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- The Wretched of the Earth by Frantz Fanon

- The Red Deal by The Red Nation

- Strategy for the Liberation of Palestine, PFLP
- 1936-39 Revolt in Palestine by Ghassan Kanafani
- State and Revolution by Lenin
- Blood in my Eye by George Jackson
- How Europe Underdeveloped Africa by Walter Rodney
- Black Skin White Masks by Frantz Fanon
- Red Star Over the Third World by Vijay Prashad
- Discourse on colonialism by Aimé Césaire
- The Question of Palestine by Edward Said
- Red Skin White Mask by Glen Coulthard
- Revolutionary Suicide by Huey P. Newton
- To Die for the People by Huey P. Newton
- Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Friere
- Imperialism, The Highest Stage of Capitalism by Lenin
- Stokely speaks; Black power back to Pan-Africanism by Stokely Carmichael
- Freedom is a Constant Struggle, From Ferguson to Palestine by Angela Davis
- Women, Race and Class by Angela Davis
- Women's Liberation and the African Freedom Struggle by Thomas Sankara
- Assata: An Autobiography by Assata Shakur
- Are Prisons Obsolete? by Angela Davis
- Malcolm X’s Autobiography
- We are Heirs of the World's Revolutions: Speeches from the Burkina Faso
Revolution, 1983-87 by Thomas Sankara
- Che Guevara’s Autobiography
- Justice for Some: Law and the Question of Palestine by Noura Erakat
- Guerrilla Warfare by Che Guevara

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