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For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety


For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety
NEBOSH International Certificate in Construction Health and Safety
NEBOSH International Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management

Open Book Examination


Available for 24 hours


NEBOSH learner 20174031

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Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0006-ENG-OBE-V1 June21 © NEBOSH 2021

Task 1: Investigating causes of the accident

Question 1
There are several reasons behind the occurrence of accident . There is some negligence
on management side . some factors are described below
1. The managment did not show concern about worker’s complaints as the porters
have protested for working conditions as they were not taken seriously
destructing the health and safety behaviour of workers.

2. As a result of high labour turnover the administration has appointed incompetent

persons i-e young persons and also they have no experience in respective field
for eligibility criteria.

3. As mentioned in scenario there are several vacancies vacant in removals

company clearing the administration position that they have not appointed
sufficient number of workers to carry out removal operation.

4. Yet the importance of manual handling training is admitted by administration and

it is carried out annualy once a year by external sources , the duration of training
must be increased twice a year .

5. The administration didn’t appoint several safety advisors infact they did not
appoint another person to represent H and S advisor when he went on vacation ,
as a result porter injured incident because of no supervision.

6. The risk assessment is incomplete as it does not cover all the risks related to
the job , e.g. the risk of narrow corridors that may be present in several homes is
not neutralized , having no definition of control measures regarding the matter.

7. The pressure from the management on the workers and the need to do their
utmost . as a result the workers who were on their own accomplish the task , but
one of the workers fell in pain.

8. The administration didn’t take any measures regarding previous near- misses ,to
ensure that these near misses do not turn into confirmed accidents as mentioned
in scenario. Worker who was injured involved in number of previous near miss
indicating catastrophic administration failure.

9. Management has not reviewed and updated the risk assessment , since the
last five years which shows management do not update their company policy and
documentation process after a regular interval of time.

10. Failure to provide a sufficient no of workers to carry out large or difficult tasks
in removal as this problem was addressed many times by workers but the
management did not put complain in action.
Marks 07 repitition of points should be avoided

Task 2: Reporting the accident

Question 2 (a)
The employer must report the recent incident to the competent authorities for several
1. It may be a a part of the company accident reporting policy , it must be
reported to competent authorities , and the policy set by the employer must be

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0006-ENG-OBE-V1 June21 © NEBOSH 2021

adhered to.

2. Reporting accidents to the competent authorities is a legal requirement that the

employer must comply with in most countries, since the accident that occurred led
to serious injury , then it includes a event that must be reported.

3. If the accidents are not reported to competent authorities , the employer may be
subject to penalties and fines by these authorities.

4. To keep record of this type of accident and benefits from them in the future in
analysing and knowing the patterns of accidents, since when an accident is
reported , a record of this accident is usually created.

5. Informing the competent authorities of the accident , which leads to the authorities
investigating the accidents , and after the investigation , recommendations are
Marsk 04

Question 2 (b)
There are number of information that the employer must include when reporting the
accident ..
1. Name and address of the injured person are his primary identifications
sources through which we can report accurately.

2. The location of the costumer house where the accident occurred and
clarify the details of the injury that occurred ( broken ankle).

3. Details of the first aid and treatments given to the porter. Include the date
and time the porter sustained an ankle fracture.

4. If the workers uses any equipment to transport the piano , it must also be
included as mentioned in scenario.

5. The presence of witnesses at the scene of the accident and their names
and numbers to communicate with them regarding the incident.
6. Marks 00 points like formal form online portal through telepphone etc are

Task 3: Suitability of the generic risk assessment

Question 3
The company approach to accessing risks can be commented ones being in effective
and insufficient for several reasons.
8. In order for the assessment to be appropriate and sufficient ; it must identify the
major risks that may lead to severe injuries , which is not what happened in
scenario .

9. Referring the scenario , we find that accidents have recurred more frequently
during the last three months , and this is evidence of the management failure to
access the risks related to work.

10. The existence of a risk assessment , but it has not been reviewed and updated
from previous years ,which indicates that it is not suitable for its application .
remember in scenario that same incident was repeated twice within three

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0006-ENG-OBE-V1 June21 © NEBOSH 2021

months .

11. Also the large no of complaints from drivers , the turnover rate and the increase
in the sick leave rate for driver and porters is evidence of poor occupational health
and safety situation in company , which is reflection of poor risk assessment.

12. Not specifying the people who could be in danger , and that varies from one
task to another and from one place to another according to the client’s requests.

13. The company reliance on young and inexperienced workers and the method
of training them once a year on manual handling reflects the negative image of
the company ‘s risk assessment .

14. Since young workers need more supervision from management because they
are more exposed to injuries , which is will cost the company more number of
workers and needs a more assessment of risks .

15. The risk assessment must be effective and in line with the company‘s activities
, so that the presence of a risk assessment without taking corrective measures
will not reduce the risk rate for baggage transfers.

16. Also sometimes the mechanism used may not be suitable for costumer
location . this is what happened in last injury , so that the porter could not use the
trolley lift to transfer the luggage to the vehicle from the costumer’s house.

17. As for drivers and porters , we find that the risk assessment is illogical ,
because it is fixed and not flexible to include all kind of tasks.
In appropriate words count will lead to less marks and effect overall paper
Marks 08

Task 4: Improving organisational health and safety culture

Question 4
There is a strong link between an organisation health and safety culture and its
health and safety performance . Organisations with strong , positive culture tend to
perform well , whereas those with negative culture perform badly.
1. The short induction training session is provided to make workers
competent, covering health and safety , first aid and emergency
arrangement ,company policy and procedure information is provided.

2. The presence of qualified and trained first aiders in an organization is

necessary to deal with unwanted situations and each sector has its own first
aid personnel i-e warehouse and office site has their own separate
paramedics staff.

3. Not only formality is done but also each site is provided with fully stocked
first aid boxers for better output.

4. Both first aider are fully trained and well educated . They have completed
their first aid work course and attend a one day- first –aid refresher course as
required for good practicing.

5. A safe system of work is in place for assistance of employees . for example

to reduce driver fatigue banks man are employed in an organization to reduce
individual work load.

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0006-ENG-OBE-V1 June21 © NEBOSH 2021

6. Although warehouse is small but its entire building is perfectly designed in
such a way that pedestrian walkways are clearly marked and forklift trucks
routes are separated from pedestrian paths.

7. The entrance of warehouse has a large roller shutter door providing clear
and wide path for workers without obstacles.

8. Drivers and potters have well understanding between them and together
they take part in cleanliness and tidiness process in warehouse when
needed which indicates the positive culture in an organization.

9. The manager feels serious concerns about worker and organization issues
and itself participates in assessment of problem ,evaluating any potential
problems and to help ensure the correct allocation of resources and
equipment .

10. The manager ensures regular visit and tours of warehouse site everyday
to perform inspections and check capacity levels .

11. The warehouse contains sturdy shelves , which indicates that the
company provided sufficient resources in this regard , and brought high
quality shelves .

12. The manager has good communication skills . he feels important to directly
talk with workers and listening their issues to make friendly environment in
an organization .

13. The manager has duty to execute regular internal audit of management
processes . Eradication of corruption in any field of an organization can be
removed by free and fair audit.

14. The importance of physical fitness is indicated through manual handling

training carried out by external training company .

15. The organization provide resources to arrange auxiliary equipment in

transportation activities such as tail lift , sack barrows and platform trolleys.

16. Drivers have emergency contact numbers i-e ambulance number as they
receive initial training from occupational health and safety consultant

17. The administration’s keenness to open an investigation after occurrence of

accident in order to obtain lessons learned from the incident and the
possibility of avoiding similar incidents in the future.

18. When the manager was told that previous records and documentation was
five years old then he asks assistance to make review update indicating
positive indicator.

19. There are disease reports preserved for previous cases , such as reports
of an increase in case of musculoskeletal disorders.

20. There is a weekly meeting between the manager and occupational health
and safety advisor, discussing internal and external company regarding
Marks 16
Make sure to write at the end of each point the main theme of question that is
indicators of good health and safety culture

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0006-ENG-OBE-V1 June21 © NEBOSH 2021

Task 5: Discussing moral reasons for managing health and safety

Question 5
It is the moral duty of an organization to not be letting employees become ill or
injured in the workplace ; this can only be achieved by providing a safe place
to work , I felt that organization is less concerned about health and safety
1. The company has a humanitarian duty to preserve the health and safety
of workers and it also be the first priority of management to protect
workers from injuries and diseases.

2. The incidence of injuries in the baggage transport company is high, since

activities have no of high risk jobs , statistics show that large number
of accidents occur worldwide.

3. We all aware that workers generally go to workplace in order to earn a

living . therefore their exposure to injury or occupational diseases is
morally unacceptable and none of us expects the injury.

4. Complaints of the workers about the writing condition and are not taken
seriously by the company management and high turnover of the workers
leads to the decrease in workers’s morale.

5. The employer must give priority to the health and safety of workers
rather then profits and targets as described in scenario driver feels angry
when he gets not positive response after informing the accident.

6. Not enough workers were being provided for the heavy and difficult tasks
by the management . when more workers needed to complete difficult jobs
than it is employer responsibility to provide more workers for

7. Workers sickness and absenteeism rates are high like workers are
complaining of musculoskeletal disorders it is moral duty of employer to
address their issues.

8. If the injured worker becomes unable to work as a result of the injury he

sustained at work (broken ankle) , who will support his family and
children . so we have to look at these things from a number of angles.

9. The occurrence of any kind of injury to the workers such as injury of one
porter ,unfortunately this matter does not affect the worker alone , but
extends to his family and friends , he should supported with insurance
and financial claims.

10. As a result of all above , management must provide a safe and healthy
work environment , pay attention to H and S , as it cares about
The main heading nad information written in it not reflect the true sense of
what is being asked in question
Marks 02

Task 6: Role and responsibility of the manager

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0006-ENG-OBE-V1 June21 © NEBOSH 2021

Question 6
There are no of things that can be done to ensure that the manager carries out his
health and safety role and responsibilities more effectively , including:
1. The manager must ensure that all legal requirements related to the nature of the
work are met , in case of transfer of luggage.

2. The manager must ensure that there is an appropriate health and safety policy in
the company which specifies all obligations with regard to maintaining the health
and safety of drivers and porters.

3. The manager must ensures that all necessary resources are provided to help
the workers carry out the work for safely transporting ,such as providing small
carts for narrow corridors .

4. Also among the resources that manager must provide is human resources as it is
necessary to provide sufficient number of workers to carry out the operations
of transporting luggage safely.

5. The manager has also responsibility to ensure that there is proper supervision
over the drivers and porters during luggage transportation so that they work
proper safely.

6. The manager must ensure the distribution of working hours in such a way that it
do not affect the health and safety of drivers and porters and reduce work
pressure as mentioned in scenario.

7. Ensuring that health and safety performance is constantly reviewed, and risk
assessment is reviewed, as in scenario, the risk assessment has not been
updated and reviewed for five years.

8. The manager must ensures that all responsibilities are defined , regarding
Health and safety policy in the company.

9. appointing qualified people to help achieve OHS obligations in the company

such as appointing a large no of first aiders in company.

10. The manager responsibility is to provide the necessary training for all drivers on
preventive driving methods, as well as increasing the training periods for manual
handling for potters from once a year , to twice.
Learner failed to understan dthe question we have to mention the points which will
help manager in doing his job more efficiently
Marks 00

Task 7: Reviewing first-aid arrangements

Question 7 (a)
There are a number of factors to consider when providing first aid services in a
warehouse , some are as;
Marks 00

Question 7 (b)
1. It is necessary for the drivers and porters to make sure that they have sufficient
first aid boxes , and also make sure that there is sufficient number of

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0006-ENG-OBE-V1 June21 © NEBOSH 2021

paramedics and that they have been trained in first aid.

2. Ensure that all drivers and porters have contact and emergency numbers as a
part of their initial training. Taking into account the logical number of porters and
drivers per shift.

3. The competence and qualification of drivers and porters and their level of
experience ,such as presence of a young and , inexperienced porter who has
been injured.

4. Work patterns and work pressure for drivers and porters abroad who have been
subjected to intense pressure to try to complete the work in any way, which has
long caused injuries.

5. The nature of the business and the risks that drivers and porters may face while
working outside , such as narrow lanes , heavy loads and other things.
Marks 03

Task 8: Reactive monitoring information that gives cause for concern

Question 8
The performance of the organization with regard to interactive monitoring is weak and
needs development , as it is
1. Complaints from workers rose recently and they protest against the working
conditions, but the administration did not take their protest seriously showing
negative attitude in an organization.

2. There is an increase in cases of ill health, as a rise in sick leave rates for
drivers and porters was noted, as well as increase in musculoskeletal disorders.

3. The accident rate in the company is high, as during the last three months, two
accidents occurred , and it is noted that company is more interested in
completing tasks then in OHS indicating the management is failing in its role

4. The number of enforcement procedures , as it is expected that there will be

enforcement procedures due to the recent incident ( porter ankle fracture).

5. Cases of near misses that occurred in company previously , and the company
did not take any improvements, as the same porter (broken ankle) was involved
in near miss which indicates that company didn’t take any action to ensure that it
will not happen in future.

6. Previous civil lawsuits that were filed against the company previously, we must
learn from .this lesson and take measures not to repeat this kind of lawsuit
because it costs the company money.

7. Because of the earlier accident , high compensation was claimed by the

injured worker but there is no improvement shown by the management.

8. Management did not have proper safety system of work and risk assessment
as it was not reviewing the last five years.

9. Management is not committed to controlling accident rates because two

accident occur and injuries a near – miss are occurring very frequently.
Valid points but again the same mistake you have to tell at end that for this reason

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0006-ENG-OBE-V1 June21 © NEBOSH 2021

company has to see its management system
Marks 05

Your total
word count*
* please note that this form already has 0 words (excluding text boxes and footers), which
you can deduct from your total amount if you are using your word processor’s word count

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Task 4
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you Task 6

End of examination

Now follow the instructions on submitting your answers in the NEBOSH Open Book
Examinations: Technical Learner Guide. All Open Book Examination guidance documents
can found on the NEBOSH website:

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0006-ENG-OBE-V1 June21 © NEBOSH 2021

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