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[ Critical Care How I Do It ]

Setting and Titrating Positive

End-Expiratory Pressure
Scott J. Millington, MD; Pierre Cardinal, MD; and Laurent Brochard, MD

Although maintaining some amount of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) seems essen-
tial, selecting and titrating a specific level for patients with ARDS remains challenging despite
extensive research on the subject. Although an “open lung” approach to ventilation is popular
and has some degree of biological plausibility, it is not without risk. Furthermore, there is no
clear evidence-based guidance regarding initial PEEP settings or how to titrate them early in the
course of the illness. Many busy clinicians use a “one-size-fits-all” approach based on local
medical culture, but an individualized approach has the potential to offer significant benefit.
Here we present a pragmatic approach based on simple measurements available on all venti-
lators, focused on achieving balance between the potential risks and benefits of PEEP.
Acknowledging “best PEEP” as an impossible goal, we aim for a straightforward method to
achieve “better PEEP.” CHEST 2022; 161(6):1566-1575

KEY WORDS: ARDS; critical care; mechanical ventilation

The application of positive end-expiratory Although this pragmatic approach is

pressure (PEEP) was first described in the necessarily an oversimplification of an
1930s1,2 and came into common use for extremely complicated topic, it should
treating ARDS in the 1960s.3 In the be viewed through the lens of harm
intervening 50 years, a clear consensus reduction: in many cases, PEEP levels are
around how to manage PEEP in general, and set, due to lack of time or experience, at an
for patients with ARDS specifically, has arbitrary level based on local habit and
remained elusive.4 The current article offers medical culture. This “one-size-fits-all”
an approach to selecting an initial PEEP approach can be made better via a
value and to titrating it over the initial period straightforward approach that offers some
of the acute illness for patients with ARDS. patient-specific adjustments. Although this
Rather than aiming for “best PEEP,” an method is based on evidence where
illusory and impossible-to-achieve goal, we available, it places special emphasis on
focus on “better PEEP” using a simple practicality. A protocol requiring unusual
stepwise approach centered around easy-to- equipment or a significant investment in
measure variables and focused on both the time will simply be left by the wayside in a
potential benefits and harms of PEEP. busy real-world ICU. The opinions

ABBREVIATIONS: ACP = acute cor pulmonale; DP = driving pressure; Michael’s Hospital, Unity Health Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; and
EIT = electrical impedance tomography; PEEP = positive end- the Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care Medicine (L. Bro-
expiratory pressure; Pes = esophageal pressure; POCUS = point-of- chard), University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.
care ultrasound; Pplat = plateau pressure; RII = recruitment-to-inflation CORRESPONDENCE TO: Scott J. Millington, MD; email: smillington@
index; RV = right ventricular; TPP = transpulmonary pressure; Vrec =
volume of lung recruited; VT = tidal volume Copyright Ó 2022 American College of Chest Physicians. Published by
AFFILIATIONS: From the University of Ottawa/The Ottawa Hospital Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
(S. J. Millington and P. Cardinal), Ottawa, ON, Canada; Keenan DOI:
Research Centre, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (L. Brochard), St.

1566 How I Do It [ 161#6 CHEST JUNE 2022 ]

expressed here are those of the authors, and other and no consensus as to the role of recruitment
equally valid approaches exist. maneuvers. Higher PEEP levels have been compared
with lower values in several studies12-14; some secondary
Case Example outcome improvements have been reported, but a
A 60-year-old man with type 2 diabetes, hypertension, mortality benefit remains elusive. Such studies are
and obesity is transferred to the ICU with severe difficult to interpret for several reasons, including
hypoxemia in the context of a worsening community- patient heterogeneity with respect to the amount of
acquired pneumonia and is intubated shortly thereafter. recruitable lung. Some patients may recruit additional
Ten minutes’ postintubation, his PaO2 is 80 mm Hg on lung with higher PEEP and benefit from an open lung
an FIO2 of 0.7, with a PEEP level set at 8 cm H2O. He is strategy, whereas others may not recruit and thereafter
placed on volume control ventilation with a tidal volume be harmed by higher volumes and pressures. Other
(VT) of 400 mL (6 mL/kg predicted body weight). With publications showing benefit are difficult to apply at the
the patient still under the effects of neuromuscular bedside as they generally use experimental models of
blockade from the induction of anesthesia, a plateau lung injury with highly recruitable lungs,15 different
pressure (Pplat) of 28 cm H2O is measured, yielding a from the physiology often seen in patients with ARDS.
static lung compliance of 20 mL/cm H₂O. His oxygen Great uncertainty remains with respect to choosing a
saturation level is 94%. His BP drops after intubation, PEEP value, and safety concerns around “aggressive”
requiring an infusion of norepinephrine (0.2 mg/kg per recruitment maneuvers persist.13
minute). He has evidence of end-organ dysfunction,
including a lactate level of 4.0 mM/L and a creatinine Step 1: Pick a Starting PEEP
level of 225 mM/L. Should his level of PEEP be adjusted? Deliberations around ideal PEEP levels must begin with
a starting value. Two straightforward options exist here,
Basic Principles with the priority being to select a safe level in the
A full review of the complex pulmonary physiology immediate postintubation period. The first method,
affecting patients with ARDS is beyond the scope of the perhaps best named the “Gattinoni” method,16 is the
current article, but two approaches to mechanical simpler of the two. Using a standard Berlin definition of
ventilation are worth considering briefly. Protective lung severity, patients with ARDS and a PaO2/FIO2 ratio of
ventilation5 uses low VT (typically 4-6 mL/kg based on 200 to 300 would be classified as mild, 100 to 200 as
predicted body weight, reflecting lung size at baseline) to moderate, and < 100 as severe. Initial PEEP values
reduce ventilator-induced lung injury by decreasing would then be set as follows: 5 to 10 cm H2O for mild,
volutrauma (hyperinflation-induced shear injury), 10 to 15 cm H2O for moderate, and 15 to 20 cm H2O
barotrauma (alveolar rupture and potential for severe. We suggest favoring the lower of the two
pneumothorax), biotrauma (the release of inflammatory values in most cases as the initial setting, given that
mediators secondary to both processes), and even hemodynamic concerns often predominate immediately
atelectrauma (the theoretical shear stress induced by the after intubation.
cyclical collapse and re-opening of alveoli6). The Pplat is
Alternatively, a starting PEEP can be selected using the
typically kept strictly below 30 cm H2O,7 and permissive
well-known titration table from the Acute Respiratory
hypercapnia is often allowed. This approach is
Distress Syndrome Clinical Network (ARDSNet) trial17;
considered the standard of care for patients with ARDS,
this widely known resource is designed for titrating
but there is good evidence to suggest that it is frequently
PEEP later in the course of illness, but here it can be
not applied.8 Data suggest that lower tidal volumes may
borrowed to aid in selecting a starting value. In selecting
be of more benefit to patients with reduced lung
between the low-PEEP and high-PEEP options, we
compliance, which is of particular interest in the era of
suggest starting with the low-PEEP table in anticipation
of postintubation hypotension. Using this method, a
The open lung concept, first described 30 years ago,11 patient requiring an FIO2 of 0.5 (either preintubation or
was initially a proposal to use recruitment maneuvers immediately postintubation) would be started on either
followed by higher PEEP levels to reduce atelectrauma. 8 or 10 cm H2O of PEEP. Of note, both methods often
An open lung approach should always be combined with yield similar starting values, but the Gattinoni method is
a protective lung ventilation strategy, but unfortunately easier and avoids the ultra-high PEEP recommendations
there is no agreed upon method to determine ideal PEEP (as high as 24 cm H2O) that the ARDSNet table can 1567
recommend if the FIO2 is 1. High levels of PEEP, as a rule via a transthoracic or transesophageal approach.
of thumb, should be reserved for patients with diffuse Assessing RV size and function is quickly done,
involvement (three or four quadrants on chest reproducible, and repeatable. In the context of shock or
radiograph or CT imaging) or morbid obesity.18,19 hypotension, the right ventricle is assessed, the PEEP
level is lowered (perhaps by as much as 5 cm H2O to
Step 2: Think About Potential Harms of PEEP make ultrasound changes easier to discern), and the
POCUS examination is then repeated. Improvements in
Excessive PEEP can be harmful, with two main
RV size or function with lower PEEP levels, especially if
problems to consider. It is well known for causing
the BP also improves, suggest the presence of ACP and
hypotension; higher PEEP levels result in increased
may motivate the adoption of a lower PEEP level.
intrathoracic pressure, thereafter increasing right atrial
Although remaining mindful of the risks of excessive
pressure and decreasing venous return. Excessive PEEP
PEEP, it is also important to remember that insufficient
also compresses intra-alveolar vessels and increases
PEEP may result in enough de-recruitment to place the
pulmonary vascular resistance, potentially resulting in
right ventricle at risk of circulatory failure.24
right ventricular (RV) dysfunction. Here, the net effect is
a decrease in left ventricular preload and thereafter The second potential harm of higher PEEP to consider
cardiac output. However, a “minimal” PEEP is also involves alveolar overdistention and the resultant risk of
important because extensive lung collapse with volutrauma and barotrauma. This risk is more
insufficient PEEP can cause high pulmonary vascular pronounced in patients with less recruitable lung, and
resistance and RV dysfunction.20 Although the precise there is no clearly agreed upon method or evidence for
relationship between lung volume and pulmonary determining the best PEEP to reduce such trauma. One
vascular resistance is difficult to ascertain a priori, pragmatic method to screen for potential overdistention
ventilation:perfusion matching is an important and involves using best DP measurements, which are
challenging aspect of PEEP selection, and a parallel described in detail in Step 3. Here, DP is used as a
assessment of hemodynamic and ventilator effects is surrogate for compliance; better (lower) DP with a
always warranted. reduction in PEEP suggests that overdistention may
indeed have been present. Targets to consider include
Assessing the harmful hemodynamic effects of PEEP can
keeping Pplat < 30 cm H2O (or perhaps 28 cm H2O to
be done in several ways, with the most straightforward
avoid ACP21) and DP roughly below 15 cm H2O.25
being a simple assessment of BP. If the patient is
hypotensive, and especially if they show evidence of end- Targeting a lower dead space may also reduce the risk of
organ dysfunction, then consideration should be given excessive lung distension induced by PEEP. Although
to lowering PEEP. This is particularly important if the the precise measurement of dead space requires
starting PEEP level was high, or if hypovolemia, chronic specialized equipment, the effect of PEEP on PaCO2
RV dysfunction, or pulmonary hypertension is levels is a reasonable surrogate, provided that other
suspected. In its most straightforward application, this ventilator settings (eg, VT and respiratory rate) are not
can be achieved by lowering PEEP, waiting 5 to 10 min, altered at the same time. An increase in PaCO2 of 5% to
and reassessing BP. 10% (or more) following an increase in PEEP suggests
hyperinflation, although this effect can be exacerbated
A more precise but labor-intensive approach involves
by hypovolemia.
assessing RV function via point-of-care ultrasound
(POCUS) (Fig 1). The phenomenon in which high PEEP Step 3: Think About Benefits of Higher PEEP
results in RV dysfunction in the context of ARDS is Having made efforts to minimize its deleterious effects,
known as acute cor pulmonale (ACP); this process is PEEP can thereafter be adjusted to optimize oxygenation
often mitigated by keeping Pplat below 28 cm H2O21 and and reduce atelectrauma. One mechanism by which
driving pressure (DP) below 15 cm H2O22 (see Step 3: higher PEEP improves oxygenation is alveolar
Think About Benefits of Higher PEEP for a full recruitment; keeping open previously collapsed (but
discussion regarding DP). perfused) lung regions increases the available surface
area for gas exchange and diminishes intrapulmonary
A detailed review of echocardiographic RV assessment is
beyond the scope of the current paper and is covered in
detail elsewhere.23 A basic POCUS RV examination is Unfortunately, better oxygenation (as assessed either by
achievable with modest training and can be performed improved oxygen saturation levels or a higher PaO2/FIO2

1568 How I Do It [ 161#6 CHEST JUNE 2022 ]

Figure 1 – A-D, Assessment of the right ventricle (RV) using transthoracic echocardiography. A, Normal parasternal short-axis view, with a normally
sized RV (*) and normally positioned interventricular septum (#). B, Normal apical four-chamber view, with a normally sized RV (*). C, Parasternal
short-axis view showing a severely dilated RV (*) and displaced interventricular septum (#). D, Apical four-chamber view showing a severely dilated RV
(*) and right atrium (#).

ratio) with higher PEEP does not necessarily translate and more theoretical benefit, but there is some suggestion
into improved oxygen delivery. PEEP can improve that it may be particularly important for patients with
arterial oxygenation yet decrease oxygen delivery by severe ARDS.18 Although there is no clearly agreed-upon
reducing cardiac output26; lower cardiac output method for determining the best PEEP to reduce
preferentially reduces perfusion to nonventilated or very atelectrauma, a stepwise down-titration approach,28 in
poorly ventilated alveoli, thereby decreasing which PEEP levels are first raised to a relatively high level
intrapulmonary shunt.26 As such, improvements in (eg, 10 cm H2O above the initial setting) and then slowly
oxygenation are difficult to definitively interpret unless decreased, is appealing primarily due to its sound
reliable measurements of cardiac output are taken at the physiological rationale. The hysteresis (difference
same time. One must also remember that roughly between the inflation and deflation limbs) observed in the
20% of patients have a patent foramen ovale, in which classic pressure-volume curve (Figs 2A, 2B) reflects
case differences in oxygenation may reflect changes in differences between opening and closing pressures of
the degree of intracardiac shunting rather than changes individual lung units. As such, higher PEEP can be
in lung recruitment.27 It is reasonable to use the severity thought of as a force used to prevent airway closure and
of hypoxemia as a parameter to help select the initial de-recruitment of already opened alveolar units; the
PEEP (as described in Step 1) and to be cautiously purpose of the subsequent stepwise down-titration is to
optimistic when oxygenation improves with higher select the lowest PEEP level that maintains recruitment.
PEEP, understanding that PEEP titration may be further
To guide PEEP selection, we suggest calculating the DP
refined using other parameters.
at different PEEP levels (Fig 2C), keeping in mind
The second theoretical benefit of more PEEP involves a several important caveats described here. Assuming the
reduction in atelectrauma. This is another longer term VT is not changed between measurements at different 1569
Figure 2 – A, Mechanical ventilation waveforms A
showing (from top to bottom) flow, Paw, Pes, and PL

Flow (L/s)
vs time. The third breath is obtained by reducing 1.0
inspiratory flow to < 10 L/min. The abrupt change 0.5
in slope of the Paw waveform is AOP, the pressure 0.0
required to reopen the airways. Initially, when Paw is −0.5
lower than the AOP, the inspiratory airflow pres-

PL (cm H2O) Pes (cm H2O) Paw (cm H2O)

surizes the ventilator circuit but does not increase
lung volume. The lungs begin to inflate once the Paw 40
increases above AOP (third breath); the slope of the AOP
pressure-time curve observed beyond AOP reflects the
compliance of the respiratory system. B, A pressure/ 20
volume ventilator waveform showing hysteresis; the 10
LIP is shown, but this is more likely to reflect AOP
(the minimal pressure needed to reopen the airways 28
or keep them open, as opposed to the optimal level for 24
lung recruitment as is classically taught). C, Simu-
lated ventilator waveform showing the effect of an 20
inspiratory hold (*) on Paw (large arrow); driving
pressure (#) can be calculated as plateau pressure
(small arrow) minus positive end-expiratory pressure
(dashed arrow). Adding an inspiratory pause of 0.2 s 10
following every breath allows for continuous moni- 0
toring of plateau and driving pressures. AOP ¼ −10
airway opening pressure; LIP ¼ lower infection −20
point; Paw ¼ airway pressure; Pes ¼ esophageal
pressure; PL ¼ transpulmonary pressure. 0 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Time (s)


0 5 10 15 20 25 30

PEEP levels (and that there is no intrinsic PEEP), short (0.2 or 0.3 s) pause to the end of each breath to
changes in DP can only be explained by changes in continuously monitor Pplat.
The formula for DP is [DP ¼ Pplat – PEEP], and
VT therefore the compliance equation can be simplified to:
Compliance ¼
Pplat  PEEP
Compliance ¼
Both VT and PEEP are known values. Pplat is measured
by performing an end-inspiratory pause, which can be Finally, with VT, a known and stable value (especially
either be done as a manual maneuver or by adding a if a volume-controlled mode of ventilation is

1570 How I Do It [ 161#6 CHEST JUNE 2022 ]




Figure 2 – (Continued).

selected), the equation can be rearranged as: detail in Step 4, serves to estimate pleural pressure). The
relationship suggests that intrathoracic pressure
DP f increases by approximately 2.5 cm H2O for every
10 kg/m2 of BMI beyond 30 kg/m2. Although this has
Therefore, a lower DP value indicates better respiratory not been prospectively validated, this formula might
system compliance. If DP decreases at a higher level of serve as a quick guide to the amount of extra PEEP
PEEP, the trial of higher PEEP is considered successful, needed or the additional pressure acceptable for patients
especially in light of improved oxygenation and absent with obesity. Similar accommodation for higher
hemodynamic deterioration. If DP does not change, pressures may need to be made in other special
optimal compliance has potentially been achieved. If DP circumstances such as abdominal compartment
increases, then compliance has worsened, possibly syndrome or major chest wall deformities, but here,
indicating over-distension (as discussed in Step 2 evidence-based guidance is unavailable.
earlier), and consideration should be given to lowering
Prone positioning, although increasingly popular,
PEEP. In simple terms, PEEP is adjusted to achieve the
presents an additional challenge for PEEP titration. In
lowest DP possible, keeping in mind other important
the supine position, PEEP is set essentially as a
targets such as oxygenation and hemodynamics.
compromise between the necessary pressure to recruit
Patients with obesity and with ARDS merit special the dependent (and recruitable) part of the lung, without
consideration given the extra weight applied to their overly distending the nondependent (nonrecruitable)
lungs, which tends to create or worsen atelectasis, part. Interestingly, in the prone position, these two
especially in the supine position and under anesthesia. elements are much more homogeneous, and their
Higher PEEP levels may be needed to counter the effect response to PEEP is less influenced by gravity.30 This
of this imposed load. Accepting a higher than usual Pplat suggests that an optimal PEEP level in terms of risk/
level for patients with obesity may be necessary and is benefit is present over a much larger range in the prone
safe insofar as it does not automatically reflect lung position. Therefore, when switching to a prone position,
overdistention. A linear relationship between high BMI the PEEP level can most likely be left unchanged, or
and end-expiratory esophageal pressure (Pes) has been perhaps decreased slightly due to the additional
described29 for patients with ARDS (Pes, described in recruitment offered by prone positioning. 1571

Flow (L/s)


Paw (cm H2O)





PEEP 15 cm H2O Plateau

Δ10 cm H2O
PEEP 5 cm H2O

Set VT Exhaled VT

VT released Predicted exhaled VT

Exhaled VT recruitment


Figure 3 – Top: Flow vs time (top) and pressure vs time (bottom) curves obtained on volume-assist control ventilation with constant inspiratory flow at
different levels of PEEP. A convex ascending limb (dotted arrow, PEEP 5) may indicate recruitment of alveolar units during inspiration (suggesting
insufficient PEEP), whereas a concave ascending limb (dotted arrow, PEEP 15) may indicate overdistension (suggesting excessive PEEP). Modified from:
Henderson WR, Chen L, Amato MBP, Brochard LJ. Fifty years of research in ARDS. Respiratory mechanics in acute respiratory distress syndrome. Am
J Respir Crit Care Med. 2017;196(7):822-833. Bottom: Ventilator curves illustrating the calculation of the recruitment-to-inflation index. The exhaled
VT (red arrow) is measured at higher PEEP, and then the PEEP level is suddenly dropped (in this case by 10 cm H2O), and the total released VT is
displayed by the ventilator at the end of exhalation. The predicted exhaled VT (blue arrow) is based on the compliance at low PEEP multiplied by delta
PEEP, and the recruited volume (or exhaled VT recruitment trapped by PEEP; green arrow) is measured after subtracting the inspired VT. The recruited
volume is then divided by the change in PEEP (here 10 cm H2O) to yield the compliance of the recruited lung. Finally, the compliance of the recruited
lung is indexed to the compliance at the lower PEEP level to yield the recruitment-to-inflation index. These calculations are facilitated by the use of an
online calculator (see PEEP ¼ positive end-expiratory pressure; VT ¼ tidal volume.

1572 How I Do It [ 161#6 CHEST JUNE 2022 ]

Caveats in Using Compliance or DP for PEEP various artifacts and assumptions, and evidence of
Titration benefit has not been shown.34 It seems to be of particular
There are limits when using DP to titrate PEEP levels. interest for patients with morbid obesity and with
Compliance (and DP) can be paradoxically improved by ARDS, for reducing ventilator dyssynchrony, and in
intra-tidal recruitment-derecruitment (the lung opening patients with moderately severe disease.35
and closing that occurs within each breath31), and which Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is based on the
can confound interpretation. Therefore, concluding that distinct impedance of gas vs various types of tissues,
there is harmful overdistention or derecruitment should with impedance defined as the inverse of conductivity.
be reserved for situations in which different PEEP levels Increasing the quantity of air in the lungs, for example,
produce clear and significant changes in DP. increases impedance. EIT creates a distribution map
Overdistention may also be assessed by examining the suggesting zones of collapse, normal aeration, and
shape of the pressure curve during volume-controlled overdistention. PEEP can thereafter be titrated to
ventilation; an upward concavity of the pressure-time achieve the highest electrical impedance in the
curve suggests a significant drop in compliance (Fig 3).32 thorax, suggesting the greatest amount of aerated lung.
In addition, overall respiratory system compliance EIT can also suggest the presence of predominant
comprises contributions from both the lungs and chest hyperinflation and be an incentive to reduce PEEP.36
wall, and, therefore, changes in measured compliance This tool is not widely available and merits more
may reflect changes at the level of the chest wall and extensive study.
not necessarily the lungs. Both recruitment (which
The recruitment-to-inflation index (RII) is a novel
increases compliance) and overdistention (which
bedside technique that seeks to estimate, in one breath,
decreases compliance) may occur in different parts of
the volume of lung recruited (Vrec) when moving
the lungs simultaneously when PEEP is increased.
abruptly from higher to lower PEEP levels (Fig 3). The
Therefore, the overall compliance of the system may
compliance of that recruited lung can then be calculated
not change (or it may even increase), whereas some
and indexed to the compliance measured at the lower
areas of the lungs, especially in nondependent areas,
PEEP level (estimating the compliance of the “baby
are being overdistended30; this problem is not unique
lung”), yielding the RII. Lower RII values suggest a lack
to DP and indeed exists for all methods for setting
of recruitability and raise concerns that most of the
PEEP. Finally, it is unclear how often measurements,
“extra” pressure applied at higher PEEP will serve
DP or otherwise, should be taken and how often PEEP
primarily to over-distend normal lung segments instead
should be re-assessed. Repeated measurements are
of recruiting previously collapsed ones. This technique
limited by the need to have the patient deeply sedated
does not require specialized equipment and is easily
and/or paralyzed, although a technique to measure DP
performed (see video on
during spontaneous modes of ventilation has been
However, it lacks supporting patient outcome data thus
far (although a randomized controlled trial is
ongoing37), and, although it identifies potential
Step 4: Consider More Advanced Options recruitability, it is less able to identify a specific target
Some centers may have specific advanced equipment PEEP level.
available, and some clinicians may have a particular
There are other approaches to PEEP that are well
expertise that allows consideration of other techniques.
described but may have a different effect than initially
Evidence in general is lacking, but each has interesting
proposed. For example, setting the PEEP to a level
potential advantages.
slightly above the lower inflection point of the pressure-
Esophageal balloon manometry is a minimally invasive volume curve is a well-known technique described in
technique whereby Pes, measured via a modified every critical care textbook. In reality, beyond being
nasogastric tube, is used as a surrogate for pleural difficult to accurately identify, for most cases, this low
pressure. Transpulmonary pressure (TPP), the net inflection point represents a somewhat recently
distending pressure exerted on the alveoli, is then rediscovered phenomenon known as airway opening
estimated using [TPP ¼ Pplat – Pes]; PEEP can thereafter pressure (Fig 2A),38,39 which signifies the minimal value
be adjusted to achieve a specific TPP. Although this required to open the airway rather than the optimal
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