English 9-Masla Week 2

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NAME: ______________________________________________ DATE: ___________________________

Week 2. Part 1. Direction: Arrange the following scenes from the story Romeo and Juliet by William
Shakespeare. Write numbers 1 to 10 on each blank square.

Part 2. Read this infographic
about Types of Fallacy (Faulty
Logic, Unsupported Facts, and Emotional Appeal).

Direction: Identify the type of fallacy used in the given statements below. Write FL if it is faulty logic, UF if
unsupported facts, and EA for emotional appeal. Write your answer in a piece of paper
1. Everyone wants to get married someday. A good self-concept is important in attracting a husband or wife.
Therefore, everyone should develop a good self-concept.
2. Students who take physics instead of earth science are studious and hardworking. Susie took physics instead
of earth science. She should receive an academic distinction.
3. “I loved that movie we saw last night starring Daniel Padilla. I am going to rent all of his movies, and I am
sure I‘ll like all of them.”
4. "Science shows that the Earth is billions of years old!"
5. There must be objective rights and wrongs in the universe. If not, how can you possibly say that torturing
babies for fun could ever be right?
6. As Mayor, my top priority will be improving education. So my first act of office will be to cut funding for our
public schools.
7. I know why you failed in English in the previous quarters. You don‘t study.
8. I met a little boy with cancer who lived just 20 miles from a power line who looked into my eyes and said, in
his weak voice, “Please do whatever you can so that other kids won‘t have to go through what I am going


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