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Dian Pujiyanti

Rindi Devi Oktaviani

M. Rizky Latief

Syeiba Tifanny Ranansyah

The Importances to Wear a Mask

The issue of wearing face coverings in public comes up frequently these days. A common sentiment is,
“If I am not personally at high risk for COVID-19, why should I wear a mask?” For those who do not cover
their nose and mouth in public places, read the reasons below!

The reason for this is that the virus that causes COVID-19 can be spread even before symptoms appear,
by such things as coughing, sneezing, or even speaking at close range. Cloth face coverings have been
recommended due to their low cost and ready availability.

The importance of using it in public is illustrated here. If I wear my face covering to protect you from me,
and you wear your face covering to protect me from you, then we can all dramatically decrease our risk
of transmission of the virus that causes COVID-19.

It is obvious that wearing a mask is one of the most important things we can do to stop the spread of
COVID-19. To wear a mask safely, follow the tips below:

1. Wash hands before putting on your mask.

2. Put the mask over the nose and mouth. Don’t forget to secure it under the chin.

3. Slip the loops over the ears or tie the strings behind the head.

1. Why do we have to wear masks?

A. because to cover the face with acne

B. to prevent the spread of covid 19
C. to cover the nose
D. to close my mouth
E. to look good


2. What are the symptoms that appear if we are exposed to covid 19?

A. stomach ache
B. sore eyes
C. cough, sneeze
D. back pain
E. congested lungs


3. To wear a mask safely, one of the right tips below is

A. wash your hands before wearing a mask

B. shave your feet before wearing a mask
C. Don't wash your hands before wearing a mask
D. wear the mask that was used yesterday
E. washing face


4. what is the recommendation from the treasuretory text above?

A. Don't wear a mask in public

B. The correct recommendation is to wear a mask that was used yesterday
C. The recommendation is not to wash your hands before wearing a mask
D. The recommendation that must be done is to wear a mask correctly according to the rules.
E. The recommendation is not to wear a mask in public


5. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

A. It's important to turn off the lights during the day to save electricity
B. the importance of using a face mask so that the face looks glowing
C. the importance of not wearing a mask in public
D. the importance of washing your face before going to bed
E. the importance of wearing a mask in public to reduce the spread of covid 19


The synonms and antonyms of the words :

1. Safe

SYNONYM : peaceful, quiet, calm

ANTONYM : unsafe, insecure, riot, risky

2. General

SYNONYM : conventional, common, commonplace, mahąjana, society, normal, popular, public

ANTONYM : restricted, specified

3. Spread

SYNONYM : advance, Advancement, dissemination, escalation, increase

ANTONYM : unite

4. Before

ANTONYM: after, finished

SYNONYM: early, mula, pre

5. Rules

SYNONYM: orderly, neat, tidy, neat, systematic.

ANTONYM: messy

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