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B.E. Civil Engineering

Lecture Slides




 2.1 Classification of sources of water

 2.2 Surface sources : Stream, River, Lake, pond, Impounded reservoir
 2.3 Ground sources : Springs, Well, Infiltration galleries and well
 2.4 Selection of water sources
 Numerical on capacity determination of IR

various sources of water available on the earth

Surface sources:
Underground Sources: -
 Rivers
 springs
 Lakes
 Infiltration galleries
 Ponds
 Wells
 Streams
 Impounded reservoir
 Oceans, generally not used for
water supply at present.
 Fog water, rain water
harvesting and reclaimed water.
Definition of certain terms

 Rainfall and Runoff

 Runoff Coefficient

 Percolation, Evaporation, Transpiration,

 Aquifer, Aquitard, Aquiclude, Aquifuge

 Unconfined, confined or Artesian Aquifer

Natural water Cycle
Surface sources
 contains dissolved, suspended & colloidal impurities including many pathogens
 River water has self-purification action by which it automatically becomes clean
 Generally river water is contaminated hence need screening, sedimentation filtration and
 Formed by surface runoff
 Not suitable for water supply scheme in large cities.
 Widely used for rural water supply schemes especially in highly areas.
 The quality of water is not so good hence need some sedimentation and chemical treatments
are needed.
 Natural depressed basins. Rain water, stream water and spring waters are also get collected
 The quantity of water in lake depends upon the basins capacity, catchment area porosity of
ground annual rainfall etc.
 The quantity of water in lake is comparatively better.
Surface sources……
 Are formed on plain areas where rainwater is collected in rainy seasons.
 The quantity is generally very small and contains large amount of impurities.
 Cannot be used for water supply scheme but used for washing clothes animal bathing
gardening purposes etc.

Impounded Reservoir
 lake formed behind a dam or weir constructed across the river.
 Impounded reservoirs are the main source of water for large cities.
 IR are suitable at where submergence of area on the upstream side is small and basins of
reservoir formed is cup shaped.
 Multipurpose reservoirs are constructed for the provision of irrigation, power generation in
addition to water supply.
 The quality is not safe and needed full treatment.
Ground source
 The natural outflow of ground water at the earth’s surface i.e. outcropping of water table.
 Pervious layer sand witched between two impervious layers give rise to a natural spring.
 The quantity is generally low.
 Generally quality of water is good but sometimes present iron and manganese.

Types and formation of Spring

Gravity Spring Depression spring

Artesian spring
Surface Spring
Non Gravity spring
Formation of Spring
Depression Spring

when the ground water table rises

high gets exposed to the surface
where the topography falls below
the water table.

Artesian Spring

Water flow through some

confined aquifer under pressure.
Provide higher yield and able to
provide almost uniform quantity
of water.
Formation of Spring
Surface/Contact Spring

 When impervious obstructions

supporting the underground storage
becomes inclined causing rises to
water table and gets exposed to the
ground surface.

 Non gravity springs are formed due to the Volcanic Eruption or Earthquake

 Well is a hole usually vertical.

 Three factors which control the development of wells are
 Porosity & permeability of aquifers
 Earth surface geology
 Amount of water which is stored in different layers of the

1. Shallow/Dug Well
2. Deep Well
3. Tube well
4. Artesian Well
Shallow/Open/Dug/Draw/Gravity well
 Get water from the uppermost previous layer of the
earth’s surface.
 Generally dug wells having diameter 2-6 meter
 Quantity-- Limited
 Quality-- liable to contaminated by the rain water

Deep/Pressure well
 Get water from water bearing strata lying
below impervious layer.
 Deep water is safe and does not require
any treatment except sometimes
hardness treatment
Shallow and Deep Open well
Tube well
Form of deep wells.
A long pipe or a tube is bored deep into the ground, intercepting one or more water bearing
Blind hollow steel
The quantity pipes
of water is and
than othersteel pipes
types (strainer pipe) both are used in this
of wells.
Tube wells=40-50/sec.
Discharge have 5 to 20 cm diameter pipes.
Depth of tube wells = 30-600 meter
Quality is generally safe and doesn’t require any purification

 Strainer type Tube well
 Cavity type Tube well
 Slotted type Tube well
 Perforated type Tube well
Strainer Type Tube Well
Most widely used in which combination of strainer
pipes and blind pipes is introduced into the ground.
The strainer type tube well is generally unsuitable for
very fine sandy strata due to the chances of chocking of
the strainer.
The diameter of bore hole or casing pipe is generally
kept 50 to 100 mm more than the diameter of tube
After the casing pipe is removed the annular space
between the well and surrounding strata is backfilled
with gravel.
Cavity Type Tube Well
It consists of a pipe sunk into the ground and resting on
the bottom of a strong clay layer and does not utilities
Fine sands comes out with water and a cavity is formed
at the bottom.
 As the pumping is continued area of the cavity
increases by which velocity of flow is reduced and
consequently the sand particles stop entering in to the
Slotted Type Tube Well
It consists of a pipe which is slotted normally 5 m long
and it penetrates the confined aquifer.
These slots are usually 25 to 30 mm and spacing is
around 10 to 12 mm.
To prevent the entering of sand particles shrouding is
Shrouding should done before the withdrawal of
casing pipe and shrouding must extend up to 3 to 4 m
above the top level of slotted portion of pipe.
The diameter of casing pipe is kept 200 to 250 mm
more than the diameter of well pipe.
Perforated Type Tube Well
It is used if water table is shallow and for
obtaining water temporarily.
Pipes are drilled to make perforations and these
holes are covered by wires for preventing the flow
of sand particles.
Artesian Well
Water flows out automatically under pressure.
Artesian condition develops at a place where a
water bearing strata is enclosed between two
impervious layers in such a way that hydraulic
gradient line is above the ground level at the
site of wells
Mostly exists is valley portion of hill

Quantity is quite large also can be used for

irrigation purposes.
 The water obtain from such well is quite safe
and does not require any purification.
Artesian Well
Infiltration Galleries

Also called horizontal wells.

Are horizontal or nearly horizontal
tunnels constructed at shallow depths
(3-5m) along the bank of river through
water bearing strata.
The galleries are often constructed
parallel to the river bed. Water enters
into it through drain porous pipes.
After coming from galleries it is collected
into the slump well, from where it is
pumped, treated and distributed to the
Infiltration Galleries
Infiltration Well

Shallow wells constructed in

series along the banks of river.
Wells are closed at top and
open at bottom.
The various infiltration wells
are connected by porous
pipes to a collecting sump
well, also known as jack well.
Quantity is small than IG, used
for small community.
Quality should be analyzed.
Selection of Source




Reliability and sustainability

Water right problems

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