tool.
● Data Warehousing using Snowflake.
o Achieved the main task of pulling only critical and accurate data from a vast dataset and pushed it further to create
o Reduced the average query time.
● Functioning as a Partner Security Advocate(PSA)
o Primary responsibilities include validating the security scans, and status' of applications before going to Production.
o Developing and analyzing threat models for applications.
o Suggesting fixes to high-risk vulnerabilities to application development teams.
Software Engineer, Intern| Cisco Systems Feb 2021
– May 2021

● Automation
o Worked majorly on UiPath(A Robotic Process Automation tool) to build automations to assist logistic processes and
o Received connected recognition from a senior manager for automating the entire Inventory discrepancy adjustment
process, which resulted in completing a record 1035 adjustments in a month.
o Saved around 80 person-hours a month by automating the entire strenuous Financial month-end closure process,
done once every month.

Software Projects

Smart Ledger Creation Decentralized Application

● Led a team that developed a decentralized application that created ledgers on the Ethereum Blockchain.

● UI was developed using AngularJS, and the back-end using Solidity.

MongoDB CRUD Application:

● Developed an application that performs basic CRUD applications on MongoDB.

● The front-end was developed using MongoDB, and the back-end using NodeJS and Express JS.

Remote Lab

● Worked as a part of a team on an application that allowed students of my University to access and perform experiments in
Hardware labs from their houses.
● This was accomplished using Analog Devices Controller kit, which acted as an interface between the hardware circuit and the
computer located right next to it. Python was used to read this data and generate waveforms.
● Project is currently being continued by students to add more circuits into the currently existing set.


● Programming languages
o Proficient: Go
o Familiar: Java, JavaScript
● Operating Systems: Windows, macOS, Linux
● Applications: UiPath


● Rajeshwari B S, Vaishnavi M, Yashita P Jain, Ramyashree B V, Arpith Kumar, Yogeesha C B "Enhanced Relative Comparison of
Traditional Sorting Approaches towards Optimization of New Hybrid Two in-One (OHTO) Novel Sorting Technique," Journal of
ICT Research and Applications [Status: Active Submission]

Certifications/Workshops/Co-Curricular Activities

● UiPath certified advanced RPA developer

● Cisco Data Science green belt holder.

● Have my own YouTube channel where I upload videos about Data Structures and other concepts.

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