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Mobile ad-hoc networks and wireless sensor networks

5.1 MANET ,MANET topologies, architecture , features, applications, types,

Design challenges in MANET.
5.2 Mesh networking: wireless sensor networks , applications, clustering of
WSN , characteristics, sensor node-block diagram , types of WSN
architecture , energy efficiency in WSN.
5.3 WSN , MANET and IOT: ISO equivalent protocol layer architecture for WSN,
classification of clustering algorithms, components of WSN architecture
5.1 MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc Network)
• MANET stands for "Mobile Ad Hoc Network." A MANET is a type of ad hoc network that can change locations
and configure itself on the fly. Because MANETS are mobile, they use wireless connections to connect to
various networks. This can be a standard Wi-Fi connection, or another medium, such as a cellular or satellite
transmission. They use wireless connections to connect to various networks and is a self arrangement of a
network of mobile routers connected through wireless links without an access point.
• Some MANETs are restricted to a local area of wireless devices (such as a group of laptop computers), while
others may be connected to the Internet. A MANET can be defined as an autonomous system of nodes or
MSs(also serving as routers) connected by wireless links, the union of which forms a communication network
modeled in the form of an arbitrary communication graph.

MANET protocols
1.Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV),
2. Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector (DSDV),
3. Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) and
4. Ad Hoc On-Demand Multipath Distance-AOMDV
• MANET may operate as standalone fashion or they can be the part of larger internet. They
form highly dynamic autonomous topology with the presence of one or multiple different
transceivers between nodes. Autonomous Behavior: Each node can act as a host and router,
which shows its autonomous behavior. Typically communicate at radio frequencies
• TORA is a routing algorithm and is mainly used in MANETs to enhance scalability . TORA
is an adaptive routing protocol. It is therefore used in multi-hop networks.
• Each Node/MS acts as both host and router i.e. it is an autonomous behavior.
• It is capable of multi step radio routing.
• A centralized firewall is absent.
• These nodes can communicate with each other only if they are in radio range
• It has distributed nature of operation for security, routing and host configuration.
• The node can join or leave the network any time, making the topology dynamic in nature.
• The mobile nodes are characterized with less memory, power and light weight.
• The reliability, efficiency, stability and capacity of wireless links are often interior, when compared with wired
links. This shows the fluctuating link between bandwidth of wireless links.
• All nodes have identical features with similar responsibilities and capabilities.
• Wireless sensor network (WSN) plays a main role in the IoT system as its components include sensing,
acquiring of data, heterogeneous connectivity, data processing, etc. Mobile ad‐hoc network (MANET) is a
wireless, multi‐hop, self‐configuring network. (WSN focus on environment interaction whereas MANET
interaction closed to human)
• This can be used in road safety, ranging from sensors for the environment, home, health, disaster rescue
operations, air/land/navy defense, weapons, robots, etc.
1. Dynamic Topologies:
Network topology which is typically multihop, may change randomly
and rapidly with time, it can form unidirectional or bi-directional links.
2. Bandwidth constrained, variable capacity links:
Wireless links usually have lower reliability, efficiency, stability, and
capacity as compared to a wired network
3. Autonomous Behavior:
Each node can act as a host and router, which shows its autonomous behavior.
4. Energy Constrained Operation:
As some or all the nodes rely on batteries or other exhaustible means for their energy. Mobile nodes are
characterized by less memory, power, and lightweight features.
5. Limited Security:
Wireless networks are more prone to security threats. A centralized firewall is absent due to its distributed
nature of the operation for security, routing, and host configuration.
6. Less Human Intervention:
They require minimum human intervention to configure the network, therefore they are dynamically
autonomous in nature.
• With the advent of portable devices as well as progress in wireless communication, ad-hoc networking
is gaining importance with the increasing number of widespread applications in the commercial ,
military and private sectors.
• All modes in MANETs are mobile and their connections are dynamic.
• MANETs does not require a fixed infrastructure.
• It offers an advantageous decentralized character to the network
• low power consumption
• Self-configuring and self-healing nodes do not require human intervention
• Destination sequenced distance vector routing requires a regular update of its routing tables, which
uses more battery power and a small amount of bandwidth even when the network is idle.
• This algorithm is not suitable for highly dynamic networks.
• low levels of physical security / there is no central device for managing the security of the network.
• Ad-hoc networks are slower than traditional networks.
• Resources are limited due to various constraints like noise, interference conditions, etc.
• Lack of authorization facilities.
• Defense applications: Many defense applications require on the fly communications set-up, and ad
hoc/sensor networks are excellent candidates for use in battlefield management.
• Crisis management applications: These arise, for example, as a result of natural disasters in which the
entire communication infrastructure is in disarray. Restoring communications quickly is essential.
• Telemedicine: The paramedic assisting the victim of a traffic accident in a remote location must access
medical records (e.g. X-rays) and may need video conference assistance from a surgeon for an emergency
intervention. In fact, the paramedic may need to instantaneously relay back to the hospital the victim's X-
rays and other diagnostic tests from the site of the accident.
• Tele- Geoprocessing application: The combination of GPS, GIS (Geographical Information Systems), and
high-capacity wireless mobile systems enables a new type of application referred to as tele- geo
• Virtual Navigation: A remote database contains the graphical representation of building, streets, and
physical characteristics of a large metropolis. They may also "virtually" see the internal layout of buildings,
including an emergency rescue plan, or find possible points of interest.
• For example, A VANET (Vehicular Ad Hoc Network), is a type of MANET that allows vehicles to
communicate with roadside equipment.
5.2 Mesh networking: wireless sensor networks , applications, clustering of
WSN,characteristics,sensor node-block diagram ,types of WSN
architecture , energy efficiency in WSN.
• A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a wireless network consisting of spatially distributed
autonomous devices using sensors to monitor physical or environmental conditions. A WSN
system incorporates a gateway that provides wireless connectivity back to the wired world and
distributed nodes. The wireless protocol you select depends on your application requirements
• Some of the available standards include 2.4 GHz radios based on either IEEE 802.15.4 or
IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi) standards or proprietary radios, which are usually 900 MHz.
• WSN is special case of ad-hoc networks with reduced or no mobility and are known as “Data
Centric”. This means, unlike traditional ad hoc network where data is requested from specific
node or location, here the data is requested based on sensed attributes.
• The use of particular type of query might depend on the application requirements. The query
may ask for multiple parameters.
• Sensor node sense the parameters and transmit the values only once or over the period of time
or use past history to gain statistical information.
Features of WSN
Wireless sensor networks (WSN) is an important and exciting new technology with great potential for
improving many current applications in medicine, transportation, agriculture, industrial process control,
and the military as well as creating new revolutionary systems in areas such as global-scale
environmental monitoring, precision agriculture, home and assisted living medical care, smart buildings
and cities, and numerous future military applications..

1. Surveillance applications : VigilNetis a military wireless sensor network that acquires and verifies information
about enemy capabilities and positions of hostile targets. It has been successfully designed, built, demonstrated,
and delivered to the Defense Intelligence Agency for realistic deployment. To accomplish different mission
objectives, the VigilNet system consists of 40, 000 lines of code, supporting multiple existing mote platforms
including MICA2DOT, MICA2, and XSM.
2. Body Area Network : Specialized sensors and transducers are developed to measure human body characterizing
parameters so that human conditions could be predicted efficiently and accurately.
3. Environmental monitoring : Use of sensors in monitoring the landfill and the air quality.
Deployment of large number of sensors allows real time monitoring of gases being emitted by waste material or
from hazardous air pollutants.
4. Drinking water quality : The main objective is to develop data mining technique to water quality databases and
use them for interpreting using environmental data which helps in addition of chlorine to the treated water before
releasing to the distribution system.
Clustering of WSN
• Clustering is one of the important methods for extend the network lifetime in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). It
involves grouping of sensor nodes into clusters and electing cluster heads (CHs) for all the clusters.
• Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are employed in various applications from healthcare to military. The proposed
clustering methods are:
(i) fuzzy-logic-based cluster head election,
(ii) efficient sleep duty cycle for sensor nodes
(iii) hierarchical clustering, and
(iv) estimated energy harvesting
A node with high residual energy is chosen as a cluster-head.
The cluster-head is the main focused point for communication
in the network and hence its working life will affect the
communication between the sensor nodes. All sensor nodes
transmit with enough power to reach the sink node directly.
Sensor node-block diagram
A sensor node is made up of four basic components such as
1. Sensing unit-a limited power source of less than 0.5-2
ampere-hour and 1.2-3.7 volts. It can use active or
passive sensor.
2. Processing unit-a general purpose desktop
microprocessor, digital signal processors, FPGAs (Field
Programmable Gate Array) and ASICs.
3. Transceiver unit- ISM band, which gives free radio,
spectrum allocation and global availability. The possible
choices of wireless transmission media are radio Sensor nodes are the main components of a WSN, and
frequency (RF), optical communication (laser) and their functionalities are
infrared. WSNs tend to use license-free communication 1. data acquisition from different sensors;
frequencies : 173, 433, 868, and 915 MHz; and 2.4 GHz. 2. buffering and caching of sensor data;
4. Memory-Flash memories are used due to their cost and 3. data processing;
storage capacity. 4. self-testing and monitoring;
5. Power unit 5. reception, transmission, and forwarding of data
Characteristics-These characteristics include 6. coordination of networking tasks
Sensor nodes are used for constant sensing, event
low cost, small size, low power consumption,
ID, event detection & local control of actuators. The
robustness, flexibility, resiliency on errors and applications of wireless sensor networks mainly include
faults, autonomous mode of operation, and health, military, environmental, home, & other
often privacy and security. commercial areas.
Types of WSN architecture , energy efficiency in WSN
• Depending on the environment, the types of networks are decided so that those can be deployed underwater, underground,
on land, and so on. Different types of WSNs include :
1.Terrestrial WSNs
2.Underground WSNs
3.Underwater WSNs
4.Multimedia WSNs
5.Mobile WSNs.
Energy efficiency in WSN
5.3 WSN , MANET and IOT: ISO equivalent protocol layer architecture for WSN, classification of clustering
algorithms, components of WSN architecture
There are 2 types of architecture used in WSN:
1. Layered Network Architecture: Layered Network Architecture makes use of a few hundred sensor nodes and a single
powerful base station. Network nodes are organized into concentric Layers.
It consists of 5 layers and three cross layers.
The 5 layers are:
1. Application -Responsible for traffic management and provide software for different
applications that translate the data in an understandable form or send queries to obtain
certain information
2. Transport Layer-Layer-The function of this layer is to provide reliability and congestion
avoidance where a lot of protocols designed to provide this function are either applied
on the upstream or downstream.
3. Network Layer-The major function of this layer is routing,handling the major challenges
are in the power saving, limited memory and buffers, sensor does not have a global ID
and have to be self organized. The basic idea of the routing protocol is to define a reliable path and redundant paths.
4. Data Link Layer-Responsible for multiplexing data streams, data frame detection, MAC, and error control, ensure reliability of
point–point or point– multipoint. Errors or unreliability comes from.
5. Physical Layer -Responsible for frequency selection, carrier frequency generation, signal detection, Modulation and data

The cross layers : These layers are used to manage the network and make the sensors work together in order to
increase the overall efficiency of the network
Three functions are-
1.Power Management Plane
2.Mobility Management Plane-detect sensor nodes movement. Node can keep track of neighbors and power levels
(for power balancing )
3.Task Management Plane-schedule the sensing tasks to a given area. Determine which nodes are
off and which ones are on.
The advantage of using Layered Network Architecture is that each node participates only in short-distance, low
power transmissions to nodes of the neighboring nodes because of which power consumption is less as compared to
other Sensor Network Architecture. It is scalable and has a higher fault tolerance.
2. Clustered Network Architecture:
• In Clustered Network Architecture, Sensor Nodes autonomously clubs into groups called clusters. It is
based on the Leach Protocol which makes use of clusters. Leach Protocol stands for Low Energy Adaptive
Clustering Hierarchy.
Properties of Leach Protocol:
• It is a 2-tier hierarchy clustering architecture.
• It is a distributed algorithm for organizing the sensor
nodes into groups called clusters.
• The cluster head nodes in each of the autonomously
formed clusters create the Time-division multiple access
(TDMA) schedules.
• It makes use of the concept called Data Fusion which makes it
energy efficient.
Difference of architectures between MANET,IOT,OSI,
Classification of clustering algorithms
• Word file notes
Components of WSN architecture
The components of WSN system are sensor node,
rely node, actor node, cluster head, gateway and
base station.
Layered Network Architecture makes use of a few
hundred sensor nodes and a single powerful base
station. Network nodes are organized into
concentric Layers. It consists of 5 layers and three
cross layers.
Advantages of Wireless Sensor Networks
1. Network arrangements can be carried out without
immovable infrastructure.
2. Apt for the non-reachable places like mountains,
over the sea, rural areas, and deep forests.
3. Flexible if there is a casual situation when an
additional workstation is required.
4. Execution pricing is inexpensive.
5. It avoids plenty of wiring. Sensor node consists of- sensor unit, ADC,
6. It might provide accommodations for the new communication unit, processing unit, transreceiver unit ,
storage unit, power supply.
devices at any time.
7. It can be opened by using centralized monitoring.

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