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1 Teacher’s notes

Reinforcement worksheet 1 Extension worksheet 2

● Pupils trace over the numbers, count the number of ● Pupils cut out the pictures from the story and place
stars inside each star, then match the numbers to them in order.
the correct star. ● Pupils listen to the story (Track 1) and check their
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs, work. Then they number the pictures 1–6.
A and B. Pupil A holds up his/her hands and shows Key: 4, 5,
Pupil B a number of fingers. Pupil B points to the 6, 1,
corresponding number on the worksheet and names 2, 3.
it. Pupils A and B exchange roles.
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils make a zig-zag
Reinforcement worksheet 2 book. They fold a piece of A4 card in half lengthwise,
● Pupils look at the rainbow and try to remember then fold it again into three sections. They stick the
the lyrics to the Rainbow song, then colour the pictures on each side in order.
numbered paint splashes across the top of their ● You may like to prepare a model in advance to show
worksheet. pupils the finished book.
● Check pupils’ answers before asking them to colour Song worksheet
in the rainbow and colour monsters.
● Do a colour dictation. Say Colour number one blue!
Key: 1 red, 2 yellow, 3 pink, 4 green, 5 orange, 6 Pupils colour the paint splash on paintbrush number
purple, 7 blue. 1 in blue. Continue until pupils have coloured the
● Optional follow-up activity: Demonstrate the paint splashes on each brush with all the colours
following activity using exaggerated mouth shapes from the Rainbow song.
before putting pupils into pairs. ● Pupils listen to the song (Track 2) and point to the
● Pupils work in pairs, A and B. Pupil A mouths a corresponding paintbrush when they hear a colour.
colour of the rainbow to Pupil B. Pupil B names the When pupils hear I can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow,
colour aloud. Pupils A and B exchange roles. sing a rainbow, they make a large rainbow arch with
both arms. When they hear to you, they point to a
Extension worksheet 1 classmate. Play the song again so that pupils can
● Pupils count how many pictures there are of each join in.
character/object, and write the number in the ● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs,
answer box. Guide pupils through the example by A and B. They both cut out their paintbrushes. Pupil
getting them to find and circle all six Maries. Then A chooses a paintbrush in secret. He/She hides it
ask them to colour all the Stellas with a pencil. Pupils behind his/her back. Pupil B can make three guesses
can then use the seven rainbow colours and finally in order to find out the colour. If Pupil B guesses
count the Suzys left in white. correctly in three guesses, it’s his/her turn. If not,
Key: Marie 6, Stella 9, Maskman 4, toy box 1, Monty 8, Pupil A chooses another paintbrush and Pupil B tries
Mr Star 3, star 10, Simon 7, Mrs Star 5, Suzy 2. again. Pupils A and B exchange roles.
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs,
A and B. Pupil A says a number from 1 to 10.
Pupil B names the correct character/object from the
worksheet. Pupils A and B exchange roles.
● This activity can be made more challenging by playing
it as a memory game with pupils’ worksheets face
down on the table.


1 Reinforcement worksheet 1

Trace, count and match.

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1 Reinforcement worksheet 2

Think and colour.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


8 Kid’s Box BE Update 2nd Ed. TRB 1 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

1 Extension worksheet 1

Count. Write the number.

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1 Extension worksheet 2

Cut and order. Listen.

10 Kid’s Box BE Update 2nd Ed. TRB 1 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

1 Song worksheet
Colour. Listen
and point. Sing.

Red and yellow and pink and green,
Orange and purple and blue.
I can sing a rainbow,

Sing a rainbow,
Sing a rainbow to you …

✃ ✃

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2 Teacher’s notes
Reinforcement worksheet 1 Extension worksheet 2
● Ask pupils to vote on the colour of each classroom ● Pupils look at the story and identify where the
object at the top of the worksheet. Say What colour missing pictures should go. They write the number
is the chair? The colour with the most votes is used of the frame each missing picture belongs to in the
to colour the chair. Continue until pupils have voted answer box beside it, then draw the picture in the
on the colour of all the other classroom objects. correct place in the story.
● Pupils then use a pencil to follow the dotted lines ● Pupils listen to the story (Track 3) and check their
going from each object to its partner at the bottom work.
of the page. When pupils finish they colour the Key: 5, 4, 6, 1, 2, 3.
second object to match the first, then they go over
the path they took to reach it in the same colour. ● Optional follow-up activity: Say a line from the
story to the class. Ask Monty? Marie? Maskman?
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs, The first pupil to put their hand up and say which
A and B. Pupil A points to a real object in the character says the line has the next go.
classroom, e.g. table, chair, book, pen, pencil, eraser.
Pupil B names it. Pupils A and B exchange roles. Song worksheet
Pupils colour, cut out and mount the spinner on
Reinforcement worksheet 2 ●

card. They make a hole at the centre of the spinner

● Pupils look at the number to the left of each series and place a pencil through it. They keep the strip of
of illustrations, count the number of objects they names in order to do the optional pair work activity.
can see, then draw the correct number of missing As pupils are working, play the How are you? song
objects to make up to the total on the left. (Track 4).
Key: Pupils draw the following: 1 two books, 2 five ● Pupils work in groups of five: Mr Star, Mrs Star,
pencils, 3 six chairs, 4 three tables, 5 three erasers, Stella, Simon and Suzy. One of the players in the
6 four pencils. group spins the spinner. The group looks at the
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs, character which the spinner indicates, e.g. Simon,
A and B. Both pupils colour in the pictures using red, and sings Simon Star, Simon Star, how are you? Simon
blue, pink, orange, yellow, purple or green. They sings I’m fine, thank you! Simon spins the spinner and
colour the objects as they choose, but the same the singing game continues.
objects should be in the same colour. ● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs,
● Pupil A shows Pupil B his/her picture and names an A and B. They look at their strip of Star family
object, e.g. book. Pupil B identifies the correct object names. Pupil A spins the spinner. Pupil A looks at
by pointing and says the correct number and colour, the character which the spinner indicates and asks
e.g. Four red books. Pupils A and B exchange roles. e.g. Simon Star, how are you? Pupil B answers I’m fine,
thank you. Pupil A ticks the name Simon off his/her
Extension worksheet 1 list of names. Pupils A and B exchange roles. The
● Pupils draw the next item in each row of pictures. first pupil to tick all five names off his/her strip is the
Key: 1 pencil, 2 book, 3 pen, 4 eraser, 5 chair, 6 table. winner.
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils turn over their
worksheet and make their own sequences with the
classroom objects, then give them to their partner
to complete.


x2 Reinforcement worksheet 1

Follow the lines and colour.

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2 Reinforcement worksheet 2

Count and draw.


14 Kid’s Box BE Update 2nd Ed. TRB 1 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

x2 Extension worksheet 1

Look and complete.

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2 Extension worksheet 2

Write and draw. Listen.

1 2

3 4

5 6

16 Kid’s Box BE Update 2nd Ed. TRB 1 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

x2 Song worksheet
Make, listen and do. Sing.

Mr Star, Mr Star.
How are you?
I’m fine, thank you.
I’m fine, thank you.
How are you?

Mrs Star, Mrs Star …

Stella Star, Stella Star …

Simon Star, Simon Star …

Suzy Star, Suzy Star …

Mr Star Mrs Star Stella Simon Suzy

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3 Teacher’s notes
Reinforcement worksheet 1 Extension worksheet 2
● Pupils colour the toys in the top half of the ● Pupils match the two halves of each frame of the
worksheet with the colours they know, e.g. red, story.
blue, green, yellow, pink, orange, purple, black, grey, ● Pupils listen to the story (Track 5) and check their
brown and white. work.
● Pupils work in pairs, A and B. Pupil A dictates the Key: 1 – 3, 2 – 5,
colour of one of his/her toys to Pupil B, e.g. A blue 3 – 6, 4 – 1,
ball. Pupil B listens and colours the ball in the bottom 5 – 4, 6 – 2.
half of his/her worksheet. Pupils A and B exchange
roles. Pupils continue until all of their toys are ● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs,
coloured and then compare their worksheets to A and B. Pupil A describes a frame from the story,
check that they are the same. e.g. Maskman is in the box. Pupil B says the number of
the frame. Pupils A and B exchange roles.
● Optional follow-up activity: Do a class survey to
find out the most popular colour for each toy. Song worksheet
Pupils colour, cut out and glue the finger puppets.
Reinforcement worksheet 2 ●

● Pupils colour, cut out and mount the top two circles ● Pupils put the puppets on one finger of each hand
on card. They place circle 2 on top of circle 1 and and wiggle their fingers as they sing along to the
place a butterfly clip through the centre. Where’s Monty? song (Track 6).
● Pupils work in pairs, A and B. Pupil A says a number ● Optional follow-up activity: Play the song
between 1 and 6. Pupil B moves his/her circles to (Track 6) again and show pupils the following actions:
picture 6 and says what he/she sees, e.g. A doll on Monty isn’t here, Shake your head and
a chair! Pupils A and B exchange roles. point to the floor.
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils make their
Monty isn’t there, Shake your head
own versions of the game using the templates on the
and point across the
worksheet. Encourage them to colour their pictures
so they can also practise colours, in addition to toy
vocabulary and prepositions of place. He isn’t on the table. Shake your head and
point to a table.
Extension worksheet 1
He isn’t under the chair. Mime looking under
● Pupils colour and cut out the toys and the drawing
a chair.
of the room. They can mount them on card if they
wish. Ask pupils to listen and place the toys on the Oh, where? Where? Hold your hands out,
picture of the room. Say, e.g. The train is on the chair. Where is Monty? palms up, and raise
When all of the toys are in place, ask pupils to put your shoulders.
their hands up and describe where they are. Is he in the toy box? Mime opening a box.
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs,
Is he under the book? Mime looking under
A and B. They sit facing each other, with an upright
a book.
book or piece of card between them to keep their
work a secret. Is he next to the computer? Mime looking either
side of an object.
● Pupil A places one of his/her toys in the room and
says where it is, e.g. The computer is on the table. Pupil Look! Look! Look! Mime looking either
B listens and places his/her toy in the correct place side of an object
in the room. When Pupil B has placed all six toys in again.
his/her room, pupils compare their rooms to check if
Oh, where? Where? Make two large circles
they are the same. Pupils A and B exchange roles.
Where’s Monty? with your thumb and
● At the end of the activity pupils can glue their toys forefinger. Hold them
onto their room. to your eyes.
● Play the song again and encourage pupils to join in
with the actions.

x3 Reinforcement worksheet 1

Colour the pictures.

Now tell your friend.

Colour your friend’s pictures.

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3 Reinforcement worksheet 2

Make and play.

1 2

1 2

5 4

Your spinner

1 2

1 2

5 4

20 Kid’s Box BE Update 2nd Ed. TRB 1 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

3 Extension worksheet 1

Cut, place and play.

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3 Extension worksheet 2

Match. Listen.
1 2

3 4

5 6

22 Kid’s Box BE Update 2nd Ed. TRB 1 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

x3 Song worksheet
Make, listen and sing.

Monty isn’t here,

Monty isn’t there,
He isn’t on the table.
He isn’t under the chair.
Oh, where? Where?
Where is Monty?
Is he in the toy box?
Is he under the book?
Is he next to the computer?
Look! Look! Look!
Oh, where? Where?
Where’s Monty?

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4 Teacher’s notes
Reinforcement worksheet 1 Extension worksheet 2
● Pupils complete the family tree by cutting out the ● Pupils cut out the pieces of the jigsaw, try to
drawings of the missing family members and sticking remember the story, and put the jigsaw together so
them in the correct place. Please note that the that the story is in order.
brother and sister can be positioned anywhere along ● Pupils listen to the story (Track 7) and check their
the base of the tree. work.
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs, Key: See Pupil’s Book, page 29.
A and B. Pupil A closes his/her eyes. Pupil B takes
Pupil A’s finger, places it on a family member on ● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils stick the jigsaw
the page and asks Who’s that? With his/her eyes pictures in order onto coloured card, or into their
closed Pupil A guesses, e.g. Mother? If Pupil A notebooks.
guesses correctly, he/she gets a point. Pupils A and B
exchange roles.
Song worksheet
● Pupils draw the face of a mother, father, brother or
Reinforcement worksheet 2 sister on the mask template. They cut it out, then
● Pupils colour, cut out and mount the rectangles on stick a straw to the back of it.
card. They shuffle the cards and lay each one in turn
● Pupils listen to the song (Track 8) and hold up the
face up on the desk. They name each one, e.g. father,
mask when they hear the member of the family
which their mask represents. Everyone holds up
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs, their masks when they hear:
A and B. Each pupil shuffles his/her set of cards.
In turn, each pupil lays a card face up on the desk We are family.
and names it. When they both lay the same card My brother, my sister.
down they have to say Snap! and name the member My brother, my sister,
of the family, e.g. Brother! The first pupil to say Snap! And me.
takes all the cards in the pile. ● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils bring in
● Pupils continue to play until one of them has won all photographs of their family to show the class. The
the cards, or until you say Stop! The pupil with the class guesses which member of the family each
most cards is the winner. photograph is of.
Extension worksheet 1
● Pupils cut around the dotted lines, then fold and
stick the flaps of the cut-out to make a dice.
● Pupils throw the dice. They describe the face on the
top of the dice, e.g. She’s happy!
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs,
A and B. Pupil A says an adjective, e.g. sad.
Pupil B throws the dice. If the face corresponds to
the adjective, Pupil B says Yes, he’s sad. If not, Pupil B
says the correct response e.g. No, she’s happy!
Pupils A and B exchange roles.


4 Reinforcement worksheet 1

Cut, think and place.

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4 Reinforcement worksheet 2

Cut and play.

✃ ✃ ✃ ✃

✃ ✃ ✃

✃ ✃ ✃

26 Kid’s Box BE Update 2nd Ed. TRB 1 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

4 Extension worksheet 1

Make and play.

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4 Extension worksheet 2

Cut and order. Listen.


✃ ✃

28 Kid’s Box BE Update 2nd Ed. TRB 1 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

x4 Song worksheet
Make, listen and do. Sing.

Young or old,

Happy or sad.
Brother and sisters,
Mum and Dad.
We are family.
My brother, my sister.
My brother, my sister,
And me.
He’s my father,
She’s my mother,
✃ ✃
She’s my sister,
And he’s my brother.
We are family.
My brother, my sister.
My brother, my sister,
And me.
She’s my mum,

He’s my dad.

Beautiful, not ugly,
Happy, not sad.
We are family.
My brother, my sister.
My brother, my sister,
And me.

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5 Teacher’s notes
Reinforcement worksheet 1 Extension worksheet 2
● Pupils use six different coloured pencils of their ● Pupils cut out the pictures from the story and place
choice to follow the path from each animal to the them in order.
matching word. They copy the word from the word ● Pupils listen to the story (Track 9) and check their
pool at the top of the page. work. Then they number the pictures 1–6.
Key: 1 mouse, 2 cat, 3 fish, 4 horse, 5 dog, 6 bird. Key: 2, 5,
● Optional follow-up activity: Show pupils how to 4, 1,
trace a word in the air. 6, 3.
● Pupils work in pairs, A and B. Pupil A traces the ● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils make a zig-zag
name of an animal in the air. Pupil B names the book. They fold a piece of A4 card in half lengthwise,
animal. Pupils A and B exchange roles. then fold it again into three sections. They stick the
pictures on each side in order.
Reinforcement worksheet 2
● You may like to prepare a model in advance to show
● Pupils find a word which describes each of the six pupils the finished book.
dogs. They match each word to the correct dog and
write the word. Song worksheet
● Pupils answer the question: What number is your ● Pupils listen to the song (Track 10) and complete it
favourite dog? by writing a number between 1 and 6. with the adjectives from the word pool. They listen
Key: 1 short, 2 clean, 3 small, 4 long, 5 big, 6 dirty. again to check their answers.
● Optional follow-up activity: Do a class survey to Key: long, happy, clean, big, beautiful, small.
find out which dog is the most popular. ● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs,
A and B. They put their worksheets face down on
Extension worksheet 1 the table. Pupil A says an adjective from the song.
● Pupils circle the animal words in the word snake. Pupil B sings the corresponding line of the song, e.g.
They match each word to the correct animal and Pupil A says Happy! Pupil B sings, It’s a happy bird.
copy the word. Pupils A and B exchange roles.
● Optional follow-up activity: Show pupils how to
write a word on the back of a pupil.
● Pupils work in pairs, A and B. Pupil A writes the
name of an animal on Pupil B’s back. Pupil B points to
the correct word on the worksheet and names the
animal. Pupils A and B exchange roles.


x5 Reinforcement worksheet 1

Follow the lines

and colour. Write.
dog bird cat mouse horse fish

1 2

3 4 5 6


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5 Reinforcement worksheet 2

Find, match and write.

short small big long clean dirty

1 a_
s _
h _
o _r _t dog 2 a _ _ _ _ _ dog

3 a _ _ _ _ _ dog

4 a _ _ _ _ dog
5 a _ _ _ dog

6 a _ _ _ _ _ dog

What number is your favourite dog?

32 Kid’s Box BE Update 2nd Ed. TRB 1 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

x5 Extension worksheet 1

Circle, match and write.

dog i r d
ho ish m b
rsecatf ouse


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5 Extension worksheet 2

Cut and order. Listen.

34 Kid’s Box BE Update 2nd Ed. TRB 1 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

5 Song worksheet

Listen and write. Sing.

small long beautiful clean happy big

My name’s Meera, My name’s Simon,

And this is my fish. And this is my mouse.
It’s a long fish. It’s a mouse.
It’s an ugly mouse.
My name’s Lenny, No, it isn’t.
And this is my bird. It’s a dirty mouse.
It’s a bird. It’s a short mouse.
It’s a small mouse.
My name’s Stella, Yes, it’s a small mouse.
And this is my cat. Yes, it is.
It’s a cat.

My name’s Suzy,
And this is my dog.
It’s a dog.

My name’s Mrs Star,

And this is my horse.
It’s a horse.

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6 Teacher’s notes
Reinforcement worksheet 1 Extension worksheet 2
● Pupils find the face words in the wordsearch and use ● Pupils look at the story and identify where the
them to label the clown’s face. missing pictures should go. They write the number
Key: 1 eye, 2 face, 3 hair, 4 ear, 5 nose, 6 teeth, of the frame each missing picture belongs to in the
7 mouth. answer box beside it, then draw the picture in the
correct place in the story.
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs,
A and B. Pupil A gives Pupil B a colouring instruction, ● Pupils listen to the story (Track 11) and check their
e.g. Colour the nose yellow. Pupil B colours his/her work.
clown’s nose yellow. Pupil B gives Pupil A an Key: 5, 3, 6, 2, 1, 4.
instruction and Pupil A colours his/her clown. ● Optional follow-up activity: Say a line from
They continue until all of the clowns’ features are the story to the class. Ask Trevor? Monty? Marie?
coloured in. Maskman? The first pupil to put their hand up and
Reinforcement worksheet 2 say which character says the line has the next go.
● Pupils look at the pictures and read the speech Song worksheet
bubbles, then match them by drawing a line. ● Pupils listen to the song (Track 12). They number the
Key: 1 Trevor, 2 Mr Star, 3 Stella, 4 Monty, 5 Suzy. strips 1–8 in the correct order as they listen. Play
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs, the song as many times as necessary.
A and B. They play a game of ‘Simon says’. Pupil A Key: 1 I’m a very ugly monster,
gives Pupil B an instruction, e.g. Simon says touch I’m a very ugly monster,
your nose! or simply Touch your nose! Pupil B must 2 I’m a very ugly monster.
respond by touching his/her nose only if Pupil A has I’ve got six dirty ears.
said Simon says. Pupils A and B exchange roles and Yes, I have.
continue to take turns. 3 I’ve got pink hair,
And my eyes are red.
Extension worksheet 1 4 I’ve got a blue nose,
● Pupils look at the picture clues, count how many And a purple head.
illustrations there are of each part of the face, then 5 I’ve got a green mouth,
complete the crossword accordingly. And my teeth are blue.
Key: 1 hair, 2 teeth, 3 face, 4 ear, 5 nose, 6 mouth, 6 My name’s Slime,
7 eye. Who are you?
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs, 7 I’m a very ugly monster,
A and B. Pupil A points to a part of his/her body, I’m a very ugly monster,
Pupil B names the body part. Pupil A points to 8 I’m a very ugly monster.
another part of his/her body and the game continues I’ve got six dirty ears.
getting faster and faster until Pupil B hesitates or Yes, I have.
makes a mistake. Pupils A and B exchange roles. ● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils imagine, draw
and colour Slime’s mother or father. They think of a
name for their monster then describe and compare
their drawings.


x6 Reinforcement worksheet 1

Find, circle and write.

h f a c e h e a
a p e m o u t h
i r a t b i t y
r e r e a r i e
n o s e l r e y
q u e t n o u e
k o w h r y a c

1 eye



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6 Reinforcement worksheet 2

Look, read and match.

I’ve got big ears, a big

mouth and big teeth.

I’ve got a big face

and a long nose.

I’ve got long hair

and a small nose.

I’ve got big ears
and small eyes.

I’ve got short hair
and big eyes.

38 Kid’s Box BE Update 2nd Ed. TRB 1 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

x6 Extension worksheet 1

Find, count and write.


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6 Extension worksheet 2

Write and draw. Listen.

1 2

3 4

5 6

40 Kid’s Box BE Update 2nd Ed. TRB 1 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

x6 Song worksheet
Listen, read
and number. Sing.

My name’s Slime, I’m a very ugly monster,

Who are you? I’m a very ugly monster,

I’m a very ugly monster, I’ve got a green mouth,

I’m a very ugly monster, And my teeth are blue.

I’ve got a blue nose, I’m a very ugly monster.
And a purple head. I’ve got six dirty ears.
Yes, I have.
I’m a very ugly monster.
I’ve got six dirty ears. I’ve got pink hair,
Yes, I have. And my eyes are red.

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7 Teacher’s notes
Reinforcement worksheet 1 Extension worksheet 2
● Pupils match each animal to the correct word by ● Pupils match the two halves of each frame of the
drawing a line. They complete the word. story.
Key: 1 giraffe, 2 elephant, 3 tiger, 4 hippo, 5 monkey, ● Pupils listen to the story (Track 13) and check their
6 crocodile, 7 snake. work.
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs, Key: 1 – 2, 2 – 6,
A and B. Pupil A chooses an animal and spells the 3 – 1, 4 – 5,
word out loud. Pupil B names the animal. 5 – 3, 6 – 4.
Pupils A and B exchange roles and continue to ● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs,
take turns. A and B. Pupil A describes the animals and
Reinforcement worksheet 2 characters from the story, e.g. They’re long and ugly.
Pupil B names the animal/character, e.g. Snake! Pupils
● Pupils read the information about the animals. They
A and B exchange roles.
copy the name of the animals onto the correct
animal information board. Song worksheet
Key: 1 elephants, 2 tigers, 3 crocodiles, 4 snakes, ● Pupils listen to the song (Track 14). As they listen
5 giraffes, 6 hippos, 7 monkeys. they complete the song by copying the correct
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs, words from the word pool. Play the song as many
A and B. Pupil A gives Pupil B a piece of information times as necessary.
about an animal. Pupil B names it. Pupils A and B Key: small, short, dirty, green, hands, feet, arms, legs,
exchange roles. head, tail, big, teeth, clean, mouth.
Extension worksheet 1 ● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs,
A and B. Pupil A looks at the song. Pupil B covers
● Pupils find, colour (one colour per animal) and count
his/her song. Pupil A says the first line of one of the
the animals they can see in the jungle. The colouring
verses, e.g. Let’s do the snake shake! Pupil B has to say
helps pupils to see how many pictures of each animal
the next line, e.g. Move your head and tail! Pupils A
they have found. They write the name and number of
and B exchange roles.
each animal, using the plural form.
Key: three elephants, six hippos, two crocodiles,
eight monkeys, five tigers, four giraffes,
seven snakes.
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs,
A and B. They both write a list of the names of all
the pets and wild animals they know, e.g. tiger, dog,
cat, hippo, etc. Pupil A says the name of one of the
animals on his/her list, Pupil B has to identify it by
saying Pet! or Wild animal! Pupils A and B exchange
roles. They continue until they have named all the
animals on their lists.


x7 Reinforcement worksheet 1

Match and write.

1 g _i _r _
a _f _f _

2 e___ ____

3 t____

4 h____

5 m_____

6 c_____ ___

7 s____

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 43

7 Reinforcement worksheet 2

Read and write.

snakes tigers crocodiles giraffes
monkeys hippos elephants

2 They’ve got a long

nose and big ears.

They’ve got four 3

legs and a long tail.

They’ve got a long

4 tail and a lot of teeth.

They haven’t got 5

legs or arms.

They’ve got long legs

and a short tail.

They’ve got a big

mouth and a short tail.

They’ve got two arms

and a small nose.

44 Kid’s Box BE Update 2nd Ed. TRB 1 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

x7 Extension worksheet 1

Find, colour and write.

How many animals?

three elephants

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 45

7 Extension worksheet 2

Match. Listen.
1 2

3 4

5 6

46 Kid’s Box BE Update 2nd Ed. TRB 1 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

x7 Song worksheet
Listen and write. Sing.

arms dirty short legs feet clean small tail

mouth head hands green teeth big

Animals, animals, big and small ,

Animals, animals, and tall.
Animals, animals, and clean,
Animals, animals, brown and .
Come on children sing along,
Sing and move to the animal song.

Let’s all do the hippo show,

Move your and .

Let’s all do the elephant dance,

Move your and .

Let’s all do the snake shake,

Move your and .

Let’s all do the crocodile smile,

Show your white .

Let’s all do the giraffe laugh,

Open your big .

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 47

8 Teacher’s notes
Reinforcement worksheet 1 Extension worksheet 2
● Pupils put the letters in the correct order to spell ● Pupils cut out the pieces of the jigsaw, try to
the clothes words. They write each word next to remember the story, and put the jigsaw together so
the correct number. that the story is in order.
Key: 1 jacket, 2 skirt, 3 shoes, 4 trousers, 5 T-shirt, ● Pupils listen to the story (Track 15) and check their
6 socks. work.
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs, Key: See Pupil’s Book, page 59.
A and B. They each copy the six words in a list on a ● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils stick the jigsaw
piece of paper. They look at the words carefully for pictures in order onto coloured card, or into their
one minute. They fold the paper to cover the words notebooks.
and write the six words again from memory. Pupils
exchange papers, correct each other’s work and Song worksheet
compare their results. ● Ask pupils to help you spell ball, jacket, pencil and
sock. Write the words on the board. Pupils listen to
Reinforcement worksheet 2 the song (Track 16) and complete the lyrics.
● Do a colour dictation with pupils for each item of
● Pupils colour the items according to the description
clothing. Pupils cut the worksheet so that they have
in the song, i.e. the jacket is blue, the ball is purple,
four strips each containing one of the characters.
the sock is yellow and the pencil is pink. They cut
They cut each character into three sections along
out the rectangles and mount them onto card. Pupils
the horizontal cutting lines. It is important that they
listen again and join in with the song. The boys hold
stop at the thick black line, so that the character
up the jacket and the ball during verses 1 and 2. The
remains in one piece. They place the four characters
girls hold up the sock and the pencil during verses 3
on top of each other and staple them together along
and 4.
the thick black line to make a book.
● Pupils turn the flaps of the book to make up different Key: jacket, ball, sock, pencil.
mixtures of characters. They describe each creation ● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs.
that they make, e.g. He’s got a blue T-shirt and They create an extra verse for the song.
pink shoes! ● The class sings the song again and each pair sings
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs, their verse in turn.
A and B. Pupil A creates a character with his/her
book and describes it to Pupil B. Pupil B creates the
same character with his/her book. Pupils A and B
exchange roles.
Extension worksheet 1
● Pupils read the information about the boy’s clothes
and colour them. They colour the girl’s clothes and
write the words to complete the description.
● If pupils choose to use orange for the T-shirt or
skirt, you may want to explain that we use an, not a,
before orange, but it is too early for children to focus
on the reason why at this stage.
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs,
A and B. They cover the text below the girl with
their hand. Pupil A looks at Pupil B’s worksheet and
describes the girl. Pupils A and B exchange roles.
● Pupils describe their favourite clothes to each other.


x8 Reinforcement worksheet 1

Think and write.

1 jacket 4

2 5

3 6

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8 Reinforcement worksheet 2

Colour, make and play.

50 Kid’s Box BE Update 2nd Ed. TRB 1 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

x8 Extension worksheet 1

Read and colour.

Colour and write.

He’s got a green T-shirt and blue She’s got a T-shirt

trousers. He’s got red socks and and a skirt. She’s got
brown shoes. socks and
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8 Extension worksheet 2

Cut and order. Listen.


✃ ✃

52 Kid’s Box BE Update 2nd Ed. TRB 1 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

x8 Song worksheet
Listen and write.
Colour, cut and sing.

He’s got a blue jacket in his hands,
A blue .
He’s got a blue in his hands,
A in his hands.

He’s got a purple in his hands,
A purple .
He’s got a purple in his hands,
A in his hands.

She’s got a yellow in her hands,

A yellow .
She’s got a yellow in her hands,
A in her hands.

She’s got a pink in her hands,

A pink .

She’s got a pink in her hands,

A in her hands.

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9 Teacher’s notes
Reinforcement worksheet 1 Extension worksheet 2
● Pupils look at the pictures and read the speech ● Pupils cut out the pictures from the story and place
bubbles, then match them by writing the correct them in order.
number in each answer box. ● Pupils listen to the story (Track 17) and check their
Key: 1 I can play football, 2 I can’t play basketball, work. Then they number the pictures 1–6.
3 I can ride a bike, 4 I can play the guitar, Key: 2, 3,
5 I can’t swim, 6 I can play tennis. 1, 5,
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs, 6, 4.
A and B. Pupils study the pictures for a minute. ● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils make a zig-zag
Pupil B puts his/her worksheet face down on the book. They fold a piece of A4 card in half lengthwise,
desk. Pupil A says the name of a character, e.g. then fold it again into three sections. They stick the
Maskman. Pupil B has to remember what the pictures on each side in order.
character can/can’t do and says I can play the guitar.
● You may like to prepare a model in advance to show
Pupils A and B exchange roles.
pupils the finished book.
Reinforcement worksheet 2
Song worksheet
● Pupils look at the pictures and complete the ● Pupils listen to the song (Track 18). They complete
the song by choosing and copying the correct words.
● Monitor and help pupils with spelling as necessary. Then they draw in the missing details in the pictures.
Key: My father can play football. He can’t ride a horse. Key: bike, tennis, basketball, swim, football, guitar.
My mother can play the guitar. She can’t sing. ● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs,
My brother can swim. He can’t ride a bike.
A and B. Pupil A mimes doing a sport. Pupil B names
My sister can play basketball. She can’t play tennis.
the sport. Pupils A and B exchange roles.
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs,
A and B. They think of a person in their family and
write a sentence about him or her, e.g. My mother
can swim. They show and read their sentence to
their partner.
● Fast finishers can write additional sentences and
draw pictures to illustrate them.
Extension worksheet 1
● Pupils look at the code. They complete the
sentences by using the code. They draw a picture in
box number 3 to illustrate the third sentence.
Key: 1 I can play the guitar, 2 I can’t ride a bike,
3 Can you swim?
● Optional pairwork activity: Pupils work in pairs,
A and B. They write three sentences using the code.
They exchange their sentences, then decode them.


x9 Reinforcement worksheet 1

Look, read and match.

I can ride a bike.
AW 038.1 a-e

I can play football.

I can’t swim.

I can play tennis.

I can play the guitar.

I can’t play basketball.

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 55

9 Reinforcement worksheet 2

Look and write.

My father can play football .

He can’t ride a horse .

My mother can the

. She can’t .

My brother can .
He can’t a .

My sister can .
She can’t .

56 Kid’s Box BE Update 2nd Ed. TRB 1 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

x9 Extension worksheet 1

Look, write and draw.

a b c d e f g h i j k l m

n o p q r s t u v w x y z

/ _c _a n_ / _ _ _ _ /

_ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ .

_ / _ _ _ ’ _ /

_ _ _ _ / _ / _ _ _ _ .

_ _ _ / _ _ _ /

_ _ _ _ ?
PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 57

9 Extension worksheet 2

Cut and order. Listen.

58 Kid’s Box BE Update 2nd Ed. TRB 1 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

x9 Song worksheet
Listen, write
and draw. Sing.
football basketball
tennis guitar
bike swim

Do the Maskman song,

Do the Maskman song,
Let’s all do the Maskman song …
Ride a bike .
Play , .
Play, play, play.

Do the Maskman song,

Do the Maskman song,
Let’s all do the Maskman song …
Now let’s .
Play , the .
Play, play, play.

Do the Maskman song,

Do the Maskman song,
Let’s all do the Maskman song …

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 59

10 Teacher’s notes
Reinforcement worksheet 1 Extension worksheet 2
● Pupils choose one of the colours in the word pool ● Pupils look at the story and identify where the
for each item and colour in each picture. They label missing pictures should go. They write the number
each picture by copying one word from each word of the frame each missing picture belongs to in the
pool, e.g. A black lorry. answer box beside it, then draw the picture in the
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs, correct place in the story.
A and B. Pupil A looks at his/her worksheet. Pupil B ● Pupils listen to the story (Track 19) and check their
turns his/her worksheet face down on the desk. work.
Pupil A says a word, e.g. helicopter. Pupil B spells it, Key: 3, 5, 1, 4, 6, 2.
e.g. H E L I C O P T E R. Pupils A and B exchange
roles. ● Optional follow-up activity: Say a line from the
story to the class. Ask Maskman? Boy? Trevor? Monty?
Reinforcement worksheet 2 Marie? The first pupil to put their hand up and say
● Pupils look at the pictures and complete each speech which character says the line has the next go.
bubble by copying the correct phrase from the word
Song worksheet
pool, e.g. I’m riding a motorbike.
● Pupils listen to the song (Track 20). They number
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs, the strips 1 to 10 in the correct order as they listen.
A and B. They both choose a speech bubble and Play the song as many times as necessary.
copy it, in secret, onto a slip of paper. Pupil A has
three guesses to find out what Pupil B has written Key: 1 I’m walking, … favourite shoes.
on his/her paper, e.g. walking. Pupil B then has 2 I’m walking.
three guesses about Pupil A’s paper. If pupils guess 3 I’m driving, … long white lorry.
correctly, they win a point. They choose another 4 I’m driving.
speech bubble and continue the game. The pupil with 5 I’m sitting, … big green boat.
the most points at the end of the game wins. 6 I’m sitting.
7 I’m riding, … motorbike.
Extension worksheet 1 8 I’m riding.
● Pupils make a word from the letters in each star. 9 I’m flying, … helicopter.
They write the word next to the star. They draw a 10 I’m flying.
picture of each word in the box. ● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs,
Key: 1 lorry, 2 helicopter, 3 boat, 4 plane, 5 bus, A and B. Pupil B turns his/her worksheet face down
6 motorbike. on the desk. Pupil A says one of the actions from the
song, e.g. I’m flying. Pupil B says the corresponding
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs,
line from the song, e.g. I’m flying in my helicopter.
A and B. Pupil A chooses one of the words and
Pupils A and B exchange roles.
writes it on Pupil B’s back. Pupil B guesses the word.
Pupils A and B exchange roles.


10 Reinforcement worksheet 1

Colour and write.

blue green yellow red black purple

boat lorry helicopter bus motorbike plane

a black lorry a

a a

a a

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 61

10 Reinforcement worksheet 2

Look and write.

flying a helicopter driving a bus walking flying a plane
riding a motorbike driving a lorry

What are you doing?

I’m riding a motorbike.

62 Kid’s Box BE Update 2nd Ed. TRB 1 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

10 Extension worksheet 1

Write and draw.

l o _
l _
o _
r _
r _
r y

2 e
___ ______ _
l p r i
c o
e h t
b ___ _

n l a ___ __
p e

s ___

6 r o
o b t ___ ______
i m
PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 63

10 Extension worksheet 2

Write and draw. Listen.

1 2

3 4

5 6

64 Kid’s Box BE Update 2nd Ed. TRB 1 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

10 Song worksheet
Listen, read
and number. Sing.

I’m sitting.

I’m driving.
I’m riding, riding.
I’m riding on my motorbike,
motorbike, motorbike.

I’m walking, walking.

I’m walking in my favourite shoes,
favourite shoes, favourite shoes.

I’m walking.
I’m flying, flying.
I’m flying in my helicopter,
helicopter, helicopter.
I’m sitting, sitting.
I’m sitting in my big green boat,
big green boat, big green boat.
I’m flying.

I’m driving, driving.

I’m driving in my long white lorry, I’m riding.
long white lorry, long white lorry.

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11 Teacher’s notes
Reinforcement worksheet 1 Extension worksheet 2
● Pupils look at the house and read the sentences. ● Pupils match the two halves of each frame of the
They complete each sentence by copying the correct story.
word from the word pool. ● Pupils listen to the story (Track 21) and check their
Key: 1 living room, 2 bedroom, 3 kitchen, 4 hall, work.
5 bathroom, 6 dining room. Key: 1 – 4, 2 – 3,
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs, 3 – 2, 4 – 1,
A and B. They take turns to ask and answer a 5 – 6, 6 – 5.
question about the house, e.g. Where’s the doll? In the ● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs,
kitchen. A and B. Pupil A describes a frame from the story,
Reinforcement worksheet 2 e.g. Suzy’s got 10 pencils. Pupil B says the number of
the frame. Pupils A and B exchange roles.
● Pupils find and circle six words in the wordsearch.
They look at the pictures and complete each Song worksheet
sentence by copying the correct word from the ● Pupils listen to the song (Track 22). As they listen,
they match the questions and answers by writing the
Key: 1 reading, 2 eating, 3 watching, 4 drawing, correct number in the box. Play the song as many
5 listening, 6 sitting. times as necessary.
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs, Key: 1 In the dining room, 2 He’s eating fish, 3 In the
A and B. Pupil A mimes one of the six actions. living room, 4 He’s watching TV, 5 In the bathroom,
Pupil B guesses, e.g. You’re reading a book! 6 She’s having a bath, 7 In her bedroom, 8 She’s
Pupils A and B exchange roles. reading a book, 9 In the hall, 10 Opening the door.
Extension worksheet 1 ● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs,
A and B. They write down the five names in the
● Pupils look at the pictures and the anagrams, then
song on a piece of paper. They place the worksheet
match them by writing the correct number in the
face down on the desk. Pupil A chooses a name and
box. Pupils then write the word under the anagram.
asks Pupil B two questions from memory: Where’s
Key: 1 bedroom, 2 living room, 3 dining room, Grandpa? / What’s he doing? Pupil B answers, from
4 bathroom, 5 kitchen, 6 hall. memory: In the dining room. / He’s eating fish. They
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs, look at the worksheet to check. Pupil A ticks off
A and B. They prepare their own anagrams, using the name from his/her list. Pupils A and B exchange
the words on Extension worksheet 1. They exchange roles.
their work and solve their partner’s word puzzles.


11 Reinforcement worksheet 1

Read and write.

kitchen hall bathroom dining room bedroom living room

1 The fish is in the living room .

2 The computer is in the .
3 The doll is in the .
4 The bike is in the .
5 The book is in the .
6 The ball is in the .

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 67

11 Reinforcement worksheet 2

Find and circle.

Match and write.

1 He’s reading a book. 2 The cat’s a fish.

d r e a d i n g s
r a i l i i i s e
a l m a t r u p a
w a t c h i n g t
i q u i s i r e i
nwa l n g u c n
3 He’s 4 He’s
g e s i t t i n g
TV. l i s t e n i n g a picture.

5 She’s to music. 6 The dog’s under

a table.

68 Kid’s Box BE Update 2nd Ed. TRB 1 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

11 Extension worksheet 1

Look, match and write.

1 hamotorb
___ _____

gdinin oomr
___ ___ ___ _

___ ____

medobor 1
b _
e _
d _
r _
o _ _
o m

___ _

inlgvi moro
___ ___ ___ _

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 69

11 Extension worksheet 2

Match. Listen.
1 2

3 4

5 6

70 Kid’s Box BE Update 2nd Ed. TRB 1 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

11 Song worksheet
Listen and write
the number. Sing.

1 Where’s Grandpa? He’s eating fish.

2 What’s he doing? In the hall.

3 Where’s Simon? In her bedroom.

4 What’s he doing? She’s having a bath.

5 Where’s Suzy? Opening the door.

6 What’s she doing? In the dining room. 1

7 Where’s Stella? He’s watching TV.

8 What’s she doing? She’s reading a book.

9 Where’s Grandma? In the living room.

10 What’s she doing? In the bathroom.

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 71

12 Teacher’s notes
Reinforcement worksheet 1 Extension worksheet 2
● Pupils complete each picture, then label them by ● Pupils cut out the pieces of the jigsaw, try to
copying the correct word from the word pool. remember the story, and put the jigsaw together so
Key: 1 cake, 2 banana, 3 burger, 4 apple, 5 chocolate, that the story is in order.
6 ice cream. ● Pupils listen to the story (Track 23) and check their
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs,
A and B. They both make a word puzzle. They Key: See Pupil’s Book, page 89.
choose three food words and write them in pencil ● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils stick the jigsaw
on a piece of paper. In each word they erase two pictures in order onto coloured card, or into their
or three letters and replace them with a small line, notebooks.
e.g. c _ k _. They exchange papers and solve their
partner’s word puzzles. Song worksheet
● Fast finishers can be encouraged to try this activity ● Pupils listen to the song (Track 24) and draw the
to revise other vocabulary sets. food words. Then they listen and write the words
from the word pool in the correct place.
Reinforcement worksheet 2 Key: 1 bananas, 2 fish, 3 ice cream, 4 apples,
● Pupils look at the pictures and complete the speech 5 chocolate, 6 burgers.
bubbles by writing the correct word(s), like/don’t like.
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs,
They match each speech bubble to the correct food
A and B. They write some more verses for the
by drawing a line.
song using other food items that they know, e.g.
Key: 1 I don’t like chocolate, 2 I like bananas, cake and oranges. Personalise the activity by asking
3 I like ice cream, 4 I don’t like apples, pupils to tell you what their favourite food is in L1 if
5 I like cake, 6 I don’t like burgers. necessary. Translate the new words. The class sings
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs, the song again with the new verses.
A and B. Pupil A chooses a food item and asks Pupil
B a question, e.g. Do you like ice cream? Pupil B points
to the item on the worksheet and answers Yes! or
No! Pupils A and B exchange roles.
Extension worksheet 1
● Pupils look at the food items and work out the next
item in each sequence. They draw the item and
label it.
Key: 1 cake, 2 chocolate, 3 apple, 4 banana, 5 burger,
6 ice cream.
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils turn over their
worksheet and make their own sequences with
the food words. They give them to their partner
to complete.


12 Reinforcement worksheet 1

Draw and write.

burger chocolate ice cream banana cake apple

1 2


3 4

5 6

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 73

12 Reinforcement worksheet 2

Look, write and match.

I don’t like chocolate.

I like bananas.

I ice cream.

I apples.

I cake.

I burgers.

74 Kid’s Box BE Update 2nd Ed. TRB 1 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

12 Extension worksheet 1

Look, complete and write.


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12 Extension worksheet 2

Cut and order. Listen.


✃ ✃

76 Kid’s Box BE Update 2nd Ed. TRB 1 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

12 Song worksheet
Listen and draw.
Listen and write. Sing.
burgers fish apples bananas ice cream chocolate

1 2

Do you like bananas ? Do you like ?

Yes, yes, yes. Yes, yes, yes.

3 4

Do you like ? Do you like ?

Yes, yes, yes. Yes, yes, yes.

5 6

Do you like ? Do you like ?

Yes, yes, yes. No, no, no.

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 77

Halloween Halloween worksheet 1
The following cultural notes describe both the origins ● Pupils count how many examples there are of each
and the current traditions of this festival. Explain as Halloween character/object and write the number in
much as you feel is relevant to the class and ask pupils the answer box. Pupils colour the Halloween scene.
to point to the relevant items on the worksheet that Key: 1 two pumpkin lanterns, 2 one ghost, 3 one cat,
you use first. 4 one witch, 5 four spiders, 6 six bats, 7 eight cakes,
8 seven sweets, 9 three apples.
■ Halloween is celebrated on 31 October ● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs,
in the United Kingdom, the United States, A and B, with their worksheets face up in front of
Canada, Australia and New Zealand and them. Pupil A names a colour that he/she can see on
many other countries around the world. It is the worksheet. Pupil B points to it. Pupils A and B
not a public holiday, but it is a very important exchange roles.
celebration for children. The word Halloween
originally came from All Hallows’ Eve, which Halloween worksheet 2
means the evening before the Day of the ● Pupils need scissors, string, card, glue and a
Holy Ones or All Saints’ Day, 1 November. drinking straw. Pupils colour, cut out and mount the
The tradition is that on this night, spirits, Halloween items onto card.
ghosts and witches wander the earth. People ● They cut the string into different lengths and attach
used to make lanterns out of pumpkins and a short piece to each item. They tie the items along
place them in the window to scare away the straw. They attach a piece of string to each
these frightening creatures. end of the straw and hang the mobiles around the
■ Nowadays, on the night of Halloween, classroom.
children get dressed up as witches, ghosts, ● As pupils work, circulate and ask them questions
vampires, and other scary monsters and about the items, e.g. What’s this? What colour is
have a fancy dress party. Items that are your pumpkin?
traditionally associated with Halloween are ● You may like to prepare a model in advance to show
pumpkin lanterns, bats, spiders and black cats. pupils the finished mobile.
Children often play a traditional game called
● Optional follow-up activity: In turn, pupils point
‘apple bobbing’. In this game, you have to bite
and name the items on their mobiles.
an apple that is floating in water or hanging
on a string. Typical party food would be cakes
and pizza decorated with horrible faces.
■ At Halloween, children love to play Trick or
Treat. Children knock on neighbours’ doors
and ask Trick or Treat? If the neighbour
chooses a treat, he/she must offer the
children sweets, chocolate or fruit. If not, the
children will play a naughty trick, such as using
a water pistol. It’s always a good idea to have
treats ready for visitors on Halloween!


Easter Easter worksheet 1

The following cultural notes describe both the origins ● Pupils need scissors, glue and two pieces of different
and the current traditions of this festival. Explain as coloured card.
much as you feel is relevant to the class and ask pupils ● Pupils mount the pictures on one piece of coloured
to point to the relevant items on the worksheet that
card and the words on the other piece of coloured
you use first.
card. They then cut out the rectangles.
● Pupils work in pairs, A and B. They shuffle their
■ Easter is a Christian festival which celebrates
cards together and lay them face down on the desk.
Jesus rising from the dead. As Easter always
Pupil A turns over two cards, one of each colour,
falls in spring, some people associate it more
and names each card. If the cards are the same, Pupil
widely with new life, which is why images A keeps them. If not, Pupil A turns the cards face
of chicks and eggs, lambs, baby rabbits and down again. Pupils A and B exchange roles. The pupil
spring flowers are also traditional. The date with the most cards at the end of the game is the
is fixed according to the lunar calendar and winner.
therefore differs slightly every year. In the
weeks before Easter, people send Easter ● Optional follow-up activity: Call out the four
cards to their friends and family, and they buy Easter items in random order. Pupils hold up the
chocolate Easter eggs and Easter bunnies for corresponding picture and word card. Pupils can
their children. Many children like to boil real work in pairs and continue this activity.
eggs and then paint them with bright colours. Easter worksheet 2
Children often have egg rolling competitions ● Pupils need scissors, glue and card.
or hold Easter egg hunts looking for the
colourful eggs around the garden. Baskets are ● Pupils colour, cut out and mount the basket and
also associated with Easter. People make and Easter eggs on card. They stick the reverse of
fill them with Easter eggs and spring flowers the sides of the basket together and fold the flaps
to decorate their houses. outwards so the basket stands up. Finally pupils stick
their eggs inside the top of the basket.
■ In the United Kingdom, people like to eat ● Ask pupils to say all the Easter words they know.
hot cross buns, a type of sweet bread with
dried fruit in it. These buns are marked with ● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils show their
the Christian symbol of the cross and are parents their Easter basket and tell them in L1 about
Easter traditions in English-speaking countries. They
traditionally eaten during Lent (the 40 days
can try to teach their parents the Easter words they
leading up to Easter). In the Middle Ages,
the bakers sold these buns in the streets.
■ Easter is an important church festival and
Good Friday and Easter Monday are public


Halloween worksheet 1

Count. Write the number.

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9

80 Kid’s Box BE Update 2nd Ed. TRB 1 © Cambridge University Press 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Halloween worksheet 2

Colour, cut and make.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 81

Easter worksheet 1

Cut and play.

Easter egg

hot cross bun

Easter bunny


82 Kid’s Box BE Update 2nd Ed. TRB 1 © Cambridge University Press 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Easter worksheet 2

Colour, cut and make.

✃ ✃

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 83

Word cards: numbers ✃


84 Kid’s Box BE Update 2nd Ed. TRB 1 Word cards © Cambridge University Press 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Word cards: numbers / colours ✃


PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 Word cards Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 85

Word cards: colours ✃


86 Kid’s Box BE Update 2nd Ed. TRB 1 Word cards © Cambridge University Press 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Word cards: My school ✃


PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 Word cards Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 87

Word cards: Favourite toys ✃


88 Kid’s Box BE Update 2nd Ed. TRB 1 Word cards © Cambridge University Press 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Word cards: My family ✃


PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 Word cards Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 89

Word cards: Our pets ✃


90 Kid’s Box BE Update 2nd Ed. TRB 1 Word cards © Cambridge University Press 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Word cards: My face ✃


PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 Word cards Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 91

Word cards: Wild animals ✃


92 Kid’s Box BE Update 2nd Ed. TRB 1 Word cards © Cambridge University Press 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Word cards: My clothes ✃


PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 Word cards Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 93

Word cards: Fun time! ✃

play football
play basketball
play tennis
play the guitar
play the piano
ride a bike

94 Kid’s Box BE Update 2nd Ed. TRB 1 Word cards © Cambridge University Press 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Word cards: At the funfair ✃


PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 Word cards Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 95

Word cards: Our house ✃

dining room
living room

96 Kid’s Box BE Update 2nd Ed. TRB 1 Word cards © Cambridge University Press 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Word cards: Party time! ✃

ice cream

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 Word cards Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 97

Test Units 1–4 Listening


1 25
Listen and draw lines. There is one example.

98 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 L Part 1 Test Units 1-4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

2 26
Listen and tick (✓) the box. There is one example.

Where is Tom’s book?

A B C ✓
1 How old is Anna?

2 What is Sue’s favourite toy?

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 L Part 3 Test Units 1-4 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 99

3 Who is Bill?

4 Where’s Sam’s ball?

5 Which is Grace’s sister?

100 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 L Part 3 Test Units 1-4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

3 27
Listen and colour. There is one example.

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Test Units 1–4 Speaking

102 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 S Part 1 Test Units 1-4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

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Test Units 5–8 Listening


1 28
Listen and draw lines. There is one example.

Kim Simon Ben Alex

Suzy Nick Pat

104 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 L Part 1 Test Units 5-8 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

2 29
Read the question. Listen and write a name or
a number. There are two examples.

What is the boy’s name? Matt
How old is he? 7

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 L Part 2 Test Units 5-8 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 105


1 How many cats has Matt got?

2 What is the name of Matt’s favourite cat?

3 How old is Matt’s favourite cat?

4 What is the number of Matt’s class?

5 What is the girl’s name?

106 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 L Part 2 Test Units 5-8 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

3 30
Listen and tick (✓) the box. There is one example.
What is Mark’s favourite animal?

A B ✓ C
1 Which is Nick’s monster?

2 Which pet has Sam got?

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 L Part 3 Test Units 5-8 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 107

3 Which are the clean socks?

4 Which is May?

5 Which is Alex’s favourite monster?

108 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 L Part 3 Test Units 5-8 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

4 31
Listen and colour. There is one example.

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 L Part 4 Test Units 5-8 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 109

Test Units 5–8 Reading & Writing


1 Read this. Choose a word from the box. Write the word
next to numbers 1–5. There is one example.
A monster

I’m a monster. I’ve got three eyes .

I’ve got a big 1 .
I’ve got eight 2 . I’ve got four 3 .
I’ve got six 4 . I’ve got two 5 .


eyes nose mouth teeth

ears feet tail arms

110 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 R&W Part 4 Test Units 5-8 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

2 Look at the pictures. Look at the letters. Write the words.

r s t i h T
T - _
s _
h _
i _
r _

h e s o s

1 ___ __

s r i t k
2 __ __ _

k s o c s
3 ___ __

k e j c t a
4 ______

r t u e s o s r
___ ____ _

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 R&W Part 3 Test Units 5-8 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 111

Test Units 5–8 Speaking

112 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 S Part 1 Test Units 5-8 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

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Test Units 9–12 Listening


1 32
Listen and draw lines. There is one example.

Anna Tom Kim Ali

Ben Pat Sam

114 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 L Part 1 Test Units 9-12 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

2 Read the question. Listen and write a name or a


number. There are two examples.

What’s the boy’s name? Hugo
How old is he? 6

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 L Part 2 Test Units 9-12 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 115


1 What is his sister’s name?

2 How old is his sister?

3 How many bedrooms has the house got?

4 How many bathrooms has the house got?

5 What is the name of the house? House

116 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 L Part 2 Test Units 9-12 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

3 34
Listen and tick (✓) the box. There is one example.
What is Grace’s favourite food?

A B C ✓

1 What is Ben doing?

2 Which is Dan?

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 L Part 3 Test Units 9-12 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 117

3 Where is Dad?

4 What is Anna’s favourite food?

5 What is Lucy doing?

118 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 L Part 3 Test Units 9-12 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

4 35
Listen and colour. There is one example.

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Test Units 9–12 Reading & Writing


1 Look and read. Put a tick (✓) or a cross (✗) in the box.
There are two examples.

These are ice creams. ✓

This is a motorbike. ✗


This is a dining room.

120 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 R&W Part 1 Test Units 9-12 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

2 This is a bus.

3 These are burgers.

4 These are boats.

5 This is a bedroom.

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2 Look at the pictures. Look at the letters. Write the

a n b a n a
b _
a _
n _
a _
n _


u g r e b r
___ ___

t u r a g i
___ ___

c n t e k h i
___ __ _ _

o c e h t c o l a
4 ___ __ ___ _

o l r h p i e t c e
___ __ ___ __

122 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 R&W Part 3 Test Units 9-12 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

3 Read this. Choose a word from the box. Write the

correct word next to numbers 1−5. There is one example.

I’m Hannah. I’ve got long hair , a small face and two big green
1 . I can play 2 very well and I like riding my
3 . My favourite food is 4 . I don’t like bananas.
Yuk! My 5 has lots of rooms and is very big.


hair ice cream mouse helicopter

house tennis bike eyes

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 R&W Part 4 Test Units 9-12 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 123

Test Units 9–12 Speaking

124 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 S Part 1 Test Units 9-12 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

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End of Year Test Listening


1 36
Listen and draw lines. There is one example.

Mark Sue Matt Eva

Sam Alice Ben

126 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 L Part 1 EoY Test © Cambridge University Press 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE

2 37
Read the question. Listen and write a name or number.
There are two examples.


What is the monster’s name? Hugo

How old is he? 3

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 L Part 2 EoY Test Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 127


1 How many eyes has Hugo’s sister got?

2 What is the name of Hugo’s sister?

3 How many snakes have Hugo and his sister got?

4 What is the name of Hugo’s crocodile?

5 How many teeth has the crocodile got?

128 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 L Part 2 EoY Test © Cambridge University Press 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE

3 38
Listen and tick (✓) the box. There is one example.
What is May doing?

A B ✓ C
1 Which is Kim?

2 Which is Alex’s pet?

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 L Part 3 EoY Test Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 129

3 What is Pat’s favourite toy?

4 What is Bill doing?

5 Where is the eraser?

130 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 L Part 3 EoY Test © Cambridge University Press 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE

4 39
Listen and colour. There is one example.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 L Part 4 EoY Test Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 131

End of Year Test Reading & Writing


1 Look and read. Put a tick (✓) or a cross (✗) in the box.
There are two examples.

These are jackets. ✓

This is a fish. ✗


1 This is a giraffe.

132 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 R&W Part 1 EoY Test © Cambridge University Press 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE

2 These are bananas.

3 These are T-shirts.

4 This is a motorbike.

5 This is a kitchen.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 R&W Part 1 EoY Test Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 133

2 Look at the pictures. Look at the letters. Write the

t o h u m
m _
o _
u _
t _


k e b i
___ _

i t a l
___ _

s o e r h
___ __

o l c e i o r d c
___ __ _ _ __

o b e m o r i k t
___ __ _ _ __

134 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 R&W Part 3 EoY Test © Cambridge University Press 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE

3 Read this. Choose a word from the box. Write the

correct word next to numbers 1–5. There is one example.
An elephant

I’m an elephant. I’ve got four legs . I listen with my two big
1 . I’ve got a very long 2 . I’m a big animal.
I can walk but I can’t ride a 3 ! I like eating 4
and bananas. A 5 or girl can ride on me.


legs ears bike apples

nose boy lorry eyes

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 R&W Part 4 EoY Test Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 135

End of Year Test Speaking

136 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 S Part 1 EoY Test © Cambridge University Press 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 S Part 2 EoY Test Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 1 137

Test key and audioscript

Pages 99 and 100: Listening (10 marks)
Test Units 1–4 pp 98–103 Key: 1C, 2B, 3C, 4A, 5B.
Marks are not shown on the Tests themselves to allow
Track 26
you the flexibility to mark in a way that suits your teaching
situation. However, a suggested scheme is given below which Look at the pictures. Now listen and look. There is one
you may wish to use. This scheme gives a total of 50 marks example.
for each test. Note that all four skills carry equal weight in Where is Tom’s book?
the Starters Tests, but the scheme below gives weight to GIRL: Where’s your book, Tom?
different skills as the children progress from oral–aural work BOY: Is it on the chair?
to literacy skills through the year.

Page 98: Listening (10 marks) BOY: Look on the table.

Key: Lines should be drawn between: GIRL: It’s here. It’s under the table!

1 Doll and in toy box Can you see the tick? Now you listen and tick the box.
2 Ball and in bag 1. How old is Anna?
3 Train and under table
WOMAN : Happy birthday, Anna! Are you nine today?
4 Bike and next to toy box
GIRL: No, I’m not.
5 Pencil and on table, next to book
WOMAN : How old are you?
Track 25 GIRL: I’m ten. And my sister is seven.

Look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example. 2. What is Sue’s favourite toy?
GIRL: This is a nice picture. MAN : Is this your bike, Sue?

MAN : Yes. Put the computer on the chair, please. GIRL: No, it isn’t.
GIRL: The computer? MAN : Have you got a favourite toy?
MAN : Yes. Put it on the chair. GIRL: Yes. My ball is OK but my favourite toy’s my doll.
3. Who is Bill?
Can you see the line? This is an example. Now you listen GIRL: Who’s that? Is it your dad?
and draw lines. BOY: No, he’s my grandfather.
1 GIRL: Is his name Bill?
GIRL: What now? BOY: Yes. And my brother’s name is Ben.
MAN : Look at the toy box.
GIRL: Yes.
4. Where’s Sam’s ball?
MAN : Put the doll in the toy box. WOMAN : Sam, where’s your white ball?

GIRL: The doll? GIRL: Erm. Is it on the chair?

MAN : Yes, please. WOMAN : No, and it’s not under the chair.
2 GIRL: Look. It’s next to the chair.
MAN : Now the ball.
WOMAN : Oh, yes.
GIRL: Right.
5. Which is Grace’s sister?
MAN : Put the ball in the bag.
MAN : Is that young girl your sister?
GIRL: Where?
MAN : In the bag. WOMAN : No, my sister is old and she’s very happy.
GIRL: OK. MAN : And she’s very beautiful.
3 WOMAN : Yes, she is.
MAN : Please put the train under the table.
GIRL: Put the train where? Page 101: Listening (10 marks)
MAN : Under the table. Key: 1 pink doll next to the girl, 2 blue doll in the toy box,
GIRL: OK. It’s there now. 3 orange doll next to the cat, 4 green doll on the bike,
4 5 yellow doll under the chair
MAN : Now the bike.
GIRL: The bike?
MAN : Yes. Put it next to the toy box.
GIRL: OK. It’s next to the toy box now.
MAN : Good.
MAN : And now put the pencil next to the book.
GIRL: Next to the book on the table?
MAN : Yes, please.
GIRL: OK. The pencil is there now.
MAN : Thank you.

138 Test key and audioscript

Track 27 Test Units 5–8 pp 104–113

Look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example.
WOMAN : Look at the dolls in this picture. Page 104: Listening (5 marks)
GIRL: Yes. What colour is the doll on the table? Key: Lines should be drawn between:
WOMAN : Colour that doll black. 1 Ben and man in chair,
GIRL: Colour the doll on the table black? 2 Kim and young dog with toy doll,
WOMAN : Yes, please. 3 Simon and man in long jacket,
Can you see the black doll? This is an example. Now you 4 Pat and girl on bike with black hair,
listen and colour. 5 Nick and boy with dirty knees and mouse in hand
Track 28
GIRL: The doll next to the girl is beautiful.
WOMAN : Yes. Colour that doll pink. Look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example.
GIRL: Pink? BOY: Look at the people in this picture.
WOMAN : Yes. Colour the doll next to the girl.
WOMAN : It’s my friend Suzy and her family.
BOY: Where’s Suzy?
WOMAN : There. She’s got a book.
GIRL: Now blue.
WOMAN : Right. Colour the doll in the toy box. BOY: Oh, yes. She’s very happy, I think.

GIRL: Colour the doll in the toy box blue? Can you see the line? This is an example. Now you listen
WOMAN : Yes, please. and draw lines.
3 1
WOMAN : Ha ha. Look at the doll next to the cat.
BOY: Who’s the man in the chair?
GIRL: Oh, yes. The doll next to the cat is orange.
WOMAN : That’s the grandfather. His name’s Ben.
WOMAN : Orange. OK.
GIRL: And she’s very happy. BOY: Is that Ben’s ball under the chair?

WOMAN : Yes. WOMAN : No.

4 2
GIRL: Look! That doll’s on the bike! BOY: The grandfather’s got two dogs.
WOMAN : Oh, yes. WOMAN : Yes. Can you see the young dog? The young dog’s
GIRL: What colour is the doll on the bike? name is Kim.
WOMAN : She’s green.
BOY: Kim’s got a toy doll.
GIRL: Green. That’s good.
WOMAN : Yes. That’s right.
WOMAN : And look at the doll under the chair.
GIRL: She’s yellow. BOY: Look at that man’s jacket.

WOMAN : Yellow? WOMAN : Yes. It’s a very long jacket!

GIRL: Yes. That’s a good colour for the doll under the chair. BOY: What’s his name?
WOMAN : OK. That’s a nice picture now. WOMAN : He’s the father. His name’s Simon.
GIRL: Thanks. BOY: Simon. That’s my favourite name.

Pages 102 and 103: Speaking (20 marks) 4

WOMAN : Can you see the girl on a bike?
BOY: Yes.
● Photocopy, colour and cut out the scene and the object
WOMAN : Her name’s Pat.
cards on pages 102 (enlarge to A3) and 103.
BOY: Pat’s got very black hair!
● Mount them on card and laminate them, if possible, for
future use. WOMAN : Yes. That’s right.
● Prepare Reinforcement or Extension worksheets, or 5
other work, for the rest of the class to do while you work BOY: Who is that boy?
with individual pupils on the Speaking test. WOMAN : The boy with dirty knees? His name’s Nick.

PROCEDURE BOY: What’s in Nick’s hands?

● Ask the pupil to point out various items in the picture. Say WOMAN : It’s a mouse.

e.g. Point to the table / door / teacher / boy, etc. BOY: Oh, yes. It’s got a very long tail!
● Ask the pupil to place the object cards at various
locations in the picture. Say e.g. Put the eraser on the table, Pages 105 and 106: Listening (5 marks)
etc. Key: 1 5, 2 Ben, 3 1, 4 9, 5 Grace
● Ask the pupil various questions about the picture and
the cards. Say e.g. What’s this? What colour is the …? What Track 29
number is this? Tell me about the ..., etc. Look at the picture. Listen and write a name or a number.
● Ask the pupil some questions about him/herself. Say e.g. There are two examples.
How old are you? What’s your favourite colour / toy? etc.
WOMAN : Hello. What’s your name, please?
BOY: It’s Matt.
BOY: Yes. Matt.
WOMAN : And how old are you? Are you seven?
BOY: Yes, I am.

Test key and audioscript 139

WOMAN : You’re seven. OK. WOMAN : Oh, they’re on the table. And your shoes are under
the chair.
Can you see the answers? Now you listen and write a name
GIRL: Thanks, Mum.
or a number.
1 4. Which is May?
WOMAN : Which girl is May? Has she got long hair?
WOMAN : Have you got a pet, Matt?
BOY: No, she’s got short hair.
BOY: Yes, I have. I’ve got five cats! WOMAN : And has she got a T-shirt and trousers?
WOMAN : Five cats? BOY: Yes, that’s May.
BOY: Yes. Cats are great!
5. Which is Alex’s favourite monster?
2 BOY: My favourite monster is very sad!
WOMAN : Have you got a favourite cat? WOMAN : Has it got three ears and four eyes?
BOY: Yes, I have. Its name is Ben. BOY: No. It’s got one ear.
WOMAN : Ben. Is that B-E-N? WOMAN : And two noses?

BOY: Yes, it is. BOY: Yes, that’s right.

WOMAN : That’s a good name for your favourite cat.

Page 109: Listening (5 marks)
Key: 1 snake’s head is blue, 2 giraffe’s head is yellow, 3 girl’s
WOMAN : How old is your favourite cat?
head is pink, 4 monkey’s head is brown, 5 cat’s head is
BOY: It’s very young. It’s one. orange
WOMAN : One? Is it very small?
BOY: Yes. It’s got short legs and a small head. But its eyes and Track 31
ears are big. Look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example.
WOMAN : Aah. MAN : Look at this picture.
4 BOY: Oh, yes. It’s got great animals in it.
WOMAN : And at school, what number is your class? MAN : Look at the hippo. Colour its head grey.
BOY: I’m in Class Nine. BOY: The hippo?

WOMAN : Oh, Class Nine. Is it good? MAN : Yes. Colour its head grey.
BOY: Yes, it is.
5 Can you see the hippo’s grey head? This is an example. Now
WOMAN : Who is this girl, next to you? you listen and colour.
BOY: Her name’s Grace. She’s my friend. 1
BOY: Look at the beautiful snake.
WOMAN : Grace – is that G-R-A-C-E?
MAN : Yes. Colour its head blue.
BOY: Yes, that’s right.
BOY: Blue?
WOMAN : Is she at your school?
MAN : Yes. That’s a good colour for a snake’s head.
BOY: Yes, she is. 2
WOMAN : Great! MAN : And now the giraffe’s head.
BOY: What colour is it?
Pages 107 and 108: Listening (5 marks) MAN : Yellow, I think.
Key: 1 A, 2 A, 3 B, 4 C, 5 B BOY: Colour the giraffe’s head yellow?
MAN : Yes, please.
Track 30 3
MAN : Now colour the girl’s head.
Look at the pictures. Now listen and look. There is one
BOY: The girl?
MAN : Yes. She’s got a pink head.
What is Mark’s favourite animal?
BOY: Pink? Ha ha. OK.
GIRL: Is your favourite animal very big?… An elephant?
BOY: No, it isn’t.
BOY: That monkey is sad.
GIRL: Is it very long?… A snake?
MAN : Yes, colour his head brown.
BOY: No, it’s very small. It’s a mouse!
BOY: A brown head for the monkey?
Can you see the tick? Now you listen and tick the box. MAN : Yes.
1. Which is Nick’s monster?
GIRL: Has your monster got a tail, Nick?
MAN : Look at the cat.
BOY: Yes, it has.
BOY: Yes. What colour is its head?
GIRL: And has it got legs and feet?
MAN : It’s orange.
BOY: Yes, it has. But it hasn’t got arms and hands.
BOY: The cat’s head is orange. Right.
2. Which pet has Sam got? MAN : Good. That’s a great picture now.
BOY: Has your pet got legs, Sam?
GIRL: Yes, it has.
BOY: So, it’s not a fish. Has it got four legs?
GIRL: Yes, but it’s not a dog.
BOY: Is it a cat?
GIRL: Ha ha. Yes, it is.
3. Which are the clean socks?
GIRL: Where are my socks, Mum?
WOMAN : Are they on the sofa?
GIRL: They’re dirty. Where are my clean socks?

140 Test key and audioscript

Page 110: Reading & Writing (5 marks)

Note: In the real tests, the picture provides the context only Test Units 9–12 pp 114–125
– items do not depend on what appears in the picture.
Key: 1 mouth, 2 teeth, 3 ears, 4 arms, 5 feet Page 114: Listening (5 marks)
Key: Lines should be drawn between:
Page 111: Reading & Writing (5 marks) 1 Ben and boy on picnic blanket with apple and toy lorry
Key: 1 shoes, 2 skirt, 3 socks, 4 jacket, 5 trousers 2 Sam and boy swimming with a banana in his hand
3 Anna and elderly woman on chair with ice cream
Pages 112 and 113: Speaking (20 marks) 4 Pat and girl with a football, watching a plane
PREPARATION 5 Kim and girl fishing with guitar next to her
● Photocopy, colour and cut out the scene and the object
cards on pages 112 (enlarge to A3) and 113. Track 32
● Mount them on card and laminate them, if possible, for Look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example.
future use. BOY: Do you like this picture of my family?
● Prepare Reinforcement or Extension sheets, or other WOMAN : Oh, yes. Are you in the picture, Tom?
work, for the rest of the class to do while you work with BOY: Yes. I’m eating cake.
individual pupils on the Speaking test. WOMAN : Oh, Tom! Yes, I can see you!
BOY: I like cake!
● Ask the pupil to point out various items in the picture. Say Can you see the line? This is an example. Now you listen and
e.g. Point to the hippo / fish / bird / crocodile, etc. draw lines.
● Ask the pupil to place the object cards at various locations 1
in the picture. Say e.g. Put the mouse next to the crocodile, WOMAN : Who’s that small boy with you?
etc. BOY: That’s Ben.
● Ask the pupil various questions about the picture and the WOMAN : Is Ben eating an apple?
cards. Say e.g. What’s this? What colour is the …? How many BOY: Yes. And he’s got his favourite toy truck next to him.
...? Tell me about the ..., etc. WOMAN : He’s very happy, I think.
● Ask the pupil some questions about him/herself. Say e.g. 2
What’s your favourite animal / pet? How old are you? Where do BOY: And can you see that big boy?
you live? etc. WOMAN : Is he swimming?
BOY: Yes. His name’s Sam.
WOMAN : Sam’s got a banana in his hand.
BOY: Ha ha. Yes, he has.
WOMAN : And is that your mother on the chair?
BOY: Eating an ice cream?
WOMAN : Yes. Is her name Anna?
BOY: Yes, she’s Anna. That’s right.
WOMAN : And that girl with the football? Is she in your family?
BOY: No. She’s a friend. Her name’s Pat.
WOMAN : But she isn’t playing.
BOY: No, Pat’s looking at that plane.
WOMAN : Oh, yes.
WOMAN : And who’s that girl? She’s fishing.
BOY: That’s Kim. She’s a friend, too.
WOMAN : Can Kim play that guitar?
BOY: Yes, she can.
WOMAN : Very good.

Pages 115 and 116: Listening (5 marks)

Key: 1 Grace, 2 8, 3 5, 4 3, 5 Star

Track 33
Look at the picture. Listen and write a name or a number.
There are two examples.
WOMAN : What’s your name?
BOY: It’s Hugo.
WOMAN : Hugo. Is that H-U-G-O?
BOY: Yes, that’s right.

WOMAN : How old are you, Hugo?

BOY: I’m six.
WOMAN : You’re six?
BOY: Yes, I am.

Test key and audioscript 141

Can you see the answers? Now you listen and write a name GIRL: Bananas.
or a number. BOY: And do you like apples?
1 GIRL: No, I don’t.
WOMAN : Is the girl in the skirt your sister? 5. What is Lucy doing?
BOY: Yes, she is. WOMAN : What’s Lucy doing?
WOMAN : And what’s her name? BOY: She’s playing with a ball.
BOY: Her name’s Grace. WOMAN : Is she playing tennis?
WOMAN : Sorry? BOY: No, it’s a big ball.
BOY: Grace. G-R-A-C-E. WOMAN : A basketball?
WOMAN : Oh yes. BOY: She doesn’t like that. She’s playing football.
WOMAN : And how old is your sister?
Now listen again.
BOY: She’s eight.
(Play Track 34 again.)
WOMAN : Your sister’s eight?
Page 119: Listening (5 marks)
BOY: Yes. And she’s beautiful!
WOMAN : Yes, she is!
Key: 1 bird on plane – red, 2 bird under helicopter – green,
3 3 bird on back of boy’s jacket – yellow, 4 bird on boat –
WOMAN : Is this your house? It’s very big!
orange, 5 bird on lorry – purple
BOY: Yes. We’ve got five bedrooms!
Track 35
WOMAN : Pardon?
BOY: We’ve got five bedrooms! Look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example.
4 MAN : This is a nice picture. It’s got birds in it.
WOMAN : And how many bathrooms have you got? GIRL: Yes. Can I colour it?
BOY: Three. MAN : OK. Can you see the bird on the bus?
WOMAN : Three bathrooms! GIRL: Yes.
BOY: Yes. We’ve got a big family in the house: my mum, my MAN : Colour the bird on the bus black.
dad, sister, brother, grandmother and grandfather. BOY: Right.
WOMAN : Oh, I see!
Can you see the black bird? This is an example. Now you
WOMAN : Has your house got a name?
listen and colour.
BOY: Yes, it has. Our family name is Star. And that’s the name
GIRL: Which bird can I colour now?
of our house, too!
MAN : There’s a bird on the plane.
WOMAN : Star House?
GIRL: Oh, yes. I can colour that bird red.
BOY: Yes, Star House.
MAN : Yes. That’s a good colour for a bird on a plane.
WOMAN : That’s great!
GIRL: I’m doing that now.

Pages 117 and 118: Listening (5 marks) 2

MAN : There’s a helicopter in this picture, too.
Key: 1 B, 2 C, 3 A, 4 A, 5 B
GIRL: Oh, yes. And there’s a bird under the helicopter.
MAN : Yes. Colour the bird under the helicopter green.
Track 34
GIRL: I like that colour.
HEADING: Look at the pictures. Now listen and look. 3
There is one example. MAN : Can you see that boy? He’s looking at the helicopter.
What is Grace’s favourite food? GIRL: Yes. He’s got a bird on his jacket.
WOMAN : Do you like burgers, Grace? MAN : Colour that bird yellow.
GIRL: No, I don’t. My favourite food is ice cream. GIRL: OK. I’m colouring the bird on the boy’s jacket.
WOMAN : And do you like chocolate? MAN : That’s great.
GIRL: It’s OK, but it’s not my favourite. 4
MAN : Look at the boat. That’s got a bird on it, too. Colour
Can you see the tick? Now you listen and tick the box. that bird.
1. What is Ben doing? GIRL: The bird on the boat?
BOY: What’s Ben doing? Is he watching TV?
MAN : Yes. Colour that bird orange.
WOMAN : No, he’s reading a book.
BOY: In the living room?
WOMAN : No, he’s reading in the bedroom.
MAN : What colour have you got now?
2. Which is Dan? GIRL: I’ve got purple here.
GIRL: Look at Dan. Has he got a helicopter? MAN : OK. Look at the bird on the lorry. Can you colour it?
BOY: He’s got a boat. It’s great. GIRL: The bird on the lorry. Yes, I can.
GIRL: I’ve got a plane. MAN : Great. That’s a beautiful picture now.
BOY: That’s good.
3. Where is Dad? Pages 120 and 121: Reading & Writing
GIRL: Where’s Dad, Mum? He isn’t in the sitting room. (5 marks)
WOMAN : I don’t know. Is he in the kitchen?
Key: 1 ✗, 2 ✓, 3 ✓, 4 ✗, 5 ✓
GIRL: No. Is he in the bathroom?
WOMAN : Oh, yes. Listen! He’s singing!
4. What is Anna’s favourite food?
BOY: Are you eating chocolate cake, Anna?
GIRL: Yes. But it’s not my favourite food.
BOY: What is your favourite?

142 Test key and audioscript

Page 122: Reading & Writing (5 marks) WOMAN : Ben? Is he eating a burger?
BOY: Yes, he is. And he’s listening to his favourite music.
Note: In the real test, all items will be from one lexical set
WOMAN : That’s good.
BOY: I don’t like it! It’s sad.
Key: 1 burger, 2 guitar, 3 kitchen, 4 chocolate, 5 helicopter 4
WOMAN : And the woman in the kitchen with long, black hair.
Page 123: Reading & Writing (5 marks) Is that your mother?
Key: 1 eyes, 2 tennis, 3 bike, 4 ice cream, 5 house BOY: Yes, she’s reading a book.
WOMAN : What’s her name?

Pages 124 and 125: Speaking (15 marks) BOY: It’s Alice.
WOMAN : Alice is a good name.
● Photocopy, colour and cut out the scene and the object
WOMAN : And where are you in this picture, Mark?
cards on pages 124 (enlarge to A3) and 125.
BOY: I’m in the dining room.
● Mount them on card and laminate them, if possible, for
WOMAN : Oh, yes. Are you on the computer?
future use.
BOY: Yes. I’m doing something for school.
● Prepare Reinforcement or Extension worksheets, or
WOMAN : Good boy, Mark!
other work, for the rest of the class to do while you work
with individual pupils on the Speaking test. Pages 127 and 128: Listening (5 marks)
PROCEDURE Key: 1 6, 2 Kim, 3 7, 4 Sam, 5 2
● Ask the pupil to point out various items in the picture. Say
e.g. Point to the ice cream / bag / book, etc. Track 37
● Ask the pupil to place the object cards at various
locations in the picture. Say e.g. Put the apple next to the
Look at the picture. Listen and write a name or a number.
boat, etc.
There are two examples.
WOMAN : Hello. What’s your name?
● Ask the pupil various questions about the picture and the
BOY: My name’s Hugo. I’m a monster.
cards. Say e.g. What’s he / she doing? What are they doing?
WOMAN : You’re a very ugly monster, Hugo!
What colour is the …? Tell me about the ..., etc.
BOY: Thank you.
● Ask the pupil some questions about him/herself. Say e.g.
What’s your favourite food? Which sports do you like? etc. WOMAN : How old are you, Hugo?
BOY: I’m very young. I’m three.
WOMAN : You’re three?
End of Year Test pp 126–137 BOY: Yes, that’s right.

Can you see the answers? Now you listen and write a name
Page 126: Listening (5 marks) or a number.
Key: Lines should be drawn between: 1
1 Matt and boy in bath playing with an elephant WOMAN : Have you got a sister, Hugo?
2 Eva and girl sitting on bed in bedroom playing a guitar BOY: Yes, I have. But she’s beautiful. She’s got six eyes.
3 Ben and boy in kitchen eating a burger and listening to WOMAN : How many eyes has she got?
music BOY: Six.
4 Alice and mother in kitchen, with long, black hair, reading 2
a book WOMAN : And what’s your sister’s name?
5 Mark and boy in dining room, working on computer BOY: Her name’s Kim.
WOMAN : Kim?
Track 36 BOY: Yes. And she’s got purple hair and dirty toes.
Look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example.
WOMAN : Do you and your sister like animals?
BOY: Do you like this picture of my family?
BOY: Yes. We’ve got snakes in our bedrooms.
WOMAN : Oh, yes. Who’s that man in the living room?
WOMAN : How many snakes have you got?
BOY: On the sofa? That’s my dad. His name’s Sam.
BOY: Seven.
WOMAN : Sam? Does he like TV?
WOMAN : Seven?
BOY: Ha ha. Yes.
BOY: Yes. Monsters like snakes.
Can you see the line? This is an example. Now you listen 4
and draw lines. BOY: I’ve got a crocodile too.
1 WOMAN : Has it got a name?
WOMAN : And who’s that in the bath? BOY: Yes. Its name is Sam.
BOY: That’s my brother, Matt. WOMAN : Its name is Sam?
WOMAN : He’s playing with an elephant! BOY: Yes. I like crocodiles!
BOY: Yes. That’s Matt’s favourite toy. 5
WOMAN : It’s very big! WOMAN : Crocodiles have got big teeth.
2 BOY: I know.
WOMAN : Is that your sister in the bedroom? WOMAN : How many teeth has your crocodile got?
BOY: Is she sitting on the bed? BOY: Two.
WOMAN : Yes. WOMAN : Two?
BOY: That’s Eva. BOY: Yes. And a long red tail.
WOMAN : I like Eva’s guitar.
BOY: Can you see that boy in the kitchen? That’s my brother,
Test key and audioscript 143

Pages 129 and 130: Listening (5 marks) 2

BOY: The boy’s got a fish on his trousers, too.
Key: 1 A, 2 C, 3 B, 4 B, 5 B
WOMAN : Yes. But it’s sad, I think.
BOY: Is that fish blue?
Track 38
WOMAN : Yes. OK. Do the fish on the boy’s trousers in that
Look at the pictures. Now listen and look. There is one colour.
example. What is May doing? 3
MAN : Is May eating a burger? WOMAN : The dog’s got a toy fish.
GIRL: No, she isn’t in the kitchen. She’s reading a book. BOY: I can colour that fish red.
MAN : In her bedroom? WOMAN : OK. Colour the fish in the dog’s mouth.
GIRL: In the living room. BOY: Right. I’m doing that now.

Can you see the tick? Now you listen and tick the box. 4
BOY: I think that bird likes fish.
1. Which is Kim?
WOMAN : Ha ha. Yes. It’s eating one.
WOMAN : Which girl is Kim? Has she got trousers?
BOY: Fish are birds’ favourite food. Can I colour that fish
BOY: No. She’s got a skirt.
WOMAN : Has she got black shoes?
WOMAN : Yes. Colour the fish under the bird.
BOY: Yes. And white socks.
2. Which is Alex’s pet? WOMAN : The people here like fish, too. Look – there’s one
MAN : Alex, your pet is very happy. on the truck.
GIRL: Yes, it is. BOY: Oh, yes. That fish is pink, I think.
MAN : And it’s got very long ears. WOMAN : OK. Colour the fish on the truck now.
GIRL: I know. And they’re very dirty! BOY: Right. That’s a great fish picture!
3. What is Pat’s favourite toy?
GIRL: That’s a great crocodile, Pat. Pages 132 and 133: Reading & Writing
BOY: I like it, but it’s not my favourite. (5 marks)
GIRL: What is your favourite toy?
Key: 1 ✓, 2 ✗, 3 ✓, 4 ✗, 5 ✓
BOY: My ball.
GIRL: Not your helicopter? Page 134: Reading & Writing (5 marks)
BOY: No. It’s old.
Key: 1 bike, 2 tail, 3 horse, 4 crocodile, 5 motorbike.
4. What is Bill doing?
WOMAN : Is Bill at your house? Pages 135 and 136: Reading & Writing
BOY: Yes. (5 marks)
WOMAN : Is he watching TV in the living room?
Key: 1 ears, 2 nose, 3 bike, 4 apples, 5 boy.
BOY: No. He’s playing a guitar in my bedroom.

5. Where is the eraser? Pages 136 and 137: Speaking (15 marks)
MAN : I can’t find my eraser.
GIRL: Is it under your book?
● Photocopy, colour and cut out the scene and the object
MAN : No.
cards on pages 136 (enlarge to A3) and 137.
GIRL: Here it is. Next to the pencil.
● Mount them on card and laminate them, if possible, for
MAN : Oh, thanks.
future use.
Page 131: Listening (5 marks) ● Prepare Reinforcement or Extension worksheets, or
other work, for the rest of the class to do while you work
Key: 1 fish in sea eating boy’s toes – orange, 2 fish on boy’s with individual pupils on the Speaking test.
trouser leg – blue, 3 fish in dog’s mouth – red, 4 fish in
basket – green, 5 fish on side of lorry – pink PROCEDURE
● Ask the pupil to point out various items in the picture. Say
Track 39 e.g. Point to the elephant / burger / dog, etc.
● Ask the pupil to place the object cards at various
Look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example. locations in the picture. Say e.g. Put the hippo next to the
WOMAN : This is a nice picture. giraffe, etc.
BOY: It’s got a lot of fish in it. ● Ask the pupil various questions about the picture and the
WOMAN : Yes. You can colour the fish.
cards. Say e.g. What’s he / she doing? What colour is the …?
BOY: OK. Can I colour the fish next to the bike?
Tell me about the ..., etc.
WOMAN : Yes. Colour it grey.
● Ask the pupil some questions about him/herself. Say e.g.
BOY: I’m colouring the fish next to the bike now.
How old are you? What’s your favourite food / toy / colour?
Can you see the grey fish? This is an example. Now you Which sports do you like? etc.
listen and colour.
WOMAN : Look at the fish next to the boy’s foot!
BOY: Ha ha. It’s eating the boy’s toes!
WOMAN : Oh, no!
BOY: Can I colour that fish orange?
WOMAN : Yes. That’s a good colour for a fish.

144 Test key and audioscript

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