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Reading: Sunday is my favourite day, what’s yours?

Hi. My name is Molly. I live in Manchester, England. I am fifty- three years old. A friend asked me:
what is your favourite day of the week? I really love Sundays! Sunday is my favourite day. On
Sundays, my family comes to visit. I have two daughters and they each have two kids. They all
come over on Sunday afternoons. But, I think it is better if I tell you about my day in the order it
happens. So, here we go. I wake up early. I always wake up early! But I don’t get up. My husband
brings me a cup of tea in bed. Then he goes to the gym. He doesn’t do a work-out, he goes to the
swimming pool and he swims. When he gets back, I get up and we have breakfast. After that, my
husband picks my newspaper up and I read it. I love the articles and I always do the crossword. At
about eleven o’clock, I have a piece of cake and a coffee. Soon, it is afternoon and I get ready for
my daughters and the grandkids. I prepare a full Sunday lunch, usually roast beef and vegetables.
I also prepare a veggie bake as my eldest daughter is a vegetarian. We all sit round the table and
talk about our week. Later on, the kids go out into the garden and play with the dog. My daughters
help me with the washing-up and we chat some more. After they leave, I’m exhausted, but happy.
My husband makes us a nice pot of tea and we watch a bit of TV. Later on, we take the dog out for
a walk. Sundays are perfect!
-Read the text and answer the following questions:
1) Who comes to visit on Sundays?
2) When does she get up?
3) Where does his husband go on Sunday morning?
4) What do they have for breakfast?
5) What does she love about the newspaper?
6) What does she do at about eleven am?
7) What does she cook for her family?
8) What do the children do after the meal?
9) How does Molly feel after the family leave?
10) What do they do on Sunday evening?

-What about you? What’s your favourite day of the week and
what do you usually do?

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