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1. We use an infinitive to express the purpose of an action:

Governments use quarantines to stop the spread of contagious diseases.

You should stay at home isolated from potentially infected people to reduce
the risk of catching coronavirus.
2. After certain verbs:
advise радити I strongly advise you to stay at home.
afford дозволяти собі (у фінансовому плані) I can’t afford to buy a villa.
agree погоджуватись They agreed to help us.
appear здаватися, справляти враження She appears to be tired.
arrange домовитися I’ll arrange to meet you at the airport.
ask просити He asked to come with us.
attempt робити спробу, намагатися She attempted to start the engine.
beg благати She begged to leave her alone.
сare хотіти, мати бажання I don’t care to see that show.
claim стверджувати She claims to know a lot of celebrities in person.
consent погоджуватися She finally consented to marry him.
decide вирішувати I have decided to stay here till autumn.
demand вимагати He demands to know who is responsible for the
deserve заслуговувати They deserve to win the prize.
expect очікувати I expect to enter the University after school.
fail не вдаватися She failed to return the book to the library on time.
hesitate вагатися Don’t hesitate to ask me questions if you have ones.
hope сподіватися I hope to arrive on time.
learn навчатися She learnt to play the piano very well.
manage примудритися He managed to find a new job soon.
mean мати намір I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.
need мати потребу I need to have your opinion on this issue.
offer пропонувати They offered to give us a lift.
plan планувати I am planning to throw a party.
prepare готуватися We prepared to welcome them.
pretend робити вигляд, прикидатися He pretends not to understand.
promise обіцяти I promise not to be late.
refuse відмовлятися I refuse to believe his story.
seem здаватися That dog seems to be friendly.
struggle намагатися щосили I struggled to stay awake.
swear клястися The suspect swore to tell the truth.
threaten погрожувати She threatened to call the police.
volunteer (добровільно) зголоситися He volunteered to help us.
wait чекати I will wait to hear from you.
want хотіти I want to tell you something.
wish бажати She wishes to come with us.

3. After certain verbs followed by a (pro)noun:

advise рекомендувати She advised me to wait until tomorrow.

allow дозволяти Dad allowed me to use his car.
ask простити I asked John to help us.
beg благати They begged us to come.
cause спричиняти, бути причиною Her laziness caused her to fail.
challenge викликати на змагання Jill challenged me to race her to the
convince переконувати I couldn’t convince him to accept our help.
dare викликати, провокувати когось на щось My brother dared me to do
better than he had done.
encourage заохочувати Our teacher encouraged us to practise more.
expect очікувати I expect you to learn and understand this rule.
forbid забороняти He forbade me to tell the secret.
force примушувати They forced him to tell the truth.
hire наймати The old lady hired a boy to mow the lawn.
instruct давати інструкції, інструктувати He instructed them to be
invite запрошувати Harry invited the Parkers to his party.
need потребувати We needed Chris to help us figure out the solution.
order веліти, наказувати The judge ordered me to pay a fine.
permit дозволяти Mum permitted the children to stay up late.
persuade переконувати I persuaded him to see a doctor.
remind нагадувати She reminded me to lock the front door.
require вимагати Our teacher requires us to be on time.
teach навчати My brother taught me to swim.
tell наказувати The doctor told me to take these pills.
urge спонукати, підганяти I urge her to apply for the job.
want хотіти I want my family to be happy.
warn попереджати The police officer warned us not to drive too

We use gerund:
1. As a noun:
Washing your hands thoroughly and regularly using soap is essential to
prevent infection.
2. After certain verbs:
admit визнавати He admitted stealing the money.

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